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FCC Sierra Leone Five-Day Workshop on Entrepreneurship & Waste Management Ends

200 Sierra Leoneans trained on entrepreneurship and waste management in Freetown. Photo: IOM

By Alfred Fornah

With a 60 percent rate of youth unemployment, Sierra Leone suffers among West Africa’s highest levels of joblessness. One result: youth migrate, often irregularly.

To address this, the International Organization for Migration (IOM)  Sierra Leone, in partnership with the Freetown City Council, organized a 5-day training on entrepreneurship and sustainable waste treatment for 200 youths from Freetown in early October.

The training aims at providing youth with skills to collect and manage domestic waste while providing them with money to meet their daily needs.

“This will not only help in cleaning the city, reducing health hazards associated with waste but also contribute to generating the much-needed income, and sustainable livelihoods for youth,” explained Dr. James Bagonza, Project Coordinator at IOM Sierra Leone.

Participants were divided into groups to manage 20 different door-to-door waste collection businesses. As part of the process, IOM and partners will also provide them with a 15-months business development support, as well as waste collection equipment and motorized tricycles.

“I am interested in the waste management business. The knowledge gained through this training will empower me and help us combat the problem of waste in our community,” said Lovina Margret Moseray, one of the trainees.

The youth groups will move from door to door to collect household waste including plastic, water sachets, empty bottles and miscellaneous garbage, getting less than a US $1 per bag collected.

Using motorized tricycles, members of these garbage brigades transport wastes to collection points within their communities, where employees designated by the Freetown City Council move the material into recycling or disposal channels.

“Our Ministry is prepared to support young people in the coming months get the appropriate training and skills that will enable them to tap local opportunities rather than risking their lives to go to Europe through irregular means,” said Hon. Luseni Kallon, Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs.

The training was organized within the framework of the project ‘Reducing the Risk of Irregular Migration through Promotion of Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Sierra Leone’ implemented with funding from the Government of Japan. IOM and the Government of Sierra Leone through this youth empowerment project have plans to roll out other programmes to provide employment and more job opportunities for youths in the country.

At a graduation ceremony here, His Excellency Tsutomu Himeno, Japan’s Ambassador to Sierra Leone, said “You will be looked at by other people, and you are showing by doing your work-. Sometimes it may be tough, but you should take pride in the attention you get, and share your knowledge with others.’

IOM’s Dr. Bagonza added: “Today’s certification ceremony is a step towards creating entrepreneurship opportunities for youth, through doing waste management as a micro-business.”


Irish League Credit Union Boss Laments that Sierra Leone Lacks Savings Culture

By Fatmata Jengbe

Mr. Solomon Mwongyere, the General Manager of the Irish League Credit Union (ILCUs) Ltd, has stated on the third celebration of the International Cooperative Credit Union Day (ICCUD) in Sierra Leone that they are working with 28 Credit Unions with a total membership of 9,264 (62% female) adding that these members have saved Le5, 700,000,000, have Le1, 000,000,000 in shares and have a total loan portfolio of Le6, 700,000,000 but lamented that Sierra Leone lacks a savings culture.

He made the statement at the celebration of the third International Cooperative Credit Union Day to be observed in Sierra Leone at the Young Women’s Christian Association hall, Brookfields in Freetown on the theme ‘Strength and Stability.’

Mr. Solomon Mwongyere also informed that with low savings culture in Sierra Leone, Credit Union members have tried to save little by little which have made their savings grow adding that this gives them an advantage of Le615, 000 per Credit Union member and disclosed that globally, Credit Unions are in 117 countries with a total membership of 260 million people.

He asserted that as Sierra Leone joins the rest of the world to celebrate the day, “we are celebrating the contributions of Credit Unions to their members” and underscored that the Irish League Credit Union (ILCU) is proud to associate and support the work of Credit Union movements in Sierra Leone adding that at ILCU, they educate, enable and empower people to help themselves.

According to the ILCU General Manager, they are using the Credit Union model to promote financial inclusion, which helps to reduce poverty as well as boost prosperity and continued that they believe in credit union principles and philosophy of people helping people, cooperation among cooperatives and promoting the welfare of credit union communities underscoring that the day was to celebrate the successes credit union members have derived from the services and products offered to them.

He reiterated that through Credit Unions, members have been able to send their children to schools and colleges, improve their farms, start businesses, build houses and create employment revealing that Credit Unions are employing 41 staff directly and expressed thanks and appreciation to the Irish Aid and Credit Unions in Ireland for accepting to fund their three years project titled ‘Financial Inclusion for Resilience in Sierra Leone’ that would enable ILCU reach 13,000 members by 2021.

Mr. Solomon Mwongyere said for the first time Credit Unions have started using technology to generate reports intimating that 6 Credit Unions have so far been trained and received computers, generators and solar panels while others have received motorbikes and other equipment that have enabled them to effectively serve their members and underlined that Credit Unions must support communities in which they operate and give loans to credible people.

He warned Credit Union Leaders and staff that sound governance of Credit Unions is essential, that they must connect and stay loyal to their members, build relationships with community organisations, support their communities through corporate social responsibility, be prudent in their lending, give loans to members who qualify and ensure that those loans are recovered reminding leaders that they must connect and respect their members as the Unions cannot exist without members as well as build relationships with communities as they cannot work in isolation.

Concluding, the ILCU General Manager commended the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Bank of Sierra Leone, their bankers, the National Cooperatives and Credit Union Association (NACCUA) leadership, Credit Union Leaders, members and staff for their support and collaboration.

Earlier, the Chairman of the event, Mr. Samuel Sesay, disclosed that in countries like The Gambia, members of the armed forces and teachers form the bulk of Credit Union members, that the day is to reflect on the past, that there are over 28 Credit Unions in the country serving thousands, commended their partners, the Irish and Canadian League of Credit Unions for their invaluable support , urged all to be attentive to the speeches delivered by the various speakers and commended Credit Unions for their efforts to serve mankind.

Among the challenges he highlighted affecting Credit Unions are the obsolete 1977 Act, called on the Cooperative Department and the Ministry of Trade and Industry to review it, repayment of loans but noted that they are working with partners to formulate policies to overcome the challenges and acclaimed all for their support to Credit Unions in Sierra Leone.

The Registrar of Cooperatives, Mr. Newton Marlin revealed that the Department has its own Credit Unions and disclosed plans to extend the course on Cooperative and Rural Development Studies to Njala and other universities lamenting that loan delinquency is a major concern for which he vowed to hound defaulters affirming that there would be no more business as usual.

He continued that the Department is governed by the Cooperative Act that mandates the Department to dissolve Boards of Credit Unions reiterating that the Registrar has the powers of a High Court judge and encouraged people to use their loans to generate income and invest well while condemning those who embezzle Credit Union funds adding that the need to encourage others to join Credit Unions cannot be overstated.

Other dignitaries who made statements included the representatives of the Bank of Sierra Leone and the Irish Ambassador in Sierra Leone, Mary O’Neil who disclosed that Credit Unions in Ireland are 62 years old and urged all to implement good management and discipline in taking decisions as to those qualified to be granted loans and wished them well.

Highlights of the ceremony were a video show and drama performance on the advantages of Credit Unions, entertainment by students and Bayconsfield Vocational Institute, testimonies from members who have benefited immensely from Credit Unions and presentation of awards to renowned Credit Unions while Victoria Pratt rendered the vote of thanks.

Holistic Reforms must be instituted to resolve Rift at the Sierra Leone Law School   -CJ intimates Bar Association

Chief Justice of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Hon. Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards

By Moses Kamara

On the 17th October, 2019 the Hon Chief Justice of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Hon. Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards in a meeting held at his chambers, Law Court building, Siaka Steven Street in  Freetown told a cross section of  the Executive members of the Sierra Leone Bar Association that his action as stated in a Press Release he put out directing that all students listed as having reference exams for the period starting 2nd October, 2019 to sit reference exams; irrespective of whether they received any letter dated 25th September, 2019 telling them they had exhausted their exams chances pending a decision of Council on the subject, was meant to address several inconsistencies in the application of the section restricting students who had exhausted their chances not to take the exams and to further address several complaints on the conduct of the exams and compilation of grades.

The Hon. Chief Justice said one of the key responsibilities of the Council of Legal Education, of which he is the Chairperson and the School Administration, is to ensure that concerns raised by students are heard, investigated and treated with the utmost fairness they deserve. “The fate of students cannot be left in the hands of an individual or selected individuals who are enforcing laws regulating the conduct of exams in an inconsistent manner”- you cannot be rigid without being consistent.

There is therefore need for full scale investigation on some of these examination issues.

The Chief Justice was responding to concerns raised by members of the Sierra Leone Bar Association through its Executive on the ongoing rift at the Law School and the need for urgent investigation to be mounted as instant and find possible ways of resolving it.


Sierra Leone Economist Prince Jacob Macauley’s Next Integrity Scorecard for Ministers to be out Soon

Prince Jacob Macauley of Trust Alliance SL Ltd

By Amin Kef Sesay

It will be recalled that recently Consultant Economist, Prince Jacob Macauley of Trust Alliance SL Ltd, whom it is said has worked for the IMF and World Bank released his first ministerial scorecard which highlights the performances of Ministries since the SLPP Government came to power.

During a Press Conference on Monday 7th October 2019, Macauley informed newsmen that the SLPP Government of Julius Maada Bio inherited a beleaguered economy devoid of fiscal discipline. He added that the Government, however, is striving assiduously to reverse the abysmal situation furthering how the President and his cabinet, as a consequence, have made impressive strides in setting the country on a new trajectory for which they must be highly commended. He said at that time: “In support of the President’s “New Direction”, some ministers have made tremendous stride as they have hit the ground running and haven’t let up. Others have put in every effort but have been hampered by several institutional and capacity challenges.”

According to him, as it is a little over one year since the Government took over power, he did an assessment of the performance of Ministries taking into consideration both their performances in terms of their institutional mandate as well as the perception of the public on the delivery. Macauley gave the Ministries of Finance and Agriculture highest passing grades both scoring 80% for effective service deliveries.

In the wake of the Ministerial Scorecard some have vehemently criticized it and even went to the extent of questioning the methodology he used to arrive at the scores.

During another engagement, Jacob Macauley in an exclusive interview  intimated that the next report of the Ministerial score card, based on the integrity of our present Ministers, will soon be out.

“This integrity index will be based on some of the indicators utilized by Transparency International in the compilation of its Corruption Perception Index. These include the level or absence of bribery, extortion, fraud, graft, misappropriation, embezzlement, mismanagement, abuse of office and division of funds etc,” he confided.

He said Ministers will be assessed on two fronts. Firstly, as to whether they themselves are involved in corrupt practices or whether they condone acts of corruption as a result of their inability or unwillingness to curb corruption levels in their respective ministries.

Based on what Prince Jacob Macauley intimated, given the different levels of involvement in fund management, revenue generation and service delivery of the various ministries, a weighted average will be ascribed to the integrity scoring which will be correlated with the performance grading to produce the overall rating for the performance score card.

He said members of the public are invited to provide relevant information pertaining to this analysis for the betterment of every Sierra Leonean.

No Ministry/Minister Performance


Key Achievements/ Assessment Criteria Integrity



Key Assessment Parameters Overall Score
1. Minister of Finance-Mr.JacobJusuSaffa  


§  Establishment of a single treasury account minimized leakages in the financial system

§  On track in restoring fiscal discipline.

§  Facilitated the payment of  workers without using bank overdraft

§  Facilitated the payment of over $1.2 billion domestic debt

§  Increased public workers’ salaries by15%.

§  integrates workers of Tertiary Educational Institutions into the Centralized Computerized Government Payroll System

§  IMF Rates Sierra Leone Economic Performance under the New Direction Highly

§  Scaling Up Project Financing Arrangements with the World Bank

§  Signing  Budget support Grants with World Bank

§  Improving Expenditure  Management and Control

§  Fiscal Risk Management And Fiduciary Oversight

§  Improve Public Debt management and Improving the Budget Preparation, Execution and Payment System

§  Improving the Implementation and coordination of Donor Funded Projects

2 Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs-Mrs. Memunatu B. Pratt  


§  Raising the prominence of the tourism sector;

§  Innovatively reaching out to new stakeholders

§  Initiating tourism and agricultural trade fairs

§  Raising awereness of the country tourism sector

§  Rebranding the country

§  Sourcing Funds for the promotion of the music and film industry.

3 Minister of AgricultureMr. Joseph Ndanema  


§  Ensuring the re-establishment of agricultural systems

§  Revamping sustainable agricultural programmes

§  Rice Self- Sufficiency

§  Increased Livelihoods of households

§  Dviersification of the economy in the four key value chain

§  Developed the National Agricultural Transformation programme NAT 2023

§  Planting For Sustainability

§  Transforming theGovernance of Sector

§  Agro-Development Zone In Torma Bum And Gbondapi

§  Presential Task Force on Agriculture

§  The improvement of Seeds in A cash Crops

§  The establishment of the veterinary Epidemio-Surveillance system

§  Guidelines for political farming

§  Agricultural Market Information System

§  Cocoa,coffee,Cashew policy

§  Climate-smart agricultural practices enhanced through increased tree cover

§  The rehabilitation of the Central Veternary Laboratory at Teko-Makeni

4 Minister of Health and SanitationDr. Alpha Wurie  


§  Review of Public Health ordinance of 1960

§  Revived he ambulance services nationwide

§  Improved on the drug cold-chain through the supply of refrigerators to PHUs

§  Free health care expanded to Ebola survivors and Persons Living with Disability

§  The National Acion Plan For Health Security

5 Minister of Justice and Attorney- General-Dr. Priscilla Schwartz  


§  Actualising the Commission of Enquiry

§  Putting in place plans to establish the ACC Court

§  Recruitment of magistrates and judges in all districts

§  Fast-tracking court cases

§  The approved a repeal of the 54-year-old criminal & seditious libel law

6 Minister of Primary and Secondary Education-Mr. Alpha Timbo  



§  Launched the Free Education Programme

§  Oversaw the Supply of 26 million textbooks and other school materials to school pupils

§  Approved over 100 schools countrywide and absorbed alarge number of teachers into the payroll

§  Additional teachers nation wide to schools around the country

§  Improvement in services condition for all teachers

§  Proper monitoring system in the distribution of school materials

7 Minister of Water ResourcesDr. Jonathan Tengbeh  


§  Orugu and Congo water supply project feasibility study in progress and will be completed in December 2019.

§  45 industrial boreholes project commissioned for Kono, Moyamba, segbwema and Daru commissioned.

§  200 boreholes projects across the country is 80 percent complete.

§  Cabinet has concluded on GUMA Act 2017 with it removal from NCP to MWR.

§  The National Water Resources management Agency set up and appointed 3 Directors .

§  Freetown Dry season water supply project 2019 was a success with no major water scarcity.

§  Funding had been sourced for water supply of house and social amenity connections in Bo, Kenema and Makeni.

§  MWR in collaboration with EWRC has developed 8 water related regulations completed .Programme had been prepared for rehabilitation of the Kailahun, Moyamba, kabala, Pujehun, magbura and kambia water supply system.

8 Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation-Ms. Nabila Tunis 60 §  Building relationships with new countries and strengthening existing diplomatic ties

§  The diplomatic community emphasising the importance of open dialogue and reciprocal partnership.

§  promoting UK-SL trade & highlighting the wealth of investment opportunities in SierraLeone InvestSalone

§   SierraLeone with Turkey strengthen relations Sierra Leone projects in construction and agriculture.

9 Minister of Planning and Economic Development-Dr Francis Kaikai.  


§  Spearheaded the development of the national development plan

§  The setting up of the National Monitoring and Evaluation Agency (NaMEA)

10 Minister of Information and Communication-Mr. Mohamed Swarray  



§  Worked toward improving the information policy

§  Improved national fibre optic capability

§  Regulation of all mobile operator

§  Weekly ministerial briefing for the public

§  Established of the strategy unit

§  Provision of reliable and timely public information

§  consolidation of the national fibre optic backbone infrastructure

§  Already Engaged the Exim Bank of China for a Concessionary Loan of USD 30m to complete the National Fibre Backbone Infrastructure and to address gaps and weaknesses in the existing network. The Bank recently sent a delegation to Sierra Leone to engage government for credit effectiveness

11 Minister of Energy and Power-AlhajiKanja Ibrahim Sesay  


§  Improved electricity supply in the Freetown  and the regional headquarter towns

§  Commissioned a number of solar electrification projects

Setting up a streering committee in the energy sector.

12 Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs-Ms. BainduDansama  


§   Initiated the Anti-Rape Bill

§  Organised a successful and controversy-free Hajj Pilgrimage

§  Proposed Anti-stigmatization Bill

§  UN Resolution 1325/1820 capacity assessment

13 Minister of SportsMr.IbrahimNyelenkeh  


§  Reestablish the national league and first and second division football

§  Creating youth employment

§  Ameding the relationship and bridging the gap between the ministry and  SLFA

§  Appointment of the national team coaches

14 Minister of Transportation and AviationMr. Kabineh Kallon  


§  Improvements in  the aviation sector

§  Ferry rehabilitation

§  Improving vehicles registration, driving licenses and road safety

§  Provision of the new schools buses

§  Improvement of high government vichles mentainance

§  Monitoring and transparency in liciense processes and vichle registration.

§  Improvement in service delivery at the international airport

15 Minister of Internal AffairsMr Edward Soloku  


§  Boosted national security

§  Combating ganstarism and all clik in the country

§  The facilitation of visa free and the promotion of Economic growth

§  Strengthen peace and national cohesion post Bintumani 111 Conference

16 Minister of LabourMr. Adekunle King  


§  Repatriation of job seekers  from foreign countries

§  National Labour Migration Policy

§  Putting in place systems to enforce labour regulations

§  Nationwide visit to all mining workers for better working conditions.

§  Championing the right of all domestics workers

§  Paid led to the restoration of S.Lvoting rights in the ILO after 32 years and S.L was recognised in Geneva and ILO

§  A total of 600 factories have been registered

§  In 2018 despite the challenges of the economy the Ministry generated le 5 394 027 999.0 work permit

§  Fees for work permit reviewed for 2019 fiscal year 25 % increase

§  Minimum pension increased from 10,000 to le 250,000

§  Construction of ramps at the office for physically challenged

§  The aforementioned strike actions resolved by the building

17 Minister of Works, Housing and Infrastructural Development-Mr. Peter BayukuConteh  


§  Supervising the commissioning and construction of new roads and bridges:

§  Regularising the allocation of government buildings and assets

§  Commissioning the new Lumley and Juba bridge

§  Championing and monitoring the EU road

§  project and also all uncompleted road contruction

§  signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  with CSE construction company on the completion of the Lumley – Tokeh Road Project.

18 Minister of Marine Resources and Fisheries-Mrs Emma Kowa  


§  reinforcing  the regulation on offshore fisheries

§  fisheries best practice and implications for sierra leone

§  institutional support for fisheries management

§  Enhance the capacity of ministry staff and stakeholders to promote sound fisheries management development

§  Support the development of aquaculture and inland fisheries

19 Minister of Political and Public Affairs-Amb. FodayYumkella  


§  Mediating between all political parties

§  The promotion of national cohesion, peace

§  The collaboration with the Office of the Diaspora Affairs.

20 Minister of Local Government and Rural DevelopmentMr. Tamba Lamina  


§  Supervised chieftaincy and by-elections

§  Supervising national cleaning exercise

§  Coordination within the local council in all district and cities

§  Good collaboration with all 149 chiefdoms

§  Establish the Wages and Compensation Commission (WCC)

21 Ministry of Tertiary and Higher Education-Mr. AiahKpakima  


§  Free online university application

§  Application Commissioning of universities in the Bonthe and Kono Districts.

§  Payment of universities’ salaries

§  Identify gaps and set up the 2019 road map in line with the new direction agenda.

22 Minister of Lands and Country Planning-

Dr Dennis M. Sandy



§  Working on the recovery of government lands

§  Working on  correcting lands documentation

§  National Resettlement Policy Developed ready for cabinet approval

§  Njala Land Dispute resolved

§  Ministry’s contribution to national revenue increased Revenue – 4.4 Billion Leones

§  Equitable access to land, particularly gender sensitive

§  Sanity in the administration and management in the Ministry – Lease, Freehold and survey work going on in a sanitized manner

§  Development Control and Planning improved due to the relocation of the Housing Division back to the Ministry

§  Transfer of Building Inspectors from their New England Ville Office to the Ministry

23 Minister of Trade and IndustryDr .Eaward Hinga Sandy 50 §  Promote Local Content Policy

§  Improved quality of goods by through the enforcement of standards

§  Setting up of Directorate to look at Policy Planning & Research, Foreign Trade and Domestic Commerce & Industry

Good management system to enhance proper trade within the country

24 Ministry of Youth and Employment-MrMohamed O. Bangura  




§  Launching of car washes  to promote youth employment

§  Engaging on youth seminer and employment opportunity

§  Youth summit within the country

25 Minister of Minerals Resources- Mr. RadoYokie 60 §  Review of mining act

§  Strong mentioned to help government in revenue collection.

§  Review of all mining companies liscene and contract

§  New feasibilities studies on going.





Cross Section of District Stakeholders

By Ibrahim Sorie Koroma

With Support from USAID – Breakthrough ACTION, the One Health Platform which consists of Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, Environment Protection Agency, Office of National Security & other  partners on Thursday October 17th and Friday October 18th engaged districts stakeholders in the South-East Region in Bo City and the North East region in Makeni City, respectively.

The purpose of the stakeholders meeting was to orientate and dialogue district stakeholders on an awareness raising campaign on the risks factors of animal bites/rabies scheduled to take place in September this year; thereby capacitating stakeholders to take required actions to prevent animal bites/rabies in their communities and districts as   prevention of rabies starts with the animals/dogs.

In his presentation, Senior Disease Surveillance Officer, Mohamed Baba Jalloh at the Ministry of Health and Sanitation said that their main function is to surveillance diseases of national priority and they are currently surveillance over 47 diseases of Public Health Concerns. Mr. Jalloh continued that the MoHS Surveillance Unit does not surveillance and report rabies but animal bites (Dogs & Cats).

Mr. Jalloh further said that comparing the national cumulative figures of  animal bites (dogs & cats) reported by districts for week 1-52 between 2017 & 2018, there is  an increase in animal bites cases of 1,4811 in 2017 while 2018 records 1,336 cases of animal bites which is little lower than that of 2017.

He further compared week 1-38 between 2017 & 2018 stating that there has been a sharp increase on animal bites in districts of which 2018 records 967 and 2019 has so far records 1,133 of animal bites (dogs & cats), adding that here is increase of dog bites occurring in communities across the country and more Cases of animal bites are reported for dog bites. “Bo has been the highest reporting district of dog bites in 2 of the 3 years of reporting period, followed by Bombali District”, Added Mr. Jalloh.

He concluded that rabies is a dangerous disease than even Ebola and that the case fatality for Ebola is at 50-60 and that of Rabies is 99.9 % as majority of the victims who present with the signs & symptoms of rabies eventually die.

His colleague, Charles Cambay cautioned that every reported case of dog bit must be treated as a potential rabies case, until prove otherwise.

He added that the Ministry of Health through the Expanded Programme on Immunization does not bring in rabies vaccine as Sierra Leone has not got a strong justification to be supported with rabies vaccine, adding that it is only and when the country starts recording scientifically confirmed cases of rabies that the country would then make a case for rabies vaccine to be officially shipped and distributed in the country.

District Agriculture Officer in Bombali District, David Sellu Sellu was optimistic that they will soon start to diagnose rabies in dogs at that the Tekoh Laboratory in Makeni, Bombali District, as it is now fully equipped with trained, qualified and up to the task personnel to do the job, adding that their Epidemiological Unity is also up and running to be at per with their Ministry of Health and Sanitation counterpart.

Vaccination of dogs is one of the key preventive measures to break the chain of transmission from animals to humans

He continued that when we talk of rabies the issue of dogs comes to mind because a Formative Research done in Bombali District by Breakthrough ACTION has shown that dogs account for 75% chances of transmitting rabies to humans while other mammals like monkeys, bats, goats, cows, pigs & cats account for lower percent chances of transmitting rabies to humans. “So, you see why the premium is on dogs, Fumed Mr. Sellu.

While addressing District Stakeholders, Chief of Party, James Fofanah & Assistant Chief of Party, Tina Dickerson said that they were going to support the One Health Partners to day a national rabies awareness raisin campaign in November, as knowledge on the risk factors of rabies is key for  rabies prevention  in communities, adding that they have developed Information Communication Materials – IEC (Radio Spots, Jingles, Posters Awareness Cards & Job Aid Guide)  for distribution to district stakeholders, health workers and the One Health Partners.

The orientation workshop drew participants from Ministry of Health & Sanitation, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, Environment Protection Agency, Sierra Leone Police Force, Office of National Security, Councils, Traditional Leaders, Sierra Leone Indigenous Traditional Healers Union, Inter Religious Council, Sierra Leone Red Cross Society and Office of National Security.


Bo District DMO, Dr. Roland Garson-Mash Addressing District Stakeholders

By Ibrahim Sorie Koroma

The District Medical Office for BO District, Dr. Roland Garson-Mash has said that the reason for his district to record high cases of animal bites (Dogs & Cats) is because animal / dog bites cases are referred to Bo district from the neighboring districts, because they can access the human anti rabies vaccine in Bo from the private sector/pharmacies.

Dr. Marsh was speaking at an Orientation Meeting organized by the One Health Partners for District Stakeholders in the South East -Region on Thursday October 17th at the Saharah Hotel in Bo City.

While addressing stakeholders, Dr. Marsh recalled that Kono District was the district with the highest number of reported cases of animal bites (Cats & dogs), but for 2018 of Week 1 – 38 Bo district recorded 156 suspected cases of animal bites and 303 for 2019 of which they had one suspected cases of rabies, who died after failing to succumb to the rabies treatment.

Dr. Marsh reiterated that the major cause of the increase in number of animal bits in his district is as a result of the fact that they at the District Health Management Team have facilitated the availability of the Anti-Human Rabies Vaccine through private pharmacies, which people can buy for a certain amount.

He however called on residents of Bo Districts and beyond to be responsible pet owners, as that will not only limit the number of dog bits, but also rabies infection.

In his opinion of Stray Dogs, Dr. Marsh said that these dogs were originally in homes, but could not be cared for, which led them in the streets. He suggested that these dogs can be rehomed by been kind to them.

He called on stakeholders to raise awareness on the risk factors of rabies as rabies kills when once the signs and symptoms persist. He advised victims of dog bites to wash the wound with clean running/pouring water and soap up to 20 times for 15 minutes and seed medical care at the nearest health facility.


MMCET Sierra Leone Ends Staff Retreat & Commissions New Buses

One of the new staff buses

Ahead of University Status…

Dr. Philip John Kanu, Acting Principal MMCET

By Sumner Kangbap

The administration of the Milton Margai College of Education & Technology (MMCE&T) polytechnic in its stride to complement the effort of government for quality education and to empower the middle-level manpower needs of the country on Thursday 17th October, 2019 ended a retreat for academic staff to showcase what they have been doing the precious academic year and their plans for the new academic year in order to improve their academic work as the college is working towards upgrading its status to a technical university.

The administration also commissioned two new buses for staff of the three campuses of Goderich, Congo Cross and Brookfields to ease their transportation constraints. The retreat also outlined and discussed the college’s Strategic Plan for the next five years.

During the retreat held at the college’s Great Hall, Goderich campus, the administration, led by the Acting Principal, Dr. Philip John Kanu revealed that when he took up office a year ago, there were lots of challenges regarding the running of the college including the poor state of the facilities and outlined the successes his new administration have achieved in face-lifting and transforming the entire Goderich campus. Dr. Philip John Kanu stated that the objective of the retreat was to present to the academic staff the achievements they have made so far as a team during the last academic year because all of them worked very hard to make sure that they achieved these goals.

Highlighting some of the successes achieved during the last academic year, he catalogued the setting up of a website creation wherein aspiring students can now apply online without going through the old process of buying forms, procurement of two buses for staff to facilitate their movement considering the challenges they encountered with transportation.

He further stated that within the one year period of his appointment, his administration rehabilitated all the toilet facilities, drastically improved the lighting system within the campuses, classrooms and the hostels as well as purchased enough chairs for the students thus creating a conducive learning environment, secured the college’s lands in different parts of the country to be used for agricultural practical and also built the capacity of a good number of lecturers, administrative and even junior staff citing as example, a  junior staff presenting studying in China.

Dr. Philip John Kanu further disclosed that when he took up office last year from the previous administration, he met liabilities of over Le. 12 billion debt but that with the commitment and dedication to service to the college, he has been able to pay over Le5 billion of the debt and encouraged staff to be loyal and committed to the administration so that together they can undertake more development projects to lift the college to higher heights.

He also thanked and appreciated all staff members for the tremendous successes they have achieved over the past one year, disclosed that since the college would soon be approved to be transformed to a technical university, the main focus now is to upgrade the college to offer technical courses that would be beneficiary to the country according to government’s priority.

According to Dr. Kanu, when the college would have finally been upgraded to a technical university, their main focus for the future is to position themselves to establish centers to train lecturers and instructors to handle the middle-level manpower needs of the country but observed that that notwithstanding, the college would maintain its focus on teacher, technical and tourism education.

He enlightened further that for the new academic year, the college would also be focusing on research work and proposal writing to mobilize resources for the running of the college, quality assurance, monitoring the delivering of lectures, producing and conducting examinations and publication of results on time.

He commended and appreciated the government for the tremendous support towards the college, the supervisory Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, technical staff, Ministry of Finance for their immense support to the college and his administration disclosing that when the college would have been transformed to a technical university, they would focus on technical courses like Carpentry, Masonry, producing clothing and textile, fridge and air-conditioning, auto-electrical engineers, shoemaking, landscaping, horticulture, food technology emphasizing that these are the virgin areas that need to be addressed to boost the country’s economy.

The Acting Principal reiterated that the main focus of the college is tourism, technical studies and education underlining that the college has always been renowned for teacher education disclosing that this year they would conduct tracer study of all graduates who have attended the college over the years to see how they are doing in their respective fields of work.

In his keynote address, Dr. Victor Massaquoi, staff of the Technical Team in the Ministry of Education, asserted that for economic growth, tertiary and women’s education are very pivotal noting that for education to thrive, there should be an overhauling in the educational system of the country.

According to Dr. Massaquoi, the Ministry is putting certain measures in place to address the educational system in the country like Quality Assurance in Education explaining that the Ministry is putting a robust mechanism for quality assurance that behooves all stakeholders to put premium of this aspect as well as look into the welfare of lecturers and research teaching.

He also disclosed that the Ministry would be addressing Quality in Research i.e. what can lecturers do for quality of research and produce noting that they are pushing seriously for the college to be transformed to a technical university in addition to discussing malpractices within the tertiary education system and Quality in Publication and Quality of Products.

He pleaded with staff to be patient with the college administration that is working assiduously to make sure their conditions of service are met.

Commissioning the two buses, Dr. Victor Massaquoi stated that he hopes the buses would be used for their intended purpose and wished all fruitful deliberations at the retreat.

WHH Plastic For Rice Campaign ends on high note in Koidu City, Sierra Leone

Welthungerhilfe (WHH), a German Non-Governmental Organisation on Tuesday 8th October, 2019 with fund from DFID UK officially launched a three-day Plastic For Rice Campaign in Koidu City which ended on Thursday 10th October 2019 on a very high note.

The exercise aimed at ridding the City of plastic waste to enhance hygiene and sanitary conditions of residents while also reducing indiscriminate littering of plastic.

Speaking during the official launch held at the offices of the Koidu New Sembehun City Council (KNSCC), WHH Deputy Project Manager of the Improved Waste Management Project in Koidu City, Alfred Maada Fobay said that the project’s objective is to improve sanitation and hygiene in the City while also providing food for those bringing in their bags of plastic.

“This exercise would help clean our communities and ensure that the people of Koidu remain very healthy,” Mr. Fobay.

The Chief Administrator of the Koidu New Sembehun City Council- Ahmed M. Lahai stated that the people should not only focus on plastic waste but cleaning of their environment as the Campaign is for everyone. He stressed that residents should not throw dirt on the streets of Koidu as it would cause health problems for everyone.

“Let us take this Plastic for Rice campaign very seriously as it helps to clean our environment and transform Koidu City to one of the cleanest in the country,” the KNSCC Chief Administrator stated.

The Deputy Mayor of Koidu City, Tamba Patrick Ellie in formally launching the Campaign thanked DFID and WHH on behalf of the Mayor for bringing the Waste Management Project to Koidu. He stressed that with this initiative the City would soon be free of waste proliferation.

“A clean environment brings us closer to God and let us be determined to clean Koidu City of plastic and other wastes,” the Deputy Mayor said, adding that flies, cockroaches would be challenges of the past in homes around the City of Koidu.

Residents of the city came out in numbers to respond to the call to help clean their communities of plastic waste. Notable amongst them was Aminata S. Kondeh who brought eighty-eight (88) bags of plastic to the collection centre at Lebanon Junction and was given four bags of rice as an incentive for her efforts to support waste management in Koidu.

Four plastic collection centres were established namely: Small Market, Kania and Lebanon junctions including the KNSCC perimeter.

By Tamba Borbor

Public Relations Officer

Welthungerhilfe (WHH)



BY Ishmael Turay

The UK International Ambassador for Human Rights, Rita French has met with the Commissioners of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone at their headquarters at Tower Hill where several human rights issues were discussed.

The UK Human Rights Ambassador is in the country with a focus on progressing human rights and media freedom, women’s rights and media freedom in Sierra Leone.  Rita French praised the unique religious tolerance in Sierra Leone whilst mentioning the political division between political parties that creates tension.  The UK Human Rights Ambassador prayed for a gender inclusion society.

Explaining HRCSL’s key priorities to the visiting delegation, the Executive Secretary- Joseph Kamara said the Commission works on protection against discrimination, effective complaints handling, human rights and public education, observance of civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights, and responsibilities of public officers to respect human rights and business and human rights.

The Chairperson of HRCSL Patricia Narsu Ndanema said one progressive way of human rights are laws put in place by the state and also structures to protect and promote human rights. She mentioned about the domestication of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women, the MAPUTO Protocol and the passing in to law of the three gender justice laws. The Chairperson also spoke about some traditional beliefs that are posing as barriers to women as well as the FGM and women’s participation in politics.

Commissioner Simitie Lavaly deliberated on the issue of the pregnant school girls not allowed in schools and the implication it has on the right to education of the girl child. She also explained the position of the HRCSL on that issue still stands as was explained in its February 25th 2015 press release believing that the policy discriminates against women and girls and that pattern of stigmatizing pregnant young women would worsen their marginalization as well as their vulnerability.

Alistair White, the British Deputy High Commissioner , Katie Hannam, Second Secretary, Bilateral and, Chris Lomax, a UK Diplomat, accompanied the UK Human Rights Ambassador to the HRCSL.



Residents of Regent Request for Protect of Regent-Grafton Rd in Sierra Leone

By Austin Thomas

In an ongoing deliberations between the Regent Village Community, Ministry of Lands (MLCPE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help protect the sidewalks of the Regent – Grafton Road from stopping people to build sharks and shops.

In a meeting held last weekend in the village, members of the community reiterated the call that the village area community executive continue to prevail on both Ministry of Lands and EPA not to give any permit on the sidewalks to people to conduct any structures.

The Head Woman of the Village Mrs Elenora Metzger said they have been engaging both institutions for years now not to allow any kind of structure on that road as the village is planning to keep the road safe with the planting of trees.

She said they have engaged  both institutions and before the change of government, the Strategy and Policy Unit of State House was in support of the Village plans and there were several meetings held with MLCPE, EPA and the village to make sure that nobody will construct any kind of structure along the road.

Member of the village committee, Joshua Nicol said they have visited the ministry several times to stop the construction of a fuel station close to the village cemetery as the land is unsuitable for such structure.

Mr Nicol said during the rains most of the dirt that was piled in the land by the Chinese construction company during the road construction has been washed away by rain.

“This is the reason why we don’t want any construction on the sidewalks because the piles of dirt along the road were done by CRSG to get rid of the dirt as nobody did that. During the rains most of these dirt continue to wash away and that is the reason why we want to plant trees to protect erosion.

Head Woman said during the opening of the road former President Koroma made it very clear that nobody should build any structure of any kind along that road because the flora and fauna of the forest must be protected as well as to stop erosion along the road.

“We believe that we must protect the sidewalks and nobody should destroy the road for us with building of structures. We are appealing to both Ministry of Lands and EPA not to award any license of any kind to anybody to destroy the road.  Many people are just waiting for the first person to start then they too will continue. It is for that reason we will not allow the petrol station to be built in such a dangerous place.”

Mrs Metzger appeal to all those who have such idea to take it elsewhere as the village will not allow anybody to come and destroy the road or the sidewalks.

“During the meetings we have been having with the Strategy Policy Unit of State House, EPA and Ministry of Lands were attending and they are all aware of this ban and we are hoping for them to uphold it even though there is a new government, but we believe in continuity and the government will continue to protect the road for us all. As the Chinese saying goes, building of roads leads to prosperity.”

The Head Woman said during the meetings held by all parties concern, there were recommendations made that she said she wants the government to uphold.

“The Recommendations include:

Institute robust reforestation by the start of 2018 rainy season;

Conduct joint land trotting and demarcation of the restricted areas

Share with the Headmen of the communities the proposed national park and restricted areas gazette;

Restrict illegal activities in the Mount Sugar Loaf/Motormeh red zone by joint security personnel;

Ensure availability of funds for seven months for the joint security personnel presence and finally review the local Government Act.

Elenora Metzger averred that she hopes these recommendations will still be effective and said she is calling on NPAA, EPA, the military, police and Ministry of lands to all come onboard to save the Regent –Grafton Road and its environs.