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Orange Sierra Leone Committed to Provide Best Telecom Services  

Orange SL CEO Aminata Kane Ndiaye

By Orange SL PR Unit – 24 August 2019

Orange is one of the leading telecommunications operators in the world, present in 29 countries with 154,000 employees worldwide. Orange operates in about 20 countries in Africa meaning that one in every 10 people is an Orange customer.

Orange acquired the Airtel operations in Sierra Leone in July 2016 and was recorded as the first company to invest in Sierra Leone immediately following the end of the Ebola epidemic.

Since the inception of Orange operations in Sierra Leone, the company has invested about $112 million dollars in the areas of network modernization and expansion; human resource as well as corporate social responsibility in the last two years.

The company has further invested about $96 million dollars in modernizing and expanding its network infrastructure. This investment has resulted to the construction of about 94 new sites mainly in the rural areas, the modernization of the company’s passive infrastructure and active RAN equipment, the replacement of all core equipment, the implementation of a new intelligent network platform for prepaid billing management; the establishment of a new switch to handle voice traffic, a new packet core for the internet traffic and the launch of a new Data Centre.

This exceptional and incomparable work done so far, has resulted to the connection of about 925 new localities with thousands of Sierra Leoneans now accessing data, voice and financial  services for the first time.

In respect of human resource, Orange has invested about $16 million dollars in the last two years. The company prides itself in capacity building by ensuring that its employees benefit from soft skills, technical and leadership trainings. The company nurtures talent from on-boarding; ensures retention and provides exposure opportunities to other Orange affiliates.

Orange being a multi-service provider and a responsible corporate citizen places emphasis on corporate social investment. In the last two years the company has invested about $ 400,000 dollars mainly in the areas of women empowerment, health, education and the environment.

Orange remains the first operator in Sierra Leone to contribute to the government’s Free Quality Education (FQE) agenda by pledging the sum of $1.5m in material assistance over a period of five years beginning from 2019.

In honour of its pledge, the company recently launched five major projects under its FQE initiative as follows:

  • The Super Coder Academy to train 100 senior secondary school students in five years.
  • The provision of 10,000 hygiene packs for girls between the ages of 12-18 years over a period of five years.
  • The running of an inter-secondary school quiz and debate competition every year for five years with the aim to provide one computer lab for the winning school every year.
  • Open classrooms to provide 300 free certifying digital courses for 500 teachers.
  • The distribution of 1,000 solar pack kits to 1,000 schools in 1,000 off-grid villages.

Orange also recently launched the first Coding School in Sierra Leone in  partnership with the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) with an estimated cost of about Le2.75 billion ($308,000).

The coding school is scheduled to commence in December 2019 with an aim to train youths in coding and other software skills in readiness for the country’s digital transformation, to foster entrepreneurship, reduce unemployment and develop the country’s innovation ecosystem.

As part of the company’s strategic ambition for Sierra Leone, Orange is present in the country with a strong industrial project that will lead to invest significantly to cover most of the population in the country with telecoms and mobile financial services. This is why orange is committed to invest additional $24 million dollars this 2019 to build 55 new sites, and to extend its 4G Services to the rest of the country.

Orange remains committed to providing the best telecom services in Sierra Leone ensuring its customers get an “unmatched “experience.


As SLPP Govt. Capacitates… Pavi Fort Sierra Leone Constructs Kabala-Koruboula Road

CEO of Pavi Fort, Alimu Barrie

By Amin Kef Sesay – 23 August 2019

Following years of hue and cry by residents of Koinadugu and Falaba districts to have a standard road in that part of the country the current SLPP Maada Bio led political administration in the not too past decided to fund the construction of the Kabala- Koruboula road amidst rumours that Government has abandoned it.

The People of Falaba and Koinadugu districts could not believe when they saw PAVI FORT Construction Company constructing the Kabala -Koruboula road.

Prior to this recent development some have expressed doubts that the Kabala- Koruboula Road was not part of the SLPP Government’s prioritized road projects in the country.

One of the site engineers of PAVI FORT Sierra Leone, Musa Diop ,said though it is the rainy season they are stabilizing the road, doing spot improvement and drainages to make sure there is no cut off and to ensure that the road is accessible for the people of Koinadugu and Falaba districts.

At the moment, there is bush clearing, spot improvement and channeling of drainages to control the flow of water to prevent cutoff so that the road would be motorable for pedestrians, motor and vehicular traffic.

One Okada rider, Sorie Turay, who plies the road from Koruboula in Falaba district to Kabala town, in a very elated mood told this medium that they are very happy with this move on the part of the SLPP Government to construct their road saying this is the first time the road is passable during the rainy season.

Speaking to this medium, a cookery seller, Fatmata Kamara of Mannan town in Falaba district expressed her profound gratitude to the SLPP Government for the ongoing road work, saying the construction of the road will ease their transportation constraints further mentioning that transport fare is now cheap than it was before when the road was in a very bad state.

The Paramount Chief of Shengbeh Chiefdom, Koinadugu district, Hon. P. C Alie Balansama Marrah 111 extended his appreciation to the Government noting how the road would link other chiefdoms in Koinadugu and Falaba districts.

He told this medium that transportation is now cheap for people using that route adding that for the first time in more than 20 years even low cars could now access Sinkonia town and other communities along the high way.

The Paramount Chief of Folosaba Kamba Chiefdom, Falaba district, P.C. Alhaji Finda Modu Kamara 111 said their dream of having a good road has now become a reality furthering that the contractor, PAVI FORT Sierra Leone, is doing a marvelous job on the Kabala-Koruboula road.

He explained that the road would connect his chiefdom for the first time and ease the challenges of linking farmers to Kabala town.
The Chairman, Council of Paramount Chiefs, Falaba district, Hon. P.C Alhaji Alimammy Lahai Mansaray 5 praised the President Bio led Government for their efforts to connect the two districts. According to P. C Lahai they are pleased with the ongoing road work but appealed to the Government to also construct and rehabilitate feeder roads in the district to ease the constraints of the people.

P.C Lahai said they have suffered for far too long due to the bad condition of the road but commended the Government for listening to their cries to construct the Kabala -Koruboula Road
Mustapha Gboa, a Community Health Officer attached to the Sinkonia Community Health center, said the ongoing road work has helped his patients to access the health facility on time, adding that their referral system has also improved greatly because of the good road. He said they are monitoring the road as a sign of appreciation from the Government.

He made it clear that those health workers along the Kabala- Koruboula road who normally go out on outreach now do access communities on time without delay to save the lives of patients in critical conditions.

Farmers, Non-governmental organizations, government officials, traders and school pupils expressed their happiness for the ongoing road work and praised the Government for listening to their cries.

Steady Bongo to be Honoured in Sierra Leone

Lansana Sheriff commonly known as Steady Bongo

By Mohamed Fadlu Bah – 23 Aug. 2019

On Thursday 13th August 2019 at the Salone Bar and Night Club in East End of Freetown, the Sierra Leone MCs Union disclosed their intention to honour Lansana Sheriff commonly known as Steady Bongo for his excellent contributions to the music industry.

The President of the Union, MC Puffy, in releasing this information said before and after the colonial era in Sierra Leone, people were celebrated for their excellent works when they were alive adding how it is against such a backdrop that the Sierra Leone MC’s Union (SLeMCU) thought it very necessary to start this very important idea to celebrate people for their excellent performances while they are alive.

He continued that the Union of MC’s in Sierra Leone and many other people including politicians regard Steady Bongo as a father, uncle, friend, brother and a mentor in the Entertainment industry and that choosing him cannot be overemphasized as he is amongst the few musicians that have touched the lives of many Sierra Leoneans, if not all but 90% of this country’s population.

The said event is scheduled to take place on the 22nd November, 2019 at the Hotel 5-10 East of  End of Freetown and will target all walks of life

Lansana Sheriff commonly called Steady Bongo   was born on the 24 July in the 90s by an Arab Mr Mohamed Lamin Sheriff a Mauritanian and mother of the Mende tribe, Haja Water, in the Kailahun District Daru Borbor. He attended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Secondary School at Kissy Dockyard  in Freetown where he sat his ‘O’ level Exam.

The musician is married to a Fullah woman Mrs Jariatu Sheriff from Bo district.

Steady Bongo is considered as someone that has spent his money and time in promoting not only himself but young artists like Big Joe, Papa Minkailu and others as well as the group known as Steady Bongo and the Cultural Heroes.

He has been in the music industry for over 25 years and he can play most of the country’s local instruments. Steady has bagged many awards for dancing.

The musician released his first album in 1991 and has done 24 other albums and among these albums are many hit songs. Over 90% of his songs are played all over Sierra Leone and the diaspora.

Steady Bongo was honoured by the late President Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabba with the Order of the Rokel Award and he has earned many other awards in and out of Sierra Leone.

Pebble Roomer Appeals to Sierra Leone Tourism Minister

Pebble Roomer

By Pebble Roomer – 23 August 2019

In any country, administration of protection of copyright for the interest and benefit of creative people and the Government is a must. As a matter of fact, according to the Berne Convention, one basic human right of creative people is the protection of their economic and moral rights.

Dishearteningly, the degree of technological advancement and playing on the naivety of majority of the copyright owners themselves, (with respect to the protection of their rights) by the smart merchants in the industry, are making it easy for piracy, infringement, violation and other offences to be perpetuated unimpeded. These are tantamount to criminal offences, punishable by fines and imprisonment.

Worse still, copyright pirates are causing incalculable damage to the economy of the State as the laws are not enforced. This problem is so serious that most writers, artists and actors, music and film producers are not rightfully benefitting from their works. The minute an artist produces an album it is pirated all over the country freely. The moment a film is produced it is freely seen bootlegged along the streets. Writers too suffer such piracy.

To avert the menace, the method has to be according to the law. Hon. Memunatu Pratt has to open a Copyright Protection office and get the Act implemented!

The Act details the basics, the legal rudiments of the subject; the prerequisite for copyright ownership, the nitty-gritties of binding principles in the use of copyright works and limiting statutes on practices in the copyright business field. It highlights protection of authors and performers, broadcasting houses, sound recording producers and audio-visual producers. It specifies the aspects of registration of copyright works and payment of royalty to copyright owners.

It accentuates the plenipotentiary role of the Registrar, in respect of the administration of the Copyright Act. It emphasizes the establishment of the Collecting Society, pertinent ad hoc committees like the Board, the General Assembly and more important the running of the office by the Executive Secretary, and the management of finances.

Most of all, it expounds on copyright infringement and enforcement of Copyright case arbitration.

The ultimate aim of the legal code is to establish a Collecting Society, pursuant to Section 54 and 70 of the Copyright Act 2011.

Unfortunately, since the enactment of the Copyright Act 2011 in Sierra Leone, no fruitful attempt has been made by any Government to put in place a Collecting Society.

The SLPP Government with Hon. Memunatu Pratt in the concerned Ministry has to do it now and actualise entrustment of the enforcement of the law by the National Copyright Protection Corporation (NCPC), so that when entrepreneurs in the field of copyright trade fail to comply with the law of the nation, the Copyright Tribunal of the NCPC shall handle them according to the law.       

With the music, film and literary industries gradually booming, the copyright owners and performing artists stand to benefit a great deal out of the implementation of the right modality of protection of their economic and moral rights, through royalty collection and distribution of remuneration (as salaries) to them, for their good works, as it is happening in other countries. Why not Sierra Leone?

The artists themselves would not be fighting their cases on their own. The NCPC shall pursue their cases for them. As the Performing Right Society (PRS) does in UK and the American Society for Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) is doing in US.

As prescribed in the Act, fair, balance and just terms of contracts have been prepared for merchants in the producing, publishing and distributing businesses, to ensure that the genuine owners of the copyright reap realistic benefits out of their profound knowledge and talent. License, clearance and permit to carry out certain acts, have been prepared in order to cut down illicit dubbing of sound and audio-visual recordings, for commercial exploitation. Both civil remedies and criminal sanctions have to be applied for serious infringement of the law and the theft in the business of copyright trade.

There is much scope for advancement, development and improvement of production, promotion, publication and distribution in the copyright industry for creative products of Sierra Leoneans to do well in the international market as mobiliser of foreign currency, for big income to flow into the country. In fact regional agreements could come to pass among Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ghana, Guinea, Gambia, Liberia and other ECOWAS states, to collect and share royalties with each other.

Besides, multi-national enterprises could be sought to invest in the copyright industry, for the potential financial benefits that the government might reap, in the mid to long-term future. More employment could even be created if the NCPC office is functioning.

Most of all, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the ECOWAS Copyright Division, United Nations and other international bodies can offer in-kind contribution, sponsor pertinent programs and give educational, technical and human resource assistances.

With all due respect, this media appeal has to culminate on admonition to the Hon. Minister not to give deaf ears and turn blind eyes to this newspaper imploration for her implementation of the Act.

The NCPC has drawn up expedient plan of action geared towards perfecting the system for the protection and commercialisation of copyright works, to complement the government’s effort in harnessing sustained economic growth.

Above all else, through the commitment and contribution of the Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court, Augustine T. Ansumana, and former FBC lecturer of Intellectual property, Patrick George,NCPC has also been able to formulate all pertinent working documents including the White Paper, the Structure and the organogram, for the bureaucratic work of administration of the protection of copyright in Sierra Leone.

Hon. Memunatu Pratt has to reach for the High Court lawyer and the former FBC lecturer and then call the Copyright Protection Administrator into active service, to marshal the opening and running of the NCPC office, for the moral advantage and financial benefit of the SLPP government!






Sierra Leone 2nd Lt Gabriel Dumbuya Shines at Sandhurst

2nd Lieutenant Gabriel Dumbuya

By Amin Kef Sesay – 23 August 2019

2nd Lieutenant Gabriel Dumbuya is on record for being the first Sierra Leonean in a generation to march up the steps of Sandhurst’s Old College during a commissioning parade that was held recently. He was one of 243 Cadets, from 23 different nations, to complete the Academy’s world renowned leadership course and as part of the Sovereign’s Platoon – the best in the intake.

Interestingly, history was made because Gabriel’s late father, Col. K.M.S Dumbuya, also trained at Sandhurst, passing out from Salerno Company in 1971.

Witnessed by hundreds of relatives and dignitaries, Gabriel’s parade was watched by Sierra Leone’s Acting High Commissioner to the UK, RSLAF’s Deputy Chief of Defence Staff and Gabriel’s immediate family.

This brilliant and ambitious young man’s journey started two years ago when RSLAF, with the support of RMAS and ISAT (SL) selected Gabriel as the best of the many excellent Sierra Leonean soldiers who applied for this opportunity.

Gabriel is now poised to add the knowledge that he has acquired from one of the world’s topmost military institutions back home to the Sierra Leone Military Force and it is believed that such will greatly lead to meaningful mapping out of strategies by the hierarchy of the force.

He is an inspiration to many young committed military officers who are desirous to rise to higher heights within the military force and it is definite that he will personally motivate them to reach the top.

When this medium caught up with Gabriel, this was what he said: “I am very elated to make such an achievement. Definitely it will help dispel the myth that this country has people who are only interested in locking up in internecine conflicts within the backdrop of our bloody 11 year war. Indeed, Sierra Leone has intelligent people who can make their mark not only nationally but internationally.” He added that we must always set targets and work assiduously in order to crystalize them into realities.

“I would like to extend my profound thanks and appreciation to all those who supported me in one way or the other to go through. Again, I appreciate all the commendations from near and far. May God bless you all,” he expressed appreciation.

Japan sign two cooperation agreements with Sierra Leone 

By Saidu Bah – 23 August 2019

The Government of Sierra Leone on Thursday August 22, 2019 signed two corporation agreements with the Government of Japan on technical cooperation and the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Programme (JOCV) at the conference Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation at Tower Hill in Freetown.

Speaking at the signing ceremony the Ambassador of Japan to Sierra Leone Tsutomu Himeno said “I’m very happy to sign a very important document which signifies to strengthen between the Government of Sierra Leone and the Government of Japan to enhance our corporation.”

“We have had extensive collaboration between Japan and Sierra Leone,” the Japanese Ambassador said.

He also said that they have formally invited President Bio to Japan to participate in Tokyo Africa Development Conference from August 28 to 30 2019 and a meeting with the Prime Minister of Japan to strengthen cooperation between the two countries.

The Ambassador presented to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nabila Tunis the newly appointed Head of Sierra Leone office Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) Hitoshi Sato

“I am looking forward to promoting the good Japan-Sierra Leone relationship and corporation,” the Ambassador of Japan Tsutomu Himeno concluded.

The two agreements will see Sierra Leone receiving at Japan’s own expense, equipments, machinery and materials to enhance technical training and other forms of cooperation to contribute to the economic and social development of Sierra Leone.

The second component of the agreements of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer Programme will see Sierra Leone providing exemptions of consular fees for JICA officers and Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and exemption from taxes including customs duties and fiscal charges and important license for machinery and materials to be used in JICA operations in Sierra Leone

Responding, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Nabila Tunis expressed profound thanks and appreciation to the Government and People of Japan for their continued support towards the sustainable development of Sierra Leone.

She applauded Japan for supporting the energy sector in Freetown, Water in Kambia and the Health, education and agricultural sectors across the country.

SLMD Donates to Wellington Flood Victims in Sierra Leone

By Foday Moriba Conteh – 23 August 2019

Sierra Leone Mission and Development Inc, a non-governmental organization has on Tuesday 21st August, 2019 donated food and non- food items to the victims who experienced or suffered from the recent Wellington flood.

Speaking to this medium during an interview, Program Director of Sierra Leone Mission and Development Inc, Catherine Kamara, disclosed that the donation is geared towards helping the flood victims with relief items adding that this is not the first time they have been extending such a gesture.

She said her organization has been working tremendously to bring hope, help and healing to humanity especially during times of distress adding how they are committed to ensure that they fulfil their vision as an organization.

Catherine admonished residents to take care of the environment they are living admonishing that they should not dump waste into drainages, as such a practice was identified as a major factor that led to the flood.

She urged Government to put mechanisms in place to relocate people living in disaster prone areas and called on authorities responsible to construct proper drainages for the free flow of water.

The Project Director lamented that over the years Governments have allowed people to build houses in disaster prone areas without any proper environmental planning.

She encouraged people living in disaster prone areas to move to safer locations where their lives will be protected as their lives are more important.

Councillor of Ward 406 within Constituency 115, Luckyn M. Mansaray thanked the Sierra Leone Mission and Development Inc for their kind gesture furthering how it is not only important but timely as the flood victims are currently challenged and they are in dire need of basic necessities.

He sympathized with the bereaved family who lost their loved ones as a result of the flood, promising they will ensure that they lobby relevant partners in order to come to their aid.

The Councillor said they have been sensitizing people on flood prevention especially those living up the hills saying they admonished them to stop deforestation and dumping of garbage in the drainages when it rains as these are major reasons leading to flood.

He called on Government to put mechanisms in place to relocate people living in disaster prone areas to safer places.

Big Artists Poise to thrill via ECOFEST Sierra Leone

By Samuel Serry jr. – 23 August 2019

There is no force potent enough to promote a country’s image than its entertainment industry. For this reason, Sierra Leoneans from all walks of life are now relishing the prospect of another opportunity to re-brand Sierra Leone through the highly anticipated November 30th – Ten Nations ECOFEST music showdown at the National Stadium.

Those who witnessed last year’s edition of the epic show saw how popular Ghanaian rock star, Kuami Eugene made an impressive display of love and affection for Sierra Leone by persistently waving the National Flag  in front of international TV cameras, exclaiming; “Sierra Leone to the World!! Sierra Leone to the world”.

That part of the show was repeatedly shown on top television networks around Africa and it significantly portrayed Sierra Leone as a peaceful and attractive country with a thriving entertainment sector.  This message will be re-echoed far and wide and the rewards to our tourism industry will be huge.

Many are now of the opinion that Kuami’s performance that night  had ignited the interest of so many top international entertainment stars like Tanzania’s Diamond Platinum, Uganda’s Jose Chameleon, Nigeria’s Slim Case and the ever popular stand -up comedian, Basket Mouth. These stars and several others will be joining Sierra Leonean artists for another major ’marketing assault’ for Sierra Leone at the National Stadium.

Led by Deputy Youth Minister… UN Delegation Visits South-Eastern Provinces in Sierra Leone

By Elkas Sannoh – 23 August 2019

Hon. Lusine Kallon, who happens to be the country’s Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, has led a delegation from UN’s New York office to the South and Eastern provinces of Sierra Leone on a perception survey about the security risk associated with the youths.

This move is in line with President Julius Maada Bio’s agenda to empower young people and prepare them to be productive citizens at all levels.

“My mission is to deliver and because the President believes in young people this is why he is working hard to provide the needed environment through the Ministry of Youth Affairs,” the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs told a high-powered delegation in Kenema.

He said they are on a joint assessment mission to know the patterns of recruitment and mobilization of youths into cliques and gangs across the country.

According to him, they intend to identify some elements that could contribute to empowering youth at risk to become a productive force at the community level in order to facilitate the long-term development goal of the country.

The Local Unit Commander, Musa James, said the Sierra Leone Police is the national police force that is primarily responsible for law enforcement and crime investigation throughout the country. He admitted that crime rate is high and young people are strongly involved in perpetration of all sort of crimes. He confirmed that the police have been very vigilant in policing lives and properties of all citizens.

LUC James said they have instituted redress mechanisms through their community policing and their partnership with the Local Police Partnership Board in dealing with youth in conflict with the law.

In his statement, the District Coordinator, Office of National Security, said security issue is collective and therefore commended the Youth Ministry for such an assessment to bring out solutions in salvaging the problems affecting young people.

Sierra Leone unveils First Blockchain National Digital Identity System

President Dr Julius Maada Bio unveiled Sierra Leone’s National Digital Identity Platform

By Amin Kef Sesay – 23 August 2019

Wednesday 21 August 2019 marked another milestone as His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio unveiled Sierra Leone’s National Digital Identity Platform, making it the first such Blockchain national identification system in Africa.

At the Seventy-third Session of the UN General Assembly last year in New York, the President announced a partnership with the UN and KIVA, a US-based financial services international non-profit organisation,  to launch a bold new initiative designed to give the country’s seven million citizens access to financial services.

“Today, less than one year after, I am pleased to announce that we have accomplished that objective. My Government has developed a National Digital Identity Platform (NDIP). I am informed, and I announce with pride, that this is Africa’s first Blockchain and Decentralised National Digital Identity System”, he said, adding that the advent would radically change Sierra Leone’s financial inclusion landscape and make it possible to access and deliver economic and other opportunities to every citizen.

President Bio noted that the platform, developed by the National Civil Registration Authority with support from KIVA, was a digital infrastructure to help citizens grant access to approved institutions to assert and verify identity and also build credit histories.

“It will be implemented in two steps: First, we will digitise identities, and secondly we will use that digital identity as the unique nationally recognized identifier called the National Identification Number that is non duplicating and non-reusable around which the credit reporting and lookup apparatus is built as well as a unique source of reference for every service delivery in the country. Step 1 – has been completed; Step 2 will be completed by the end of this year,” he said.

He recalled that before now, in an effort to avert risk, lending institutions could offer a poor farmer working on communal land or a petty trader in Freetown no loan or only high-interest loans partly because the bank had no way of establishing the identity or credit history of that person or small business entity.

“That will change from now on. With the new National Digital Identity System, financial service providers are now able to efficiently verify the identity and ultimately the credit history of a customer wanting to open an account or access a loan,” he said, adding that the platform would now reduce the risks to these institutions associated with extending low-interest credit to ‘unknown’ borrowers while also doing that without the guarantee of unreasonable collateral requirements.

“This directly translates into citizens having improved access to affordable credit to invest in entrepreneurial endeavours and to also meet consumption or financial shocks that occur as a result of life events. Access to credit and financial services can significantly improve the lives of citizens by making citizens more financially resilient. Further, it will strengthen and expand the private sector, the backbone of any modern economy.

“For the first time in Sierra Leone, there is now a pathway for farmers in rural communities, for instance, to access capital needed to invest in their farms, increase production, and therefore improve their earnings. For women, young persons, and persons with disabilities, meaningful financial inclusion is now possible through this new National Digital Identity Platform. They now have an opportunity to engage in entrepreneurship in an increasingly digital economy,” the President said.

The NDIP would also now provide the government with a proactive medium through which public institutions could verify identities with certainty, thus significantly curbing corruption and graft on payrolls, benefits, and social safety net programme payments.

“My Government has further directed that all new recruits into the Civil and Public Service should be vetted and cleared by the Biometric Identification System at the National Civil Registration Authority before enlistment into the Government Payroll System. This has disrupted and contained impersonation and identity fraud thus making the Payroll transparent and accountable catering for rightful owners of identities,” he said.

“I am proud to note that the new digital identity system is built with clear guidelines on principles of self-sovereignty to protect information from unauthorised access. Ultimately, it is Sierra Leoneans who own their data and it is they who should decide with whom they share that data and how that data is used. Data on every person resident in Sierra Leone stored with the NCRA will be protected with strict confidentiality in line with international guidelines and practices.

“Another advantage of the technology is that any time information is modified, a record of that transaction is created.
We will continue to build on the current legal protections in line with international best practices and remain mindful of all constitutional and human rights obligations.

“With this technology milestone, we have signalled our determination to be a hub of innovation and a nation primed for new opportunities for inclusive governance and development,” he concluded.

In his welcome statement, earlier, Director General of NCRA, Mohamed Mubashir Massaquoi, said the event was a milestone that would better position the people of Sierra Leone to become productive through an increasingly digital and connected world, adding that it also signalled the government’s willingness to embrace scalable and socially impactful technology especially for purposes of reducing information asymmetry and alleviating challenges associated with social and economic exclusions.

”This is a unique approach by President Bio to leverage the tremendous potential of technology, data science, and artificial intelligence in making data-driven analyses and decisions, and scaling up solutions to society’s problems. This inter-link, with strong policy-making, problem-solving, and innovative application of technology, is beginning to have a transformative effect on the lives of all Sierra Leoneans,” he said.

A representative from the United Nations Development Programme, Samuel Doe, said he was excited to join the Government of Sierra Leone to launch the NDIP. He stated that the Government had successfully developed the system, with record speed, since the signing of the MoU in September last year.