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Sierra Leone News: NP-SL: Petroleum Company of the Year

National Petroleum (NP) SL Limited

NP is a company worth its salt and the company has received many awards; the latest being: “Best Company of the Year” that was received on 6th July 2019 during the National Business Award 2018/2019 held at the prestigious Bintumani Hotel.

Being Sierra Leone’s leading and longest serving oil marketing company, the National Petroleum (NP) SL Limited continues to weather the storm gallantly as it endeavours to give optimum satisfaction to millions of customers across the country.

Recent research on the viability and sustainability of oil marketing companies in Sierra Leone indicates that the operations of the National Petroleum – Sierra Leone make it the most viable and sustainable oil marketing company; apart from it being an internationally approved service deliverer.

The research included tests on the standard and quality of the National Petroleum-SL products which customers say they have never had cause to grumble about.

It should be noted that customer care is one key element to the success of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL).

Another most important feature of NP-SL is its smart cards which customers can use to make transactions very easy and convenient.

The public’s recognition of the invaluable contributions of NP both to its numerous customers across the country and to national development has seen it bag meritorious awards from different national and international organisations.

 NP-SL is well anchored in neighbouring Liberia, Guinea, Ivory Coast and The Gambia where it operates as a truly multinational Sierra Leone company.

Since its establishment, NP has been meaningfully contributing to economic growth through payment of taxes and rolling out meaningful interventions in the discharge of Corporate Social Responsibility that are transforming lives and improving communities.

The company always ensures that petroleum products are always available, thereby preventing shortages that could create shocks in many quarters. The level of confidence which overseas business partners have reposed in the company has made it possible for it to enter into payment agreements thereby keeping the demand and supply chain open and running.

The company has gained international reputation for offering a variety of managerial and technical jobs to Sierra Leoneans and other individuals throughout the countries it operates.

NP-SL by giving preference to employing Sierra Leoneans is a clear indication that it adheres to the country’s Local Content Policy. Utilizing local talents make it possible for indigenes to acquire useful knowledge and skills through training courses that could be applicable in other places.

In addition, the company sells the best cooking gas that is available in hundreds of outlets across the country, thereby contributing to creating cleaner environments, thus aiding the work of EPA.

In this digital age, moving away from the traditional way of transacting business has now become the norm.

SEACOACH Commemorates 10 Year Anniversary in Sierra Leone

Chief Executive Officer of SEACOACH Express, Capt. Olusegun Jaji
Chief Executive Officer of SEACOACH Express, Capt. Olusegun Jaji

SEACOACH Express dinner photoSEACOACH Express dinner photoSEACOACH Express dinner photoSEACOACH Express dinner photoSEACOACH Express dinner photoSEACOACH Express dinner photo

Celebrating its 10 year anniversary in grand style, the Management and Staff of SEACOACH Express on Saturday 20th July 2019, invited diplomats, customers and other dignitaries to a ceremony held at the Bintumani Hotel, where it gave awards to deserving staff for their diligent services over the years in Sierra Leone.

Speaking during the ceremony, the Chief Executive Officer of SEACOACH Express, Capt. Olusegun Jaji, expressed his appreciation to the guests for celebrating with them on such an important occasion. He stated that from humble beginnings, his company has been transformed into a formidable force to reckon with in the ferry business. He disclosed that with barely one boat at the start of the venture in July 2009, they can now boast of a fleet of boats plying the route from Freetown to Lungi and other parts of the country, much to the satisfaction of their customers.

With expert captains driving the boats, they are pleased to say that no mishap has hit the company. With its site at the Aberdeen Bridge, the location presents travellers visiting the country for the first time, a rare view of the landscape as they are ferried across from the Lungi International Airport.

The CEO further stated that with the aim of catering for the needs of commuters to travel to and from Lungi in safety and with satisfaction, SEACOACH Express has laid the foundation to revolutionise sea travel in Africa.  SEACOACH Express provides the most reliable, safe and most comfortable shuttle services to various parts of the country. It has offered enjoyable excursion trips, tours and holiday trips to various parts of the country. In the area of seaworthiness of his fleet, the CEO stressed that they place a high premium on maintenance of their fleet, adding that the boats are equipped with the latest state-of-the-art navigation system to ensure the safety of their passengers.

On its Corporate Social Responsibility, CEO Jaji maintained that the company has been very active in that area with the provision of thousands of scholarships to disadvantaged students, the construction of several water wells in the community it operates and the building of a hospital at Aberdeen, which was donated to the community in April 2019.

Other speakers had words of praise for the management and staff of the company and it was disclosed that early next year, SEACOACH EXPRESS will be plying part of the West African route to Liberia and Guinea and additional fleet of boats are expected soon.

Several artists including Famous and Kolabo made brief performances to the pleasure of the guests. The ceremony was climaxed with the distribution of awards to deserving staff that had performed excellently over the years. The party then continued way into the night.

Sierra Leone News: Minister to Revisit Mining Agreements

Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Hon. Foday Rado Yokie

Minister of Mines, Hon. Foday Rado Yokie has pledged his commitment to revisit all mining agreements, and cancel those that are not in the interest of the people of this country, while also ensuring that Mineral Rights are given to credible investors. He called on the technical staff of the NMA to work with him in this direction and to ensure synergy between the Agency and the Ministry for the good of the country.

The Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Hon. Foday Rado Yokie encouraged staff of the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources (MMMR) and the National Minerals Agency (NMA) to work with him to ensure that Sierra Leoneans derive maximum benefits from our mineral resources.

Addressing a cross-section of MMMR and NMA staff during the formal handing over ceremony held at the Ministry’s conference room, 5th floor Youyi Building on 3rd July 2019, Hon. Foday Rado Yokie said the people of Sierra Leone have suffered for far too long not benefiting from the mineral wealth of this country and that he is here to change that narrative.

He pointed out that the minerals sector is critical to national development, and that staff must see themselves as working for the benefit of the country and the people, and not for the Minister. “We are all servants of the people, and we have a sacred responsibility to ensure that the people of this country realize benefits from our minerals”, he maintained.

He called on the technical staff of the NMA to work with him in this direction and to ensure synergy between the Agency and the Ministry for the good of the country.

Hon. Foday Rado Yokie expressed appreciation to his predecessor, Dr. Morie Manyeh, for his good work, and the very solid foundation he has left behind. He assured staff that he is ready to work with everybody, regardless of colour, race, tribe or party and solicited cooperation from all to enhance smooth working relationship. He called on staff to work with sincerity and put the interest of our Country first.

Earlier, in his handing over statement, the outgoing Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Dr. Morie Manyeh, congratulated Hon. Foday Rado Yokie on his appointment and said that the Ministry has a very thin Management staff but he was blessed with professionals from the NMA, whom he called on to give their utmost support to the New Minister.

Dr. Morie Manyeh pointed out some of the key achievements of his tenure such as the rolling out of three (3) new policies: The Sierra Leone Minerals Policy; The Artisanal Mining Policy; and the Goe-Data Management Policy, which he noted provide solid foundation for the development of the minerals sector. He also highlighted noted projects, such as the Airborne Geophysical Survey and the Koryardu Project, which he said requires close supervision for successful completion. He wished the new Minister success as he continues with the challenging task of ensuring that Sierra Leoneans derive maximum benefit from our mineral wealth.

In his statement, the Director General, NMA, Mr. Julius Mattai, thanked Dr. Morie Manyeh and wished him well in his new appointment as Sierra Leone’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom. He acknowledged to have learnt a lot from him during his stay as Minister.

In another engagement, the Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Foday Rado Yokie visited the NMA Headquarters Office at New England Ville in Freetown on the 2nd of July 2019. He commended the NMA for it professionalism and that he was blessed to have inherited this team. He called on staff members to work assiduously towards the set goals.

The Minister further said that the Government is excited with the Airborne project, as over the past years we have been negotiating agreement with investors from a position of weakness, all that will change as with the result from the survey, we will negotiate from a position of strength.

In his statement the Director General, NMA Mr. Julius Mattai welcomed the Minister and Team from the Ministry and pointed out that the NMA has positioned itself to ensure that the country takes advantage of the numerous opportunities from minerals endowment, while working with stakeholders to address the challenges from mineral exploitation.

The Chairman, Board of Directors, NMA Ing. Hadji Dabo, congratulated the Minister on his appointment and welcomed the Minister to the Agency. He pledged the Agency’s full support to ensure that the people of this country benefit from the Mineral wealth.

Sierra Leone News: Over 75% of the Job Completed… Hadissa SL Ltd. Hands Over 70 Solar Boreholes to Water Ministry

Hadissa SL Limited on Saturday 20th July 2019, at Moyamba Junction, Kayambai Chiefdom and Moyamba Town, Fakunya Chiefdom in the Southern District, handed over 70 completed Solar Boreholes and Civil Works to the Ministry of Water Resource

In his statement Mohamed Serry Managing Director Hadissa S/L Limited said the construction was done in 13 districts and each borehole was drilled at a depth of 80 meters deep and that they made sure that the boreholes will not run dry. He stated that tests have been done by Wash Net in order to ensure that the water is safe for human consumption. He went on to say that Hadissa SL Ltd. will continue with the monitoring and maintenance for one year to ensure sustainability.

Mohamed Nad Kamara Secretary General Hadissa SL Limited stated that Hadissa SL Ltd. is doing all it could to do a quality job before the one year period given to them by the government. He added that as a reputable company ‘we want to uphold the value of the local content policy in Sierra Leone.”

He went on to state that a study was conducted in 2012 by the Trade Ministry and the British DfID which  revealed that even for small time jobs  – operators of heavy duty trucks; welders of mining plants, etc. – in the big mining and construction companies; the majority of Sierra Leoneans are ill-equipped with ‘Technical Vocational’ knowledge to perform efficiently, but that this narrative is slowly changing, with companies like Haddisa SL Ltd, Pavi-Fort and Gento Group among others.

He added that they have now joined the queue in civil engineer works which gives them the opportunity to train young Sierra Leoneans to be capacitated in technical works, he ended.

Fallah K. Tengbeh Senior Project Manager Ministry of Water Resources said the Solar Boreholes is one of the fastest and cheapest means of providing safe water, and is used all over Africa.

“The Solar connection is done from the bottom of the well and the panel itself is place on the roof top of the structure so it can access the sunlight which makes it operate with gravity force to supply the water to all the taps connected the borehole, and it is easy to maintain and has less economic bother to the communities.

He added, ‘We have succeeded in implementing lots of cost-effective projects because Dr. Jonathan Tengbeh who is the Minister of Water Resources is himself a technocrat with vast experience in the field”.

In his statement Alhaji Issa Sallieu Barrie, Chief Executive Officer, Hadissa SL Limited thanked the government of President Julius Maada Bio for restoring confidence in Sierra Leoneans and giving them the opportunity to be part of nation building.

He continued to state that water is life and that he will do all in his power to deliver his side of the contract to ease the suffering for water.

“Hadissa SL Limited is a Sierra Leone company and given a contract by the government, it is like we are working for ourself as we are also beneficiaries. I am passionate to be part of development and I know how water has been a problem for our women and children in the country and so I want to do my best in reducing the suffering,’ Barrie said.

Honourable Simeon Fefegula of Constituency 096 stated that provision of water is among the priorities of the Bio-led New Direction Government. He spoke on the importance of water, adding that these steps taken so far are an indication of hope that more development is coming in Moyamba District.

Giving his keynote address, the Minister of Water Resources, Dr. Jonathan Tengbeh said water is among one of 8 priority areas of President Bio and that is why the New Direction Government takes it very serious. ‘We all know the challenges and the negative impact caused by the shortage of water. It leads to early pregnancy of our girls, and it affects the school system; health and has lots of negative impact on the society,’ he said.

‘But we all know that the Government inherited a battered economic from the past APC regime, and so we cannot fix everything at once. But we all know President Bio is a talk-and-do president and so he has among other things prioritised Education, Health, Agriculture, Tourism and Water and we all have been working together in making sure we succeed.

Upon assuming office I tried to capture all neglected projects in this ministry and we have succeeded in implementing the most important ones that we consider to be short term and cost effective,’ the Minister said. He went on to say the Guma Dam was for just a little less than thousands of inhabitants living in Freetown then, but now it supplies over 1 million people and also faced with challenges such as encroachment on the dam boundary.

He said the 100 Solar Boreholes Water supply facility that was constructed by Hadissa SL Limited are just some of the short term projects but that consultants are working to build the River Rokel Dam and construct new reservoirs and rehabilitate old dams nationwide.

He ushered praise and thanked Hadissa SL Limited for the quality and speedy work, adding that they have shown commitment to be part of national development and promised that his Ministry will address the water situation across the country.

Sierra Leone News: Rado Swarray Flip Flops

Minister of Information and Communication Mr. Mohamed Rado Swarray

Following days of speculation regarding President Julius Maada Bio’s visit abroad, there have been press releases whenever the president is travelling out of the country this time round there was no such press release which brought about the speculations.

In an interview with Minister of Information and Communication, Mohamed Rado Swarray, by Salmata Bah of the SLBC, he stated among several other things that President Bio is fine; he is well, and he is hale and hearty and in the best of health.

He maintained that he travelled a day before President Bio for a conference together with BBC Correspondent, Umaru Fofanah with over 200 other Sierra Leoneans on Air France flight.

According to Minister Swarray, the president walked to the flight by himself and had lots of discussions with other Sierra Leoneans on board the flight; adding that he is therefore surprised that Sierra Leoneans are showing concern.

He maintained however that it is normal for press releases and advices to be issued whenever the president travels but that this time round and for very obvious reasons, the fact of the matter remains that the president is well, hale and hearty   and is enjoying the debate around all these issues.

Minister Swarray added that President Bio was on a private visit in England. On the other hand however, Salmata Bah put it to him that even with a private visit the public should be informed because he is the president of the country and therefore it should be in black and white that the president is going on a private visit because the issue that he has been sick has been circulating for some time now.

He agreed however that when you malicious gossip is circulated do cause mischief, people have been saying all kinds of mischievous things about the health of the president but that he can state authoritatively that the good news is that the president is well and ‘we are looking forward to receiving him soon,’ Mr. Swarray noted.

The Minister denied that the president was not on medical check-up but that he took a well-deserved rest. ‘I have never seen a president work so very had in extremely difficult circumstances and as one of his cabinet ministers I have travelled with him both in and out of the country and he is simply a workaholic because he has unbelievable energy and stamina,’ the Minister said.



Sierra Leone News: COI Judge’s Home Burgled

Justice Biobele Georgewill

The home of one of the Judges chairing the three commissions of inquiry into alleged corruption and abuse of office by ministers and senior officials of the former APC government – Justice Biobele Georgewill, was broken into by unidentified persons.

According to reports, the Nigerian Judge Biobele Georgewill was asleep, when the break-in took place.

It is understood that the culprits took away a laptop computer belonging to the Judge, which contains years of personal files, including confidential documents relating to the inquiry he is conducting in Sierra Leone.

There are speculations as to who could have carried out such an audacious crime on a property believed to have been heavily secured in Goderich, in the far west of Freetown. The police are investigating the crime.

What is of major concern though, is the shocking breach of data security, for those giving evidence at the inquiry, whose personal confidential information are stored on the computer.

This astounding data security breach, could now compromise and jeopardise months of hard work of collecting and investigating several alleged cases of corruption and abuse of power in Sierra Leone.

The Secretariat of the Commissions of Inquiry has issued this statement


Sierra Leone News: SIERRATEL to Install Landline Phones for SLP

Sierra Leone Telecommunications Company (SIERRATEL), has agreed to install 20 landline phones for the Sierra Leone Police (SLP), as part of a pilot phase for the one month free landline phones’ promotion.

SIERRATEL launched a promotion for the advanced landline phones on 8th July, 2019 and users’ responses have been so far positive.

At a symbolic presentation ceremony in SIERRATEL’s office on Wallace Johnson Street in Freetown, on Monday, 22nd July, 2019, Head of SLP’s Communications, Superintendent Sheku Bahja Koroma, said the landline phones came at a time when the SLP is planning to overhaul its communications system.

“Having gone through the benefits of the recently launched SIERRATEL landline phones, we realised that they would be very instrumental for our operational needs. Our institution is highly decentralised and these phones would help us a lot to reach out to our personnel and rapidly respond in a case of emergency,” he said.

He said SLP has a national emergency call centre with the code 112 at Kingtom in Freetown, adding that SIERRATEL should install its landline phones there so as to smoothen SLP’s operation.

“We have over 50 locations that we want these landline phones to be installed but we appreciate the 20 landlines that you have agreed to give us as a pilot phase. Such goodwill gesture from a national telecoms company gears towards national development and we are very grateful,” he said.

SIERRATEL’s Chief Commercial Officer, Yusiph Bockarie, said the rollout of the landline phones is a pilot phase for one month, noting that the SLP is one of the institutions that SIERRATEL has earmarked to benefit from the services.

“These landline phones are not the traditional ones you used to know. They come with high speed internet services as an added value. As a state-owned company, we decided to introduce fixed lines with ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) system to cater for all segment of customers,” he said.

He disclosed that SIERRATEL initially decided to dole out only seven landline phones to the police but because of the increasing demands, 20 phones would now be given to them.

He said many institutions have made request for the landline phones to be installed, adding that plans are underway to do the installation for them soonest.

SIERRATEL’s Marketing Director, Albert Bangura-Will, said SLP is a strategic partner to SIERRATEL and they are always willing to render their services to them.

He said the landline phones are safely stable and would be very important for a security body like the police.

“Data connectivity is at the forefront of the landline phone package. This gives leverage for the users to enjoy an internet connectivity,” he said.

Sierra Leone News: Grindrod Recovers Locomotives from Sierra Leone

JSE-listed freight and financial services company Grindrod has, taken delivery of 20 of its locomotives that had been recovered and transported from Sierra Leone to the Port of Durban.

The locomotives had been contracted in 2012 for hauling iron-ore from the Tonkilili mine to Pepel port, but the mine halted operations at the end of 2017 and the counterparty defaulted on its lease hire and maintenance payment obligations.

The recovery of the locomotives would allow for the realisation of their value through deployment into new contracts, Grindrod said in a statement on Monday.

A further four locomotives recovered at the same time had already been delivered to a client in Matadi, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

At the request of the government of Sierra Leone, a further ten locomotives have remained in Sierra Leone while efforts are made to resuscitate iron-ore exports from the country.

Depending on the success of those efforts, these locomotives will either be entered into new long-term contracts there or will be shipped back to South Africa at the end of the year.

In the meantime, Grindrod indicated in a statement on Monday that it had competing demands from rail operators in the region for the locomotives and anticipated that the entire recovered fleet would be delivered to clients by the middle of 2020.

The shipment of the locomotives back to South Africa was a complex task, the company noted, as the Port of Pepel is not deep enough to receive the large vessel required for the shipment and there is no railway line from Pepel to Freetown.

All 24 locomotives were railed some 75 km to a transshipment facility established close to the town of Lunsar, where the body of each locomotive, weighing 72 t, was lifted off their bogies by a mobile crane contracted from the neighbouring country of Guinea and loaded onto specialised trucks.

From there they were transported indirectly, avoiding weak bridges and other obstacles for 200 km on a mixture of tar and dirt roads, to Freetown port where the locomotives were re-assembled with their bogies and, subsequently, loaded on a heavy lift project vessel for shipment to Matadi and Durban.

“What seemed an impossible task when first contemplated has been achieved by our team, from our landing at Lungi Airport in Freetown March 26, to securing the Sierra Leonean government’s support, contracting the logistical expertise and assets from around West Africa and safely executing a complex landside operation to delivery by sea to Durban only four months later is really remarkable,” said Grindrod Rail CEO Andrew Thomas.

Sierra Leone News: ‘UBA Marketplace’ Sierra Leoneans to Benefit from Entrepreneurial Mentorship

Young Sierra Leonean entrepreneurs will be gracing Africa’s largest trade fair dubbed UBA Marketplace, which will be held in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, on the 26th and 27th July 2019. They will be opportuned to interact with their counterparts across the continent and share ideas and even get mentorship from experts, during the plenary sessions. This year’s Forum, themed “Empowering African Entrepreneurs”, will host some  20,000 visitors and over 100 small and medium enterprises, plus top private and public sector players. Top artists like Wizkid, Niniola, Dj Cuppy, Dj Neptune performing as Cynthia Nassardine, RMD will also be gracing the 2-Day event.

This year’s TEF Entrepreneurship Programme captures more Sierra Leonean entrepreneurs. The event seeks to promote young entrepreneurs and business people across Africa and create the enabling environment for interaction among business owners and the mentorship of youths. It is the aim of this forum to prioritise the private sector and encourage entrepreneurship, especially among the youths.

It could be recalled that an agreement signed between the UNDP and the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) to financially support 100,000 young entrepreneurs in Africa over 10 years is being actualised at the UBA Marketplace.

The TEF Youth Entrepreneurship Programme has benefited 7,520 local entrepreneurs across 54 African countries in five years of existence and Sierra Leonean youths are set to be the beneficiaries of seed money plus 12 weeks business training. These will join the previously announced 3,051 beneficiaries of the 2019 cohort of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme. After the training, the final shortlist of 2,000 applicants will be announced to join the previous 2019 TEF cohort.

Below is the hyperlink to be accessed.






Sierra Leone News: London Graduate School Confirms It Conferred A Honorary PhD On Minister of Tourism, Madam Memunatu Pratt

Conferment of Honorary Doctoral Degree in Peace and Conflict Management on the Minister of Tourism by London Graduate School and University of Costa Rica in Dubai

Minister of Tourism and Culture, Mrs. Memunatu Pratt has been decorated with an honorary PhD in Dubai.

However, it is very unfortunate that in this country, where the human capital resource for powering the country and its people’s transition from poverty to shared prosperity is very scarce, instead of revelling in the success of our compatriots that through dint of hard work and perseverance reach the heights of learning, the tendency is for use through sheer, jealousy, envy, malice or hate to pull them down – referred to as PHD – Pull Him/Her Down.

A victim of such malicious calumny is the country’s distinguished, hard-working Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Madam Memunatu B. Pratt.

Her enemies and detractors claim that Madam Pratt paid the London Graduate School USD5, 000 to secure the degree that was conferred on her. The information allegedly was provided by Insight Namibia Magazine.

For a start, for anybody to suggest that Madam Pratt does not deserve a Honorary PhD degree from an institution whose credibility is impeccable, as will be shown later, is most disingenuous.

Mrs. Memunatu Pratt was born in Freetown on the 29 April, 1964 to Mr and Mrs Pratt.  She attended the Roman Catholic Primary Schools Koidu and Tongo Fields – 1969-1976. She then proceeded to the Holy Rosary Secondary School Kenema (1976-1981), where she sat O Levels and got her university entrance requirements.

Hon. Minister Pratt bagged her first Bachelor’s Degree B.A General Division in1985 at the Fourah Bay College (FBC), her Post-graduate Diploma in Education in 1986 (FBC), Post-graduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies in 1993 (FBC), Master’s Degree with Thesis (M.A. Library and Information and Communication Studies Thesis: ‘Evaluating the Effectiveness of Information Storage and Retrieval Systems in Three Documentation Centers in Sierra Leone’ MA Thesis (unpublished) in 1997 (FBC).

Mrs. Memunatu Pratt has garnered  several professional certifications and acknowledgements; which includes her Certificate on Conflict Analysis and Earth Warning (UNDESA, UMI, Kampala, Uganda (2004), Certificate in Transforming Conflict and Development Towards Sustainable Peace (UNIDESA), University of Ghana, Accra (2005), Certificate in Human Rights Monitoring and Documentation (IHLG), Freetown (2003), Certificate in Human Rights Peace and Justice (UN University for Peace, Addis Ababa (2006), PhD Research – Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK (Causes of conflict and Post-Conflict Peace building Strategies from Perception of Victims and Perpetrators) on completion, Post-graduate Diploma in Research Methods in Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK (to be collected, among others.

Her professional experience since 1986-2018 is astounding. She taught at Prince of Wales Secondary school-Kingtom (1987-1991), Part-time lectured at Institute of Library Archives and Information Studies, Supervising student’s archives and Records Management projects (1993-2001), Research Officer, University Research and Development Services Bureau (1998-2001).

With determination and fortitude, she spearheaded the establishment of the Department of Peace & Conflict Studies, FBC, University of Sierra Leone (2002-2003), and has contributed immensely to the establishment and development of Peace Studies programme in West Africa (2003-present), she has also contributed to the development of certificate and Diploma course at the Kofi Annan International Peace Training Center in Ghana (2004-2010), Higher Education Link Coordinator – Universities of Sierra Leone and Department of Peace Studies University of Bradford, United Kingdom (2001-2006), Coordinator and hosted Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, Field Trips (2003-2006), Lectured and acted as Programme Coordinator, Head Peace and Conflict Studies, FBC (2002-2010), Part-time Lecturer – Gradoc Masters in Gender studies course, Lead Resource person for Developing the Module on ‘Gender, Conflict and Human Rights (2004-2011), Senior Lecturer and Head of Department of Peace and Conflict, FBC (2010 – Date), National Chair IPRA – Hosted the International Peace Research Conference in Freetown Sierra Leone (2016) and appointed by President Bio as Minister of Tourism and Culture Affairs in 2018.

After receiving the honor, Madam Pratt in interviews with major TV stations in Dubai said, “This came at a time I was not expecting,” but noting that one thing she believes in is “serving the right cause always, with genuine purpose and believing that one day you will be remembered, as this has manifested today upon receiving the award in high placed ranking order.”

Madam Pratt pointed out that the conferment was symbolic prove that she has been followed and watched on her performance as Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, adding that what she is doing is in the best interest of the country, “and this will place the destination on the tourist map worldwide”.

In the one year and a bit more that she has been the political head of the country’s Tourism and Cultural Affairs ministry, Madam Prat has achieved a lot in terms of rebranding the country as a tourist destination.

In raising Sierra Leone’s tourism profile internationally, her focus has been to employ tourism as an instrument for peace, political stability, job creation and economic growth and empowerment of tourist communities through partnering with world class tourism sponsors sand promoters.

Quite recently, she and a Tourism ministry delegation took Sierra Leone’s case to Canada.

Meanwhile, for the attention of her detractors, below is a letter from the University of Costa Rica confirming the award of a honorary doctorate degree on Madam Pratt:

Dear Hon Pratt,
Thank you for drawing our attention to the publication. I will address the publication but before I do that, I will explain what we did in your case:


We understand that such misleading information put online may cause you some concerns and as a public figure. As a result, we recommended that our partner university, Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica (Business University of Costa Rica) to confer your Honorary Doctorate Degree.

The Business University of Costa Rica is accredited by the Government of Costa Rica and it is a UNESCO Listed University.

We did this because as a respected public officer, we cherish your reputation and would not want your political opponents to use misleading information online to discredit your achievements.

We are equally proud of our achievements of the Commonwealth University and accreditations received to date and the value we are adding to top executives and their respective organizations.

You can view Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica’s ranking in Costa Rica and in the world ranking here:


You can read about the university on its website here

Now, I will go on to address the publication.

The publication is not only incorrect but also misleading. We consider this clarification necessary so as to put the records straight.

Those who have put up the negative publicity have never attended our programmes neither have they visited or contacted us with any query.

Our investigations revealed that the publications were politically calculated to harm a perceived strong opposition figure in the said country.

I will like to provide additional information about the London
Graduate School and Commonwealth University for your attention:

The London Graduate School is registered in the United Kingdom as a provider of higher (tertiary) education services to teach degree programmes of other institutions. It is the appointed tuition provider and administrator of Commonwealth University and several non-UK universities.

The London Graduate School does not have powers to award its own degrees. The degrees are awarded by the Commonwealth University or our partner universities which are UNESCO-listed Universities recognised and accredited by their home government.

London Graduate School has authority to bring people to the UK for our top executive education courses and training that are for a period of 6 months or less.

The awarding body, the Commonwealth University, is a corporate professional private distance learning university registered in the City of Panama. It is a non-traditional university that is globally focused and has its international office in London at the London Graduate School office.

As a Corporate Professional Private Online University that is globally focused, the Commonwealth University seeks to maximize the value of degrees which its graduates get. We do this by obtaining relevant international accreditation from recognized professional bodies and international distance learning accreditation bodies. Below are the Accreditation and Approvals so far received:


Commonwealth University has been given the UNESCO Learning Badge for advancing internationalization of education. This UNESCO certification is valid till 2023.


QAHE inspects the internal quality assurance system and reviews study programs of a university. The QAHE Accreditation scheme assists institutions to achieve and maintain international standards and all accredited institutions must enter the Continuous Perfection
Evaluation process every year (www.qahe.org)


Our management consultancy related degrees are recognized for the purpose of awarding the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) qualification. The CMC is the highest professional qualification in Management Consultancy and it is recognized in over 50 countries reciprocally.


The Commonwealth University is an Accredited Member of the International Association for Distance Learning (www.iadl.org.uk).
The UK relevant laws allow non-UK institutions like the Commonwealth University, a Panamanian registered institution, to operate in the UK.

Even though the Commonwealth University has a UK office and a UK partner school, it is not a UK university and the degrees awarded by  the Commonwealth University are strictly those of the Commonwealth University as a registered International Business Company (IBC) under the jurisdiction and authority of Panama and are not those of any UK Universities.


The Commonwealth University and the London Graduate School have entered into strategic alliances with a number of universities in what is called Dual Degree partnership.

Under this arrangement, any student who completes the Commonwealth University Degree and who wishes to avail himself or herself of the Dual Degree programme will complete the Assessment Documents and the entire transcript and evidence of work such as completed assignments and dissertation shall be submitted for further assessment and upon satisfactory result will receive another degree from the Dual Degree Partner.

The dual degree partner universities are recognised and accredited by their home government and are also listed on the UNESCO Handbook of universities.


The Commonwealth University in collaboration with St Clements University have established a university college in Benin Republic called École Superieure Universitaire St Clements and Commonwealth (www.esucotonou.com).

The university college is one of the sixteen (16) private universities that was approved and accredited by the government of the Republic of Benin in 2016. It is accredited for the Brevet de Techniciene Superieure (BTS) Associate Degree. We currently have over 70 students currently studying full time with us in Cotonou.


We are 13 years old as an institution and we have served many leaders from over 72 nations. We have been organising these top executive leadership seminars in Dubai since 2007. I have attached our UNESCO Learning Badge certificate and the QAHE Accreditation.

The proactive step we took was to ensure that the misleading publication does not cause you harm in any way. So, your award is from Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica and not from Commonwealth University.

Please do not rely on Wikipedia, anyone can put up information on Wikipedia. You can make enquiries directly from the relevant authorities.

I hope these few lines designed to give you assurance have achieved  the desired result; for you and for us.

Kind regards.
Ms. Sadiksha Rai
HOD Continuing Education Programmes

London Graduate School – Commonwealth University Consortium

Central London Office
Mayfair Point, 34 South Molton Street, London, W1K 5RG

T: +44(0)7786776802  +44(0)2036122749

E: info@londongs.co.uk W: www.londongs.co.uk