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David Lansana Narrowly Escapes Death After Refusing Initiation Into Secret Society…

David Lansana

By Abdulrahman Kamara

According to reports from Bumpeh Chiefdom in the Bo District, one David Lansana, the son of Henry Lansana. And heir to the throne of the secret Society in the chiefdom narrowly escaped death from his captors, as he refused to be initiated into the society due to his faith, as a Christian.

According to family sources, throne in the secret society is hereditary and David is to ascend the throne after his father’s death. It was also disclosed that his grandfather, before his death, had declared that after the death of David’s father, his son should replace him.

After the death of his father, senior members of the secret society approached David and tried to convince him to take his father’s position in the society as an inheritance, but he refused. One fateful day, it was disclosed that they physically came to take him away, during which a serious struggle ensued, resulting in heavy beating by the crowd of society young and energetic men. David is said to have fallen unconscious and was taken to the society bush (Shrine) for initiation, when he recovers.

Our sources further explained that whilst in the shrine, an uncle of David (name withheld for security reasons), and also a member of the society escaped with David who was then unable to walk, and took him to a nearby village where he was being treated. After recovery, David decided to venture out of the streets in the village and was attacked by two young men, who were members of the secret society from his village and were in the area on other venture.  These youths then told him that they will take him to their shrine and will call for help if it reaches that stage. During the fracas that ensued, David hit one of the youths with a strong stick, and he collapsed, apparently unconscious, and the other fled for help.

According to our investigations, it was further disclosed that t5he same Uncle called David shortly after that incident enquiring about his whereabouts, and advised him to leave the village and that his life is in danger. It was also disclosed that David was intimated by close friend of the traditional healer with whom he was staying and who helped him recover his walk, that the Police are looking for him, as there are indications that the youth he had hit with the stick was in a state of coma and he was now wanted by the police. Amidst this situation, David is said to have disappeared and his whereabouts are still unknown.

As we go to press, all efforts to reach the young man has proved futile, as no one has been able to tell us where he is, except that he is wanted by the police and that the secret society has sworn to capture him and teach him a lesson of his life. It is common knowledge that since those in authority are members of one secret society or the other little is being done to deal with such threats and a refusal to adhere to the dictates of the society is death.

Nathaniel Abubakarr Savage: Missing & Wanted By the Poro Society

Nathaniel Abubakarr Savage
Nathaniel Abubakarr Savage

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In the field of journalism sometimes one thing leads to another thing or issue and that was exactly what transpired when this news medium honoured an invitation to cover the commissioning of a school that was constructed by a philanthropist in one of the deprived communities in the rural setting of Sierra Leone.

One of our ace reporters, who was designated to cover the event, also decided, in addition, to file in a story which we, the Editorial Team, deemed is newsworthy within the category of human interest stories.

The issue bothers around an attempted violation of the Freedom of Association of one Nathaniel Abubakarr Savage, who, three days ago, to be precise in June of 2017 was forced by his father, Sanusi Savage, to become a member of a highly secret society for young boys and men, the dreaded Poro Secret Society as a rite of passage into adulthood.

Sanusi Savage, father of Nathaniel Abubakarr Savage is a senior member of the society, occupying the position of “Gbanabom”, which is a powerful position or rank in the society. Because the father was advancing in age it was traditionally recommended, as the custom demands, for Nathaniel to be groomed as a “Gbanabom” in order to smoothly succeed his father. However, when the son learnt about the plan and what he knows about the things that his father does during initiation ceremonies he made up his mind not to associate himself with the secret society.

To translate the laid down plan into reality the father decided to bring the Poro Society members to his house in order to take Nathaniel by force against his will but luckily Nathaniel saw them coming from afar.  He quickly decided to hide and ran away from the house. However, he returned in the evening hours and was chastised by the old man for leaving the house without permission. He was severely beaten with a belt by the father, especially for not going according to his wish, not to become a member of the society.

After a week, his father, Sanusi Savage decided to bring the society members again to take Nathaniel but this time around he was sleeping inside so he didn’t see them coming but only heard the unique sound that is associated with the Poro Society.

Nathaniel immediately got out of the bed and jumped through the window to seek refuge at the house of his uncle, Samuel Koroma, at Mountain Town, Regent Village.

While residing at his uncle’s house, Nathaniel decided to start going to church though he was a Muslim who hails from strong Muslim family background.

When the father and other members of the Poro Society learnt that Nathaniel was residing at his uncle’s place and he has now become a Christian they stormed the uncle’s house with machetes and bottles but were unable to enter the house because it had a strong iron gate. They started to furiously hit the gate but the uncle refused opening the gate and they disappointedly left.

After one week the society members came back to the house and did the same thing but were still unsuccessful in getting Nathaniel and they despondently left again.

Sadly, on the 14th August 2017, Nathaniel’s uncle, Samuel Koroma, died in a tragic mudslide incident that occurred at night up at Regent Village. It was feared that Nathaniel was among the victims of the tragic landslide that died in the affected house.

However, according to a reliable source his uncle took him to safety out of the house before the unfortunate incident happened out of fear that the Society members will successfully apply another strategy to lay hands on the poor boy.

Up to this moment of going to Press the whereabouts of Nathaniel Abubakarr Savage is not known. But what is certain is that the members of the Poro Society are desperately searching for him vowing that if he is seen they will kill him and sacrifice him to the Poro gods.

For now Nathaniel has been declared wanted in the country by the Police and the Poro Society members. The Police want to ascertain whether he was among the victims of the tragic incident and the Poro Society members for what they consider as treachery especially for failing to adhere to the dictates of tradition.

From what this medium learnt there are other hapless young boys and girls in the country who are forced to be associated with certain traditional practices, including forceful membership into secret societies, some very harmful, against their wishes all in the name of preserving traditions or customs.

However, in reality, their basic fundamental human rights are being violated with impunity on a daily basis which is why it is important for Rights-Based Organizations in the country to step advocacy and raise up their voices loud against such harmful traditional practices otherwise young people will continue to suffer in silence having nowhere to seek redress.


Mohamed K. Kamara declared wanted by Police for alleged homosexual activity

Mohamed K. Kamara.jpg
The missing gay, Mohamed K. Kamara

By Karifa Thoronka

The increasing reports of isolated physical attacks on persons found to be gay seem to have no end in sight as the recent case of Mohamed K. Kamara indicates. According to reliable source, from one Morila Mansaray of Thunder Hill road Kissy Mess Mess in Freetown, he narrated by identifying  Mohamed K. Kamara  as one of his best friend since childhood, but Mohamed his friend had been very secretive about his sexual orientation since they were early teenagers. ‘’until I finally catch him having sex with his male partner Abass Fofonah at his house’’ he says.

Whiles explaining to the media, Morila Mansaray noted that when he visited Abass Fofonah in search of Mohamed in the Morning hour of 19 July 2017, he opens the door, and he could not bear the shock of what he had seen, so he decided to punched Mohamed on his face and remove two of his tooth. ‘’whiles I alert the neighbors as I shorted in disgust’’ he noted. Morila continue by explaining that less than a minutes crown gather in the room, started beating humiliating Mohamed K. Kamara and Abass Fofonah, and later informed the police about the awkward incident.

Responding to the incident in disappointing mood, the chief Imam in the Community says that the act is not allow in the Country, and from religions perspectives, homosexuality is problematic because it is sinful. He further by saying that the two boys most pay for their acts and their families must be harassed and humiliated until they found their missing sons.

The Chief Imam revealed that it was after serious beating, and waiting for the police to collect them Mohamed Fainted and he was rush for treatment, it was at that time Mohamed .K. Kamara disappeared. As Mohamed parents were all dead during a motor accident, no family member is ready to fight for him.

Until press time, the police and the community members are still searching for Mohamed .K. Kamara and Abass Fofonah.

Mohamed Kamara Wanted By The Police

Mohamed Kamara

By Mary Kabay

Mohamed Kamara of Robbiswala village in Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District, Northern Province, is wanted by the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) for attempted murder and arson on 5th July, 2017.

The fugitive is wanted for the attempted murder of Alhaji Bangura and the burning down of the secret societal ground.

According to the prosecutor, Inspector Alimu Koroma from the Legal Justice and Support Department of the Police, Mohamed Kamara whose whereabouts is unknown stabbed the alleged victim, Alhaji Bangura with a knife in the chest, while they were taking him forcefully to the societal initiation ground on the said date, said the survival members.

According to the accused’s mother, Fatmata Sesay who testified to the Police, she said her son mistakenly stabbed the victim with a knife, when five men belonging to the cult were forcing him to be part of their secret society.

She also told the Police that they have been trying for many weeks to join him into that society activity, to which, her husband, who happens to be the accused’s father is a very strong member
The victim’s wife, Mamusu Bangura told the Crime Officer, Police Detective Sergeant that they have to arrest the suspect who attempted to kill her husband who must be punished or even sentenced him to death.

According to the Crime Officer in charge of the case, police are searching for the fugitive and they will not respite the case until the accused is caught and punished if found guilty by a court for the said crime.

Man Escapes Narrow Death

Babah Wagay

By Alhassan Spear Kamara

A Sierra Leonean by the name of Babah Wagay, who was a former interpreter in a mosque at Kpetewoma village Lugbu Chiefdom, in the southern province, where his father was officiating,is presently in a state of disquiet figuring that at any given time, if trapped down by his assailants, he will kiss his last breath.His ordeal could not be unconnected to the fateful day of 7th April 2017 at 2:00pm when his father was profusely preaching in a mosque during the popular Friday afternoon prayers about awareness issues.

The main focus of his father’s preaching was mankind’s obligation to embrace God and forget about heathen things making particular reference to having no association with the Poro secret society. In the evening hours his father’s home was attacked by some elders of the Poro society and youths. His father waskidnapped, molestedand beaten with the intention of forcefully initiating him. On that same day in the evening hours his father’s house was raided by some of the elders of the Poro society. The fatherwas beaten and met him drenched in blood .He fought his father’s assailants, resisted them and set fire on the Poro bush. The Poro bush burnt down completely.

His plight now borders around his personal safety because as the situation now stands if he is seen in this country he will definitely be clandestinely tortured and killed. Knowing this fully well Wagay sought refuge in neighboring Guinea and has no intention of returning back to the country out of the fear that he will be lynched and ultimately killed.

In traditional Sierra Leone where secret societies are held in reverence and a move to burn down the meeting place of its members by a non-member is considered to be a serious offence for which the offender must punished. They are only open up to members and have laid down rules and policies to which their members must adhere to. Strict adherence and compliance are key to maintaining membership.

For now it is not absolutely certain what will happen to Wagay when he surfaces but from what this medium learnt his life is not currently safe.

Tamba Swaray Escapes Death from his Father for being Gay

The missing Tamba Swaray

By Foday Moriba Conteh

This medium was reliably informed that the life of one Tamba Swaray is currently hanging on the balance after he was caught red-handed by his father having a sexual affair with his gay partner in the father’s house in March 2017.

Whiles speaking to this Press, in a very embarrassed mood, the father of Tamba Swaray by the name of Pa Tamba Swaray, who also happens to be the Chief Imam of the Community Mosque, he highlighted that he cannot cope with the emotional impact of the scandal of his son’s involvement in a same sex relationship.

With tears in his eyes, the popular Chief Imam continued by noting that the whole issue has put him in a very funny and embarrassing situation which has reduced him to always shedding tears.

“Allah does not create gay people, it’s a path they have chosen, and that is an incorrect path according to our faith and tradition,” he says.

Pa Tamba Swaray further explained that when he made the discovery he wanted to immediately burn and kill his son Tamba Swaray in the room emphasising that the Holy Quran is against such an abominable act and that the Government of Sierra Leone is totally against gay practice in the country.

He maintained that as a Chief Imam for his son to be involved in such an act is so shameful to an extent that the son deserves to be killed as he is not fit to live.

The father further intimated our reporter that since his son left home on that very fateful day he is nowhere to be found adding that the Police have also signed a warrant of arrest for him.

During Police investigation, Isata Sesay, one of Tamba Swaray’s late mother’s best friend said the last time she set eyes on Tamba was when he went to her place to explain the awkward incident that has occurred between himself and his father.

Isata Sesay blamed bad friends for persuading Tamba to become a homosexual. She also revealed that the father of Tamba Swaray has disowned him till death while the Police are still searching for him to face the law of the land.

In this part of the world, homosexuality and lesbianism have no place in society. They are frowned upon and considered to be counter religious. There are past accounts of individuals who were caught perpetrating being lynched to death.

What will befall Tamba Swaray whenever he is seen could be anybody’s guess but for now his life is in a precarious situation.

Minister Blyden claims that the kid raped in Pujehun who later died would receive justice

Dr. Sylvia Olayinka Blyden

By Josephine Isha Kamara

The death of a 14-year-old girl called Mamie Karim, who was reportedly raped by a group of men in Pujehun, Sierra Leone, has prompted widespread outrage, as well as a tremendous demand that the men who are currently in police custody — accused with rape – be prosecuted with murder.

The girl was reportedly gang raped in Pujehun District’s Manowo Village, Malen Chiefdom. Mamie was evacuated from Manowo to Pujehun Headquarters town when her condition deteriorated, The girl had been raped, according to medical assessment.

The kid was sent from Pujehun Government Hospital to the Southern Regional Government Hospital in Bo on the orders of Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs Sylvia Blyden for a specialized gynaecological examination and other specialized care.

On the 17th of March, 2017 she was admitted to the Female Surgical Ward, where she got daily visits and full assistance from Social Welfare Ministry staff and a local NGO, the ‘Commit and Act Foundation.’

On admission, the Senior Medical Superintendent, Dr. R. Williamson Taylor, a Gynaecologist, made a provisional diagnosis. Management and nursing measures for the child’s well-being were continued under strict observation. She was improving as a result of the therapy.

Mamie had trouble walking at first. However, she progressively improved and was doing well by the end of the year. She was able to get around the hospital with only a little assistance.

When the Minister of Social Welfare, Dr. Blyden, paid her a visit in Bo, she was photographed smiling. Mamie, a 14-year-old girl, passed suddenly on May 9th, 2017.

When this reporter contacted the minister of social and children’s affairs, Dr. Sylvia Olayinka Blyden, to explain our report, she was certain about the legal action that should be done now. “I can confirm that the girl was sadly raped, reportedly by more than one men – including male relatives of hers,” she claimed. In February of this year, a crime was committed. However, her family in Pujehun’s distant hamlet was sluggish to report.

“The gang rape was discovered in March 2017 by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender & Children’s Affairs (MSWGCA).” And, because to my strong personal involvement and the assistance of Attorney General and Justice Minister – Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, we were able to guarantee that the accused perpetrators (including a male relative) were apprehended, together with the police. They were quickly charged with offenses, including gang rape, in the Pujehun Magistrate Court (forced sexual penetration). Bail was denied to all of the accused, and they were all remanded in jail.

“Those criminal charges were filed in the same month of March 2017, when we first learned of the rape, with the assistance of the Attorney General.

“However, the poor girl was clearly ill in March 2017.” So I ordered Mr. Patrick Bangura, my Southern Regional Director, to take the girl and her mother from Pujehun to Bo Government Hospital for better medical care. In March 2017, I paid my first visit to the impoverished youngster in the hospital as the Honourable Minister of Children’s Affairs. Since March 2017, my ministry has been keeping a close check on her in the hospital, while also taking care of all of her nutritional, medical, and psychological needs. But, only a few days ago, she took a sharp turn for the worst, and her condition quickly deteriorated.

“Unfortunately, she passed away today, May 9th, 2017, about lunchtime. “I quickly alerted all appropriate authorities, including the police, medical, and judicial sectors, to secure the girl’s body for post-mortem examination. Should the post mortem investigation reveal that her death was caused by the February 2017 rape, the Attorney General’s office is on high alert to have the March 2017 sexual penetration charges elevated to murder. In reality, on the 9th of May, 2017, I spent about two hours with the Director of Public Prosecutions, Suleiman Bah Esq., discussing this matter.

“The public may rest certain that both the Justice Minister and I will do all in our power to see that justice is done.” It is true, however, that the country as a whole, not only Pujehun, faces issues in safeguarding our children, and we will continue to strive as a Government to improve our service delivery for our children, including sensitizing families and communities on child rights and child protection.”

Bai Bangura’s Life In Trouble Over Gay Activities

Bai Bangura
Bai Bangura running for his life

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The life of one Bai Bangura of No: 8 Old Field Street, (Temne Mosque) in the central part of Freetown is now reported to be in trouble after being caught in gay activity with his male friend Abdul Kamara.

Speaking to this medium, Bai’s mother, Lauretta Bah said her son was caught romancing, kissing and making love with his male friend in his room by his Uncle Alhaji Mustapha Bangura contrary to the laws governing this country.

The laws of the land states that anybody arrested, charged to court and found guilty of gay related activities will be sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor.

The Tribal Headman Chief Pa Santigie Sesay said practicing gay in the country is a serious crime punishable by law and that he was shocked to later know that Bai was involved in this act especially when he came from a religious background.

He accused Bai of practicing gay since he was twelve years old. The Chief said Bai was taken to his uncle in Freetown following the death of his father since his mother cannot bear the financial cost to take care of him.

He said Bai used to sell for his uncle in the shop where he met his childhood friend and neighbor Abdul Kamara.

The report states that Bai and his male friend normally do and share things together as kids.

During their interaction, it became clear to Bai that his friend Abdul is a gay activist and that he wanted Bai to join him in the act.

He lured him to practice gay which he later accepted. The report further states that Bai and his friend were caught red handed romancing, kissing and making love by his Uncle

The Tribal Headman said both Bai and his male friend usually meet at different locations to have sex.

“One day Abdul visited Bai at his house. They had sex and unfortunately his uncle caught them on the act,” the Chief said.

He said Bai’s Uncle became furious and instructed some irate youths to beat them until Bai sustained serious injury on my left knee. Bai according to report was unable to walk for days.

“His uncle vowed to kill Bai for putting the name of the family in shame and public radicle.

His Uncle instructed the irate youths to seriously manhandle Bai for contravening the laws of the land.

Bai’s uncle ordered the family not to give food to his nephew and vowed to drastically deal with him for betraying the family.

“Because Bai could no longer bear the persistent persecution, he decided to escape to an unknown destination for fear of his life,” the Youth Leader Ahmed Kallon said.

Family members have however expressed serious concern about his safety and well-being.

Prominent LGBTI promoter Ibrahim Aziz Bangura Life’s in Danger

Ibrahim Aziz Bangura

By Alim Jalloh

It is believed that the right of association and to belong is fundamental things that affecting members who are associated with  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex.

(LGBTI)  in Sierra Leone, many young people both male  and female  has  being  discriminated, denied medical attention, rape, threatening and sometimes physically assaulted  by family and community members, this has resulted to  lost  of their life’s in some cases.

A gay Activist Ibrahim Aziz Bangura is the latest victim who narrowly escaped an attacked from his community people and fear of been killed.

On the 15th November, 2016 report reached this media that a an in-debt investigation was conducted by this media to know the level of discrimination and violation inflicted on the victim. An activist Ibrahim Aziz Bangura volunteer staff of Dignity Association was attacked and threatened to be killed, because of his LGBTI identity.

On the 10th November, 2016 as part of his assigned job designated by the Dignity Association to organize a training for the LGBTI people at Allen Town Eastern part of Freetown. On that very morning of the preparation of the program information reached the Allen communities that one gay activist (Ibrahim Aziz Bangura) a well-known household person in that particular community was about to organized a workshop for LGBTI people on this community. As soon as they received the information set of homophobic youths galvanized themselves and went directly to the known location were the program supposed be held.

Fortunately, the victim got a called from an individual that a group of people are mobilizing to unleash an attack on you. Few minutes later he saw a group of people entering the compound and started throwing stones at the building and used hate speeches like evil doers, nasty men, batty boys coming out. We are going to kill you.

Immediately as he saw them he used the back exit point as an escaped root to save his life. The same day the victim reported the matter to the complaint desk officer after which the matter was also reported to the nearest Calaba Town police station, no action was taken. Report also reached us that if not for the intervention of some family members the victim house was nearly set ablaze by the youths.

Until this time his immediate family rejected him and the community people threatened to kill him if he ever surfaced.

Osman Said Kamara Declared Wanted for Practising Gay and Bisexual

Osman Said Kamara, running for his life

By Lamin Vamboi

It has been confirmed that the Community Coordinator for a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Street Child Sierra Leone, Osman Said Kamara has been declared wanted by the police, traditional and religious leaders for allegedly practising bisexual and gay activities in Sierra Leone.

It is completely forbidden for anyone to practise bisexual, gay and lesbianism in Sierra Leone. Anyone caught practicing any of the above and charged to court and found guilty will be sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour.

Osman who has three siblings is the Community Coordinator of the above named NGO with specific duties to interact with community leaders on a daily basis under strict instructions to educate the public about sexual and gender based violence issues. He is also expected to sensitize the people including parents on their critical roles regarding the safety of women and girls in the respective districts they are operating.

He was specifically dealing with child abuse and sending reports related to those areas on a daily basis to their headquarters for prompt intervention.

A senior family member Abdul Rahman Kamara told this medium that due to his activities Osman Said Kamara became afraid to explain to friends about his bisexual activities with his male counterpart.

The Crime Officer of the Family Support Unit at the Kissy Division, Inspector Mohamed Mansaray told this medium last night that Osman Said Kamara was caught with his male friend Patrick at 06:30am on the 19th October 2016 inside the former’s (Osman Said Kamara) room, naked. He said the two were caught romancing and kissing contrary to the country’s laws.

He said both men went out to get some fun at a Club and Patrick decided to pass the night at Osman’s residence because they wanted to do their illegal act.

Inspector Mansaray who is investigating the matter said Osman’s brother Amadu Kamara met them naked in the room in the early hours when he went to woke him up for prayers.

He said Osman failed to close the door when doing their illegal act and immediately raised an alarm that caught the attention of their parents and other Muslim worshippers who were at the Mosque.

He said Osman’s father entered the room with machete and started hitting both of them and in the process, they sustained serious injuries on their necks and bodies.

Osman later escaped, from the room when the irate youths focused their attention to Patrick.

The matter the officer said was later reported to the Calaba Town Police Station.

He said since the matter was reported the whereabouts of both Osman and his fiancee Patrick remains unknown. He said the police are vigorously searching for Osman for possible charges and prosecution.

Other family members have expressed serious concern about the whereabout and safety of Osman.