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Orange-Sierra Leone Commissions New Site at Lugbu Chiefdom, Bo District

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In its bid to enhance reliable and accessible communication services to citizens across the country, Sierra Leone’s leading GSM mobile operator, Orange Sierra Leone, on Friday 18th October, 2019 commissioned their newly constructed site at Kpetewoma village, Lugbu Chiefdom in the Bo District, Southern Sierra Leone.

The event was graced by traditional and religious leaders, youth groups, the Honorable Member of Parliament of Constituency 078 and the Chief of Lugbu Chiefdom and spiced by cultural performances from the community people.

Geo-Marketing Manager of Orange Sierra Leone, Emmanuel James, said that the company is a global company operating in other parts of the world, adding that Orange SL cares about its customers’ condition of services and in that regard, when a request was made to them to improve their services in that part of the country, they adhered, as commissioning the newly constructed site shows how committed they are to provide the best telecom services in Sierra Leone to ensure its customers get an unmatched experience.

He said that Orange-SL is known for adding value to the lives of its customers wherever they operate, noting that as a company, they take cognizance of the fact that Freetown is not Sierra Leone and this has informed their exploration of remote communities in the country to provide them with reliable and accessible services.

He admonished the people of Lugbu Chiefdom to make good use of the opportunity and that they are looking up to them in order to sustain the service in that part of the country.

Hon. Member of Parliament of constituency 078, Alimamy Osman Kamara, who officially commissioned the newly constructed site, expressed appreciation to Orange Sierra Leone for the erection of such a site in his constituency, noting that with the new site, fast and reliable communication in the Chiefdom will be enhanced.

He said that the poor network services was a challenged to them in that part of the country, and this has necessitated the embarking on a dangerous venture of climbing up trees or hills to get courage and make calls, but with the commissioning of this new site, this problem will be a thing of the past.

He encouraged Sierra Leoneans to put their faith in Orange Sierra Leone, as the company is reliable and accessible, and Orange will continue to put smiles in their faces.

Chief of Lugbu Chiefdom, Chief Mamoud Fofanah, extoled Orange Sierra Leone for the construction of the new site in his chiefdom, stressing that with this new site, reliable connectivity will be enhanced in the chiefdom. He also lamented over the previous poor condition of service that had prevailed prior to this new development, but expressed optimism that with the newly constructed site they will have the very best of telecommunication in that part of the country.

He assured Orange Sierra Leone that the people of Lugbu will take good care of the facility, describing it as the property of the people of Lugbu Chiefdom and that since the construction work started, the people have been protecting the facility and they will continue in that direction.

APC Must Manage Its Transition Well or Risk Big Split in Sierra Leone


By Amin Kef Sesay

The main opposition All People’s Congress faces a critical future as it stands at the crossroads between its present leadership and a yet unknown future. Within the party, the National Reformation Movement is calling for a radical shift away from the politics of the past to a new democratic era wherein its national officers are elected and not selected.

Although the payoffs for sustainable growth are clear, transitioning to democracy is no easy task, as there is a lot of volatility in the processes.

APC becoming democratic is not simply a matter of ousting the present administration but rather a continuous process that shapes the party’s mindset, principles and importantly its political aims and objectives within clearly defined parameters.

As such, there can be no uni-linear and predictable path to incorporating fully fledged democracy into a party that for long believed in the communist philosophy of the leaders selecting themselves and doing what they feel is right for the party without necessary recourse to its members for their inputs. As such, instilling a democratic culture into the APC, as demanded for by NRM, will be complex and unpredictable. Gains can be achieved only to be backtracked and reversed to later re-emerge.

From the diversity in the country’s recent experiences with political parties and democracy since 1996, parties in transition generally can learn from the costly mistakes made by Charles Margai in monopolizing power in the PMDC and how that eventually led to the party losing popularity and its membership from a very impressive showing in the 2007 elections in which it helped the APC and Ernest Bai Koroma come to power by capturing very crucial votes and seats in parliament in the South.

Lessons to be learned by political parties in transition include:

  1. Move forward incrementally when beginning a democratic transition.

Democracy by definition must include the full range of stakeholders, interests, and principles. There are no shortcuts, knowing that political and social movements are not built overnight and take time to mature. While some political transitions in the past have been characterized by mass mobilizations, incremental changes work in democratic transitions because it allows stakeholders to adapt and mature with the process. As such, small steps are better, rather than waiting for a major change to occur.

  1. Retain a positive and inclusive vision at all times:

Transitions to democracy carry expectations for significant change. That can pose a risk if the reality does not match up as quickly as people hoped. One key aspect is to avoid excessively inflating people’s expectations. Thus, political leaders and other officials shaping the transition process must be able to present a commonly accepted vision of the transition through both long-term goals and modest promises to combat public fear and avoid disillusionment amongst the people.

3.Build coalitions:

Transition needs to focus more on what unites people and with patience and persistence, signal to all actors that they will have a stake in the new dispensation to emerge. As such, partnerships and alliances are important in every multi-stakeholder undertaking, and democracy is no exception. Collaboration and cooperation are at the core of a democratic system centered on inclusiveness, transparency and accountability. Opposition forces, students, women’s groups, etc. need to be included in every process including constitution building. Bridges must be built across and between sectors.

  1. Create and protect spaces for dialogue:

Promoting space for discussion and dialogue is important if democratic transitions are to yield development gains. Dialogue is necessary to increase trust between the members, which will in turn affect the transition success. Discussions need to focus on future common goals rather than previous disputes.

  1. Focus on constitution building:

A constitution is crucial to a political party’s future because it serves as a basic guide post.  Constitutions need to go through revision from time to time to reflect the progressive temperaments of the time that must be scrutinized by interest groups within the party that ask for amendments.

As such, drafting the new constitution should be a truly inclusive process engaging a wide range of participants based on broad goals rather and maintain transparency throughout the process, to help ensure all sectors are on board.


NP-Sierra Leone Shows Determination to Continue Effective Service Delivery

National Petroleum (NP) SL Limited

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum –Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) is really poised to continue doing business in petroleum products in this country despite all the challenges it is confounded with. Going beyond the normal business spirit the Shareholders and Management of the company deemed it as a moral obligation to avail the people living within this country accessibility to qualitative petroleum products believing that they are meaningfully contributing towards enhanced standards of living.

This indomitable company has gained massive local as well as international recognition for its meteoric rise and the higher height that it has reached through effective service delivery. Through its pro-active stance, the company is always ensuring that members of the general public have easy and ready access to qualitative petroleum products of high quality.

Those who have interfaced with the company have confessed that it is amongst the most  successful privately  owned and operated business entities this country can boast of that have withstand varying external shocks, within and without,  but admirably is steadfast in its service delivery.

As a 100% indigenously owned and operated company, NP-SL has over the years, successfully extended its operations country-wide and even beyond to the West African Sub-region in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia  where it is doing extremely well with regards service  delivery, rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility, availing job opportunities, offering new products among a host of other things that it is churning out.

Very mindful that without their cherished customers there will be no NP-SL, the shareholders and Management have made customer care a number one priority which is why the company is synonymous with 1st For Customer Care. With the conviction that every experience matters, the Management is very receptive to new initiatives, ideas, suggestions and concerns as long as they could help in shaping the policies that the company outlines from time to time that will be translated into tangibles on the ground.

In order to give maximum and optimal satisfaction to customers, NP-SL has always ensured that it operates in tandem with international standards and best practices so that after any service delivery customers get the good feeling that they have derived value for money. The company’s filling stations are state of the art structures having modern calibrated pumping machines that are transparent and accurate in terms of measurement.

Their attendants are well mannered, always courteous and ready to assist both old and new customers whenever they are in doubt of what to do. Most have tire repairing sections, shopping marts and relaxation points where they can spend time doing what they think is right to do. All these facilities are made available to make customers feel at home and be comfortable.

“I always carry my NP Smart Card with me just in case my car’s fuel gauge will show red and I may not exactly have the required amount of money to refill or even if I have it such could be for another purpose. With my card I can just breeze into any NP Filling Station and by using my card the attendant will pump the quantity of petrol I need,” Amadu Bangura, an engineer intimated adding how the card’s security features are unique and could not be easily falsified. “When I first heard of ‘Your fuel on Smart Card’ I thought it was a joke but only realized its efficacy when I started making use of it,” he furthered saying he is really finding it very convenient in doing so and as such prevent him from withdrawing big cash from his bank account for purchasing fuel adding how it as well help in also saving him time.

NP Gas is now the talk of the day as numerous individuals are everyday coming to the realization that it is very suitable for cooking purposes without posing any serious health risks. Manufactured in different cylinder sizes NP Gas is marketed at all the company’s filling stations and by authorized dealers going at affordable prices. Advantageously, NP Gas can be refilled with gas that the company imports and markets making them simple for customers to continue their use.

With regards rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility, NP-SL Ltd is rated high as it has been contributing effectively in improving lives and communities. The company has been making meaningful interventions, meaningfully supporting entities , like it did lately to the National Fire Force by facilitating the construction of a water facility at the Force’s Kissy Branch, in order to capacitate it with water supply to respond to any fire emergency in that part of the country and in other areas within Greater Freetown.

These interventions, worth millions of Leones, are ways by which the company is magnanimously giving back to society. Lives have indeed changed for the better as a result of NP’s interventions.

Utilizing local skills and talents has been topmost in the agenda of discussions relating to national development. The argument for embracing the Local Content Policy borders around enhancing entrepreneurship, comparatively making use of less financial resources to pay for accomplished tasks and creating job opportunities thereby reducing poverty.

NP-SL has made it an established policy to give priority, in terms of employment, to Sierra Leoneans as long as they are in positions or competent to perform. The same is replicated everywhere the company is operating. Such an acclaimed stance is contributing greatly towards poverty reduction and improving lives.

From all indications it is very apparent that the premier oil marketing company, NP-SL-Ltd, is doggedly poised to continue to improve on its business strategies and step up interface with relevant stakeholders with the avowed aim of continuing to diligently and selflessly serve the people of this country and indeed it is walking the talking. doing exemplary well to foster meaningful socio-economic development.


Chinese Ambassador Awards 47 Scholarship to Students and Pupils in Sierra Leone

China, the Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone, His Excellency Hu Zhangliang

By Foday Moriba Conteh

As part of deepening the bi-lateral relationship between Sierra Leone and the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone, His Excellency Hu Zhangliang has on Thursday 17th October, 2019 awarded 45 scholarships to students and pupils from different institutions under the 2019 Chinese Ambassador Scholarship Awarding ceremony. The event took place at the Chinese Embassy on Spur Loop, Wilberforce in Freetown.

In his address, His Excellency, Hu Zhangliang, said that since 2015, the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone has established the Chinese Ambassador Scholarships geared towards encouraging students with outstanding academic performances and support those with financial difficulties. “We hope this could help relevant students better conduct their studies and finally be able to contribute to the social and economic development of Sierra Leone,” he underscored.

He said that two weeks ago, the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone held a grand reception in celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and friends from all walks of life both in China and Sierra Leone celebrated the event in a solemn and warm atmosphere, revealing that the Embassy is holding another Awarding Ceremony of the 2019 Chinese Ambassador Scholarships and hold an Embassy Open House Day with a view to further promote China-Sierra Leone friendship and friendly cooperation.

He added that the Chinese Embassy also displayed an International Photo Exhibition celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China to showcase China’s development in the past 7 decades. He disclosed that this year marked the 48th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sierra Leone, noting that over the past 48 years, China and Sierra Leone have achieved fruitful cooperative results in various fields, among which education is an important component.

He said that Sierra Leone enjoys the reputation of been regarded as the Athens of West Africa and the Sierra Leonean Government and people have always attached great importance to education.

Hu Zhangliang said that the current Sierra Leonean Government takes education as one of its top priorities of its New Direction Agenda for national development and China has consistently supported Sierra Leone in its educational development and human capacity building within her ability.

He said that China has been trying her best to contribute to the “Free Quality Education” flagship program proposed by H.E. President Julius Maada Bio, adding that the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone bade farewell in August this year to nearly 120 Sierra Leonean students who were enrolled by  Chinese Universities under the Chinese Government Scholarships Program.

“To date, a total of 73 students have benefited from the Chinese Ambassador Scholarship program, including the 25 to be awarded scholarships today. I will also provide grants to 20 economically less privileged students at Fourah Bay College Junior Secondary School and an additional 2 students,” he further disclosed.

He said the scholarship recipients were mainly recommended by Fourah Bay College, the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM),Njala University, University of Makeni, the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology, to which the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education especially Hon. Minister Gbakima offered valuable support and important guidance, adding that the 20 recipients of the grants were recommended by Fourah Bay College Junior Secondary School, and supported by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education.

Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Prof. Aiah Gbakima, expressed appreciation to the Chinese Ambassador for the kind gesture which he considers to be very important in helping the students to learn.

He said that as a Government they are very grateful for the support the People’s Republic of China has been giving especially by setting up the Chinese Ambassador Award, adding that the People of Sierra Leone are really grateful to China for contributing towards the building of Sierra Leone.

He admonished beneficiaries to make good use of the opportunity further urging them to desist from examination malpractice as, he said, it will hinder them in the future, adding that as a Government they are committed to providing quality education for all Sierra Leoneans across the country. He encouraged them to take their studies serious as education is the key to success.

Abdulai Y. Marah, a Civil Engineering student at Fourah Bay College, who is one of the beneficiaries, thanked the Chinese Ambassador for the offer which he said is not only important but timely.

He noted that since the establishment of the bilateral relationship between the two countries there have been great rewards accruing to the two nations.

The Ambassador highlighted how the Chinese have been helping in the development of different sectors in the country referencing the medical sector, infrastructure etc.

“These scholarships that have been awarded to us is an opportunity that will help us achieve our desired dreams of being educated and empowered for sustainable impacts which resonate with his Excellency President Maada Bio agenda of developing the human resource for the viable development of our beloved nation,” he maintained.

He congratulated his colleagues who were fortunate to bag the scholarships and admonished them to make good use of the opportunity so far offered.

New North-West Regional Office for ACC Sierra Leone is Open

Commissioner of the ACC, Francis Ben-Kaifala Esq

By Brima Sannoh

The Anti-Corruption Commission has on Thursday 17th October 2019, formally opened its new North-West Regional Office in Port Loko Town amidst great aplomb; under the distinguished Grand Chief Patronage of the Resident Minister of the North-West Region, Hon. Haja Isata Abdulai Kamara. Giving the welcome address at the well-attended ceremony, Deputy Commissioner of the ACC, Augustine Foday N’gobie, thanked all present for making it to the event which he termed as an epoch making one.

Chairman of the occasion, Ibrahim Santigie Bangura, the Chairman of the Port Loko District Council, expressed gratitude to the ACC for extending the fight against corruption to that part of the country. He encouraged the regional office to bolster its public education drive, as more people are yet to come to terms with the dangers of corruption.

Representing the Paramount Chief of the Bakeh Loko Chiefdom, Adikali Mella II, Section Speaker Chief Malapi M.A Tarawallie, stated that the people have long waited for such a momentous day and assured the ACC that the people are wholeheartedly in support of the President’s genuine war declared on corruption, which, according to him, has held the destiny of the country to ransom.

In his keynote address, Commissioner of the ACC, Francis Ben-Kaifala Esq thanked the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, His Excellency, Brig. (Rtd.) Julius Maada Bio, for his unwavering commitment to the fight against corruption. He referred to the event as historic, in the sense that, the formal opening of the North-West regional office has sealed the establishment of the ACC all over the country. “Our country has suffered a lot under the myth that nothing can be done about corruption; I want to challenge you all that something can indeed be done in rescuing our country from the cancer of corruption. All that is required of us all is unity of purpose”, he said.

Making an analogy of the Gospel of Christ, the ACC Czar stated that the Gospel of corruption had to be preached all over the country; and that the establishment of the office will serve as the temple where all indigenes of the region can commune to further the crusade against corruption. He ended by rallying the leadership and people of the North-West Region to continue providing the enabling environment and support to Regional staff of the ACC to successfully lay the foundation for a healthy and thriving nation.

The Deputy Mayor of the Port Loko City Council, Zacharia Bangura, referred to the occasion as a new dawn in the region, and encouraged all to join the fight actively, efficiently as corporate members of the ACC.

Councillor Hajaratu Kamara of Ward 234, Port Loko City, called on her colleague females to become players to clamp down on graft. “No nation can succeed in its development aspirations with rampant corruption in the public sector, ” she added. She reminded all of how corruption served as a major trigger to the ten year senseless and bloody war in our country; urging all to make a commitment to never again go down that path.

The Resident Minister of the North-West Region, Hon. Haja Isata Abdulai, the distinguished guest at the occasion representing His Excellency the President, did the formal opening of the new regional office.  In her statement, she referred to the opening of the Port Loko Office as “the beginning of end” of rampant corruption in the region and termed the Anti-Corruption Commission as “a valuable partner” in President Bio’s vision to transform Sierra Leone.

The North-West Region which covers Kambia, Karene and Port Loko Districts, is the fifth regional hub of the Commission; and was borne out of the desire to bring the work of the ACC to the door step of the newly established Regional hub; and consistent with the ACC’s strategic objective to making the ACC the People’s Commission– ensuring that all citizens are brought along in the national crusade against corruption.

The opening ceremony was attended by hundreds of guests, including Assistant Inspector General of Police of the North-West Region Jorwulor Ansumana Gbonnoh; Mohamed Kamara of Campaign for Good Governance and Chairman of Civil Society, Sitting Magistrate of the Region, Augustine B. Samura; Civil society activists, market women, school going pupils, University students; amongst others.

Newly appointed Manager of the North-West Region, Mr. Alhassan Sesay gave the vote of thanks; and assured all present that the fight against corruption in the region will be highly robust. He called on the residents of the region to Resist, Reject and Report corruption at all times, for the transformation of the region.

 Sierra Leone 2019 Poppy Week Commences

President Dr. Julius Maada Bio

By Sam Pratt

On Friday 18 October 2019, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio officially launched the 2019 Poppy Week in honour of the military and in remembrance of their servicemen and women who lost their lives along the line of duty.

While addressing both retired and active servicemen at State House, President Bio said that the event marked an important day in the calendar of the Sierra Leone Ex-Servicemen’s Association (SLESA). He said as a nation-member of the Commonwealth, the National Remembrance Day was of special significance because they were remembering, in a very special way, those compatriots who made the supreme sacrifice for the peace and dignity of not only Sierra Leone but also the wider world.

President Bio mentioned that there was no better sacrifice than laying one’s life for the survival of fellow man, adding that that was the sacrifice they made years ago by deciding to enlist into the army. He noted that as young school leavers, they had a variety of other walks of life but he took the bold decision to select a military career, saying that that was a manifestation of their love for the country.

“As we remember and honour our fallen heroes and heroines at this time, we should also not lose sight of those who continue to live with the scars of war and the many innocent civilians who lost their lives. The military, as their core role, had always come in at crucial times in the security of the state and the importance of their contributions to the survival of our country cannot be overemphasized.

“The experience of the 11 years’ civil war still lingers in the minds of many people and all efforts should be made through good governance to avoid wars that cause undue sufferings on mankind. I want to admonish the rank and file of the Sierra Leone Ex-Servicemen’s Association to be more focused, peaceful and law-abiding so as to be able to contribute to the security and development of the state with sincerity of purpose,” he said.

Secretary-General of the 2019 Planning Committee, Lieutenant Colonel (Rtd) Dominic Sowa, said that it was as per tradition in this time of the year to remember the comrades who made the supreme sacrifice during the first and second World Wars and by extension the 11 years’ rebel war in Sierra Leone. He commended the Government through the Ministry of Defense for their support to the Association and also expressed appreciation to President Bio for increasing the pension of retirees.

A traditionally long week of events, the poppy week is normally observed by Commonwealth member States since the end of the First World War in honour of servicemen and women killed in all conflicts.

Impounded Properties by Sierra Leone ACC go back to Mabinty Daramy & NPAA 

By Fatmata Jengbe

In one of our previous published articles it was reported that on Friday 4th October 2019, the Anti Corruption Commission Scorpion Squad conducted a raid on the residence of Madam Mabinty Daramy, former Ambassador to Guinea who was alleged to be having diplomatic vehicles assigned to her. As a result of the raid, two vehicles with diplomatic license plates were found parked at her compound at Hill Cut Road, Freetown. They were brought in by the ACC, whilst investigation into the said matter continued.

After conclusion of the Investigations, the ACC has confirmed the following:

1. That the diplomatic licenses affixed on the said vehicles were indeed assigned by the Guinean Government to the Sierra Leone Embassy in Guinea and as such belong to the Government of Sierra Leone.

2. That the two vehicles were private properties of the former Ambassador, and do not belong to the Government of Sierra Leone.

3. That the diplomatic license plates were improperly and wrongly placed on private vehicles.

Against such backdrop, the ACC has handed over the diplomatic license plates to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, represented by Alhassan Kargbo, Senior Policy Analyst of the Ministry. The two vehicles have been returned to its owner, Madam Mabinty Daramy through Ibrahim Kanja Sesay Jr, who received the vehicles on her behalf.

In another development, the Deputy Commissioner of the ACC, Mr. Augustine Foday Ngobie on the 18th October 2019 handed over to the National Protected Area Authority, a Yamaha motorcycle, 1 H.P Dell computer, 1 external hard drive (2 TB), 1 binocular, 1 trimbo GPS, staff I.D card, 1 internet modem, and a battery charger. These assets were retrieved from Joseph John Bockarie, a former employee of NPAA who had resigned his position but failed to hand over the aforementioned properties back to the Authority.

Winston Nyake Barnett, Operations Coordinator, received the items on behalf of NPAA.

Sierra Leone VP Kicks the ball rolling for Popularization of Nation-Wide National Development Plan

Vice-President, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh

By Brima Sannoh

In Kambia District on the 17 October 2019, His Excellency Vice-President, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh officiated the inaugural ceremony of the nation-wide popularisation and Decentralisation of the Medium-Term National Development Plan MTNDP (2019-2023) an event that took place at the District Council Hall in Kambia.

The activity, which is spearheaded by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, under the leadership of Dr. Francis Kai-Kai was followed by a two-day technical session on decentralising ownership of the plan. The aim of the popularisation drive is to ensure that citizens understand the MTNDP (2019-2023) for the effective implementation and results of the “New Direction” development targets across the country.

The District Council Chairman, Mohamed Yayah Bangura, who welcomed the entourage, said the initiative was timely and that it will capacitate district actors to remain committed in enhancing the development agenda of the Government.

Paramount Chief, Bai Farama Tass Bubu N’gbak IV said as it’s usually known to be the ‘bread basket’ of the country, Kambia should be considered first in the execution of the development plan. He said working together to strengthen the education system in Kambia, which has for too long being in limbo will be the best thing that will happen for people of Kambia district. PC N’gbak IV called on Government to help address some crucial areas which include: the road network, agriculture, health care among many others.

Mr. Sunil Saigal, the United Nations Resident Coordinator underscored the importance of the process as a commitment to the people of Sierra Leone, particularly those in rural settings. He said forming partnerships in engaging local communities was crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 2030. Mr. Saigal called on the private sector to consider investing more in local communities to create more job opportunities for the youth.

Addressing a resilient audience, the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai thanked everyone for joining the Government in the process to working towards achieving President Bio’s vision of uniting Sierra Leone, bringing dignity to the people and improving the human capital development of the country.

He said that the process will help community actors to identify the district’s priorities, which the Government in turn will pay keen attention to. Dr. Kai-Kai noted that this was an opportunity for local actors to demonstrate their commitment by collectively participating in the entire process to identify the district priorities, which he referred to as ‘The Kambia Moment’.

In his keynote address, the Vice-President, Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh noted the importance of the occasion, referring to it as “the road to acquiring an impressive Human Capital Development”. Dr. Juldeh Jalloh said the Government is very committed to addressing some of the major challenges highlighted by the people of Kambia, especially in the education, health and agriculture sectors.

He said the President Bio-led Government will always be committed in putting premium on the education sector, noting that the Government has for the first time allocated 21% of the national budget to education, increasing the number of teachers and building more schools across the country.

He stated that with the support of UNICEF, the Government will be establishing pre-natal care facilities in every district, which will significantly improve on the infant mortality rate. “This Government has made significant contributions to improving our health sector. We have tackled head-on the gross inadequate human resource in health by increasing the present number of health staff by 4,000. We have increased the national budget allocation to health from 8.9 to 11.6%,” he said.

He said the Government is investing huge amount of resources to Agriculture in order for Sierra Leone to become a food self-sufficient country. He noted that by next year alone the country will increase its local storage from three hundred and fifty tons to four hundred and fifty tons.

Other speakers included the Minister of Education, Minister of Political and Public Affairs, Ambassador to Guinea Conakry and the Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development among many others.



MoPED receives Supports from Stats Sierra Leone in Decentralization Ownership Drive

Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kaikai

By James Samba

In a collaborative manner, Statistics SL represented by  its Statistician General, Prof. Osman Sankoh (Mallam O), Northern Region Council Member, Alhaji Yillah, Director of  National Statistical System, Francis Tommy and Director of Communication and Public Relations, Samuel Ansumana have participated and supported the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MoPED) in a  two day workshop on Decentralization Ownership of Sierra Leone’s Medium Term Development Plan For Effective Implementation and Results at the Kambia District Council Hall from 17th-18th October, 2019.

In his keynote address, Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh who opened the workshop and handed over the medium term plan to the Paramount Chiefs urged them and their people to identify key priority development areas for the furtherance of the district.

He intimated all present that Kambia is one of 6 identified districts in which Government intends to strengthen access to sustainable energy within the shortest possible time. He alluded the Government’s national development plan to that of a tailor who will only design a dress based on what is requested. He therefore urged the people to make their requests very clearly so that Government’s intervention can be tailor-made to it.

The Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Alpha Timbo expressed satisfaction that Kambia chose education as a key need especially considering the poor performance by the district in public exams this year. He furthered that his Ministry delivered all the free quality education materials including the books whilst urging parents and other stakeholders to handle it with care for the benefit of the district.

The Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr Francis Kaikai urged the people of the district to seize the opportunity and ensure that their most important needs are prioritized.

The Minister of Political and Public Affairs, Foday Yumkella,a son of Kambia, thanked the Government for identifying Kambia as  a key priority district and urged his people not to be left behind in the Government’s development strides .

Day 1 ended with discussions and recommendations by participants who were divided into policy clusters, one of which Stats SL and NaMED facilitated whilst day 2 witnessed presentations of group work in which the key district development priorities were identified and tabled for necessary Government action.

At the end of the workshop, the people of Kambia district identified 5 key priorities namely: Education, Energy, Health, Agriculture and Infrastructure.

The handing over of those priorities to the Minister of Planning and Economic Development climaxed the workshop.

To facilitate timely harvest in Sierra Leone… Pastor Mambu Appeals for Assistance

Pst. Francis A. M. Mambu in his rice farm harvesting rice and picking eggs in the poultry.

An aerial view of the F.H.A.D.O farm land production





By Zachariah Kargbo

At Yainkassa village, Makari Chiefdom, Bombali District, Northern Sierra Leone, is situated the eye-popping and enviable sites of a fairly large and privately owned agricultural estate of the Faith Healing agricultural project, with over three-hundred and fifty (350) acres of rice farm on one side and over seventy six (76) acres on the other end of the street, cassava and potato on over twenty (20) acres, vegetables on five (5) acres, corn on ten (10) acres, and a poultry of about three thousand five hundred (3,500) chickens respectively.

The farm has huge opportunities to invest in the production, processing and marketing of domestically produced rice, vegetables and poultry which also serves as a great support to locals in over 450 households and help mostly women farmers boost up agriculture.

The cultivators are currently calling on the Government of Sierra Leone and other pertinent stakeholders for support in order to enable them harvest their over 350 acres rice farm and also in realizing their vision to move locals away from managing poverty towards an improved nutritional status and cash income, whilst supporting food security.

During a recent visit to the farm that is presently being harvested for the second time this year, Pa Mambu as he is mostly called stated that for the past weeks, they have been harvesting the rice manually, which is very challenging for such a vast acreage of rice, because they lack machines for harvesting and threshing of rice. He remarked that if only Sierra Leoneans can change their mindsets, hunger and poverty would be a thing of the past.

Speaking to the Press the Director of Faith Healing Agricultural Development Organisation (F.H.D.O), Pastor Francis A. M. Mambu, a renowned preacher/farmer who hails from the South says, “this farm has created jobs for locals in the surrounding villages with women farmer-groups forming the major beneficiaries of not just the farm but also a microcredit scheme providing cash for six (6) villages such as Gbomsamba, Royeama, WorehYeama, Yainkassa, Royanka and Maronkoh in Northern Sierra Leone.

Pa Mambu also highlighted the challenges and needs of the rice farm project such as machinery, finance, fertilizers, tools etc while recognizing the support from the Chief, the people and friends of the farm such as Rev. Steve Harma with his friend Ken Royal of the Ken’s Royal foundation, Arms around Africa, Bread and Water for Africa (BWA), as they have also promised more support to the farm.

The Chief of Yainkassa village, Abdul Koroma while thanking profusely the Director and CEO of F.H.D.O for the good gestures Pa Mambu has extended to them, that has contributed to making their lives better, also added his voice to the call on Government, local and international non-governmental organizations to support the Servant of God whom he said, singlehandedly runs the farm since 2004, stating, “If government boost this farm we are already in heaven…”