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Bombali Stakeholders Impressed with Sierra Leone New Direction Agenda

By Alim Jalloh – 24 Aug. 19

Stakeholders from Bombali district on Thursday 22 August 2019 met with His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio to commend him for his Government’s impressive performance since his election in April last year.

Minister of Information, Mohamed Rahman Swaray, who chaired the meeting, said that the New Direction Government had a bold vision for a united peaceful Sierra Leone where everyone would have equal access to opportunities and justice, irrespective of region, tribe or political interest. He stated that the entire country was resonating with the vision of the President and that the meeting was a testament to that.

Head of the delegation, Ibrahim Jalloh, said their team comprised members from various facets of life in the Bombali district who mirrored the collective aspirations of the people of Bombali, adding that the delegation and visit were the outcomes of extensive engagement and consultation with their people. He emphasised that they were therefore serving as ambassadors for the people in that part of the country.

He mentioned that they were of the belief that engaging with the national leadership in a constructive manner on issues around good governance and national development priorities were not only a civic responsibility but also a solid indicator of growing confidence in the leadership and governance of the State.

“We want to commend your sustained and ferocious fight against corruption. The damaging consequences of corruption cannot be over-amplified and they are consistent across tribe, region and political party. It is a war for which every Sierra Leonean must take primary responsibility. The national collective engagement in fighting corruption spiced with your abounding political will can lead to a resounding victory.

“We also want to applaud your drive and leadership in developing the human resource capital through the provision of Free Quality Education, applaud you for the development strides and overall leadership in the governance of the State and again commend your Government for organising the Bintumani 3 Conference on peace and national cohesion. We must entertain a sense of urgency to dismantle our national dividers and strengthen our national connectors,” he said.

In his brief response, President Julius Maada Bio said he was happy to receive the visiting team because there was need to bring everyone on-board the development process. He added: “Our programmes, especially the Free Quality Education, are centered on national interest. We are offering free quality access to education to shape a brighter future for all Sierra Leonean kids. We are all one people and we should at all times discourage tribal and hate among ourselves. My Government is for everyone and we will continue to take development to every part of the country,” he assured.

While delivering the vote of thanks, Paramount Chief Massayeli Tham III of Gbante Chiefdom in the Bombali district said  they were very much grateful to the President for agreeing to meet them, saying that that was a manifestation of his commitment to leading an inclusive nation. He assured that they would continue to share the vision of the President to their subjects.




Sierra Leone Bar Association Executive Meets Pres Bio

By Alim Jalloh – 24 August 2019

The new Executive of the Sierra Leone Bar Association paid a courtesy call on His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio at State House in Freetown on Friday 23 August 2019.

President of the Association, Robert Kowa, commended President Bio for his strides to ensure that the State was smoothly run amidst the challenges, noting that they were aware of the challenges. He said they were prepared to give their support and work with the Government, adding that the Bar Association is a professional body and would remain so in the best interest of the country.

He said the new Executive had adopted a collaborative approach and would constructively continue to engage in the governance of the State, while also ensuring that the rule of law prevailed in the country.

He added: “It is our responsibility as lawyers to ensure that the State becomes a lawful State wherein whatever is done is done properly and in that respect we pledge our commitment. It is also our concern that for the Rule of Law  prevail in this country, we have realized the need for a review of the Constitution. Our country has grown past this Constitution and this may be one of the reasons for several constitutional issues over the years.

“We are pleading with your office to speedily expedite the constitutional review process. This process took place during the last administration but after wide consultations and with the report being submitted what came out from the White Paper was not reflective of the views of the people. We are held back by that document and it is creating a lot of problems and we have to look at it properly,” he said.

He mentioned that they were ready to cooperate with the Government and make their inputs and presence felt around the process, adding that that could be one of the landmark achievements President Bio would leave with Sierra Leoneans and it would be the turning point for the country. The President of the Bar Association also used the occasion to solicit the Government’s support in the construction of the proposed Bar Association Secretariat.

In his response, President Julius Maada Bio congratulated the new Executive at the Bar Association, adding that it was an essential element of the country’s democracy that plays an integral part of the governance system. He said he would expect the Association to play its professional role to make the governance system more effective and accountable.

He noted that Sierra Leone had gone through a lot and it was the responsibility of every Sierra Leonean to play their different roles to enrich democracy and the development of the State. He said his Government is not averse to constructive criticisms and engagements because that would enrich Government’s decisions.

“This is a country of laws and those laws must be respected. Today, things are moving much faster and the Constitution, which regulates how we do things, must also be considered for change because quite a lot has changed. We have started the process of thinking about how we can start the process in a collaborative and inclusive way so that every facet of society is involved in shaping that document. I look up to the Bar Association as a partner in this process,” he ended.

History of the Huge Debt Burden Sierra Leone & Most African Countries Face…


By Amin Kef Sesay – 24 August 2019

That Africa generally has been under the unbearable weight of a debt crisis is not disputed. Over the years, most African countries have had debt sustainability problems. This explains why they have not been able to exit from the debt trap, necessitating the resort to debt rescheduling and relief measures.

By debt crisis, we mean a condition whereby a country has accumulated so much debt that it can no longer sustain the management of the debt, resulting in severe distortions and contra-dictions in the domestic  political  economy.

This has been the reality for Sierra Leone in particular since the late 1970s when the government t turned to the IMF for budgetary support that gain with Structural Adjustment Program conditions that included devaluation of the Leone, reduced public sector spending and laying off of redundant workers in the public service.

The origin of Africa’s debt crisis can be traced to the colonial period where the foundations of the crisis were laid based on the condition of African foreign trade which exhibits five major defects, which were largely responsible for its debt crisis.

These defects, a result of ‘the extreme disarticulation and distortions of Africa’s colonial economy and the late decolonization of the region’, are:

High export dependence;

High concentration on a few commodities;

Low and declining terms of trade;

High instability of exports earning due to these factors; and.

Chronic balance of payments crisis

It  was  upon  this  weak  economic  base  that  most  African  countries  attained  political independence, mostly in the 1960s.

The implication of this bad financial start was the inability of many new African economies to withstand the post-colonial shocks that were to come, including internal pressures for improved living conditions in Africa as promised under the anti-colonial ideologies of legitimization.

As  the pressure heightened, several African countries were compelled by domestic politics to jump-start development programs, relying largely on external funding for implementation.

At the same time, to encourage economic growth, there had to be some significant level of investment in the economy which can only be achieved when there is an adequate investible surplus.

In the absence of this surplus, alternative means of generating funds must be devised, most often through borrowing.

For these and related reasons, African countries began to seek and receive external funds to fill their savings and investments gaps.

Borrowing may not necessarily be bad for an economy. In fact, it is even considered  as  one  of  the  best  alternatives  to  the  creation  of  money  during  periods  of recession.

What is negative about borrowing generally relates to the conditions attached to debt, and the cost of management of that debt.

In the African experience, the burden of conditions and the cost of servicing extensive borrowing remain at the heart of the continent’s debt crisis.

Africa’s external creditors have  insisted  on  deregulation  of  the  economy, devaluation of the local currency, and recently, political  liberalization, which, as has been demonstrated, actually undermined African economies.

To make matters worse, poor economic management at the domestic front in the form of wasteful and unproductive expenditures, in addition to the mismanagement of the borrowed funds by inefficient public enterprises, were a major feature in Africa.

These forces have combined disastrously to lead Africa into a severe debt burden.

The overarching implication is an unacceptable level of poverty and  inequality, both of which symbolize the marginalization of Africa in the international economic system.

A number of initiatives have been taken, especially by the creditor nations and agencies in response to Africa’s debt crisis. At the initial stage, they resorted to an adjustment mechanism as typified by the austerity measures and SAPs.

The basic features of the SAP regime include ‘import and exchange liberalization;  getting prices right; privatization and reduction of labor’s share in national economy’.


Kingtom & Kroo Bay Residents Benefit from Karpowership Food Donation in Sierra Leone

By Kandeh Sesay – 24 Aug. 2019

Residents of Kingtom and Kroo Bay Communities were in subdued but delighted moods when receiving food item donated by Management of Karpowership. The donation was done in compliance with the entity’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and includes assorted food items of bags of rice, flour, cooking oil, sugar, water and juice, worth millions of Leones.

On behalf of the management of Karpowership, Mr. Joseph Skeff, presented the items to the various communities stating that it is their pleasure to give back to communities where they are operating from. He said that they are mindful of their Corporate Social Responsibility, adding that this is not the first time they have been supporting the people that are residing in their operational areas and beyond.

“We want to build strong and cordial relationship with people residing in our operational areas,” he said, adding that their operations will not be successful without the support of the people. He went on to say that they are not only passionate about supplying electricity  but also to also support other developmental activities in the country.

He said that the donated items are mainly to support those in need, adding that their main aim is to build a solid foundation with members of the various communities where they are operating. He disclosed that out of the two ships that were supplying electricity supply, one of them which is Karpowership Dogan-Bay has gone back to Turkey but will be back in December this year, stressing that the rumour that was making the round on Social Media that Karpowership is not in operation is false and baseless.

Head of Mammy Queens of the entire Kingtom Community, Florence James, expressed profound thanks and appreciation to Karpowership for the kind gesture.

“We are very glad that the donation came at a time we needed it most,” she said. She went on to say that it is their earnest desire to see that the management of Karpowership continues to support them.

“I hope that this relationship will continue to grow from strength to strength,” she said, adding that they will do all within their powers to support the Management of Karpowership furthering that they will do everything  to ensure that the operations of Karpowership goes on smoothly within their communities.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Abibatu Kanyoko, the Mammy Queen of Bundu Fence. Charles Carew, Chairman of Kroo Bay Community also thanked Karpowership by stating that they are looking forward to a similar gesture as they are living in a deprived community.

Chief Pa. Alimamy Kargbo Kabenpa 1st of Kroo Bay also thanked the Management of Karpowership.

Management of Karpowership also disclosed that  a similar donation will be done within the Kissy Oil Refinery community, Bo and Kenema.



Sierra Leone Education Minister Unveils NPSE Results to the Press

Minister of Education, Alpha Timbo

By Amin Kef Sesay – 24 August 2019

The Minister of Education, Alpha Timbo, has on August 22, 2019 shared with the Press the performance of pupils  who sat to this year’s NPSE. The engagement took place during the weekly Press Conference of the Information and Communication Ministry.

In his opening remarks, Hon. Alpha Timbo stated that 619 schools wrote to this year’s NPSE exam and that a total of 136,526 pupils took the exam and out of the said total, 128,092 passed while 8,434 woefully failed. He added that, the best pupil of this year who is a female scored an aggregate of 360 by beaten the former who scored an aggregate of 354 last year.

Interestingly as stated by the Minister, he said, the best five pupils of this year are all females excluding one male who emerged the fourth position. He furthered that, Western Rural and Western Area first best three are all females and that Western Area came first due to the huge passes in English Language and according to the Minister, if not for the high increase in English Language, Western Area would have found themselves in the fifth position in terms of performance.

In terms of the general ranking of passes for this year NPSE, the Minister revealed that Western Area came first, Eastern Region came second, Northern Region came third while Southern Region came fourth.

‘’Over all, in terms of the percentage passes, last year had more passes than this year and the reason is because we instituted more measures in supervising the exam of this year than last year,’’ Alpha Timbo affirmed.

He, however, underscored that over 100 Schools did not pass the exam and that this time round they are not going to leave things to go like that but they are compiling the names of the said schools and thereafter will summon a meeting for the Head Teachers to explain the reasons behind such.

The Press conference was chaired by the Deputy Minister of Information and Communication, Madam Mamadi Gobeh.



Sierra Leone Brewery’s Impressive Implementation of Local Content Policy is Unparalleled

By Amin Kef Sesay – 24 August 2019

Indisputably, one of the several remarkable accomplishments that the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) is widely extolled for is its excellent implementation of the country’s Local Content Policy, despite the fact that the company is affiliated with the Heineken Foundation in the Netherlands and has external shareholders.

In other words, the, Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL), the country’s premier manufacturer of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in the country, continues to make impressive inroads, not only by gaining more customer base, but also for rolling out solid developmental projects in certain communities. The company is commendably honouring its corporate social responsibility that is impacting positively on the lives of people.

The company has ensured over the years to have Sierra Leoneans in its employ, as long as they possess the requisite qualifications and skills, instead of largely importing foreign expatriates.
Even where foreign expatriates are employed, it is the company’s policy to have Sierra Leoneans who should understudy them and after a period of time, the nationals take over their positions.

To further expand its rolling-out of the Local Content Policy, the SLBL is making use of sorghum, which is locally cultivated, in the brewing of some of its beverages. This has encouraged certain farmers to grow sorghum where it is very ideal to do and at present the number of sorghum farmers and sorghum growing families has increased exponentially, standing over 25,000 in various districts.

SLBL has been steadily supporting these farmers in diverse ways to increase their yields in order to match with demand. What this has led to is a symbiotic relationship between SLBL and the sorghum farmers. These farmers have a steady source of income helping to financially take care of various domestic responsibilities.

Distributors of SLBL’s variety of beverages are Sierra Leoneans with an exceptional case of only few foreign business people.

Coming back to the company’s implementation of its Corporate Social Responsibility, SLBL has done a lot and is determined to continue doing so. The company gives priority to residents within the Wellington Industrial Estate, where it is situated, when it comes to offering of jobs, as long as individuals within that locality are qualified. This has helped in poverty reduction through meaningful engagements of young people who were hitherto jobless.

SLBL, in collaboration with Heineken Foundation, has been rolling-out Water and Sanitation Projects (WASH) in different communities, albeit closer to where it is located. It has constructed solar powered water wells that are benefitting residents in those places who were finding it extremely difficult to access pure and clean water supply.

Added to that, the company has assisted in the construction of health facilities where locals are receiving medical treatment, thus easing constraints formerly faced. It has been giving educational support to institutions that deserve it.

The company does not discriminate along religious grounds as it has the cardinal principle to cater for all. This was very evident in the last Ramadan month when SLBL shared its happiness through its Maltina brand to the Muslim community throughout the holy month of Ramadan by dishing out Maltina Iftar, targeting 60 mosques and thereby giving solace to over 6000 Muslims right across the country.

By all estimation the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited is acclaimed for timely churning out the Local Content Policy and its Corporate Social Responsibility and doing so doggedly and remarkably.

Over 170 Orientate At Limkokwing University Sierra Leone

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay – 24 August 2019

Over one hundred and seventy students (170) have gone through Limkokwing University of Creative Technology orientation for the 2019/ 2020 academic year.

The colourful ceremony which took place at the University campus at Hill Station on Friday 23rd August 2019 was witnessed by various dignitaries, parents and guardians.

Explaining about the University Code of conduct and discipline, one of the Lecturers, Aruna Bai Kabia said among other things that if students are talented and spotted they can go places.

Discipline, he went on is key in the university and that he added is the difference between Limkokwing and other universities.

“We want you to get out of here with a job in your hand. Don’t ever think it is impossible. It is going to be a long journey through the years.”

High flyers manual briefing by Academic Management was done by Christian Thomas where he spoke about the time frame of the academic year and said they have to test their practicality and attendance which is very paramount to them.

Chairman of the ceremony head of Communication, Media and Broadcasting Faculty, Hassan Kamara informed the incoming students that as long as they were at the university, they will graduate as global students. He encouraged them to have a mind-set of the task ahead.

The guest speaker of the ceremony, Ing. Dr. Biodun Oyebola President of all Nigerians in the Diaspora said carrier path, greatness, dream and who one is and what they want to be has been presented to them by the university’s unlimited opportunities.

He said to be the best engineer in the world does not mean one should be the smartest student in class but their creativity will allow them to achieve what they conceive in their mind to do.

According to Dr. Biodun Oyebola, leadership requires commitment and integrity. He further stated that if students were doing the right thing, their creativity will come out naturally and their potential will be unlimited.

“Creativity is for you to bring out your potential. Don’t run after employers, let employer run after you because you will deliver. You have all it takes to achieve, start leaving the dream now, don’t wait till tomorrow.”

Limkokwing University Associate Director, Academic Administration Sierra Leone Campus, Ms. Agnes Mugo delivered the speech of the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology President, Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing.

Dr Limkokwing promised to be with the students in the part of the journey to help them unlock their talents, ignite their passion, fire their imagination.

“You are here to fulfil your ambition, and your enthusiastic response so far, leaves me no doubt that you will outdo yourself. You will go beyond every one’s expectations. And we will provide a conducive, stimulating and motivating environment to help you succeed in achieving all that you want and more. We want you to be the best you can be”

Videos of the official opening of the Limkokwing University in Sierra Leone, cultural festival, Limkokwing graduation and motivational talk by Arc. Katline among others formed part of the ceremony.

UBA MD Meets with Sierra Leoneans TEF 2019 Entrepreneurs

By Foday Moriba Conteh – 24 August 2019

The Managing Director of the United Bank of Africa (UBA) on Friday 23rd August, 2019 met with three young Sierra Leoneans entrepreneurs who participated in the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) Entrepreneurs program 2019. The meeting took place at their Headquarter Office on Charlotte Street in Freetown.

The meeting came prior to the just concluded TEF Entrepreneur mentorship program in Abuja, Nigeria. This yearly event seeks to promote young entrepreneurs and businesses across Africa and create the enabling environment for interaction among business owners and the mentorship of youths. It is the aim of this forum to prioritize the private sector and encourage entrepreneurship especially among the youths.

Three young Sierra Leonean entrepreneurs namely: Isatu Bundu, Chief Executive Officer of Tesmaraneh, Semion A.T Saffa-Turay Chief Executive Officer of Cardinal Agro Company, Phebean Swill Media and Entertainment graced Africa’s largest gathering, the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneur Program which was held in Abuja, from the 26th to 27th July 2019.

They were opportune to interact with their counterparts from other parts of the continent, shared ideas and even benefitted from mentorship by experts during the plenary sessions.

Speaking during the meeting, the Managing Director of United Bank of Africa, Chinedu Obeta, disclosed how he is very overwhelmed that young Sierra Leonean entrepreneurs participated in this year’s Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) entrepreneurship programme adding that they are committed to support them in order to promote their businesses not only in Sierra Leone but in Africa as a whole.

He encouraged them to be friends of the Bank as they are there to advise them accordingly in terms of how to manage finances and even serve as guarantor for them.

He said that the TEF Youth Entrepreneurship Programme has benefited 7,520 local entrepreneurs across 54 African countries in its five years of existence.  He then admonished the current TEF entrepreneurs to encourage others to be part of this event as it will empower young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas that will help to move their businesses to  successful levels.

Isatu Bundu, Chief Executive Office of Tesmaraneh Group disclosed that she is very excited to be part of the TEF entrepreneur program 2019 adding that it created the platform for her to network with other entrepreneurs around Africa whom she believes will help improve her business.

She also said through the program she has been able to partner with other African entrepreneurs in Kenya and other countries.

She urged the Government to support young entrepreneurs in Sierra Leone as they are really faced with lots of challenges ranging from taxation, shipping etc. which she said are limiting the scope of their businesses.


Sierra Leone Home Suites Hotel Debunks ‘Baseless’ Allegation

Home Suite Hotel

By Amin Kef Sesay – 24 August 2019

Insinuations made that the Home Suite Hotel, which is located at the Aberdeen round-about is posing serious health risks to residents within that community further creating the impression that the business entity’s sewage waste is uncontrollably flowing along nearby streets is totally mischievous, unfortunate and very misleading.

During sustained and thorough investigations mounted by this medium over a period of time it was proven beyond all reasonable doubts that the situation is otherwise as it came out glaringly that the flow of the said waste is not in any way coming from or caused by Home Suite Hotel as some are attempting the public to believe.

As a matter of fact it is a calculated move on the part of some to tarnish the good image of a business entity that believes in upholding sound sanitary conditions and co-exists decently without any objective of inconveniencing its neighbours.

The current and real situation at the scene is this: there is a supermarket just close to the hotel which is allegedly oozing out the sewage waste which goes under the fence of the hotel from where it is spilling out on the streets creating a very nauseating and pungent smell in that environment.

According to an official of the Management of the hotel when this problem emerged they drew the attention of the Freetown City Council but the latter responded that they will contact the Sierra Leone Road Authority but lamented that no action was taken by the two institutions to rectify the situation.

He emphasized that as a business entity they do not have that power to dig any street or road as it does not fall within their purview. The official disclosed that they decided to fund the digging of a passage, with the assistance of the military,that runs underneath via the Aberdeen Police Station to the sea. “Already the area that was dug has been tarred,” he also revealed.

The good news is that construction work on the drainage is currently completed and the residents in the locality are very cooperative in that regard.

“We are really impressed with the move so far made by the Management of the Hotel to facilitate the construction of the drainage although some of us are very mindful of where the sewage waste is coming from.

As far as we have resolved we will give our meaningful inputs to ensure that the problem is solved once and for all,” Musa Stronge, one of the youth activists intimated this medium during one of the fact-finding investigation adding that they are calling on the attention of the Government to intervene as there is the likelihood that the sewage waste could affect other localities.

“One cannot really fathom how a business entity such as Home Suite Hotel, which is competing with other hotels in that part of the country can complacently sit by and pamper an ugly thing like this to happen when in actual fact it is trying its best to attract customers,” the Hotel official logically argued adding that it is possible for such a thing to happen based on intermittent dislocations or technical hitches but they will not turn a blind eye to it.

He, however, regretted that instead of trying to really find out where the problem lie some are peddling the negative information that the sewage waste is coming from Home Suite Hotel.

Still trying to hammer home his point he rhetorically asked: “Does it make sense for us to see the sewage waste gathering at our fence with our customers and even ourselves feeling uncomfortable with the offensive smell?”

He said the problem is one that could be caused by clogged or corroded pipes but said that it could be surmounted further underscoring how they are willing and ready to work collaboratively with all the stakeholders in order to timely construct the drainage and ensure that the sewage waste has a proper channel that it could go through for it to be disposed safely.

Sierra Leone NP’s Ascendancy is Breath-Taking

National Petroleum (NP) SL Limited

By Amin Kef Sesay – 24 August 2019 

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) is a very successful petroleum selling entity that assiduously continues to ascend the slippery ladder within the economic landscape of this country.

The meteoric rise of NP should not come as any big surprise to anyone as it epitomizes the crystallization of determination, hard work and sheer entrepreneurial skills on the part of Sierra Leoneans who formed the company and the capable managerial teams that have been steering the affairs of a 100% indigenously owned outfit. Its continuous ascendancy is indeed a clear manifestation of dogged commitment by all those who are associated with it to succeed.

If there is one outstanding feature which makes the company quickly identified then that could be its innate passion to give maximum care and attention to its numerous customers. The company’s shareholders and management do not joke with Customer Care as it is prioritized in all the company’s transactions.

This could sound very simplistic when looked at from the face value but for NP, its thorough and cautious implementation is very close to their heart and indeed such is paying fruitful dividends. Of course it really makes sense that availing customers with qualitative petroleum products, dealing with them respectfully, negotiating win-win deals will all contribute in retaining customers as well as wooing new ones.

With all amount of certainty it could be safely concluded that NP has mastered that business technique, deepening it and is working well to which many have attested.

It has been established by development specialists that proper implementation of the Local Content Policy is indeed a very important cog that should be in the wheel of the engine to thrust growth. One business entity that is strictly adhering to enhance the Local Content Policy in this country is NP.

The shareholders and Management of the company have made it a matter of policy to get in its employ indigenes and even in cases where expatriates are engaged, local members of staff are given the opportunity to understudy them so that at the end of the day they will imbibe the necessary skills to take over.

This is very advantageous in the sense that it helps in providing jobs and to develop a crop of competent individuals which the country needs in its development interventions.

Cooking is an inevitable aspect of human life, whether for domestic and commercial purposes. Man depends on food for survival, individuals invest in food businesses and the like.

Very mindful of the hazardous effects of depleting the environment, using traditional means of cooking, here specifically talking about making use of wood, charcoal, the company deemed it prudent to introduce NP-Gas which is very fast to ignite, quick to perform, safe and highly convenient. NP Gas, which is in different sizable cylinders could be accessed at the company’s filling stations and authorized dealers.

The company has high profiled customers with tight schedules who may have limited time to always wait in queues in order to purchase petroleum products. Besides, some people are not used to have huge cash in their possession but prefer using smart cards.

For these reasons the company went the extra mile to introduce NP Smart Card which customers, those who can afford it, could use to purchase petroleum products. From what was so far gathered all the customers who are using NP Smart Card are well satisfied doing so saying it is very convenient further praising NP for rolling out that initiative.

The viability of NP could be measured by its expansionist achievements both within the country and in the West African sub-region as is evident with the opening of branches in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia. For a hundred percent indigenously owned company to go to such a level of spreading its tentacles is actually commendable and worthy of praise. As far as we know the branches in all those countries are doing extremely well although there are inevitable challenges which it has been surmounting.

One thing which cannot be challenged is the fact that NP, not only here in Sierra Leone but in other places where it is functioning, is greatly contributing to revenue accumulation when we think of its timely payment of taxes which Governments are using to fund various development projects.

Regardless, of all the teething challenges that stand in the way of NP, one of which is the depreciation of the Leone to the Dollar, as the company purchases petroleum products in dollars, yet still the company is navigating its way through murky economic waters.

Without mincing the truth, NP’s ascendancy is really breath-taking and highly impressive.