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APC Reacts to Commissions of Inquiry Reports

By Foday Moriba Conteh

On the 25th March 2020, the three Commissions of Inquiry that were instituted by SLPP led Government came to a close with the submission of a comprehensive three in one Report to President Julius Maada Bio. The Commissions were instituted to probe past All People’s Congress (APC) politicians for their actions while they were in State Governance. According to what was understood the Report contains damning recommendations against APC politicians who were regarded as Persons of Interests.

In the wake of the release of the Report the leadership of the APC has reacted. In a Press Release issued by the APC on the 26th March 2020 the APC Party objected the Constitutionality of these Commissions of Inquiry and the absence of the required Rules of Evidence. It stated that objections were filed before the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone but regrettably, to this day, the Chief Justice has failed to empanel a quorum of Supreme Court Judges to sit on the matter. Strangely enough, it is now 15 months without the case being assigned for hearing by the Chief Justice.

It furthered that as a party they continue to hold that until the Supreme Court makes a determination of the case against the establishment and powers of the Cols the proceedings remain objectionable and the outcome unacceptable. “We
stand ready to robustly defend, within the framework of the law, the good
name of the party and its members who were unfairly targeted by the
Commissions of Inquiry,” the release continues.

The party, it maintains, further particularly note with dismay and deep concern, the prejudicial and condescending narrative of the Summary presented by Justice Biobelle Georgewill. According to them the language of venom breeds hate. Vengeance and sensationalism saying such does not augur well for national peace and unity.

The APC, as a party, holds the view that clearly by his diction, the Sole Commissioner, Justice Biobelle Georgewill, has brought himself into the arena of political propaganda reminiscent of the Governance Transition Team (GIT) Report. “We consider his Summary Report to be nothing but a transplantation of the GIT Report albeit with a different title,” the party stated.

The party maintains that, however, given that the reports have not been published, the APC is constrained to comment more deeply on their contents since they have not been able to fully appraise themselves with reports.

“Whilst we await on the publication of the three reports, the APC continues to
urge the Chief Justice to do the needful and assign for hearing the outstanding
challenge to the establishment and jurisdiction of the COls and the other cases
filed by the APC, Sierra Leone Bar Association and other citizens, including, but
not limited to matters affecting the Cols,” the party postulated.

The APC said they also note with dismay the coincidence of declaring a State of Emergency in a Corona Virus- free country only to be followed the next day by the submission of the flawed COl Summary Report. Such they consider as a deliberate ploy by the Establishment to unleash undue mayhem on the opposition saying the frequent unconstitutional arrests and detention of opposition members over the last two years lend credence to their suspicion.

The APC argued that Justice delayed is Justice denied ending up by calling on all their supporters to stay calm and observe the peace.

NP-SL Exhibits Proven Capability to Compete in the West African Sub-Region

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum- Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) is a 100% indigenous company that has a very strong Vision which is anchored on building a well-run dominant petroleum company that is poised to compete within the West African sub-region. With a culture to develop a disciplined family with an institutional culture working towards building a great company, this petroleum entity has indeed made enormous progress in those directions over the years.

Indeed one cannot wrestle with the fact that NP-SL Ltd is a well dominant petroleum company as it stands tall as the leading oil marketing entity within the business landscape not only of this country but even beyond. Commendably, the company has branches in neighboring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia that are vibrantly functioning in terms of meeting and satisfying the petroleum needs of individuals and institutions.  With dedicated members of staff whom are very polite and friendly in attending to its numerous customers, the company has created a niche for its enhanced customer care posture.

It has been attested by many that one of the core reasons why they prefer doing business with NP is because of the dignified way  in which the company’s attentive members of staff, especially the pump attendants , treat them furthering that they are very helpful and courteous. Besides, they intimated this medium that NP is a very reliable company justifying that assertion by pointing out that anytime there is any form of fuel scarcity in the country the company is the last, among other oil marketing companies, that would shutdown sales.

One thing that is very certain is that in all these countries where the company is operating huge taxes are paid to the Governments thereby contributing to the revenue baskets of those countries from which funds are used to finance certain development programmes or projects. At this crucial moment when countries are going through difficult economic times to have a company like NP, which falls with the largest tax payer bracket, helps greatly to mitigate the debilitating effects of economic recession.

The company had provided and is still providing employment opportunities for citizens in these countries and in doing so it lays emphasis on employing indigenes as it strongly believes in developing an indigenous working corp. This posture of the company is in sync with enhancing local content that places premium on making use of local human  resources of countries where it is functioning  instead of importing foreign expatriates. This helps greatly to enhance national developments and reduce poverty in those countries.

NP-SL has been greatly praised by many for its installation of state of the art calibrated pumping machines at its Filling Stations which are capable of giving customers value for money. This simply means that these machines are capable of pumping the exact quantity of fuel and at the same time simultaneously displaying the price. According to those that this medium caught up with, they always feel very much satisfied when transacting with the company saying the entity is transparently conducting business.

With the avowed objective of making their customers very comfortable, NP-SL introduced two new innovations that have now become useful to many. There is NP Gas and NP Smart Card. NP Gas is a form of cooker that uses gas to power it. Manufactured in different sizes they can be easily refilled and are being sold at reasonable prices. They have been proven to be environmentally friendly and easy to handle.

With regards the NP Smart Card it can be used to purchase fuel without using physical cash. Its biggest advantage is that it prevents individuals to rush to the bank in order to be financially solvent to purchase petroleum products. Sometimes the banks may have closed down to members of the public and if an individual wants to purchase fuel but has no money in his possession such will be a big embarrassment especially on a Friday. It is against such a backdrop that the NP Smart Card comes in very handy and besides it can help promote transparency because whenever fuel is purchased and pumped it is debited from the Smart Card and when the card is loaded it is credited.

Indeed, it has been established that the petroleum products imported by NP-SL are of high quality and very good for engines. The company timely imports high grade quality petroleum products like petrol, diesel and lubricants, one of which is the widely utilized Castrol oil.  The products that the company imports are always well tested to ensure that they are very good for use and are environmentally friendly. Some have attested that simply because they are using the company’s products such has helped greatly towards enhancing the good performances of their cars, generators and other gadgets that are powered by either petrol or diesel.

Frankly enough, NP Sierra Leone Limited has truly proven that it is a dedicated and competent company that is effectively able to compete within the West African sub-region.

Parliament Approves State of Emergency

Speaker of Parliament, Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu

By Amin Kef Sesay

On Thursday 26th March 2020, the Parliament of Sierra Leone has extensively debated and approved with unanimity President Bio’s proclamation of a State of Public Emergency in Sierra Leone to prevent and fight covid-19 that is currently ravaging countries in the world with better and sophisticated healthcare systems.

After the votes had been determined by acclamation without any dissenting voices by the general membership of the House, the Speaker of Parliament, Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu pronounced that “in light of the unanimity of the House, the motion on the proclamation of a State of Emergency by President Bio has been unanimously carried”.

Seconding the motion, the Deputy Leader of Government Business, Hon. Sahr M. Nyuma thanked President Bio for putting the nation first in the fight against covid-19 by proclaiming a State of Emergency in the best interest of the people of Sierra Leone; adding that according to WHO “there is no cure or vaccine for covid-19”. He described the proclamation as the right step in the right direction; and recalled measures taken by former president Koroma including the declaration of a State of Emergency (SoE) to fight and combat Ebola in 2014. He also said, besides stimulus packages announced by developed countries; thousands of people had died as a result of the coronavirus.

Hon. Hassan Sesay of APC said as an Opposition Party, their primary interest hinges on the survival of the people whilst referring to the declaration of SoE as a necessary measure taken by President Bio to fight covid-19. He called for the regulations to give effects to the SoE to be brought to Parliament within 10 days for approval. He also said that “we are in support of the SoE and hope it will be purposefully used for public health reasons only”.

Hon. Segepoh Solomon Thomas, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament said that the country was in imminent danger of contracting “a virus which nobody knows anything about”, describing it as “a strange enemy in the history of mankind”. Recalling how former president Koroma was late in declaring a SoE to fight Ebola; he commended President Bio for being proactive in his preventive measures against covid-19; whilst assuring that the SoE would not be used as was used before during the dark days in our country’s history. He was impressed that “the Opposition has no intention to go against the proposition of President Bio”. He emphasized that relative to the SoE “nothing out of the ordinary will be done to anyone as a result”.

Hon. Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, Leader of NGC recalled how Parliament had questioned Ministers about the country’s preparedness about the covid-19; adding the MPs had helped the President to declare SoE; following continued debates in the House relating to prevention and containment of covid-19. He spoke about the need for continued meetings and consultations in the House; adding the Opposition had no intention to stand in the way of the President. He averred that “it is the discretion of the President to declare a SoE subject to the approval of Parliament”.

Speaking on human rights, he cited Section 29 (10) of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone relative to the regulations that are to give effects to the SoE; subject to parliamentary review or amendment after every three months; noting that the SoE would last for one year. He added that the fears earlier expressed by the Opposition would be assuaged by the regulations coming to Parliament for approval within 10 days. Without ulterior motive, he advised the Government to cajole, consult and avoid the use of threats to get two thirds votes in Parliament.

Hon. Saa Emerson Lamina, Leader of C4C recognized Sierra Leone as the only surviving country in West Africa without a confirmed case of covid19; whilst speaking on its devastating impacts in the world. He commended President Bio for taking the fight to covid-19 rather than the reverse; adding “we cannot wait to be caught pants down as it was with Ebola”. He also called for social distancing and avoidance of public gatherings; whilst speaking on the necessity for the regulations to give efficacy to the SoE.

The Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Chernor R.M Bah praised the position expressed by the Deputy Speaker of Parliament in light of the SoE. Relative to Section 29 on the declaration of the SoE, he encouraged MPs not to impute as the interpretation of the Constitution rests on the Supreme Court. He also spoke about the regulations which are subject to review after a period of 90 days. He also averred that “the Opposition is not afraid of threats”; whilst speaking on the need for exercising patience and consultations are necessary ingredients for the way forward in life and politics.

He assured that “the APC is not averse to the SoE declared by President Bio to fight covid-19”; and that they would support the regulations to give effects to the State of Emergency. He also said that “SoE has effect within seven days until it is superseded by a resolution of Parliament for it continuation or termination”. Calling for effective public education, he said “the Opposition is in sympathy with the people whose votes are needed in 2023 to vote the SLPP out of power”. He praised President Bio for replying to his letter by suspending the activity of NCRA until further notice; and called on security personnel to use a human face during the course of implementing the measures that have been put in place by the Government to fight covid-19.

The Leader of Government Business, Hon. Sidie M. Tunis thanked the MPs for their brilliant contributions during the debate. He referred to President Bio as “a listening President”, for replying to the letter sent by the Leader of the Opposition. Clarifying, he said President Bio has excessive powers as Supreme Executive Authority with precedent in the Supreme Court; adding President Bio would only use the SoE to prevent and fight covid-19 and nothing more; recalling how he used SoE only to deal with rape and its attendant issues.

He said “the declaration of the SoE is only a coincidence and has nothing to do with the conclusion of the Commissions of Inquiry”. He said the SoE would last for 12 months; subject to the approval of Parliament; adding the regulations give effects to the State of Emergency. Promising to engage the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, he said that the proclamation of SoE “is not a license for harassment”, whilst speaking on the need for aggressive public education on covid-19. He said the SoE is not a political fight, but a preventive measure from the claws of the wicked covid-19 or coronavirus that has currently brought the world almost to its knees.


Press Release

24rd March 2020

Amidst the robust precautionary measures implemented by the Government of Sierra Leone in the prevention of Coronavirus outbreak in Sierra Leone, Orange Sierra Leone stands in solidarity with the Nation during this very difficult time and commits to Support the Government in the fight against this Global Pandemic.

While the Company remains committed to providing quality, efficient and viable telecommunications service to complement the government’s effort and to meet the growing demand of its valued customers in this critical period, Orange also stands responsible to ensure the safety of its valued human resources and customers.

As part of the Company’s commitment in ensuring the safety of its staff and numerous customers, Orange has positioned hand washing and digital temperature readers at all its shops and offices, implemented social distancing protocol in all its shops, drastically reduced the number of people who can access an Orange shop at any time ensuring customers queue in good conditions and at the recommended distance of 1 meter.

Orange is aware that voice and data services are of critical importance during this period. This is why the Company has implemented robust additional measures to ensure quality and undisrupted telecommunications services. All necessary digital tools have been tested and are ready to use in the best working conditions, inspection and testing of all redundancies completed, VPN configured for all critical staff to enable tele-working, extra fuel now available at all network sites and data centers and a lockdown drill done to test the measures further.

Orange Sierra Leone is also supporting local communities through donation of Personal Protective Equipment. In coordination with the ministry of Information and communication, the Company has zero rated the following sites, Ministry of Information and Communication http://www.mic.gov.sl, World health Organization https://www.who.int/, and the Center for disease and control prevention https://www.cdc.gov/ , to ensure customers get FREE access to accurate and correct information on the precautions against Coronavirus. Further measures will be announced in the coming days.

In this difficult time, it is important to maximize the use of all our communication channels. Orange in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Communication, intends to ensure Corona virus prevention sensitization and awareness reaches the last village with the following ongoing actions:

  • The Company’s digital platforms are updated on a daily basis with accurate tips on the prevention of the Virus
  • The dissemination of reminder SMS at least once a day to all our customers to ensure precautionary actions are followed.
  • The development and circulation of short videos in our local languages on the precautionary measures of the disease.
  • The creation of a caller ring back tone in Krio aimed at educating customers about coroner virus as well as sensitizing customers on its preventive measures.
  • Furthermore, the importance of mobile financial services cannot be over emphasized during this period. We encourage cashless transactions via Orange Money for the purchase of voice & data bundles as well as payment of utility bills as it not only guarantees ease of doing business but ensures safety from the transmission of the virus through cash.

We remain committed in providing uninterrupted, high quality telecommunication services during this period and we encourage all to be cautious and to adhere to all government directives and health guidelines for a virus free Sierra Leone.

Together we shall overcome.

Be Safe! Be Alert!

If you notice any symptoms, please call 117.







Ebola Experience Beefs up COVID-19 Preparedness

By Muhammed Nafie

Sierra Leone is one of those few countries where no coronavirus case has been confirmed as of March 23. As a country which had borne the brunt of the 2014-16 Ebola outbreak with 14,124 infections and 3,956 confirmed deaths, Sierra Leone has taken no chances since the new coronavirus pandemic started spreading through Western Africa.

Before the coronavirus outbreak, Sierra Leone was one of the two countries in Africa with facilities to test for the virus: a P3-Lab built by the Chinese during the Ebola outbreak.

Later, the country has set up three testing sites with the capacity to do 40 tests a day, in addition to a well-equipped, 30-bed isolation unit at the 34 Military Hospital. “If need be, a 100-bed isolation center can be quickly set up at the China Friendship Hospital in Jui,” said Health Minister Prof. Alpha Wurie.

He added, “There is vigilance but not fear.”

The country has also benefited from Chinese help this time around.

Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone Hu Zhangliang said Beijing was donating 1,000 testing kits, 1,000 surgical masks, 1,000 medical gloves, 500 N95 respirators, 500 sets of protective gowns, 200 medical goggles, and a 50kva generator.

The Government has issued a raft of precautionary measures including the suspension of all overseas travel by Government officials, a ban on public gatherings of more than 100 people and on all sporting events. The military has also been deployed at airports and land borders to enforce quarantine for all passengers coming from countries with over 200 cases.

“At this time, we do not see reason for panic or lock down,” said President Julius Maada Bio in a speech. “But things can change very fast and we will respond to these rapid changes robustly, up to declaring a state of emergency, to protect public health and safety.”

In a tweet on March 19, Bio confirmed that the country was working on a response to coronavirus despite no confirmed cases yet.

“Although there are no confirmed coronavirus cases in Sierra Leone at this time, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation has activated the Emergency Operations Centre to Level 2 to coordinate initial preparedness and response. We have activated the Emergency contact number 117,” said Bio.

In another statement, the President said he had directed the military to “immediately deploy to our international airport and land crossing points in order to enhance security and support compliance with all public health directives advisories.”

Recently, Sierra Leone denied entry to a Japanese family of four after one of them was found coughing on board a Kenya Airways flight.

The transport ministry then issued a 72-hour notice to all airlines to stop flights to the country, effective March 21, except for emergency medical flights.

Economic impact:

However, with job cuts already seen in the tourism industry, the outbreak may still hit Sierra Leone’s economy. The country’s economic growth is expected to fall to 3.8 percent from the forecasted growth of 5.1 percent, Finance Minister Jacob Saffa said.

Saffa added that the Government was considering tax breaks, tax deferments and other stimulus measures to help businesses survive. Despite the risk, Saffa said he remained confident that Sierra Leone had sufficient reserves of imports which could sustain the country for 100 days without any support, adding that authorities were in discussion with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to see what relief was available to the country.


GTBank Signs Star Zee & Drizilik as Brand Ambassadors

Head of Corporate Affairs, Arthur B. Kallon alongside Star Zee and Drizilik

By Joenal Sesay

The Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank) has on March 24th 2020 signed Linda Samai aka Star Zee and Benjamin George aka Drizilik as their newest brand ambassadors. The signing took place at the Bank’s premises on Wilberforce Street, in the central part of Freetown and was witnessed by staff, customers and fans.

GT Bank Corporate Affairs Officer, Tarah Majek Wansa disclosed that the agreement will last for a year subject to renewal.

According to Tarah the Bank did not set any condition for them to be ambassadors but they looked at their current performances and potentials to do more. She pointed out that GTBank believes in them and wants to be part of their growth. “We know with them we are likely to reach out to more people, as we intend to grow our retail footprint,” she affirmed.

Head of Corporate Affairs, Arthur B. Kallon maintained that over the years, the Bank has evolved into an industrial leader. He added that such is mainly attributed to the exceptional financial performance and support to other local industries hence, high customer loyalty and commendation from the public.

He furthered that GTBank has a Five (5) year plan to grow their retail footprint supported by the fact that the Bank of Sierra Leone has put in place a financial inclusion strategy.

Star Zee and Drizilik thanked GTBank for the gesture and described the signing as one that will boost their morale and that of the entertainment industry. They described the signing as an added responsibility to hold up the brand and that the Bank trusted them enough to do that. “GTBank is very inclusive; cares about the satisfaction and comfort of their customers/ clients and cater for every type of customer/client base.” Star Zee said.

Both artists intend to use their talents and other capabilities – one being influence on their audience, to help keep customers and bring new ones for the Bank.

CCSL Pronounces Prayer and Fasting for 7 Days

President Council of Churches in Sierra Leone, Bishop John K. Yambasu

By Edward Vamboi

On March 24 2020 the Council of Churches in Sierra Leone (CCSL) called on all members to observe 7 (seven) days of prayer and fasting to save Sierra Leone from the devastating Corona Virus pandemic.

During a press conference yesterday, 24th March at the CCSL headquarters in Freetown, the President of the Council of Churches in Sierra Leone, Bishop John K. Yambasu said they recommend Wednesday 25th to Tuesday 31st March 2020 for the fasting.

“In the Ebola era we prayed, and took prevention and care.  At this time we also call on all CCSL Member Churches to observe this.”

He pointed out that the Corona Virus is quite different from the Ebola virus saying someone will stand next to you looking hale and hearty only to be tested positive the next minute. “So we really have to be extra careful,” he admonished.

He also called on all constituent member Churches and the entire Sierra Leonean community to fully support Government’s directives on the prevention of the Corona Virus in Sierra Leone by strictly adhering to the following:

  • No worship services in all Churches till further notice
  • No weddings and funerals in religious places of worship
  • Safe and dignified funeral services must be limited to twenty-five persons and should be held at funeral homes or mortuary.
  • Wash our hands regularly (as often as possible) for not less than 20 (twenty) seconds.
  • All religious places to use Veronica buckets and water at all entrances.
  • Use sanitizers at all times
  • Avoid handshakes. Greet others by placing your right hand on your chest.
  • Cover up our mouth and nostrils when sneezing and coughing
  • Avoid crowded places.
  • Report to the nearest hospital if you have cold, flu or any unusual –symptom
  • Dial 117

On behalf of its Member Churches, CCSL records its apprehension and concern over the ongoing Corona Virus pandemic not sparing any country in the World.

He expressed thanks to God that He Has so far spared Sierra Leone. He added that CCSL is grateful with the assurances of preparedness given by the President and Officials of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

“However we are guided by the adage that “prevention is better than cure”.  During the outbreak of the Ebola Virus in Sierra Leone in 2015, the whole nation collaborated as a united front to fight the disease. In the same vein, the Council of Churches in Sierra Leone is appealing to all Sierra Leoneans to stand united in our fight against the Corona Virus pandemic.

He said all must observe the prescribed preventive measures for their continued safety individually as well as a nation.


IGP Ambrose Sovula Subscribes to Oath of Office

By Theresa Kef Sesay

At State House on Monday 23 March 2020 the newly parliamentary approved Inspector General of the Sierra Leone Police, Ambrose Michael Sovula, subscribed to the Oath of Office before His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio.

Shortly after his swearing-in, the new Police boss thanked the President for bestowing the responsibility on him to serve, saying that with the cooperation of his colleagues they would give their best to the country and change the narrative of the Sierra Leone Police.

He encouraged his colleagues to cooperate with him to deliver service to the admiration of the citizenry and also assured of their commitment and loyalty to the Government and People of Sierra Leone.

In his response, President Bio said that the Police had always played an important role in the governance of any State further noting that the nation depends on them to govern, deliver development and create an ecosystem that is conducive for doing business.

He said that the nation is looking up to him to work with his colleagues to bring discipline and cohesiveness to the Police and encouraged them to perform their statutory mandate, be fair and friendly and remain a “Force for Good”. He also assured of his fullest support to the Police in bringing discipline to the country.


KKY Shares Research Outcomes on COVID-19 Preparedness

Alhaji Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella at the 34 Military Hospital

By Alhaji Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella

The devastating effects of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continue around the world. As China begins its recovery process, the disease has deeply penetrated Europe and North America. By all indications, Europe is now the epicentre with Italy being the hardest hit country and others like Germany, Spain among others reporting a steep rise in infections.

As of Sunday, 22 March 2020, Italy had more deaths from COVID-19, than the number of deaths from Ebola in Sierra Leone over three years. CNN reported about 26,000 cases in the US and globally exceeded 300, 000. Africa has not been spared either.

I sympathize and express solidarity with Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora who live in countries and cities with high incidence of COVID-19 infections; we pray for their families and all citizens of those countries and remained hopeful that the Almighty God will wipe away this calamity for all humanity.

In his column in the New York Times titled “Our New Historical Divide: B.C. and A.C. – the World before Corona and the World After,” Thomas L. Friedman, explained the exponential rate of growth of COVID-19. He quoted Bill Joy (co-founder of Sun Microsystems) who noted that “The virus is like a loan shark who charges 25 percent a day interest. We borrowed $1 (the first coronavirus to appear here). We then fiddled for 40 days. Now we owe $7,500. If we wait three more weeks to pay, we’ll owe almost $1 million.”

If there is such a rate of spread in the more advanced countries, imagine what could happen in countries such as ours. It is prudent, therefore, that we do all we can to prevent the very first infection here at home.  As deaths ballooned in Europe, we all know now the risks and dangers are very real. Hence the reason we have held two days of a special session of our Parliament to determine how we can support the measures taken so far by Governments.

I thank the Ministers and Government officers who spent valuable time with us and listened to our queries and suggestions. The discussions, indeed, were nonpartisan and focused on the safety, health and well-being of our people. I provide below my take on our deliberations, starting with my visit to the main testing and treatment center for epidemics, including coronavirus, in Sierra Leone i.e. the 34-Military Hospital.

I decided to stop by the 34 -Military Hospital (34-MH) to ask for a coronavirus test.  I also wanted to experience first-hand what a citizen will go through if he/she required a test. Will the system work?  I was pleasantly surprised by the vigilance and preparedness of the military personnel.

From the gate, I was asked to wash my hands; I was properly directed to the new infectious disease cum biosecurity center which was established through the generous donation of the Peoples Republic of China.  I was quickly ushered in to meet Colonel Sevalie, one of the senior ISAT commanders.

Colonel Sevalie and his team followed international triage protocols to interview me. They asked me why did I want to be tested? What were my symptoms? They also asked whether I was in a country or city with a significant incidence of COVID-19. Given my responses, they decided that I did not need the test because there were no symptoms and I was not from a high-risk country.

They also explained that with the limited amount of test kits and cost of reagents, they will reserve the tests for real COVID-19 cases and cannot afford to test every flu case. When I mentioned that I was on my way to Parliament for a debate on the COVID-19, they offered to show me their infrastructure and answered my many inquisitive questions. A summary of what I saw and heard is given below:

  • There are 370 test kits available in the whole country and 150 are at 34-MH.  Of the 150 test kits available at this RSLAF center, 100 are for nucleic acid tests that will take 6-hours and are more definitive, and the remaining 50 are rapid test kits that can be done within 30-minutes. Whether there are test kits available in every district is not known.
  • Our Rapidly Deployable Isolation Treatment Facility (RDTIF) consists of 36 beds, 4 ambulances and other equipment (a leftover from the Ebola epidemic).  This is the set of equipment the military will quickly deploy along with their well- trained men and women should we have a sudden surge of infections in a region. Unfortunately, they have only one RDTIF, and ideally, they need two to three.
  • Reports indicate that there are at least 40 additional ambulances ready.
  • The officers also expressed the urgent need for expanding the rapid deployment capacity for ISAT; strengthening the intensive care facility which currently has only two cardiac monitoring equipments which are critical for all serious cases; and scaling up the supply of consumables such as gloves, masks, PPEs.
  • The officers lamented that the country does not have enough lab technicians with ability to do sophisticated lab analysis and would like opportunities for advanced training.
  • An oxygen making plant will be established in the coming week to ensure continuous availability of supply (a must for COVID-19 patients who require assisted breathing equipment).

Despite the enlightening briefings and debates in Parliament on our readiness as a nation for COVID-19, the truth is there are many unknowns about the viral disease, given its speed of transmission which seems to confound even the best experts around the globe.

  • We learnt that there is a critical and urgent need for more test kits.  For ease of comparison during the Ebola outbreak, there were 14 testing labs established (only 3 exist ), and 109 thousand tests were done between 2013-2014.

It begs the question, are there mobile test kits available especially at the district level?  The Deputy Minister indicated that WHO has committed to fly in additional test kits within 24 hours if the need arises, and they expect additional test Kits from the African Union under the initiative with the founder of Alibaba.

  • We have an army of trained contact tracing personnel, and over one hundred staff in the Ministry of Health with basic training in epidemiology and solid experience gained from the Ebola era.

However, if we have a major breakout, we need to quickly mobilize many more. One wonders whether we need to have a regularly trained epidemic reserve team of say 300 volunteers that are regularly trained to be a standby force in this epidemic prone neighbourhood of ours.

  • There is only one well-equipped biosecurity facility at 34-MH, built with the support of aid from the People’s Republic of China; which begs the question what happened to the famous Kerry Town? In addition to 34-MH there are two more dedicated testing labs in Kenema hospital and Lakka.
  • The Deputy Minister of Health informed us that based on their initial modelling, it would cost Le 63 billion ($6.3 million) to quarantine suspected cases, Le167 billion ($16.7 million) to engage in massive prevention and awareness creation, and Le597 billion ($59.7 million) for treatment. In a cash strapped economy like ours, our best defence are mass awareness raising and prevention.
  • The Government has already provided Le2 billion to the Ministry of Health in the past two weeks to support their initial interventions. An integrated plan is being worked on in co-operation with donors, which will require hundreds of billions of Leones. There is goodwill to be shown by the World Bank (potentially $12 million) and potential to source more funds. Parliamentarians stressed that oversight would be needed to avoid the Ebola malfeasance. A separate piece will be done on the potential economic impacts of COVID-19 and the briefing by the Ministry of Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank.
  • We were informed that the Governments of the MRU are engaged in regular consultations. However, several Members of Parliaments, especially those from Falaba, Kambia, Koinadugu, Kono, Kenema and Kailahun were very concerned about porous borders with Liberia and Guinea. The Deputy Minister of Interior briefed us about additional measures taken to mitigate such a risk. As evidence of their vigilance, the Deputy Minister of Health mentioned the interception of a person who tried to enter Sierra Leone from Dubai through Liberia and Jendema border. Therefore, it is imperative that any future budget allocation must give priority to funding reinforcement of border crossings, availability of all necessary materials and equipment for health workers at border towns.
  • There was also concern that others might travel overseas through Conakry or Abidjan. The Deputy Minister of Interior raised the specter of the blue-boundary i.e. sea travel between Guinea and Sierra Leone and the common rivers which are also major transit points for intra-MRU trade. In short, there is a dire need for a more coordinated sub-regional response to Corona to avoid a weak link in these countries who share common boarders.

 Three key lessons stood out from the briefings.

  • Early action by the authorities to mobilize the relevant actors and resources. On this score, the Government has indeed moved fast to pull together the relevant MDAs and partners to put together an integrated platform which will be available in a week.
  • The critical importance of community involvement in the design and implementation of containment measures. In the words of the Deputy Minister of Health “We need the paramount chiefs, community leaders, local councils and the Members of Parliament.”
  • Behavioral change in individuals including the simple hand washing measure, no handshakes and social distancing mitigation measures.
  • The success of the Ebola response was built on what individuals did for themselves, their families, their neighbourhood, and communities. Therefore, what need to be given high priority is individual contributions by the average “Joe at Tengbeh Town.” The knowledge that people did not feel powerless but empowered to set up veronica buckets at home, washing their hands at every opportunity, avoiding handshakes and public gatherings is as powerful a contribution as the biomedical response. Let everybody feel and know that they could contribute to protecting Sierra Leone which is vital in any prevention or mitigation plan.

I commend the President, Minister of Health, development partners, and others for the initial steps taken so far to prevent Covid-19 from entering Sierra Leone and to activate our emergency preparedness. I also applaud the various social distancing mitigation measures, especially the suspension of flights into the country (though, rather than 90 days, an initial period of 30 days with possibility of extension would have been more reasonable.) I also welcome the judicious decision of the Government to delay the commencement of the NCRA civil registration and verification exercise.

All in all, we seem ready to handle a small-scale initial outbreak if it occurs, but the jury is still out on our readiness to handle a major outbreak of COVID-19. We were not affected by H1N1 or SARS, so with our Ebola experience let’s put Salon Fos. The most difficult question is whether President Bio should declare a public health emergency. What are the triggers for such an action? What will be the cost (social and economic costs) if movement is restricted?

There is also the fear that Government could use the vast powers of the emergency declaration beyond its intended purpose of stopping the spread of an epidemic. The consensus in Parliament is that we could grant such authority to the President for 90 days. In conclusion, our best defence is a proactive bipartisan drive to sensitize our people to prevent any COVID-19 outbreak. We in the National Grand Coalition are ready and willing to play our part.

BSL Gears Up to Maintain Macro-Economic Stability

By Amin Kef Sesay

The Bank of Sierra Leone (BSL) is a statutory corporation, whose sole shareholder is the Government of Sierra Leone. It derives its powers and responsibilities from the Bank of Sierra Leone Act, 2019. The promotion and maintenance of macroeconomic stability and supporting “the general economic policy of the Government [Section 5(1)(d)]” are its key mandates.

There is no gainsaying the fact that the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic portends a major global recession. Although one cannot quantify the size of the shock with any precision, it will most likely be very large.

This is bound to have huge negative impacts on small open economies like Sierra Leone. In view of the above, the leadership of the Bank has concluded that putting measures in place to maintain macroeconomic stability in the face of these expected challenges falls within its core mandate.

Accordingly, under the chairmanship of the Governor, Professor Kelfala M. Kallon, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank held an emergency meeting on 18th March 2020 to discuss and agree on policy measures that are necessary to soften the potentially adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nation’s economy. The MPC Decision Against this background, the MPC unanimously agreed to implement the following measures in order to soften the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nation’s economy:

  1. Lower the Monetary Policy Rate by 150 basis points from 16.5 percent to 15 percent.

Effective Thursday 19th March 2020, the following rates were published for the information of the public:  Monetary Policy Rate is 15.0 percent, Standing Deposits Facility Rate is 12.0 percent and Standing Lending Facility is 19.0 percent

  1. Create a Le500 Billion Special Credit Facility to Finance the Production, Procurement and Distribution of Essential Goods and Services. The MPC agreed for the BSL to create a Special Credit Facility to the tune of Le500 billion to support the production, procurement and distribution of essential goods and services.

That will be a concessionary interest-rate Facility that will be channeled through the commercial banks. The Management of the BSL will meet with the Sierra Leone Association of Commercial Bankers (SLACB) on Friday, 20th March 2020 to discuss modalities for accessing this Facility.

  1. Support to the Private Sector for the Importation of Essential Commodities. The BSL will provide foreign exchange resources to ensure the importation of essential commodities. The list of commodities that qualify for this support will be published in due course.
  2. Liquidity Support to the Banking Sector. To ease any tightness in liquidity in the financial market, the MPC decided to extend the reserve requirement maintenance period for commercial banks from 14 days to 28 days. This will be complemented by an active participation in the secondary market by the BSL. Finally, BSL will continue to closely monitor domestic and external developments and stand ready to take all necessary monetary policy measures to promote economic growth and maintain price and financial system stability.