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NP-SL: From Humble Beginning to Towering Petroleum Giant

By Amin Kef Sesay

From a humble beginning, the National Petroleum – Sierra Leone (NP-SL) is now a towering business entity with branches in neighbouring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia while contributing immensely to the socio-economic development in those countries.

But going down the annals of history NP today was the former British Petroleum (BP) company which decided to sell its shares to the Government of Sierra Leone at that material period in time.

Things took a different twist when in 1996 the Government sold its 60% shares in NP to some of the company’s members of staff. Again it was made known that 55 % was paid upfront from the end of service benefits of the workers from BP and the 5% offered to all the other workers. Thus the company known as LEONEOIL was born.

The 55% sale of Government shares to the former workers came as a result of the World Bank’s advice to privatize the latter. It was also revealed that among the 4 companies that bid, which included ELF, LEONOIL won the international competitive bidding conducted by Arthur De Little, a United States based Management consultancy firm hired by the World Bank.

It could be recalled that the World Bank, which advised Government to privatize the company, monitored the bidding process for the three international companies and one local company that competed culminating in LEONEOIL, which metamorphosed to NP, after meeting all the set criteria.

Currently, it has been established that the positive development strides of the National Petroleum (NP) SL Limited, has made it the epitome of a viable indigenous national enterprise in the petroleum industry. It embodies what the ordinary Sierra Leonean can achieve when they come together with a shared vision and goal. With a capable Board of Directors and Management, the company is contributing positively to the development of the nation.

Good entrepreneurial initiatives have turned the fortunes of this company since its inception into a viable profit making and job creation entity. In its employ are Sierra Leoneans occupying various senior and junior positions.

With honouring its tax obligations to Government via the National Revenue Authority (NRA) in a timely manner, the company is contributing immensely towards the boosting of the country’s economy as well as the steady and meaningful execution of its Corporate Social Responsibility, which continues to improve the standard of living of many Sierra Leoneans.

The pro-active and sterling initiatives of NP’s Board of Directors and Management in respect of timely procurement of petroleum products and ensuring its availability on the market for public consumption, has seen a marked deviation from the days of fuel shortage to that of abundance.

It is highly commendable for a well-established and result-oriented company like NP to have climbed to such an enviable position especially when cognizance is taken of the fact that it is exclusively owned by Sierra Leonean shareholders, a typical testimony of how local entrepreneurs could raise the bar high.

Financial experts, whom The Calabash Newspaper had the privilege to talk with, noted that the aforementioned members of staff were indeed entrepreneurial enough to properly manage the company to such an extent that, unlike others, it survived most of the bottlenecks that it encountered throughout the years it has been in existence.

Shedding light on the historical background of NP,  it came out glaringly that the 40% PMMC’s stake in the company, owned by the late Jamil Sahid Mohammed and Tony Yazbeck, was given as collateral for a loan from a Bank by one of the parties.

The business mogul, Jamil Sahid Mohammed, later sold to Cape Oil PMMC’s 40% shares to offset a fidelity loan, but LEONE OIL was not satisfied with that move and took the matter to court on the grounds that it was in violation of the M and A which dictates that the other side has the first option to buy. The outcome of the matter was that the High Court gave judgement in favour of LEONE OIL that later became National Petroleum.

For mischievous reasons certain individuals have been churning out rumours that NP has a monopoly over the petroleum market in the country which is totally untrue, baseless and misleading as it has been factually proven that there are other Marketing Companies marketing petroleum products that are registered with the Petroleum Regulatory Agency (PRA).

It must be noted that Petro-Leone is a storage company developed by both Addax and Leone Oil so that petroleum products will always be available in the country and avert shortage. Experts further stated that if such a venture is disrupted, the country will relapse to the former state of shortage of fuel and long queues will once more re-surface across the country, causing a lot of inconvenience and national hiccups.

At present, NP-SL has filling stations in different parts of the country with other facilities like tyre mending, mini marts and sale of gas in some of them.

Today the company stands tall for effective service delivery bagging the accolade of 1st for Customer Care with sophisticated calibrated pumping machines that display quantity pumped and price displayed.

NP Smart Card is now in vogue and very advantageous as it prevents the movement of cash to procure petroleum products, is very convenient to use, shows remaining balance. With regards NP Gas, it is going like hot cakes, and is environmentally friendly, non-hazardous and easy to refill with gas that could also be procured at the company’s filling stations and authorized dealers.

Brewery Commissions Wellington Community Health Center Worth over Le1.2B

By Amin Kef Sesay

In a bid to accomplish its corporate social responsibilities, the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited through Heineken Africa Foundation (HAF) on Friday 28th February finally fulfilled the dream of the people of Wellington with the newly-constructed Wellington Health Centre going into operation.

The official opening of the Wellington Health Centre attracted indigenes and prominent personalities and was co-chaired by the Marketing Manager of Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, Madam Aminata Kassim Carew and Unisa Conteh.

Speaking on behalf of Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, the Corporate Affairs Manager – Albert Ojo Collier, started by highlighting the embryonic background of the Wellington Health Centre Project that was initially planned for only rehabilitation. He added that due to the felt need of the Wellington people, they thought it plausible to do a demolition of the existing single floor building to ease the construction of a two-storey building with an increased capacity and facilities to include Antenatal Clinic, Family Planning Unit, Under Five Unit, Nutrition Unit, Drug Store, Reception Unit, TB Unit, Laboratory Unit, HIV Unit, Births and Deaths Registration Office and many more.

He informed his audience that the new health center would serve an estimated 50,000 people; servicing the needs of pregnant, lactating and under five children and other categories of patients.

He added that he is confident that the new facilities at the hospital will thoroughly improve the quality of the service and infrastructure for both patients and staffs in the years to come.

He explained to his audience that they commenced their engagement with the Wellington community people for the health center in 2010 with the first ever HAF programme by donating maternity equipment, computers followed with an ambulance by 2011. He went on to state that this was supported in 2015 with another extension, with the provision of another brand new ambulance during the Ebola crisis.

He further explained that the proposal was actually submitted when CHO, Mr. Kposowa, collaborated with the Clinic Manager of Sierra Leone Limited, Mrs. Agnes Lye Fornah and other authorities.

He said he was present when the entire hospital unit was transferred into the new building in 2019 from the temporary location of the community center and they all know that the hospital has been operating for few months now.

He said the new hospital development will be of great benefit to the local Wellington community both in terms of the services that it provides and also with regards to employment opportunities that it will offer. According to him, with the improved infrastructure, there are new ways of working which will also assist the hospital in attracting the brightest and the best to come and work in what is now generally recognized as one of Freetown’s best health centers.

Mr. Collier said the hospital has now been expanded with an increased space for patients and accommodation for Midwife and Community Health Officer among others.

He said the first approved fund was EUR 100.943, which couldn’t complete the structure, after what was supposed to be a rehabilitation, turned out to become a complete reconstruction from the foundation. In addition, he said the first funding wasn’t enough as final aspects to complete the work which included roofing, tiling, plumbing, installation of doors, windows, electrical, ceiling, labor, supervision expenses and general finishing needed to be done.

In addition because of the increase in the cost price for building materials in 2014 as opposed to previous estimates, resulted in the issue of limited resources to conclude the project, he said. He maintained that an additional fund of EUR 46,183 was then approved by HAF after the Ebola virus disease in the country.

He informed his audience that the hospital has now been completed with a two storey structure with increased capacity and facilities which include:

. Antenatal Clinic

. Family Planning on Immunization

. Under Five Unit

. Nutrition Unit

. Consultation Office for CHOs

. Drug Store and Reception Unit

. TB Unit

. Laboratory Unit

. HIV Unit

. 3 admission rooms each with three admission beds

. Births and Deaths Registration Office, among others.

The Parliamentary representative of residents of Constituency 115, Hon. Alpha Amadu Bah, in a delighted mood, started by heaping profound thanks and appreciation on Heineken Africa Foundation (HAF) and Sierra Leone Brewery Limited for their unwavering contributions over the years to the people of Wellington, prior to his becoming Member of Parliament for Constituency 115, spanning from the donations of maternity equipment, computers, followed by an  ambulance for the second time during the brink of the Ebola crisis in 2015.

He however called on the Government to be giving favourable tax concession to local industries, especially Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, owing to the fact that they are partners in nation building as their handwork is quite conspicuous in almost all parts of the country.

Hon. Lawyer Bah concluded by appealing to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation for their intervention in providing the necessary equipment, especially hospital beds, as the project only covers construction.

The program was climaxed by a vote of thanks given by Councillor Luckyn Mordings Mansaray, the host councillor of Ward 406.

There Are Key Reasons Why ‘New Direction’ Service Delivery Is Scanty


By Amin Kef Sesay

Given that the more things change, the more they seem to remain the same, even getting worse, it is understandable why President Bio summoned all 83 Heads of Commissions, parastatals, agencies and state-owned enterprises to a seminar titled “Consolidating the Foundation for Service Delivery” at Bintumani hotel this week aimed at providing participating State officials with the necessary political orientation, accelerate effective service delivery and deepen their understanding of performance management systems.

Very simple; service delivery remains weak because the MDAs work mostly in isolation, with very little coordination and limited human and financial resources not available for timely sustained interventions – hence lack of the desired development outcomes in the lives of the masses.

Noteworthy that the President said that as a Government, they must improve on the way they run our institutions by being bold and innovative and encouraged them to develop the professional habit and culture of efficient political and economic management of the State. Such work concept is a novelty to our desk bound technocrats.

The Calabash has had a keen interest in how this Government would be different from the former and previous ones before in terms of making qualitative difference in the standard of living of our long suffering masses.

The findings show that the major causes of poor service delivery are the willful and malicious failure of Parliament to take their oversight duties with the seriousness it deserves and their complete failure to follow up robustly on the Auditor General’s annual findings and recommendations to the MDAs on how to equip themselves to provide quality service delivery to the people.

Issues such as poor interpretation of policies, corruption, maladministration of resources, lack of coordination and aligned programs as well as lack of skills and monitoring by officials need to be comprehensively addressed to curb the problems of service delivery.

At the level of the State and its agencies, we found out that undue political interference and manipulation of State institutions and mechanisms for selfish gains, corruption of operational rules and regulations to facilitate outright theft, fraud and waste and lack of robust accountability and transparency structures and personnel in the MDAs contribute greatly to poor service delivery year in year out.

At the human and societal level, inadequate citizen participation, poor human resource policy, failure to manage change, lack of employee capacity, poor planning and poor monitoring and evaluation mechanisms lead to a culture of I-don’t-care and impunity of officials that fail to perform their duties responsibly and accountably.

The main strategies to improve service delivery were found to be increasing citizens’ participation in the affairs of both central and local governance, partnership by the MDAs and Local Councils with the community in planning and delivering service delivery, flexible response to service user complaints, offering value for money and ensuring that service users pay their bills on time.

At the administrative and managerial levels, much needed are strategic public service planning, sound human resource policy that includes capacity building and employee motivation, managing change, dealing with corruption and improving accountability, segregation of duties, management integrity and rectitude, partnering with other players and outsourcing services.

At the general governance level, how can poor service delivery be improved? Experts believe that it is only by setting out clearly achievable goals and objectives, mobilizing the required resources for their achievement and measuring performance constantly.


Non-State Actors Publish Report on Taxation Perception Survey

By Amin Kef Sesay

On the 24th February 2020 the 2019 Taxation Perception Survey (TPS) Report was launched at the British Council which is the product of a research undertaken by the Public Financial Management (PFM) consortium, led by Christian Aid Sierra Leone, and other partners including the Budget Advocacy Network, Restless Development and the Centre for Accountability and the Rule of Law (CARL).

These are Non-Governmental organizations and civil society groups that are working to strengthen all aspects of public accountability, transparency and participation of the citizenry in all matters dealing with Public Financial Management in Sierra Leone.

They are responsible for implementing a Project titled: “Strengthening Public Financial Management, Anti-Corruption and Accountability Institutions in Sierra Leone,” with support from UK Aid, based on the need to monitor how the government is utilizing taxes that citizens are paying, and what impacts the spending of taxes are making on the overall national development of Sierra Leone.

A good portion of taxes collected by the Government is derived from businesses; salaries of civil servants and public sector workers; private sector employees; entertainment; entrepreneurs; petty traders; investment companies and the likes.

It is therefore important to understand tax payers’ wider views of government and how this relates to their attitudes and motivation towards paying taxes.

The Government relies on the National Revenue Authority (NRA) and other revenue collecting institutions for the funds that are allocated to the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) for the running of the business of government to ensure national development.

The NRA has been hitting various revenue collection targets – currently running into Trillions of Leones. Government’s expenditure is improving in line with its revenue generating targets.

But to what extent does the revenue generated from taxation benefits the citizens?

The findings of the TPS report state that 34% of the 2,755 tax payers interviewed in the perception survey think that the government is using tax revenues in the right and correct way.

25% said corruption in government demotivates them from paying taxes and cause them to under-declare their taxable income.

Questioned about strengthening social contract on taxation and the provision of public services, 45% of businesses said that they pay their taxes because it contributes to the provision of public services such as the Free Quality Education and roads.

79% of businesses said if they had seen more services being delivered in their area by the local council, they would be willing to pay more taxes. 

Almost all business tax payers that took part in the survey said that taxes are too high; and that authorities in charge of state resources are mismanaging the country’s revenue.

37% of businesses said they didn’t pay taxes; and 72.9% of these businesses who didn’t pay taxes, said it was because the rates were too high.

The current Government has made revenue mobilization a key priority, and is aiming to achieve a domestic revenue – to – GDP ratio target of 20 % by 2023. Current revenue to GDP ratios is well below this target, although recent reforms are starting to take effect.

Domestic revenue is the main source of Government revenue, needed to provide essential public services and reduce poverty as outlined in the Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP).

Current domestic revenue falls short of the levels required to meet the Government’s development aspirations.

The survey targeted a total of 2,755 businesses across the 16 administrative districts of the country; and achieved a response rate of 98.4 %. It collected data from businesses on their perceptions, knowledge, attitudes and practice in relation to taxes; the tax system; services; accountability in the use of taxes by the government; tax administration reforms; and the conduct of the staff of the NRA and local council when carrying out tax administration processes.

The survey covered a range of business types, excluding the UN Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based organizations or CBOs (except for those that are directly engaged in the production and distribution of goods and services in their localities), and MDAs.






Hon. Sidi Tunis Endorsed to Become ECOWAS Speaker

Honourable Sidi Mohamed Tunis

By Abdul Malik Bangura

The pragmatic, eloquent and result-oriented Leader of Government Business representing the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) in the Sierra Leone House of Parliament, Honourable Sidi Mohamed Tunis, would soon be sworn in as Speaker of the regional Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament. The swearing –in ceremony is scheduled to take place on Monday 9th March 2020, at the Republic of Niger’s capital, Niamey.

According to a confirmed source, a high-powered delegation from the House of Parliament will depart from Sierra Leone on Saturday 7th March 2020 for the Sahel State of Niger to be led by the Honourable Speaker of the Sierra Leone House of Parliament, Hon. Abass Chernor Bundu.

The fifteen (15) man delegation from the Sierra Leone House of Parliament will comprises twelve (12) Members of Parliament (MPs) as well as three (3) supporting staff who are all due to go in full support and solidarity for the candidacy of Honourable Sidi Mohamed Tunis.

Meanwhile, it could be recalled that last year, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio in a televised video message to Members of the ECOWAS Parliament which was played at the Extra Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Parliament in Monrovia, Republic of Liberia endorsed and weigh in absolute support for the Leader of Government Business of Sierra Leone House of Parliament to serve as Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament.

Honourable Sidi Mohamed Tunis also doubles as the SLPP MP for Constituency 101 in the Southern Provincial district of Pujehun.

Whilst endorsing Honourable Sidi Mohamed Tunis, President Bio said “I have known him for several years and he served in several leadership positions in this country,” adding that “I know his wealth of knowledge he will bring to the table to make ECOWAS Parliament a better institution than it is currently.”

President Bio further added that “I endorse him as my candidate and I am appealing to all of us to support him and you will not regret it.”

Meanwhile, in a similar development, the candidature of Honourable Sidi Mohamed Tunis as Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament has also received complete approval and endorsements from several major ECOWAS countries including Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, Liberia, Còte d’ivoire, Gambia, Cape Verde and others.

Sierra Leone has never occupied the position of ECOWAS Parliament Speaker, since its establishment in 1975.

Hon. Tunis is expected to take the mantle of leadership and he will serve till 2024, when Togo will be in line to succeed Sierra Leone. The position is rotational in alphabetical manner. The current holder is from Senegal, this means that Sierra Leone is next in line to take up the position.

Meanwhile, as part of his functions as Speaker, Hon Tunis will direct the business of the Parliament and its organs. He will also preside over meetings and conduct debates in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure.

The delegation that is set to leave Sierra Leone on March 7th 2020 will comprise Members of Parliament and staff of the House.


18 Health Workers to Graduate as Infection Prevention Control (IPC) Experts

By Theresa Kef Sesay

Eighteen (18) health care workers from various districts across the country were recently trained as IPC experts through the national Advanced IPC certificate course which is geared towards enhancing IPC capacity in Human Resources for Health.

The first Cohort (Cohort 1) of the six months Advanced Certificate Course was funded and supported by the U.S Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), implemented collaboratively by ICAP at Columbia University and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

On Friday 21st February 2020 these 18 newly equipped staff graduated at the Bintumani Hotel in Freetown. During the ceremony, the Country Representative of ICAP Columbia University, Dr. Mame Awa Toure, pointed out in recent times that no country, no healthcare facility, even within the most advanced and sophisticated healthcare systems can claim to be free of healthcare-associated infections. Therefore, she encouraged members in the health sector to strive towards achieving 100% IPC compliance in the health system.

With the current threat of the coronavirus 2019-nCoV outbreak around the world, she described the event as timely as World Health Organization has recommended that countries put in place an IPC program with a dedicated and trained team or at least an IPC focal point at each facility. Currently, she said: “We have a robust IPC system in Sierra Leone, and today’s graduation is a testimony to it.” IPC practices remain essential in maintaining a safe environment for everyone-especially health worker’s workers.

As the U.S Embassy Chargé d’ Affaires Benjamin B. Dille maintained the United States Government remains committed to supporting Sierra Leone to strengthen its health sector as they have made tremendous contributions to the sector.

“Now, we are confident that these graduates have inquired the capacity to make the difference in their society, and they need to put in practice the knowledge and skills gained to improve the health of patients and the behaviour of health workers in administering care,” he stated.

He concluded by saying, “the U.S Government will stand behind you to support you, but you will have to lead the way for a better health system in the country.”

The CDC Sierra Leone Country Director, Dr. Tushar Singh, said what he saw was a reflection of partnership at its highest level across different sections. He applauded the graduates for their commitment and admonished them not to be selfish in providing healthcare at their various facilities. He reiterated that the IPC certificate course focuses on boosting the experience and building the expertise of Sierra Leoneans that will become IPC champions in their various facilities.

Meanwhile, the Sierra Leone Deputy Chief Medical Officer Rev. Dr. T. T. Samba, in his keynote address said, “IPC plays a crucial role in meeting the national health priorities of the country. The new evolving landscape of emerging infectious diseases has served as a strong justification for developing IPC experts as they are key in ensuring health security in the country. As the course focuses on addressing some of the most common challenges in the system, we hope to celebrate and applaud these graduates even more as they work to make Sierra Leone a better place for healthcare delivery”.

The event ended with a group presentation from the 18 newly graduated IPC experts, which showcased the knowledge gained from the training.

IMC Orientates Advertising Advisory Committee 

By Amin Kef Sesay

On 26 February 2020 the Independent Media Commission (IMC) organized a one day orientation seminar for members of the revived Advertising Advisory Committee of the Commission at its headquarters in Freetown.

Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Francis Sowa, in his opening remarks expressed regrets that the Advertising Advisory Committee was the only Committee in the Commission that had not been functioning until May 2019 when it was revived.

He explained the purpose of the orientation programme, which he said was to get participants well informed about Section 4 of the IMC Media Code of Practice, which deals with Advertising and portions of the Pharmacy and Drugs Act, 2001.

The Chairman stated that the IMC, through the Committee, therefore decided to partner with the Pharmacy Board, which also performs regulatory role in relation to advertising pertaining to drugs, in rolling out the programme.

He said that the IMC has been collaborating, and will continue to work in close partnership with advertising agencies to regulate all aspects of advertising.

The expected outcome of the seminar was to get all members of the Committee acquainted with the requisite provisions in the IMC Act, the Media Code of Practice and the Pharmacy and Drugs Act.

The session was facilitated by Dr. Julius Spencer of Premier Media Consultancy, and a former Commissioner of IMC, Mr. Joshua Nicol of the Mass Communications Department, Fourah Bay College; University of Sierra Leone.

The Advertising Committee was established as provided in Section 9(1c) of the IMC Act 2000 as amended; and Section 4 Sub-Section 28.1 of the Media Code of Practice.

Three Indicted by ACC for Examination Malpractice

By Amin Kef Sesay

On the 24th February 2020 the Anti-Corruption Commission filed an indictment against Henry Kamara, Marion Follah Musu Kamara, of the Holy Family School Quarters, Deep Eye Water, Wellington, Freetown, and Emmanuel Kobby of  No. 355 Bai Bureh Road, Freetown, on a combined total of Five  (5) counts of Soliciting an Advantage, contrary to Section 39(1)(b), Accepting an Advantage, contrary to Section 39(1)(b),  and Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section 128(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act of 2008 respectively.

Between January and September of 2019, Henry Kamara , in his capacity as agent of the West African Examination Council (WAEC), without lawful authority solicited the sum of Two Million Leones (Le. 2,000,000/00) from one Olu Williams, as an inducement to show favor to one Simon Williams, a cousin of Olu Williams, by allowing Simon Williams to take the West Africa Senior School Certificate Private Examination (WASSCE) 2019 at a dwelling house, rather than the designated center set up at the Holy Family Secondary School for that purpose. Henry Kamara faces one (1) count of Soliciting an Advantage, two (2) counts of Accepting an Advantage, both contrary to Section 39(1); and one (1) count of Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section 128(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act of 2008 respectively.

Marion Follah Musu Kamara, in her capacity as an agent of WAEC, without lawful authority, solicited the sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Leones (Le. 1,500,000/00), from one Olu Williams, as an inducement to show favor to one Simon Williams, a cousin of Olu Williams, by allowing Simon Williams to take the 2019 Private WASSCE, at a dwelling house, rather than the designated center set up at the Holy Family Secondary School for that purpose. Marion Follah Musu Kamara faces one (1) count of Soliciting an Advantage, contrary to Section 39(1), of the Anti-Corruption Act of 2008.

Emmanuel Kobby , being the I. T. Engineer at the Holy Family Secondary School, Deep Eye Water, Wellington, between January and September 2019, conspired with other persons unknown, to commit a corruption offence. Emmanuel Kobby accepted the sum of One Million Seven Hundred Thousand Leones (Le. 1, 700, 000/00) from one Elizabeth Kamara for the purpose of allowing her to take the 2019 Private WASSCE Examination, at a dwelling house, rather than the designated center set up at the Holy Family Secondary School for that purpose. Emmanuel Kobby faces one (1) count of Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section 128(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act of 2008.

Meanwhile, the indicted persons are expected to appear in the High Court Holden at Freetown on 2nd March, 2020.

The Commission reassured the general public of its undeterred resolve to fighting acts of corruption at all levels in Sierra Leone, especially in the Education Sector.


Babadi Kamara Continues to Excel as Sole Govt. Timber Export Agent

Babadi Kamara

By Amin Kef Sesay

Indisputably, it has been proven beyond all reasonable doubts that hard work and sincerity pay fruitful dividends. This medium is of the view that the sole Government agent for the exportation of timber in this country, Babadi Kamara possesses those important attributes.

This perfect gentleman has excelled in his vocation so remarkably well to such an extent that he has gained widespread recognition and respect.

In June 2018 President Bio appointed him as the sole agent of the Government in respect of timber export. Babadi, after his appointment proved beyond all reasonable doubts that he is indeed capable to undertake the task and he showed the whole world that this country will benefit immensely from timber exportation.

Contrary to baseless castigations by certain saboteurs against this result-oriented personality a release from State House dated 20th February, 2020 stated how the Government is satisfied with the way Babadi had carried out his mandate .The release quoted the staggering amounts that have so far been generated from the exports of timber . “A total of US $ 37,050,000 has been realized from the levies on the export of 13,000 containers of timber and US $ 90,000 recouped from previous exporters being payment for cities. Out of these amounts, US 4,640,000 have been raised for reforestation and US $32,500,000 transferred to the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The US $ 32,500,000 has been part of the budgetary resources used to finance Government programmes,” the release highlighted.

Very much appreciative with the transparent manner in which Babadi carried out his responsibility and impressed with the staggering financial returns in revenue from the arena, the release noted that the President was pleased to reappoint Mr Babadi Kamara of Leadway Trading Company, Sierra Leone Limited, to continue serving as the Sole Government Agent for the export of timber.

One thing that is very certain is that his reappointment by President Bio will not in any way make this pragmatic entrepreneur to rest on his oars but rather he will continue to raise the bar high and do more to the very advantage of the country.

He will continue to be very proactive and productive.



Sierra Leone Bankers Conference & Awards Ceremony Launched

By Edward Vamboi

In order to celebrate banking excellence in Sierra Leone, the Sierra Leone Bankers Association and the African Achievers Award Association in partnership with the Government of Sierra Leone and other institutions convened  a Press Conference at the Hill Valley Hotel on the 27th February 2020   to officially launch the Sierra Leone Bankers Conference & Awards -2020.

In his address, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Association, Dr. Alex Bangura disclosed that the banking system plays significant roles in the modern economic world. He underscored that it is indeed safe to save monies in banks maintaining that such savings could be utilized to produce capital for investments.

He further disclosed that banks contribute significantly to national growth processes stating that the Sierra Leone Bankers Conference and Awards will be hosted for the first time in Sierra Leone on the theme: “Sustaining the Sierra Leone Banking Sector in a Competitive Market for Economic Growth”.

He explained that they will be discussing pertinent issues that are relevant to the sound operations of the banking sector in Sierra Leone in relation to the business landscape as a way to promote economic transformation and growth.

The CEO noted that there is the need for more enhanced financial technology in Sierra Leone to combat financial terrorism and money laundering.

He said the award ceremony will be held to celebrate banking excellence, to raise awareness on issues relating to the financial sector, marketing, research, development and innovation.

He disclosed that the award ceremony will be based on success stories, best practices and how key challenges facing the Sierra Leone banking sector in the global market were tackled.

He said that during the award ceremony banking executives will be honored for their tremendous contributions towards the development of the banking and financial sectors and how they relate to the development of the country.

Dr. Alex Bangura said the Sierra Leone banking sector plays a crucial role in the economy of Sierra Leone, saying it is estimated that the sector excluding the Government of Sierra Leone provides more than 60% of the workforce of the country and contribute significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the economy.

“The sector is the heart that pumps the economic blood to the vital organs of the Sierra Leone’s economy,” he furthered adding that the sector promotes wealth and prosperity in the country adding that the SLBA in partnership with the Sierra Leone Government and other institutions in the private sector  introduced the 2020 Sierra Leone Bankers Conference and Awards.

He said the rationale behind the initiative is to identify and recognize performing bankers in the country, saying the award ceremony will showcase the country’s most outstanding Sierra Leone bankers and financial institutions.

He maintained that the winners will be awarded and such will be based on the principles of fairness, trust, credibility and transparency.

According to the Country Head of Blue Crest College, Dr. Shailesh Kumar the initiatives will help to improve the banking sector in the country.

Momoh Vandy extended thanks and appreciation for the initiatives saying it is a way of showing appreciation and recognition which will definitely motivate financial institutions to do better.

He finally suggested that Government should encourage financial institutions to support the initiatives. He also said that t as Board Members they will do everything possible to make the forth coming conference and award ceremony a success.