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“Atlantic-Lumley Bridge Is Litmus Test Of Local Content Policy in Sierra Leone…” – Works Minister Avers

Newly constructed Atlantic-Lumley Bridge

By Amin Kef Sesay – August 1st 2019

Full of Vigour, energy and enthusiasm, Minister of Works and Public Asset, Peter Bayoku Conteh, on Thursday 1st August 2019,

officially authorised the use of the newly constructed Atlantic-Lumley Bridge, which was constructed by a Sierra Leonean owned company, SeCon; but he was quick to state that this is not the official commissioning of the bridge. That will be done by the President after the whole project has been fully completed.

Present at the ceremony were the Minister of Works and Public Assets, Peter Bayoku Conteh, Head of the SLRSA, David Panda Noah, Representative of the SLP, AIG Sahr Senessie, Deputy Minister of Works, Philip T. Tondoneh, Parliamentary Representative of constituency 132, Hon. Ibrima Tawa Conteh, Director General of SLRA, Ing Amara Jambai Kanneh, top officials of the SLRA, Sidi Sowa, Representative of Cemmat Group (Consultant chosen by SLRA and the Ministry), Charles Mambu,  CSO Representative, members of the community, SeCon’s Chief Executive Officer, Papa Chendeka and other stakeholders.

Speaking during the ceremony, Minister of Works, Peter Bayoku Conteh stressed that the bridge project undertaken by SeCon has not been fully completed, but as a substantial area has been completed and cries from the public to use the road continue to mount in respect of the easing of the traffic at Lumley, he is only giving authorisation for the use of the road from Atlantic to Lumley via the bridge, but that after completion of the other areas included in the contract, which involves the road to Crab Town, the entire project will be commissioned by President Bio. He observed that there are still work to do to beautify the bridge and the provision of light along the route from Lumley to Atlantic, so as to safeguard residents and users at night.

Minister Bayoku stressed that Sierra Leone now has a government that is passionate about bringing development to the country. The government, he maintained has vowed to promote local content and will do all in its power to ensure that contracts are awarded to local companies, but maintain that it will not support any group or individual who is a crook. Government is determined to improve the roads and sooner than later Sierra Leoneans will take possession of all development projects in the country.

Bayoku Conteh further stressed that during his tour around the peninsula, he noticed a lot of makeshift sharks (pan bodi) along the right of way. These he added are being used by criminals for various criminal activities and intimated that he will soon authorise the demolition of all such structures along the road. The country, in his opinion, now has a very good administration in the ministry and expert personnels in the SLRA board, with an expert as chairman and competent engineers. These will ensure that the road projects scheduled to be done with the available resources will be done perfectly. He further stressed that the government of President Bio is a talk and do government and whatever they promise to do, that they will do before the President’s term of office ends.

SeCon’s CEO, Papa Chendeka, expressed appreciation to the government for giving Sierra Leoneans the opportunity to do Sierra Leonean work and praised the SLRA for the technical cooperation offered during the project from the drafting to the stage in which it is now and to Cemmat, the consultants, for their technical advices to achieve this feat.

He stressed that the work done so far is a manifestation that Sierra Leoneans are also capable of doing quality road works and urged the government to award more road contracts to indigenous companies, adding that when money is paid to them the money is not taken out of the country but also boosts its economy.

The Atlantic-Lumley Road Project, he said, cost Le29 billion and assured the government and all Sierra Leoneans that SeCon is ready and determined to continue to do quality work for the nation. He praised the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (another indigenous banking institution), for their service during trying times.

Chendeka further stressed that as Sierra Leoneans believe in President Bio to the extent of electing him to lead them forward, he is hopeful that the President will reciprocate similar trust in Sierra Leoneans to do Sierra Leonean jobs.

RMFA’s Director in his own contribution said that they have the mandate to do payments to contractors on the authorisation of the Ministry of Finance. He expressed happiness at the work done by SeCon adding that evidences like these are value for money. SLRSA’s David Panda Noah maintained that he is happy to witness the work done by the company, as it will further enhance their work and reduce the number of personnels deployed on the streets to handle traffic congestion and ensure safety of citizens. This free flow will be good for all. AIG Senessie of the Sierra Leone Police also expressed satisfaction in seeing the road completed and promised to continue their work with the SLRSA. He advised all citizens to observe the law.

Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh of Constituency 132, where the beneficiaries of the project reside, also joined others to praise SeCon for a wonderful work done and further appealed to the minister of works to consider other roads, especially those in Kaningo namely; Sheriff, Momoh and Minah drives. They are badly needed by the over 11,000 constituents living in that area.

Charles Mambu, Chairman Roads for Development, also expressed similar sentiments, adding that road works is part of the recommendations made in respect of infrastructural development of the country and heaped praises on SeCon for the transparency it has shown in displaying the cost of the road project on a sign board erected on the site. This is what they had requested that all road construction companies do.

The ceremony was climaxed by a tour of the bridge by all the dignitaries and stakeholders from Juba/Lumley to the Atlantic Junction at Beach Road.


Sierra Leone: Gay Engineer Flees For Safety

Albert Septimus Kallon

A known gay engineer, Albert Septimus Kallon is reported to have fled for his life and safety to avoid the wrath of members of his community.

This comes as the 29 year old is reported to have been caught pants down by their housemaid on Wednesday 13th March, 2019 while engaged in same sex with his parents away on church duties.

The neighbourhood was alerted to the incident when the maid who is said to have been in utter shock, shouted about what she had seen.

Born to a devout Christian father- Joseph Dauda Kallon, Albert’s sexual orientation has sparked anger from both community and church members who still view homosexuality as an “abominable act” that should have no place in present day Sierra Leone.

With secret reprisals meted out on those found to be gay on the increase, Albert according to our source immediately fled the house for his safety.

His father is reported to be under immense pressure from the Church to resign his post as an executive for “subjecting the church to ridicule and scorn.”

As the whereabouts of Albert still remains unknown, the West African country of Sierra Leone remains one of those in the sub-region yet to legislate on the rights of persons with same sex orientation: causing them to be abused in communities around the country while in some cases face severe attacks.

Traditional beliefs have ensured that there is no tolerance but hostility towards persons suspected to be practicing same sex. These people live in constant fear and insecurity.

Many are reported to have fled the country in search of conducive and accommodating countries to ensure their human rights are protected including that of their sexual orientation.


President Bio Lectures at Abuja Defence College

President Julius Maada Bio
President Julius Maada Bio on Tuesday 30th July, 2019 lectured around 127 participants who have completed Course 27 at the National Defence College in Nigeria. The President was accompanied by the First Lady Mrs. Fatima Bio.
President Dr. Julius Maada Bio has delivered an inspirational lecture at the National Defence College to Graduands of Course 27 on the theme “Youth Inclusiveness and Good Governance: Imperatives for Regional Security and Development.
Addressing Graduands, Staff of the National Defence College, Senior Military Officials, Diplomats and Government Officials, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio started by narrating his personal story of how at the age 4 he lost his father and had a mother who was illiterate but believed in the power of education and was determined to make him a better person through education.
“But I could have easily dropped out of school, worked menial jobs, and lived rough on urban streets. I could have adopted a life of drugs and crime and embraced violence in order to survive. I could have joined a violent anti-government insurrection as a rebel. My story would have been different. As a young military officer, I hearkened the call of duty in the bushy borderlands interdicting smugglers and providing aviation security. From a baptism of heavy withering fire on the beaches of civil war Monrovia, I was to spend several more years with my comrades, fighting in the jungles of Sierra Leone to protect my compatriots,” His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio explained.
He also said that the topic for the Lecture on youth revolved around how African countries have grappled with the youth question, integrated youth in policy-making and implementation, and what are the implications for national and regional security and development. He highlighted some of the factors that lead to lack of opportunity for young people, exclusion and youth disillusionment in African countries which include corruption, nepotism, governance deficits and inefficiencies, uneven state resource distribution and management and lack of social services and infrastructure.
More specifically, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio also examined some of the barriers to youth participation in good governance which include narrow political space for young people in state governance and political parties; lack of access to quality education, vocational training and economic opportunities; limited civic spaces and civic participation because young people are either not well organised in civic organisations or their interests are not fully represented in existing organisations; and lack of youth engagement in national policy and planning dialogue. He also spoke about some of the policy and structural interventions that have been implemented in Sierra Leone to enhance youth inclusiveness in governance since the end of the war.
Proffering solutions to addressing the lack of youth inclusiveness in good governance, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio submitted that young people should be given leadership roles in governance and added “Those roles should be central to setting a forward-looking agenda within government and should be at the heart of policy and decision-making.” He also suggested that creating viable forums for dialogue with youth at all levels of governance will align government and youth policy choices and strategies. His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio further stated that government should promote access to quality education and skills training for young people to improve livelihood opportunities. Youth entrepreneurship and encouraging young people on their social responsibilities are also part of what His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio submitted would enhance youth inclusiveness in governance.
 His Excellency President Bio concluded his inspiring Lecture with some words of optimism in the college auditorium “Building the capacity of young people is not an option, it is at the heart of good governance and sustainable development. It fosters healthier, more educated, more peaceful, and more prosperous nations.”
As he concluded, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio received a sustained standing ovation from Graduands, Staff of the College, Senior Military Officials, Members of the Diplomatic Corps and Senior Government Officials in Nigeria. The National Defence College later presented gifts to the President and First Lady.  After the gifts presentation, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio and Her Excellency Madam Fatima Bio were led for the traditional photo with the Graduands of Course 27 and Staff of the College. A reception was also held by the College in honour of His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio. The Commandant of the College is Rear Admiral Makanju Mackson Kadiri.
This year’s participants at the National Defence College are from Nigeria, Bangladesh, Republic of Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Republic of Ghana, India, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone. The National Defence College in Abuja is the highest military training institution in Nigeria.
The topic of the Graduation Lecture was: “Youth Inclusiveness and Good Governance: Imperatives for Regional Security and Development”. His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio is expected to share his personal experience as a young military officer defending his compatriots in Sierra Leone and peacekeeping in Liberia. He is also expected to highlight the significance of youth inclusiveness in good governance, the barriers to youth participation in good governance and to showcase the high number of young people making remarkable contribution to the governance process under his leadership.
In line with his continued determination for lean delegation in overseas travel, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio and Madam Fatima Bio were accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mrs. Nabeela Tunis, the Deputy Minister of Defence, Hon. Rtd. Col. Simeon N. Sheriff, State Chief of Protocol, Ambassador Fatmata Edna Kargbo and Press Secretary and Presidential Spokesman, Yusuf Keketoma Sandi.

Sierra Leone: On World Breast Feeding Week: MOHS & Partners Woo Men’s Support

As the first week of August (1st – 7th) marks World Breastfeeding Week, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and its partners have called on husbands and male partners to support their wives and female partners to exclusively breastfeed their suckling children, as breast milk is not only the nutritional foundation necessary for healthy growth and development of the child, but also maintains the health of both the mother and child.

The call was made at a press briefing on the celebration of World Breastfeeding Week at the MoHS conference hall at Youyi Building in Freetown on Wednesday 30th July.

In his opening statement, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Amara Jambai, said that if breast feeding is done well it will improve the wellbeing of the child and the mother. Dr. Jambai continued that we live in harsh environment and if a child is exclusively breastfed the child is given the opportunity to be healthy and strong enough to thrive in the next generation. He called on husbands & male partners to support their wives and female partners to exclusively breastfeed their children, as their support will play a key role in ensuring that their children are properly and exclusively breastfed.

He further urged family members, friends, neighbours, religious leaders and grandmothers to support suckling mothers to breastfeed their children, as it takes a whole community to raise a child.

“The World Breast Feeding week does not only stop at the press briefing, but a week-long celebration with series of awareness raising and other activities” stated Dr. Jambai

Director at the Directorate of Food and Nutrition, Aminata Shamit Koroma noted that there is need to promote and protect breast feeding in the country and that is the more reason the theme for this year’s celebration is “Empower Parents; Enable Breastfeeding” and that there is need for team work to ensure that our children are exclusively breastfed, of which husbands and partners have a pivotal role.

She stressed that, when they talk about exclusive breastfeed, they actually mean breast milk only for the child until six month after birth, not even water. She also said that they were also promoting that babies should be put to breast within 1 hour of birth.

She also urged that we need to work harder to achieve the 80% set target goal of exclusive breastfeeding to be achieved in 2030.

She also said that 80% of mothers’ breast feed, but do not exclusively breastfeed. This she noted would impact the country of reaching her global target of 80% exclusive breastfeeding benchmark.

UNICEF Country Representative to Sierra Leone, Mohamed Al-Bashir Ibrahim, who spoke on behalf of the UN Family said that breastfeeding is not only a biological process, but also a socio economic investment, which he noted, should be tapped into.

Mr. Bashir continued to state that higher breastfeeding rate can reduce long time cost and burden to government and there is no industry that can produce breast milk. Breastmilk is a nutritional food for young children” Mr. Al-Bashir stressed.

He ended by saying that Sierra Leone has made tremendous progress in the area of breastfeeding, but there however barriers to exclusive breastfeed that need to be addressed.


Sierra Leone: Ahead of 74th  UNGA… President Bio Ready to Repeal Criminal Libel Law

President Julius Maada Bio

The President Bio-led Sierra Leone people’s Government of Sierra Leone is on course to repeal the 1965 criminal libel law, according to the Minister of Information and Communication.

The repeal is expected to come ahead of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly which will open on 17th September 2019.

The Minister was speaking at the Information Ministry’s 8th floor conference room at Youyi Building in Freetown whilst answering to questions about progress made on the repeal process.

According to Mohamed Rahman Swarray, he would wish to put an embargo on further discussions about the Criminal Libel Law and look forward to the time when he would inform the public that true to his Excellency’s prior commitment to repeal the Criminal Libel Laws, it has finally been done.

“I only wanted to talk to you about it that; look ladies and gentlemen, it is my greatest pleasure to inform you that true to His Excellency’s prior commitment to repeal the Criminal Libel Laws we have finally done it.”

He further noted that the repeal process is firmly on course and he is confident that one of the key messages in the president’s presentation to the UN general assembly after the repeal would be that sierra Leone has joined the greater committee of nations in terms of media freedom plurality and creating an enabling environment for the media to practice

“The repeal process is firmly on course and I am confident that one of the key messages in his Excellency’s report card to the un general assembly this year is that the criminal libel law has been repealed and sierra Leone has joined the greater committee of nations in terms of media freedom plurality and creating more enabling environment for the media to thrive and practice”

He however encouraged media practitioners to do their work professionally, pointing out that media professionals have a responsibility to do what is right.

The minister further pledged government’s willingness to work with the new SLAJ executive and other salient stakeholders to ensure the media landscape is changed for the better.

Sierra Leone: 34 Military Hospital Starts Simulation Exercise

Deputy Defence Minister and other officials present

The RSLAF 34 Hospital has launched the fourth simulation exercise under the Rapidly Deployable Isolation and Treatment Facility (RDITF) at the Peacekeeping Military Training Center (PMTC) at Hastings over the weekend.

Explaining about the exercise the Commanding Officer of Military 34 Hospital Dr. Stephen Sevalie said this is the fourth simulation exercise that the military is doing and they are preparing themselves and the country in case of any outbreak in the country.

He said the facility at Hastings has 36 beds for such cases that they will be taken care of within 96 hours.

“The simulation exercise will be a joint operation together with the Ministry of Health and with support from the British, Chinese and Americans as they have been of great help in setting up the facility as well as supporting us with equipment.”

Dr. Sevalie said in the 34 military hospital the Chinese have built a 30 bed infectious disease centre for training, effective treatment and quarantine.

“The reason for such exercise is to give us a clear picture of screening and triage, infection and prevention control, collaboration and coordination and infrastructure. We hope that at the end of the exercise we will be refreshed, we will have corrected the gaps and identify new ones, there will be a standard budget, good infrastructure, transfer capacity and the public will have enough confidence on us.”

Director of Public Health, Dr. Mohamed Vandi said the exercise is in place and the MOHS has just concluded one.

He said one reason why this simulation exercise is good is to prepare the staff to be prepared to be deployed any part in the country in case of outbreak.

“We are very happy that this exercise is being done by the military and MOHS only as this has shown how far we have come from 2014 when Ebola struck. I do hope that this exercise will continue in the future.”

The Deputy Minister of Defence Rtd. Capt. Sheriff said the exercise is in place and what the military is doing is for the good of the country.

He said the military is currently in a high spirit and they have been doing great in preparing for any outbreak in the country.

The US Embassy representative Lt. Col. Braden Coleman said any outbreak in Sierra Leone means the world is at risk as what is happening now in Congo.

He said the preparedness of the military and MOHS is in the right direction and they will continue to support such exercise.

ISAT Lt. Col. Matthew Palmer said they were the first to start the process with the military and they are happy that they have continued and they can now do it without outside help. He said they will continue to support the military and their partners in the future.

The Team Leader of the Chinese Military Medical Team Dr. Guang Yu Zhao (George) said they since the Ebola outbreak they have been working with the military and they will not stop as they are the new team to have come and work with the military.

He said the exercise is in place as it is preparing the country for any outbreak in the future. Dr. George said whatever assistance needed by the military they are ready to support them to get them well prepared to service the country.

The Deputy Minister of Health Dr. Jonathan Vandi who gave the keynote address said all what he should have said the other speakers have said they hope that the exercise, which must be of immense value in the future.

He said they are preparing for an outbreak when it will occur because he said already the country’s scientist have discovered Marburg and Bombali viruses in four districts, which make the entire country vulnerable.

“It is for this reason that we at the Ministry of Health are working with the military to get the health workers well prepared for that time. I am confident that this exercise will be very successful and it will put our health sector in the right place at the right time.”

The Chief of Defence staff and his deputy Lt.Gen. Bureh Sesay and Maj. Gen. Taluva were present to grace the occasion.

Col. Bangura who is the Commanding Officer at the training center welcome all the guests and the coordinator of the exercise Lt Col. H.S. Bangura gave the vote of thanks before the officials present made a tour to all the facilities that the exercise will take place.


Sierra Leone: Eastern Polytechnic to Become University

The Chief Minister of the Republic of Sierra Leone has confirmed that the Eastern Polytechnic in Kenema would be transformed and upgraded into University status.

Prof. David Francis made this disclosure at a stakeholders’ conference in Kenema on Saturday July 27 2019.

At the event, the Chief Minister formally launched a ‘development fund’ to support the process of establishing the ‘University of the East’ and pledged seed money to the tune of One Hundred Million Leones (Le100,000,000).

Pledges as high as two hundred million Leones (Le200,000,000) and as humble as two hundred and fifty thousand Leones (Le250,000) were made by various stakeholders including a company known as First Tricon.

The Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Prof. Aiah Gbakima pledged the sum of twenty million Leones (Le20,000,000) on behalf of the Ministry, while his Deputy, Dr. Turad Senesie pledged the same amount on his personal behalf.

The total amount raised in pledges is estimated around one billion Leones (Le1,000,000,000), and this exceeded the chief minister’s expected goal of raising one billion Leones by December 2019.

However, the challenge to raise 15 billion Leones, as stakeholders’ contribution, within the next two years, while also seeking external financial support, remains in force.

Earlier, the Chief Minister disclosed that work is in progress to actualise the President’s pronouncement made some ten months ago to upgrade the Eastern Polytechnic into a University.

Prof. Francis is optimistic that the transformation project would have received cabinet approval and tabled in parliament by March next year.

He disclosed that the project that will result in the establishment of three campuses is estimated at some 50 million US Dollars.

“There would not have been a better time with the right mobilisation and leadership than now to upgrade the Eastern Polytechnic,” the Chief Minister pointed out.

Kenema stakeholders were unanimous in their resolve for the upgrade, and the higher education minister assured them that the president’s pronouncement would be actualised.

Omrie Golley Procures 50 Tractors for Cacao Production in Sierra Leone

Ambassador Omrie Golley, current CEO/Chairman Board of Directors of Afric-Asia Asset Holdings Limited based in London, UK

In line with his agenda to provide for the very vulnerable Sierra Leoneans, Ambassador Omrie Michael Golley has successfully procured a total of fifty (50) tractors to support cacao production in Sierra Leone.

A 50 RX35 Sonalika tractor procured to support cacao production in Sierra Leone

This was confirmed by the National Coordinator of Gbotima Seenava Organisation- a fully registered and operational non-governmental organisation (NGO) operating in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone.

Mr. Joseph Brima Kpukumu during their organisation’s three days working visit to their agricultural sites in four (4) communities in Gbane Chiefdom, Kono District, maintained that they are grateful to Mr. Golley for his effort.

Whilst explaining on behalf of Ambassador Omrie Golley who is a major financier in several agricultural projects in that part of the country, Mr. Kpukumu confirmed that the former Ambassador who served under the previous government of Ernest Bai Koroma is a patriot who believes in helping the poor and vulnerable by creating ways for their sustenance.

He said the very renowned UK based lawyer, Ambassador Omrie Golley who is the current CEO/Chairman Board of Directors of Afric-Asia Asset Holdings Limited based in the London, United Kingdom, is working tirelessly with other colleagues from other countries to revamp the aspect of cocoa production in Sierra Leone.

Dilating on the moves done so far, Mr. Kpukumu said the investors will focus on other agricultural areas, but are prioritising cocoa production for now, and thus the reason why they have bought 50 tractors for now at a cost of USD 8500 (eight thousand five hundred US Dollars) each.

He said the tractors would be used to buy cocoa produce in the villages where they are grown, thus saving poor farmers the excruciating burden for traveling to bigger cities to solicit buyers. He said the project will also involve getting planting seeds to farmers and later on buying from them after they have harvested their produce at more competitive prices to incentivize farmers further.

He added that the project will also reduce the high rate of unemployed youths in the cities because many will return to their communities in the rural areas to indulge in agricultural activities.

On his side, the lead person of the projects in Gbane Chiefdom, Kono District, Mr. Edwin Gongor said Ambassador Omrie Golley is his friend in UK and that it was the latter who urged him to come and invest his time and efforts in agricultural activities in his home chiefdom. He said he has already started an agricultural project with support from Ambassador Omrie Golley to start farming activities in his chiefdom. He said this project is also keen on Gari production in Kono, Bo, Moyamba and Kailahun districts. He said, Ambassador Omrie Golley also sponsor his in the farming of rice, yam, cassava and ginger.

He however raised that the most paramount concern issue for them now is the road infrastructure for the transportation of their products to the cities, but nonetheless expressed optimism that that could be addressed.

Chief Aiah Williams of Wandama Village expressed his joy over the implementation of the project. He said as natives that are willing to expand their farming activities from 12 hectares of land to 30 hectares in the coming year.

Moijoeh Kaikai, Chairman of Gbotima Seenava Organisation said Ambassador Omrie Golley is the sole funder of their agricultural project. He commended Eddie for his relentless effort in carrying on with the project and the successful implementation of the project.

Massa Kallon, Chairlady of Gbotima Seenava Organisation said she is from Nongowa Chiefdom, Kenema District, same Eastern Sierra Leone, but that the group comprises of farmers of all districts in the southern and eastern regions of the country. She called on the women to give their best in actualizing these agricultural projects and urged them to work in tandem with men for the sustenance of agriculture in Sierra Leone.

Meanwhile, it could be recalled that, one of the main opposition All peoples Congress (APC) former ambassadors, Omrie Michael Golley who served as Sierra Leone Ambassador to the Republic of South Korea had earlier promised to reactivate his contacts by bringing on board all of them through his Afric-Asia Asset Holdings Limited to ensure that all key players of Sierra Leone political system work together for the betterment of the people. It is against this backdrop that he is funding several agricultural projects across major areas in Sierra Leone.


Sierra Leone: New Road for Tacugama Soon … Works Minister

Minister of Works and Public Assets, Peter Bayuku Conteh, on Monday, 29th July, 2019, engaged the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in his office in New England Ville, Freetown, where he appealed to him to construct a one-and-half kilometre road leading to Tacugama Sanctuary.

Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, which is situated in Regent village in the Western Area Rural District, is one of the touristic attraction sites in Sierra Leone.

Peter Bayuku Conteh told the Chinese Ambassador that the Chinese constructed the Youyi (friendship) Road between Regent and Grafton but have not yet completed a one-and-half kilometre road leading to the Tacugama Sanctuary, which was part of the offer.

“We are appealing to the Chinese government to construct it. Beside that one, we also need support in our engineering sector. We need training and scholarship opportunities for our staff especially the engineers at the Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA),” he said.

He noted that his ministry is also in need of support to have a national asset database.

“We will have a national road investment conference because we have a clear idea of the roads we want to improve on but we lack the funds to do so. This conference, which would take place in November 2019, would bring investors together and we could deliberate on how we could improve our roads on a design, build, operate and transfer (DBOT) basis. We want the Chinese to be part of it,” he noted.

He said as a country, it is good to always promote and protect Sierra Leoneans’ interest as well as creating an enabling environment for investment to thrive.

“We inherited the country from a very corrupt government with shabby transactions. As a responsible government that believes in transparency and accountability, we should always embark on everything that has a Sierra Leonean interest,” he said.

Chinese Ambassador, Hu Zhangliang, said China and Sierra Leone have had a very good cooperation in the area of infrastructure, adding that when President Bio met President Xi Jinping in China last year, they laid a blueprint for the future development of both countries.

“Both presidents signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). I want to categorically state here that China takes Sierra Leone as a genuine friend. We will do whatever we can to help this country,” he said.

He noted that Chinese construction works are the best in the world, adding that they do quality construction projects with low cost as opposed to other foreign construction companies.

“We always consider quality, safety and timeliness in our construction works. If there are no funds to embark on infrastructural projects, the government must develop good policies that would attract investors. There should be consistency in those policies as well,” he said.

He noted that they have always encouraged Chinese companies to understand the situation in any host country that they operate, noting that they are also always encouraged to respect local traditions and customs.

Chairman, Board of Directors of SLRA, Joseph S. Kelfala, told the Chinese Ambassador that the agreement of the toll road, which is under construction between Wellington-Masiaka, should be reviewed.

“The universally accepted rule for a toll gate is that the people should start to pay when it is completed. But the Chinese company only did 10 kilometres and started to request for toll payment from motorists. For the sake of transparency, we want to know how much is being collected per day or month, and for what reason is the toll payment collected,” he said.

He noted that they are equally interested to know if the current toll payment is going towards offsetting the debt on the toll road agreement.

“We are also interested to know how much you are spending from what you are collecting from us. We are not discouraging investors, and we will never do so, but we want proper things to be done for the benefits of both Sierra Leoneans and investors,” he noted.

Philip Tetema Tondeneh, Deputy Minister of Works and Public Assets, called on the Chinese Ambassador to encourage Chinese companies, especially those investing on roads, to do their banking with any of the government banks.


Africell Set to Invest Additional $100M in Sierra Leone

Africell CEO Ziad Dalloul
Africell CEO Ziad Dalloul

Africell is set to invest in expanding its network and also growing its financial technology services like Africell money in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

Ziad Dalloul told the media that the money would help fund infrastructure investments for its operations in Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, The Gambia and Sierra Leone.

He added that in Uganda and in other African subsidiaries, the company plans to spend part of a $100 million investment. This was announced by, Chief Executive Ziad Dalloul during his visit to their Clement Hill Headquarters offices in Uganda.

With over 15 million subscribers across its four African operations about 4 million from Uganda alone, the company secured the loan in May from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. government’s private investment fund.

In his speech to the employees, the Africell CEO was not detailed on how much the company is willing to spend.

Last year, American firm OPIC signed a $35 million (UGX 130 million) contract with Africell. The Overseas Private Investment Corporation said that this is for value addition. OPIC was to invest a total of $59 million (UGX 220 billion).

Ziad Dalloul said this new investment will help the company increase its struggling Africell Money (Mobile Money Service), and its micro-insurance and micro-finance.

Africell also wants to expand to the other two countries in Africa “We are looking only at markets where we can make a difference,” the CEO said, saying this included Angola and Zimbabwe. Africell has $300 million, separate from the OPIC credit line, to spend on a new market.