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Orphan Empowerment Society- SL to Empower 300 Orphans

Country Coordinator of Orphan Empowerment Society Sierra Leone Amb Alie Conteh

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Orphan Empowerment Society Sierra Leone, a non-governmental and humanitarian organization is poised to empower 300 orphans with vocational skills, free medical care, food and non-food items to orphans within the Freetown Municipality. This disclosure was made on Tuesday 10th December, 2019 during an exclusive interview with the Country Coordinator of the organization.

Speaking to this medium, the Country Coordinator of Orphan Empowerment Society Sierra Leone Amb Alie Conteh disclosed that according to a UNICEF report there are 153 million orphans worldwide with 310,000 in Sierra Leone, adding that many orphans do not have access to clean water, sufficient food or basic sanitation and that most orphans rely on seasonal freewill donations, living on less than $1 a day.

He said that these children face enormous challenges to their health and development and it is estimated that  95% of orphans & vulnerable children do not receive any type of medical, emotional, social, material or school related assistance and as a result up to 20% of orphans develop a serious disability and without intervention, most child orphans born into poverty will die in poverty and their children after them.

It on this backdrop, he said as part of the empowerment program orphan empowerment society will be organizing 5 days Orphan Life Line empowerment program from the 16th -20th December, 2019 which will enhance the development of orphans in Sierra Leone, adding that the said project will empower 300 Orphans.

He called on humanitarian organizations and individuals to support them in order for the proposed event to be a success as their approach is to end orphan poverty in Sierra Leone and Africa as a whole.

“Donating to this project you are helping orphans find their feet, Not only do you make the world a better place to live in but also leave  a legacy for generations yet unborn by breaking the cycle of poverty,” he maintained.

Director-General of NCRA Gets another Award

Director-General of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA), Mohamed Mubashir Massaquoi

By NCRA Communication Unit

The Director-General of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA), Mohamed Mubashir Massaquoi was internationally recognized by the ID4 Africa Movement for the invaluable work he is performing in Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and ID Management in Sierra Leone. Massaquoi has been appointed to the prestigious position of Ambassador of ID4 Africa Movement for Sierra Leone effective 1st January, 2020.

ID4Africa is an ID-4-All Movement founded in 2014 that accompanies African nations on their journey to develop robust and responsible ID ecosystems around digital identity in the service of development and humanitarian action. It is a tripartite organisation with representation from African Governments, International Agencies and Industry. The aim of the Movement is to share experiences and establish real-world best practices that set the correct expectations for what is involved in launching and sustaining successful identity programs.

The Movement is driven by the need to establish identity-for-all, not just as a legal right (consistent with UN SDG 16.9), but also as a practical necessity to enable inclusive access to services in Africa. ID4Africa believes that service-oriented identity ecosystems built on the respect of privacy and human rights are essential for the growth of digital economies and will become even more crucial as African countries move to implement the provisions of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCTA).

Massaquoi’s appointment as an ID4Africa Ambassador is not only a testament to the excellent work he is performing at the NCRA on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone, it is also a recognition of the significant progress that the Government of Sierra Leone, under the leadership of His Excellency, the President of Sierra Leone, Brigadier (Rtd.) Julius Maada Bio has made by adopting modern digital identity systems as drivers of socio-economic development and financial inclusion. This accolade further highlights Sierra Leone’s approach to identity management as a blueprint that other African nations can learn from, validating His Excellency’s vision of technology for development and positioning Sierra Leoneans to be productive citizens of the fourth industrial revolution rather than being excluded.

Massaquoi’s landmark appointment caps a plethora of laudable achievements of the NCRA in recent times which includes the cleaning of the payroll of Civil and Public Servants including Subvented Agencies  in order to make it transparent and accountable; utilizing its Digital Identity Management  system to help pilot the Biometric Time and Attendance Reporting System of the Ministry of Finance, Accountant General’s Department and the HRMO that is tied to the Payroll System to inform decisions that contain absenteeism and tardiness from work thereby increasing productivity in the Civil and Public Service.

The NCRA, under Massaquoi’s watch, conducted the UN led Comprehensive Country Assessment on CRVS and ID Management in Sierra Leone that informed the development of its five year costed Strategic Plan (2019-2024) which won endorsement from the UN Director of Africa Center for Statistics that “Sierra Leone’s CRVS and ID Management System meets the UN Guidelines and international best practice”.

Most recently, the NCRA provided the technology infrastructure through which His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio launched Africa’s first Blockchain National Digital Identity Platform. This Platform allows citizens to use their national identity digitally, providing approved institutions like banks and microfinance institutions with a one-time permission to look up and verify their identity digitally.

Massaquoi on commenting on this appointment stated that aided by the vision of His Excellency President Bio, the NCRA is going to continue to innovate strategies for ensuring that it helps every citizen and other residents in the country exercise their right to a nationally and international recognized identity.

It has been a year of solid achievements for the NCRA Boss. In addition to the ID4 Africa Ambassadorship, Massaquoi was in October, 2019 at the Conference of African Ministers Responsible for CRVS elected Regional Vice Chairman of the Bureau of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics & Identity Management hosted at the African Union Commission and the UN Economic Commission for Africa. Mr. Massaquoi will serve as Chief Liaison between the West Africa Region and the AU/UNECA on all matters relating to the management, implementation, coordination and reporting on all CRVS & ID Management programmes in West Africa. Similarly, Massaquoi will serve as Principal Liaison between all Identity Management Institutions in Sierra Leone and the ID4 Africa Movement and would lead the coordination and reporting on Identity Management Programmes in Sierra Leone in line with International guidelines and best practice.

All of these Ambassador Massaquoi said are done with the committed and focused leadership of His Excellency President Bio that is guiding his work and engagement with national and international players involved in the CRVS and ID Management ecosystem that assures inclusiveness and good governance where everyone is visible and accounted for.


NPPA Boss Bags Prestigious Award

Chief Executive Officer, Ibrahim Brima Swarray.

By Theresa Kef Sesay

The National Public Procurement Authority, an institution which was regarded as dysfunctional and not an important institution for the past 14 years has now got a new lease of life in the last 18 months under the leadership of a home- grown Procurement Specialist from IPAM in the person of its result-oriented Chief Executive Officer, Ibrahim Brima Swarray.

His dedication to serve country and his workable transformative drives as well as incisive initiatives have given the Authority a new face in the public domain with regards enhancing good public procurement practices and saving the country a huge chunk of public funds that would have hitherto gone down the drain which restored hope and confidence in the World Bank, IMF and other financial institutions that indeed Sierra Leone is ready for development.

Swarray was recognized for his immense contributions to nation building by the Diaspora Focus organisation over the weekend at the Golden Tulip Essential Kimbima Hotel  where he was bestowed a prestigious award for his exemplary leadership in the public procurement sector of the country.

Before dishing out the award, one of the officials of Diaspora Focus,  Dr. Stanford, in reading the citation disclosed that within the past year the NPPA boss saved Sierra Leone almost 100 million dollars.

He further highlighted that under the watch of the NPPA CEO, modalities have been almost completed for an electronic procurement to come into force and will soon commence. The citation also mentioned the introduction of a Price Norm for the first time in Sierra Leone to ensure uniformity in the prices of goods and services. During his tenure, it was cited, he enforces the review of annual procurement plans of Ministries, Departments and Agencies to enhance planned and organized procurement processes. Again, it was mentioned that the institution has trained more than 200 procurement specialists all-over the country within Local Councils to MDAs and other key parastatals.

Asked how he feels to receive the award he responded by stating  how it gives him the motivation to do more. He pointed out that the award avails the opportunity to sit up straight and review what one has achieved, the level of professionalism they have displayed so far and how they can do things better. He said fighting corruption from a preventive arm is beyond party boundaries. “It is cheaper to prevent corruption than to fight corruption,” he said furthering that any award bagged by the institution will be used as a stepping stone to climb higher heights. He said fighting corruption by the preventive arm is like reducing political tensions in the country  and ensuring that everybody is better off .

He promised that come 2020 they will do more as an institution to bring a lot of sanity within the public procurement domain in order to derive value for money.

Many Sierra Leoneans have heaped praises on NPPA for bagging this award stating that the institution truly deserves it. Some attested that it was indeed wise on the part of President Bio to appoint a person with a sound pedigree to head such an important institution.

The NPPA CEO dedicated the award to his dedicated members of staff of the institution and expressed determination that they are willing to do more in order for the New Direction Government under the astute leadership of His Excellency the President Dr Julius Maada Bio to succeed in improve the economy and by extension the overall standards of living of the vast majority of Sierra Leoneans.

Orange- SL Partners with F.C Johansen & Top comedians 

By Fatmata Jengbe

On Tuesday 10th December 2019, during a ceremony held at its Hill Station offices, Orange-SL signed Partnerships with FC Johnson and three top comedians in the country namely: Abubakarr Kindo Armani Sankoh, Edward Saio Sesay and Shiaka Kamara. The signing ceremony was graced by senior officials of the company and members of the press.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Head of Communications at Orange-SL, Mohamed Kallon, disclosed that the partnership between Orange-SL and FC Johansen will last for seven months, during which period the team will be provided with media support, internet mifi for their office and a cash donation of fifty million Leones 50,000,000. He said Orange is also going to brand their jersey with its logo.

On the reason for choosing the football club as against the others, Kallon said that FC Johansen was considered because of the potential of its young players, and assured them of their commitment.

He disclosed that prior to this signing, they had also signed a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the premier league board and pledged Le100 million as support to the league, adding that whoever emerges as ‘man of the match’ for this year’s premier league will be given 182 phones valued at over Le 92,000,000 and a recharge of over Le182, 000,000.

Underscoring the total package of their support to the premier league, he said it is over 500,000,000 Million Leones.

Chairman of FC Johansen, Malik Pascal, expressed appreciation to Orange- SL for the partnership, which he said will not only support FC Johansen but the entire league, adding that the just concluded premier league had some challenges, because there were not enough private companies to support the league, but further stated that the support from Orange-SL will enhance the smooth running of the league.

Speaking in respect of his team’s preparedness, Pascal said that they are determined to ensure that they put on their best to emerge as winners by the end of the Premier League.

Spur Loop Community Bad Roads fixed by the Chinese

Sierra Leone Government and Chinese Officials at the event in Freetown

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

As a kind of goodwill gesture, the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Sierra Leone has collaborated with the China Railway Seventh Group (CRSG) company to embark on major maintenance work in the Spur Loop Community. The work, which started on Thursday 4th December 2019, entails major repairs on the road surface, roadside work, potholes, ditches, etc.

Wang Xinmin, Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone said before now the road was in a very bad shape thereby causing difficulties and inconvenience for the local people and road users. Sierra Leone, he said is fast developing which requires good roads to meet the current trend. Counselor Wang said the event is tied anchored by CRSG to live up to its corporate social responsibility. He lauded the effort of the Freetown City Council and Sierra Leone Roads Authority for supporting the process. “I hope that more people will come on board to develop the community,” he remarked. “The neighborhood is a good place for all; to develop,” he said. The project costs over US$100, 000 and it will benefit thousands of local residents and visitors.

China’s Ambassador to Sierra Leone, His Excellency Hu Zhangliang described the event as giving back to the community and added that they are happily living in the city and so, therefore, they would want to take part in developing and beautify Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital.

Ing. Victor Juju Foh underscored the important role played by the Chinese in Sierra Leone’s development and described the CRSG as a major partner in Sierra Leone’s road sector.

Festus Kallay, Chief Administrator of the Freetown City Council described the road maintenance project as part of their ‘transforming Freetown project’. He thanked the Chinese Embassy for the development venture and implored them to continue supporting Sierra Leone’s development.

The China Railway Seventh Group is keen at supporting national development since it starts operation in the country and has been embarking on its corporate social responsibilities in a number of communities across Sierra Leone. CRSG is a subsidiary of the construction conglomerate, China Railway Group Limited (China Railway Engineering Corporation).

In Sierra Leone, the company started work in December 2011 on the Regent to Grafton and Kossoh Town road, using US$30 million in development assistance funds from the Chinese government. Other major projects include the construction of the 35 km Makeni-Matotoka highway, the 65 km Bo-Kenema Highway, 62 km Port Loko-Lungi axis, and major urban thoroughfares, including the Wilkinson Road and Spur Road.

Maintenance work in progress

Tengbeh Town Fire Victims Receive Hope from Excel School

By Theresa Vamboi

In order to give succour to the distressed, the Excel Daycare and Primary School with motto, “Building a Firm Foundation”, has donated rice, clothing, shoes, bags and food  provisions to residents of Tengbeh Town who were devastated by a fire incident.

The donation, which was made possible by the children, their parents and the school authorities, was geared towards consoling the fire victims and a means of expressing love.

Proprietress of Excel Day Care and Primary School, Mrs Onike King, while presenting the items consoled the victims by telling them not to lose hope because of the ugly incident but to give God praise for saving them.

She said at Excel School they teach the children to show love at all times. They should love their neighbors just as they love themselves. She expressed thanks to God for the provision, as they are encouraging the children to care for one another.

“I am happy we were able to do this. You are not alone. We are all together in this. Thank God no life was lost,”she consoled.

Mrs. King went on to say as a school they have been rendering help to the community in various ways especially those that can’t afford quality education for their kids disclosing that through a scholarship program they are supporting some.

She appealed to other well-wishers to support the victims and for them to contact the Freetown City Council for the process to be well organized.

One of the Parents, Mariama S. Jalloh, thanked God because no life was lost. She said the donation was not much but encouraged them to accept it and prayed that such an incident would not happen again in that community.

Thanking the school, on behalf of 27 families, one of the fire victims, Samuel Akim Conteh thanked Excel School for their support. He said the school has truly demonstrated that they are indeed a good neighbour further expressing hope that such incidents do not happen again.

Councilor of Ward 439, Tengbeh Town Community, Ahlassan Kalokoh, thanked the school for such a gesture. He said this is what he wants to see in the community; to show solidarity for each other. He said when the incident took place he was worried but what Excel School has done brought a sigh of relief to them.

Excel Daycare and Primary School is a few yards from the incident where the fire took place. The school has been enjoying cordial relationship with the community including the market women and the youths.  The fire outbreak at Tengbeh Town Community affected 27 families.

PROCMURA Strengthens Christian & Muslim Relations In Africa

By Joenal Sesay

Sierra Leoneans have met to strengthen Christian Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA). PROCMURA meeting was held on Friday at the Council of Churches in Sierra Leone Headquarters in Freetown. The Chairperson for PROCMURA Rev. Mrs. Christian Sutton-Koroma said the program is working towards peaceful co-existence to promote unity in diversity and also working together to stand against extremism and violence and to ensure that the people work, live and support each other.

She went on to disclose how the program is a Christian one but at the same time extended to Muslims because they are living in one nation where they co-habit and co-exist.

“It all started in the 1950s when movements in Africa agitated for independence from colonialism. At that time, Christianity was seen as a religion of colonialists. So churches in Africa contemplated on how they could become self-governing and self-propagating, and how they can cope with other actors such as the State and the Muslims among other beliefs. Churches therefore saw the need for constructive engagement with Muslims as co-citizens in witnessing and building relationships for peaceful co-existence.”

She pointed out that the meeting was also meant to create awareness that the program has been in existence since 1950s in over 50 countries including Africa. According to her, despite their Christian principles they need to work together for peace, stability to prevail and how they can handle conflict for it not to escalate. She continued to reveal that PROCMURA has been working in Sierra Lone over the years but in a low key.

She emphasized that PROCMURA do not encourage destructive criticisms of one another’s faith; say negative things against another faith underscoring how they have been handling gender, health and human rights issues.

PROCMURA Area Adviser, Rev. Mrs. Bernadette Massaquoi, said the purpose of the meeting was to report on the conference held at the PROCMURA Central Office in Nairobi Kenya from the 1st to 6th July, 2019. The report on the various activities during the conference was submitted by the Area Adviser (AA) with emphasis on the Training of Trainers on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) and the evaluation and future focus on PROCMURA. To make it simple, the AA prepared short note on the FoRB handbook and the PROCMURA resource handbook. As it was discussed, there was a consensus that the short note should be distributed to members before the next meeting.

In her presentation, Rev. Mrs. Bernadette Massaquoi outlined t PROCMURA’s Mission Statement :

“Faithful Christian witness in an interfaith environment of Christian and Muslims that respect the spirit of good neighbourliness and Christian constructive engagement with Muslims for peace and peaceful coexistence.”

The mission statement makes it clear that in witnessing in an interfaith environment, Christians should be faithful to God and not compromise the Gospel not even under the guise of promoting peace and peaceful coexistence. Secondly, the principal objective of constructive engagement is to enhance peace and peaceful coexistence in the society which Christians and Muslims share.

While their Vision Statement:

To see an African continent where Christian and Muslim communities in spite of their differences, work together for justice, peace and reconciliation towards the holistic development of the human family and the environment

The vision statement makes it clear that PROCMURA understands and recognizes that there are stark spiritual and theological differences between Christians and Muslims especially when it comes to the essence of God and the divine nature of Jesus above others. POCMURA advocates the acceptance of the differences and live with them in peace and not segmented pieces. These differences should not be compromised and none of the two should attempt to work the other out of existence.

The statement further commits PROCMURA to promote peace justice, and reconciliation and the holistic development of the human family in the environment of politics, economic, culture, radicalization and violent extremism among others.

This is based on the incarnation theology which looks at life before death as seen in the presence of Jesus Christ who was with us in human flesh (John 1:14) and what he did to promote existence. This explains the biblical theology of human beings as stewards of God’s creation and the environment which is a shared home for all.

The meeting saw the re-formation of a committee among other things.

Blind, Deaf & Dumb Schools Receive Motherly Love from UMC Women

By Joenal Sesay

The Coordinator of the United Methodist Women’s Organization, (UMWO), Mrs. Ethel Sandy on Wednesday 4th December 2019 revealed that people with disabilities are not only important but have a vital role to play in society and that disability can affect anybody including their own children   intimating that the donation is part of ‘Ubumtu’ which means in Swahili ‘I am because you are.’

She made the statement during the donation of food and non-food items including bags of rice, garri, onions, cooking oil, toilet rolls, milk, sugar, soap, packets of tealeaf and drinking water estimated at Le12 million to pupils of the Milton Margai School for the Blind and the Deaf and Dumb School respectively on Wilkinson Road in Freetown.

She described the donation as humble but a blessing and that the pupils must accept the items in good faith.

Mrs. Ethel Sandy informed that during the organization’s annual convention, they normally visit communities to evangelize and make donations to the under-privileged but that this year they decided to make the donations to the two schools for the pupils to feel part and parcel of society reiterating that disability is not inability and assured the children that God loves and would make them become successful people in society.

She also informed that the items were purchased from contributions from members of the organization nationwide. Responding, Mr. Sallieu Turay of the School for the Blind and Mrs. Winifred Kamara–Cole of the Deaf and Dumb School commended the UMWO for the donations which they said is highly appreciated and that it is an indication that the United Methodist Church is concerned about them as they have not been abandoned.

They also highlighted the numerous challenges facing them such as the lack of trained and qualified teachers, transportation and other logistics and appealed for more support and furthered that it only quality education that would help the children to become successful citizens to give back to society with Mr. Sallieu Turay quoting the story of the widow’s mite in Saint Mark’s Gospel Chapter 12 verse 41 stressing that no donation is small observing that the work of the organization would win them more souls for Jesus Christ.

They continued that society frowns and discriminates against them.

Highlights of the donation were singspiration, offering of prayers and donation of the items.

Saidu Bah Sillah of the School for the Blind rendered the vote of thanks.

International Health Regulation 2019 Annual Report Out

Minister of Health and Sanitation

By Fatmata Jengbe

In fulfilment of its obligation, Sierra Leone has completed its 2019 self-evaluation to determine the country’s health security capacities as required by the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). A comprehensive multi-sectoral approach was used to fill the mandatory IHR State Party Self-Assessment Annual Reporting (SPAR) tool. The SPAR obliges countries to report annually to the World Health Assembly on their progress and compliance with implementation of the IHR requirements.

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation conducted the exercise in Freetown in collaboration with its one health sector partners from agriculture, national security and the environment for an holistic approach to health using set international standards and tools. In addition, the country also conducted a Joint External Evaluation (JEE) Self-Assessment Score card 2019 to track the JEE indicators.

Sierra Leone was the first country in the African region to initiate this innovative approach in 2018. Implementation of the IHR calls for countries to develop and strengthen specific national public health capacities, identify priority areas for action, develop national IHR implementation plans, maintain and institutionalize such capacities for progressive improvement over time.

WHO plays the coordinating role in IHR and, in collaboration with its partners, helps countries to build capacities through training, development of tools and guidelines. “The self-evaluation is both domestic and international obligations and we are pleased to be supporting Sierra Leone in fulfilling these requirements,” says Evans Liyosi, WHO Country Representative in Sierra Leone. “This country has made considerable progress in the IHR implementation process by improving capacities in surveillance through training of key personnel and establishment of coordination platforms such as the one health programme and has developed a National Action Plan for Health Security which are some of the bench marks of progress.”

About IHR

The IHR represents an agreement among 196 countries including all Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) to collaborate transparently and with mutual accountability in enhancing global health security through timely information sharing on public health events.

Some of the measures under the IHR include effective surveillance activities at ports, airports and ground crossing points to limit the spread of health risks and diseases across borders, and to prevent unwarranted travel and restrictions on economic activities between and among countries.

Outcome of the self-assessment

Findings of the evaluation process have been submitted to WHO IHR secretariat as the country’s IHR annual report for 2019 using the electronic version of SPAR (eSPAR). The eSPAR is being used for the first time by Member States as the new means through which to submit their report.

“In order to make significant progress in the implementation of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS), WHO and other partners have supported the country to establish an accountability framework which seeks to strengthen technical leadership and ownership through the appointment of JEE-NAPHS technical area leads, capacity building and developed of Terms of Reference” says Dr Charles Njuguna ,WHO Health Security and Emergency Lead in Sierra Leone.

The use of the JEE tool to assess the progress indicators has enabled the Sierra Leone to compare the 2018 and 2019 results. Hence, the process of identifying high priority activities for NAPHS 2020 operational plan was initiated by the multisector partners during the deliberations. A quarterly monitoring check-in process will be used to monitor progress in the implementation of priority activities in the NAPHS 2020 operational plan that has been developed.

The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has been very instrumental in supporting the work of health security in five selected countries including Sierra Leone through the World Health Organization.

Pres Bio Cautions Anglo-phone W/Africa Leaders against Bad Governance & Corruption

By Alim Jalloh

During the Judicial Training Workshop and Dialogue for Anglophone West Africa that took place on the 3 December 2019 at the Atlantic Hotel in Freetown, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio stated that bad political governance and corruption restrict civic space and destroy the democratic polity.

The august gathering of distinguished lawyers from Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ghana and the Gambia looked at the effective implementation of global, regional and sub-regional human rights norms in Anglophone West Africa. The forum was jointly organised by the Judicial and Legal Training Institute and the International Commission of Jurists.

President Bio said citizens would enjoy their inalienable human rights when civic and environmental governance were most conducive and transparent, noting that governance of the environment and the mitigation of the impact of human activity on the environment are also critical for the full enjoyment of the rights to food and health security.

He further maintained that Sierra Leone had signed and ratified treaties and conventions, domesticating them and setting up courts.

“We have domesticated most of these in our laws such as the Child Rights Act of 2007, the Domestic Violence Act of 2007, the Persons with Disability Act of 2011, the Distribution of Estates Act of 2007, the Registration of Customary Marriage and Divorce Act of 2007; and, the Sexual Offences Acts of 2012 and 2019. Sierra Leone is committed to respecting, promoting, protecting, and fulfilling the Human Rights of its citizens. Our Courts are addressing issues regarding Human Rights within powers enshrined in our Constitution Act No. 6 of 1991.

“We will also continue reviewing how other such progressive treaties as the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights will work with our domestic laws and judicial processes. Sierra Leone also maintains its affirmation of the goals of Agenda 2063,” he assured.

President Bio also told the gathering that Sierra Leone had five free elections and three peaceful transfers of powers in recent times, adding that his government would firmly consolidate a culture of democratic rule and democratic accountability.

“My Government has affirmed the right to education of the child by increasing allocations to education to an unprecedented 21% of the national budget. Together with the right to food security and quality healthcare, it is at the centre of the Government’s Human Capital Development priorities,” he noted.

The President concluded by saying that he wholeheartedly commended and supported the initiative of a dialogue, particularly with the involvement of the judiciary of Sierra Leone.

Honourable Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards, the Chief Justice of the Republic of Sierra Leone, said in his keynote address that human rights were central to any society, whether it is from a political, civil, economic or cultural standpoint. He added that all human beings were born free and were equal in human rights, noting that there were, however, countless instances where those rights had been violated by a large number of the world’s population.

“As independent judges, we stand as guarantors, guidance, protectors, and enforcers of human right norms and it is but pertinent and inevitable that we should choose to be competent and diligent judicial officers by equipping ourselves in ways as to acquire or reinforce knowledge in the subject, as to be sufficiently knowledgeable, possessing the requisite knowledge and gravitas to withstand any challenge on human rights, no matter where it is coming from.

“As an organ of the state, we, like the executive and legislature, have a duty to respect, protect , promote and fulfil the human rights of our respective citizenry, and where the executive and legislature have failed, we cannot fail,” he assured.

President of the Sierra Leone Bar Association, Robert Kowa Esq said that the practice of human rights was grounded in the nature of the human being themselves, adding that he was confident that the training would provide practical tools to effect the commitment goals in the attainment of human rights, standards and norms. He also added that it would promote and protect good governance in the respective countries

Chairperson of the Sierra Leone Human Rights Commission, Patricia Nansu Ndanema, said that she was gratified to be part of the experience-sharing occasion that was geared towards the protection and respect of the dignity of human rights. She said that the occasion showed commitment on the part of Anglophone West Africa for the promotion of human rights norms.

“Application of human rights norms within the justice system is crucial, but if discussions are put into actions, then I remain very optimistic that they will lay strong foundation to address many human rights concerns within the justice system which include but not limited to the long delays of prison inmates to enjoy their rights to be heard and on time and the long term detention without indictment. I believe experiences shared here will better improve on the effectiveness of the structures that are meant to restore hope when victims access them,” she said.