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Exam Cheatings & Failures in Sierra Leone: Fingers Pointed at Teachers!


By Amin Kef Sesay

Poor quality teachers have held back Sierra Leone’s educational advancement, many say, since the 1980s when untrained, unqualified so-called teachers looking for fast easy money started to fill our classrooms.

This time of year is filled with reflection for the tens of thousands of learners who have completed WASSCE and woefully failed the exams – this year 96% of them that took the Government sponsored exams.

We have a “vicious” rather than “virtuous” schooling cycle. From analysis of the WASSCE, it is time to properly professionalize the teaching industry, just as it is with lawyers, doctors, engineers, accountants, nurses, etc.

Look at it this way. 90% and more that took the WASSCE did not pass math or English.

The cause – more than half of the teachers in unregulated schools do not attend school regularly and do not teach the students well when they do because their knowledge levels are far below the level they are supposed to teach.

Given that teacher quality is one of the biggest factors determining the learning outcomes of students, what will it take to improve teacher quality and professionalism in the country?

Numerous suggestions have been floated. But one idea has recently generated particular interest among education departments, statutory bodies, and academia – the introduction of “teacher professional standards”.

These can be broadly defined as a set of common standards that include the professional knowledge, skills and conduct that characterize good teaching.

This is based on the fact that higher expectations for student learning could be accomplished only by higher expectations of teaching quality.

Poor teacher standards are a response to a lack of teacher accountability. This has been identified as a cause of the poor quality of our education.

The basic premise of teacher standards is that if you expect more from teachers, don’t allow them into the classroom until they’ve met a basic set of criteria, and hold them to account if they fall short, then the quality of teachers will improve.

There are standards that professionalize teaching and standards that manage teachers, while standards which professionalize create cultures of collegiality, expertise and pride among teachers.

Yet management standards are often mistaken for professional standards. When this happens, teacher morale drops.

The quality of a nation’s teachers cannot be divorced from the quality of its learners exiting schools.

This is because successive cohorts of learners’ progress through school, enter university as student teachers, and graduate as teachers where they nurture the next cohort through the cycle. The end of school is therefore the beginning of higher education.

In a virtuous schooling cycle, such as Finland, education is a desirable career choice for top graduates. This allows for competitive entry requirements for teacher education programs, which in turn allows for rigorous and challenging courses. This, in turn, produces high quality teachers who improve learner outcomes. The quality and professionalism of the teachers nurtures the next generation of high-quality teacher trainees.

In a virtuous cycle the system can afford to set standards that reflect the best professional knowledge internationally. Initial teacher education is intensive and teachers exit the programs with high levels of subject and pedagogical knowledge. As a result, their learners perform well and the school system enjoys a high level of public esteem.

Consequently teaching is a prestigious and attractive profession which recruits the brightest and most motivated school graduates, who don’t require continual monitoring and oversight. Teachers instead enjoy professional autonomy; they are trusted in key decisions about their teaching and professional development.

On the part of the teachers, they maintain that inferior salary, late payment of salaries, no allowances, very few incentives and motivation to stay loyal to the profession, many unpaid, untrained, unqualified community teachers, unprofessional school heads that are only interested in the monies they receive or collect are some of the key reasons why teachers fail to deliver quality education.


Government of Sierra Leone  Partners with Sherbro Alliance to Transform Sherbro Island

By Alim Jalloh

In New York City, US on 30th September 2019 the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and Sherbro Alliance Partners announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on a strategic partnership for the development of a new charter city, Sherbro Island City, located on Sherbro Island on the southern coast of Sierra Leone.

It has been estimated that Sherbro Island City will serve as an engine of economic growth for Sierra Leone and the surrounding West Africa region. Operated under an investment and legal regime designed to attract and protect long-term investment, Sherbro Island City will develop a diversified services and manufacturing economy that creates job opportunities for Sierra Leoneans and attract new capabilities to the region.  The project will integrate efficient infrastructure with transparent and effective governance, supported by the intelligent application of smart technology.

Leveraging the natural beauty, Sherbro Island City’s economy is expected to be initially driven by tourism, with projects developed and constructed with respect for the island’s biodiversity.  Early pilot projects for agricultural products and services and aquaculture farms are also under consideration.

The Sherbro Island City project is structured as a public private partnership between the GoSL and Sherbro Alliance Partners, a company resulting from the vision of Idris Elba and Siaka Stevens.  Mr. Elba and Mr. Stevens  are supported in this effort by a deeply experienced international team.

The GoSL has entered into this partnership not only to accelerate economic development of the country but also to give confidence to foreign investors that Sierra Leone is a premier investment destination. Commenting on the project, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio, who witnessed the signing ceremony, said: “We believe that Sherbro Island City will be an economic engine for our country and neighbors. It will also demonstrate our ability to partner in a large-scale project with transparency, integrity and support us in rebranding our country.”

Mr. Elba is well known by many as a global actor, producer, musician, and humanitarian and has long harbored the intent to support the creation of a vehicle with the potential to have a transformative impact in his father’s homeland of Sierra Leone.  “My commitment to Sherbro Island City is driven by a desire to make a difference, but to do so in a fashion which produces tangible benefits for West Africans that may be sustained over the long-term,” Mr. Elba said. Mr. Stevens is the co-founder of the Sherbro Island City project and from a long established Sierra Leone family.

During the signing ceremony, GoSL was represented by Honourable Nabeel Farida Tunis, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Sherbro Alliance Partners was represented by Idris Elba and Siaka Stevens.

Sierra Leone: ‘No Alcohol Day’ Today

By Sinneh Kamara

A civil society organization, Health Network on Health and Human Rights, which is championing advocacy against alcohol abuse on Friday 27th September 2019 convened a press conference to discuss issues relating to ‘World No Alcohol Day’ celebrated on 2nd October 2019. The event took place at 89 Fort Street in Freetown.

Robert Kondema Kargbo, Head of the CSO said most deaths in the country are related to alcohol intake citing drunk driving as an instance further pointing out that some of the accidents that occurred as a result of alcohol intake led to maiming of limbs.

He further dilated on the negative economic implications of accidents resulting from drinking on the families and the country as a whole. Kondema disclosed that according to the World Health Organization (WHO), some 2.5 million deaths are alcohol related and 320,000 of these are people between the ages of 15 – 29 years.

He informed how alcohol is the third leading cause of poor health around the world.

“Health Network Sierra Leone is on a campaign to reinforce the social norms that people below 18 years are not allowed to drink alcohol and further raise awareness over the negative results of drinking,” he underscored.

According to him the institution notes that alcohol has psychological and physical effects on consumers and frequent drinking can lead to alcoholism.

“It is because of the threat posed to the health of nations that the World Health Organization (WHO) is advocating for the reduction of the abuse of alcohol across the world,” he stated pointing out how in 2008, during the World Health Assembly (WHA) held in Geneva, Switzerland, a proposal was made by India for a global alcohol-free-day to draw attention to the health risks associated with alcohol abuse.

Though this day was not officially declared by member states, they have been observing that day ever since, he said.
In respect of their campaign against abuse of alcohol, the HN-SL proposed several recommendations for action by the Government as follows:
* Government to implement laws to prevent alcohol abuse and alcoholism,
* To prohibit the sale of alcohol to anyone under the age of 18,
* Review of the licensing act and other regulations on alcohol use,
* Preventing harmful alcohol consumption,
* Preventing young people from becoming psychologically or physically dependent on alcohol.
* The contents of the alcoholic products produced needs to be assessed and maintain standards that will not affect the health of the population and this is where the Standards Bureau will actively come in to provide technical support.
* To discourage the advertisement of alcohol on media and public places.
* To authorize and reinforce harmful pictures on the bottles and containers of alcohol.

According to Kondema they are of the strongest conviction that if the following recommendations are implemented or adhered to there will be a marked reduction in the harmful use of alcohol, crime rate, and domestic violence and traffic accidents culminating in resultant better health conditions for citizens.

Representatives of other relevant stakeholders made salient contributions during the media engagement.

A question and answer session climaxed the press conference.


Orange Sierra Leone Plants New Site at Imperi Chiedom

By Alim Jalloh

In the manner of a plant bearing flowers that bloom, Orange Sierra Leone has extended its services to the far southern district of Bonthe, Yagoi to be particular.

Orange Sierra Leone has on Monday 30th September commissioned their 27th commercial site at Yagoi, Imperi Chiefdom in the Bonthe District, Southern Sierra Leone.

The launch attracted traditional and religious leaders, youth groups, women leaders and representatives of the Paramount Chief and Speaker of Imperi Chiefdom.

Public Relations Officer, Orange Sierra Leone ,Mabel Mason, who chaired the ceremony started by noting that, Orange Sierra Leone in cognizance of the fact that Freetown is not Sierra Leone is increasingly exploring remote communities in the country to provide them with mobile and financial services.

Acting Chiefdom Speaker of Yagoi, Mohamed Lahai thanked Orange Sierra Leone not only for the establishment of the site furthering how it will improve the standaed of living of residents in that part of the country.

Earlier in the ceremony, David Samba Mansaray, CEO Orange Money, thanked the people of Yagoi for hosting them in the chiefdom and presented Phones, Caps, T-shirts and Hand Bands as a goodwill gesture on behalf of the Management of Orange Sierra Leone.

He stated that  their coming to Yagoi is not influenced by the huge mining activities ongoing in the chiefdom but  as a result that people in the Chiefdom and Yagoi in general want to talk to each other and also transact financial services promptly and efficiently.

Mr. Mansaray also disclosed that the launch of the new site would benefit the people of Yagoi with Orange Money services.

The CEO expressed the commitment of the company to pump in more resources and manpower to be able to efficiently serve the people of Yagoi with the much needed services.

He appealed to the people of Yagoi to protect the newly launched commercial site which he described as the property of the people of Yagoi and expressed his deepest appreciation that the people had already started protecting the facility during the construction phase of the project.

Mr. Mansaray assured all and sundry that the establishment of the new site is just the start of the journey between the people of Yagoi and Orange Sierra Leone and that they will look into the possibility of having more sites in the area.

He called on teachers, pupils and others to use the services provided by the new facility such as data for browsing. The facility, according to Mr. Mansaray, will also provide easy access for the people of Yagoi to access financial services through the use of Orange Money.

He concluded by assuring the traditional leaders, youths and other stakeholders of Yagoi that they have taken into consideration of all the requests made by the people of Yagoi for the attention of Management.

Jonathan Margai who represented the Paramount Chief of Imperi Chiefdom, Madam Hawa Gbanabom applauded Orange Sierra Leone for building a new site at Yagoi.

He stated that this was a long term dream for the people of Imperi Chiefdom and used the opportunity to call on the Management team of Orange Sierra Leone to fix the huge network challenges in Gbangbanma, the chiefdom headquarter town of Imperi Chiefdom.

Counsellor Bashiru of Ward 325, Bonthe District Council thanked Orange Sierra Leone and expressed his appreciation on behalf of the Council.

He appealed to the Management of Orange Sierra Leone for support to the Yagoi community in building an extension for the only Roman Catholic Primary School at Yagoi which is overwhelmed in numbers as a result of the Free, Quality Education.

Other speakers also appealed to Orange Sierra Leone to support their efforts towards having the first Junior Primary School in the town. He said most of their children are going outside Yagoi to access schooling.

The colorful ceremony was interspersed by traditional dancing and singing from the youths and women of Yagoi in appreciation of the gesture by Orange Sierra Leone.

Staff of the marketing team of the company also conducted raffle draws wherein most residents won beautiful prizes.

A representative of the Chairman Bonthe District Council gave the vote of thanks on behalf of the Chairman and members of the District Council.

The climax of the ceremony was the cutting of the tape by the Orange CEO and the official launch of the new site at Yagoi. Libations were poured for goodwill and prosperity of the company in Sierra Leone.

Orange Sierra Leone has vowed at the start of 2019 that the company will build more 55 commercial sites to add to the already existing ones across the country. The launching of the Yagoi site is just one of the many the company has done in Bombali, Moyamba and other Districts in the country.

The establishment of the new sites across the country would not only provide voice and data services for residents but will also create huge opportunities for financial services for the unbanked population of Sierra Leoneans.

It cannot be overemphasized  that increased access to financial services is also a huge boost for the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).




Sierra Leone Brewery Continues  to Empower Wholesalers & Retailers

By Amin Kef Sesay

In diverse ways, the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL), according to what this medium learnt, is empowering local business entities  that are transacting its alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

From what was gathered during a sustained fact finding mission, business entities doing wholesale and retail transactions of the company’s products had immensely benefitted and still continue to benefit from offers by SLBL.

Successfully fulfilling certain benchmarks, these local business entities benefit from being supplied freezers, bar tables, chairs, painting of their outlets, calendars, offers of key holders, ash trays and the sundry.

Equipped with such, most of these social points have been transformed to become so attractive and endearing to such an extent that customers keep streaming in.

“This has helped us tremendously as monies that could have been spent to purchase those items were diverted to the expansion of our business and for that we profoundly express our thanks and appreciation to Brewery,” a bar tender at the Lumley Beach profusely expressed gratitude to SLBL furthering that the company is truly a “Kombra”, that is a Kind Mother.

Taking it to another trajectory, SLBL is one outlet that has provided job opportunities for many and here we are talking of formal direct employment as well as informal indirect employment as seen in the work of distributors, hired vehicle drivers, laborers etc. At this very point in time when the country’s economy is going through enormous challenges indeed making it possible for individuals to have food on their tables is a commendable offshoot intervention cum accomplishment for a company that has stand the test of time since its establishment in 1961.

Many hold the company in high respect in that regard. There again comes in the very symbiotic relationship between SLBL and sorghum farmers in this country. In its production chain, SLBL is making use of sorghum which is grown locally. The number of sorghum farmers is increasing exponentially and presently stands at over 25,000. The bond between Brewery and the farmers is watertight with the latter benefitting financially thereby putting them at vantage positions to take care of major responsibilities.

Making proper use of the Local Content Policy has placed the company in a good stead as one that is empowering Sierra Leonean farmers. As a matter of fact the company has been undertaking intermittent tours in the provinces on missions geared towards encouraging people to cultivate sorghum. Through radio talks and face to face engagements the awareness has been spread that sorghum is an important product required by the company.

The company’s rolling out of water and sanitation (WASH) projects in various communities, with particular reference to its area of operation, the Wellington Industrial Estate, has been highly appreciated by the beneficiaries. It is on record to have facilitated the construction of state-of-the –art water wells in communities where residents had hitherto been acutely affected by pure water supply.

Considering the fact that water is life there could be no other better gift to give people other than what saves life. Brewery stands tall in this regard. Such falls under the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility amidst others it had done over the years including giving support to schools, providing support to health facilities within the Wellington Industrial Estate and in some other parts.

For the mere and simple fact that the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited is helping young local businesses to grow then it is quite justifiable to posit that the company is really in diverse ways empowering local business entrepreneurs and as we are few months away from the festive season we are yet again going to witness more empowerment by the country’s leading brewer. SLBL’s presence will as usual become poignantly conspicuous all over the country as it usually happens to be during such periods.


By Ronald J Morovia

In a bid to enhance biblical Knowledge and propagate the gospel at rural communities, the Church of God World Wide Mission has over the weekend commissioned a theological college at Taiama named “The Taiama Learning Institute and College of Management”. The college is the first ever tertiary learning institution in the town.

Speaking on what prompted the initiative of establishing a theological institution at a rural community, Missionary Martha Fofonah noted that the establishment of the institution came about through the vision she had from God, noting that her people needed God.

She noted that as a way to actualize the vision she and her husband first established the Church of God World Wide Mission through the help of Bishop Joel Thomas the General Overseer of the Church of God World Wide Mission.

Missionary Martha Fofonah furthered that the main aim of the institution is to provide residents in that locality and it surrounding the opportunity to Know God and learn more about him.

She added that the Institution will also guide those who want to follow God and become pastors, adding they would be trained on the word of God and how to become ministers of God. Such institution she affirms will aid in the propagation of the gospel.

According to Elder Anus Fofanah the primary aim of the institution is to train and develop church leaders by teaching them the gospel. He however mentioned that the institution will also be providing other management courses such as information and communication technology in the near future.

He therefore appealed to residents of Taiama and its environs to make good use of the opportunity at their door step.

Commending the Church of God and the pioneers for the initiative and vision, the Honourable Member of Constituency 098 Dominic Lavalie-Tshombe noted that such development is welcoming in his constituency.

He commended them for not only limiting it to theological studies but also extending it to management courses, noting such will foster human capacity development and development on a whole in the community.

The honourable member further charged staff to maintain the integrity of the institution as a religious body, adding they should not encourage corruption of any form at the institution.

He encouragd them to set good standard to ensure the institution becomes enviable in the region. He also called on his constituents to make good use of the opportunity.

Prior to the commissioning, the institution has completed an access course and it is now set to commence full operations.


SiLCHA Celebrates China At 70 With Massive Donations in Sierra Leone

By Joenal Sesay

Sierra-Leone China Friendship Association (SiLCHA) and Atlantic Lumley Hotel joined the People’s Republic of China in their 70th anniversary celebration by donating to the less privileged children’s in Freetown.

The donation took place on the 1st October 2019 at different places including the Maria’s Primary School Grafton where the main event took place. The donated items include bags, pencils, books and cake, food and drink.

On October 1, 1949, after a long and arduous struggle, the Chinese people, under the staunch leadership of the Communist Party of China, founded the People’s Republic of China.

SiLCHA Chairperson, Mrs. Onike King said among other things that SiLCHA endeavors to foster unity and exchange of values between Sierra-Leone and China, aiming at bridging the gap and standing together.

She described the day as one of their aim of coming together to strengthen the ties between Sierra Leone and China as the two countries are friends and together they could be able to do a lot of things.

Atlantic Lumley Hotel Human Resource Manager, Lonnel Saied Kargbo pointed out that the Hotel was there to celebrate with the kids as the occasion is very special.

He went on to say that their presence was to compliment the effort of SiLCHA and they are giving back as part of their Cooperate Social Responsibility.

He continued to say on behalf of the hotel, they want the audience to enjoy the taste of the hotel as some will not have the privilege to go to Atlantic Hotel but the hotel has met them  to have the taste of what they are doing.

Lgo Lau of Global Groups of Company expressed joy to be with the kids to celebrate such wonderful occasion.

He explained that October 1st in China they share cake to celebrate with the entire world.

He pointed out that Global Group of Company has been in existence in Sierra Leone for 10 years as the relationship they have with Sierra Leone is very good. He also said the Company has good times with Maria the Founder of SiLCHA. He expressed hope that all the children’s will be successful in their studies to bring transformation in Sierra Leone.

The Head Teacher of Maria Primary School expressed joy and happiness for such day. She said since she started managing the school years back Maria has been assisting them.

She encouraged her guests to keep on visiting the school as that will help ease their depression.

SiLCHA Publicity Secretary, Ibrahim Bangura said since 1949 to date marks China 70 years and they are celebrating with them as the day mean transformation and development.

He continued to say what China has gone through from where they were to where they are in terms of economic development, education, technology and innovation among others is very great.

“We are here to support the school as part of the celebration as the organization representing the two countries and the world.”

He appealed for more support to the school and prayed that Sierra Leone can celebrate such with a good history of where she came from.

SiLCHA founded in 2017 has it motto “Uniting Lions and Dragons” and the Association is a dream derived by Mariatu Kargbo, (Maria), a philanthropist, artist and Sierra Leone Cultural Ambassador to China.

Statements were also made by Daniel Moore of Ben TV UK and Africa Calabash Magazine and Abibatu Kamara CEO of Abitus Orphanage.

NP-Sierra Leone: Delivering Quality Service

By Amin Kef Sesay

Sierra Leone’s leading petroleum importer and marketer, the National Petroleum Limited, NP (SL-Ltd) is robustly moving to roll out cogent initiatives that will give the general public the most qualitative petroleum products as well as services they do desire.

The company’s competent and razor-shape managerial think tank, currently headed by its indefatigable General Manager, Kobi Walker, in tandem with the result-oriented Board of Directors, have always endeavored to be at the pinnacle of affairs within the petroleum landscape, looking at best options, in order for effective service delivery to be executed timely, excellently all geared towards the public good. If there is any outstanding feature for which the company is identified with then it is customer satisfaction which is why it has earned the reputation as ‘1st for Customer Care’.

Prioritizing customer care is considered very paramount out of the strong conviction that the company will be nowhere without its cherished customers.

It is against this backdrop that, just recently, one of its refurbished filing stations at Blackhall Road in the East End of Freetown was commissioned on 25th September 2019.

During a snap but very soul-touching event, it was succinctly made clear by Kobi Walker that the company is here to serve humanity furthering how within their reach they will do all that is possible to ensure that their customers are given the best of services that they have to offer.

Judging from the statements of representatives of the Bike Riders and Motor Drivers’ Unions during the commissioning ceremony, what came out vividly was that they are very appreciative of what the company had been doing making it possible for them to access high grade petroleum products such as diesel, petrol, kerosene, gas as well as lubricants like Castrol, all very good for vehicles, bikes, Kekehs and machines.

In its drive to optimize customer satisfaction the company went the extra mile to install calibrated pumping machines which are not only modern but trustworthy, as opposed to old pumping machines which certain unscrupulous individuals used to cheat unassuming customers. This is helping to repose confidence in customers that they are dealing with a very transparent entity. The friendliness of their pump attendants is very impressive and they are always there to timely respond to various concerns.

Still within the domain of 1st for Customer Care, the company is always in position to enter into payment plans with its reliable and dependable customers including Ministries, Departments and Agencies for supplied fuel and lubricants as long as all the necessary modalities have been put in place. When cognizance is taken of the fact that some of these institutions receive intermittent budgetary allocations then such an arrangement is very significant. Its significance in real terms borders on functional continuity of those institutions as they will be assured of supplies of petroleum products in as much as they keep honoring their obligations.

In this country today, for one to see a successful business entity that is owned mainly by Sierra Leoneans and having a maximum number of indigenes as members of staff is like trying to find a lost needle on the beach, although there are some that could be identified..

For NP-SL Ltd this has been a big achievement as the company is strongly adhering to the country’s Local Content Policy. Making use of local brains has been identified as one of the conduits through which developing countries like Sierra Leone could attain economic empowerment. Correspondingly, if there is a continuation of the colonial mentality that it is only by importing foreign ideas and skills that we will get there then such could be a very sad mistake.

By providing job opportunities for hitherto jobless Sierra Leoneans, NP-SL Ltd continues to help in alleviating poverty by putting monies into pockets which could be utilized to take care of responsibilities.

For those who have not tried NP Gas for the first time it is now time to give it a try. Designed in sizable varying cylinders and sold at various NP Filling Stations, this cooking device has been rated as one of the best that is on offer for sale. NP Gas is safe, user friendly and portable. Trying it will spur you to recommend it to others.

NP Smart Card is now in vogue and is one of the latest technological devices used to purchase petroleum products. Using it has attendant advantages as evident in procuring fuel at any time of the day even during times when monies could not be accessed from banks. It is secured, easy to use and very quick. It is now trending.

To crystallize proposed projects into tangible realities on the ground, Government needs the required financial resources to effectively do so and one sure way is from collection of taxes which is the mandate of the National Revenue Authority (NRA).  The Sierra Leone Brewery Limited is one of the big time tax payers in the country and it is very compliant in that direction.

From all indications, it is crystal clear that NP-SL Ltd is here to stay in order to give the best and contribute tremendously to the socio-economic development of the country. Indeed the company is passionate and committed towards attaining those objectives.

CARL Sierra Leone Wants Separate Budget for FSU 

Ibrahim Tommy Esq – Executive Director, CARL

By Samuel Serry Jr.

The Center for Accountability and Rule of Law (CARL) has urged the Executive Management Board (EMB) of the Sierra Leone Police to present a detailed and practical budget for the Family Support Unit (FSU) at their budget hearing scheduled for October 7, 2019. CARL, with support from TROCAIRE, has worked with various stakeholders, including the Family Support Unit, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Civil Society Organisations to draft a realistic budget for the Family Support Unit.

CARL and its partners strongly believe that ensuring accountability for sexual and gender-based crimes would require genuine investment in the FSU through increased funding, training and effective supervision.  In particular, CARL has asked for the leadership of the Sierra Leone People’s Party and the Ministry of Finance’s Budget Directorate to separate the FSU budget from the general police budget to help ensure effective planning and civil society oversight of the activities of the unit.

“Our data shows that only a paltry amount of resources has been dedicated to the FSU over the last five years. Unless radical reforms were made both to the funding levels and funding mechanism of the FSU, the collective story of our women and girls who are always at risk of being assaulted won’t change. There is need for action that makes sense; one that responds to the emergency that we live in”, said Ibrahim Tommy, Executive Director, Centre for Accountability and Rule of Law.

Our position seeks to support the policy of the Government of Sierra Leone, and in particular, the President’s publicly stated commitment to address impunity for sexual and gender-based violence. Significant efforts are still required to bolster the fight against sexual and gender-based violence, but increasing and separating the budget of the FSU from the general police budget would have positive, far-reaching implications for the operational performance of the FSU.

Data collected by Rainbow Initiative for the first six months of this year shows that the number of sexual assault cases at this time of the year is significantly higher than what it was in 2018, suggesting that the FSU should have huge resources and financial independence to effectively deliver on its mandate.

“After years of neglect and under-funding, the leadership of the Sierra Leone Police has a brilliant opportunity to make a departure with the past by supporting genuine investment in the FSU, the unit mandated to investigate and assist with the prosecution of sexual and gender-based crimes. I am quite hopeful that they will do the right thing”, said Isata Sowa, CARL’s Gender and Juvenile Justice Officer.

With less than a week to the Sierra Leone Police’s annual budget presentation at the national budget hearing session hosted by the Ministry of Finance, it is hoped that the leadership of the Police and Ministry of Finance will do the right thing by the people of Sierra Leone, namely, adopt a realistic and detailed FSU budget and separate it from the general police budget.




Ahead of China’s 70th anniversary… Ambassador Hu Says Hard Work, Peace Brings Prosperity

Ambassador Hu Zhangliang

By Amin Kef Sesay

Ambassador Hu Zhangliang said China will celebrate its 70th National Day and believes they have achieved a lot due to hard work, peace and security.

He said china is coming from a long road that was very challenging, but easy to overcome as they worked hard, with commitment and passion to build the China that is now the second largest economy in the world.

“China undertook a difficult transition in order to reach the heights of economic development. The transition involves coming to terms with the loss of the economic advantages. Macro-economically the economy encouraged to a more services orientation serving the needs of the domestic population. Expensive labor, real estate and capital were redirected from mass production industries to the financial, health, retail, education, hospitality and recreational services industries.”

Ambassador Hu averred that technological advancement was obtained through encouraging experimentation and initiative. China was pretty poor when it started to reform its economy under Deng Xiao Peng.

“When a large part of the population enters the middle class, our consumption boom, and that in turn has a domino effect for more downstream activities. A strong middle class is what makes the country successful because the population at large can afford to keep the wheels of industry going.”

He said the same can’t be said of countries which depresses the middle class in favor of the rich. It boils down to Math. Market demand is decided by how many people can afford to pay and consume a product.

“When you transform your economy to allow hundreds of millions to have a better life, your economy will be exponentially bigger. This is what China has done to make the country peaceful and secured.”

Ambassador Hu Zhangliang stressed that the Chinese government has remained committed to focusing on economic growth, and has quickly and effectively implemented good policy decisions. The country concentrates the salary paid to workers in four big state banks. This money is used by the leadership to focus on key projects.

China has hosted conferences and exhibitions, all to tell foreign investors that China is the place they must invest in because the country is stable. Creation of Zones and Infrastructure for Businesses has been an important reason for China being a successful economy.

“China has a Strong Manufacturing Base. There’s a reason why everything is “Made in China.” The country has positioned itself as a manufacturing hub, in turn providing employment to its people. The country has made good advancement in technology which promises good product quality.”

He said that the relationship between China and Africa has grown so much that many African countries have developed because of China’s support.

He called on all to work with China to build a harmonious world that is peaceful and secured.