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Sierra Leone News: OMCs Want Bottlenecks Hampering Their Operations Removed

Oil Marketing Companies (OICs) in Sierra Leone have been put at the cutting edge being encumbered by a lot of bottlenecks greatly inhibiting their efficient performance and thereby posing serious competitive challenges that threatens those companies’ continued existence.

It must be noted that for any government to successfully govern and manage its economy well anywhere in the world it can only do so by actively engaging oil producing companies.

The state of oil companies currently is such that they are challenged and if nothing is quickly done by the relevant authorities to address the precarious position in which these companies are presently placed.

It is understandable that the whole country relies on petroleum products for certain activities to be accomplished that lead to development.

It is no secret, as stated earlier, that Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), operating within the country, are at the moment going through difficult financial straits.

From what was so far understood, one of the most pressing hurdles that these companies have been grappling with is easy accessibility to the US Dollar. In a country where the legal tender, the Leone, has considerably depreciated such is having serious impact on the viability of the affected companies all using the dollar to procure petroleum products overseas.

Paradoxically, in spite of this foreign exchange constraint, which had lingered for some time, it was only shortly that fuel price was increased to Le 8,500.00 for petrol and diesel when comparatively it is sold above Le9, 000.00 in Liberia, Guinea, and The Gambia.

The oil companies have reportedly recorded massive losses lately and one of them, NP-SL, up to the tune of over Le 96 billion (ninety six billion Leones).

Recently, NP-SL General Manager, Kobi Walker said over a radio interview that one of the major factors that have been responsible for the present status quo antebellum is the fact that there has been a huge difference between the actual price of PLATTS and the average purchase price of USD $ to the Leone when matched against that of the Petroleum Regulatory Agency Pricing Formula.

According to him this is a big challenge that NP cannot easily handle.

He further divulged that foreign exchange owners are really challenged and for that reason foreign currency is not freely available for them to continue the process of purchasing and selling.

He further stated that looking at the current prices of petroleum products within the context that NP is subsidizing, has further compounded the situation, which he said is a contributory reason why they are encumbered with such huge losses, highlighting how that is not their sole responsibility as a company.

He said that it is not their business to give subsidies and sell below what they are buying, pinpointing how they are willing to continue to supply their products.

The GM disclosed that Sierra Leone is consuming over 400 million litres of fuel every year. He added that if the price for fuel remains less competitive and somehow profitable such will pose serious difficulties for the survival of OMCs, but expressed optimism that they are sure to address the issues with the relevant stakeholders.

He postulated how the company cannot determine the increase in price of fuel as there is the Petroleum Regulatory Agency which is the regulatory body of all OMCs operating in the country.

“They have the onus to determine increase of prices having looked at the PLATTS, foreign exchange rates and other variables,” Kobi Walker posited, adding that they as a company cannot continue in the present manner but that the relevant stakeholders are seriously looking into the situation.

Without any doubt, we all see how quickly the whole economy grinds to a halt whenever there is no fuel in petrol stations. People can no longer travel easily and cheaply from one place to another. The cost of transportation goes up and food prices shoot up as well, affecting the smooth operations of industries, sometimes causing job losses.

As such, whilst we understand the financial stress that the government is going through, but at the same time, the government must keep in mind that it is a fact that survival of society depends on the availability of petroleum products in the market at all times.

The depreciation in the value of the Leone should not be a factor in the Central Bank prioritizing foreign exchange to oil companies at official exchange rate because fuel has a very huge multiplying effect on the rest of the economy, as well as vital for investor confidence.

Realistically, if the government cannot subsidize, then it should allow market forces to prevail so that the industry does not collapse.

As things now stand, oil marketing companies are suffering at the detriment of its own survival.

“If the current fiscal regime is not reviewed many companies including Sierra Leone’s fully indigenous National Petroleum Company will go down a painful and dreadful route,” stated a seasoned economist.  He added that sound policies must be urgently rolled out to ensure stability.

The economist maintained that it is regrettable that the company finds it extremely difficult to purchase US Dollars in the marketplace currently.

It is recommended therefore that the Central Bank develop a mechanism wherein foreign currency is provided for the oil marketing companies to enable them pay for badly-needed petroleum products.

Of course to promote transparency of goods that are brought into the country and ascertain the required taxes that must be paid to Government, the ASYCUDA digital software was introduced at the Port.

However, what was gathered from the conducted research was that the method of implementation of the ASYCUDA system has been negatively impacting Oil Marketing Companies for which it was recommended that the relevant authorities put in place measures to ensure seamless flow of products free of interruption and long delay at the Quay.

The current pricing formula dictates that the pump price of petroleum products be adjusted upwards or downwards periodically as and when the combined effect of the changes in world market prices (quoted in PLATTS) and the exchange rate (measured by the average selling rates quoted by the Oil Marketing Companies, commercial banks and Bank of Sierra Leone) causing a +/- 5% change in the Leone-based landed cost of the product (s).

It was noted that prices should be changed upwards or downwards in small increments that will not create panic in the market place. The way it is currently, allows for a big jump at any time which makes it difficult for Government to effect change at the right time.

Oil marketing companies are further encumbered with other charges that are not provided for in the price build up formula, and these include: Toll Gate fees, ASYCUDA processing fees, Environmental Protection Agency fees, storage fees and other fees imposed by the Petroleum Regulatory Agency.

Thus, to help the oil companies, government must review some of its policies, especially those affecting vibrant companies in the country, as well as ensuring that economic measures are rolled out in order for the value of the Leone to appreciate.

Failure to take drastic steps to protect locally owned companies will definitely lead to closure or restructuring with dire consequences that could take the form of labour downsizing, no-payment of taxes to government among other salient issues.

NP-SL is indeed worthy of commendation.




Sierra Leone News: SLBL: Poised to Deepen National Development

Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL)

The award winning premier brewer of cherished alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in the country, the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited company continues to increase its customer base and championing the implementation of tangible development projects in needy communities.

Put in proper perspective, the company is commendably honouring its corporate social responsibility that is impacting positively on the lives of people.

An amazing accomplishment that the company is widely exalted for is its excellent implementation of the country’s Local Content Policy. Despite the fact that the company is affiliated with the Heineken Foundation in the Netherlands and has external shareholders it has, however, ensured over the years to have Sierra Leoneans in its employ as long as they possess the requisite qualifications and skills instead of largely importing foreign expatriates.

If even foreign expatriates are employed it is the company’s dogged policy to always have Sierra Leoneans who should understudy them and after a period of time the nationals take over their positions.

In boosting the agricultural sector, SLBL is effectively making use of sorghum, which is locally cultivated, in the brewing of some of its beverages. This has encouraged farmers to grow sorghum where it is very ideal to do so and at present the number of sorghum farmers and family has increased exponentially standing over 25,000 in various districts.

SLBL has been steadily supporting these farmers in diverse ways to increase their yields in order to match up with their demand. What this has led to is a symbiotic relationship between SLBL and the sorghum farmers. These farmers have a steady source of income helping to financially take care of various domestic responsibilities.

Distributors of SLBL’s variety of beverages are Sierra Leoneans with an exceptional case of only few foreign business people.

Coming back to the company’s implementation of its Corporate Social Responsibility, SLBL has done a lot and is determined to continue doing so. The company gives priority to residents within the Wellington Industrial Estate where it is situated when it comes to offering jobs as long as individuals within that locality are qualified. This has helped in poverty reduction through meaningful engagements of young people who were hitherto jobless.

SLBL, in collaboration with Heineken Foundation, has been rolling Water and Sanitation Projects in different communities closer to where it is located. It has constructed solar powered water wells that are benefitting residents in those places who were finding it extremely difficult to access pure and clean water supply.

Added to that, the company has assisted in the construction of health facilities from which locals are receiving medical treatment, thus easing constraints formerly faced.

It has been giving education support to institutions that deserve it.

The company does not discriminate along religious grounds as it has the cardinal principle to cater for all. This was very evident in the last Ramadan month when SLBL shared its happiness through its Maltina brand to the Muslim community throughout the Holy Month of Ramadan by dishing out Maltina Iftar targeting 60 mosques and thereby giving solace to over 6,000 Muslims right across the country.

This locally and widely acclaimed company is by all indication poised to continue to boost the country’s economy.


Sierra Leone News: Orange SL is Determined to Expand Network

One of the country’s mobile operators, Orange SL on Friday 5th July, 2019 held its second quarterly meeting with press men at the Country Lodge on Hill Station.

Speaking during the event, an Orange SL official, Annie Wonnie Katta, disclosed that they have been working tremendously in order to expand their network across the country. She also revealed how they have so far spent 55 million dollars in order to upgrade their network as a company further highlighting their proposed plan of spending 24 million dollars in expanding their network.

She added that they are very proud as a company to say they have the widest network in Sierra Leone covering 80 percent of the country’s population and connecting 925 main localities for the very first time in the country with thousands of Sierra Leoneans now accessing data, voice and financial services.

Annie explained to media practitioners that Orange SL is committed as a company in steadily rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility furthering how they have paid 2 billion Leones in its GSM project in 2017 and 2018 adding that they are the only GSM operator contributing towards the Free quality education project having pledged 1.5 million Leones support assistance that will be implemented over the period of five years.

“Competition in the mobile network is up and orange SL doesn’t plan to slow down at all. We will continue to work hard to enhance telecom connectivity in Sierra Leone in line with the Government’s agenda for ICT to ensure we keep Sierra Leone at the fore front of communications in Africa and by extension the world,” she noted.

Underscoring the achievements of Orange SL from January to date in the network sector, Desmond Spaine, said that they have added new sites in the country and 39 3G sites have been added from January to date and said they have also integrated 65 new 4G sites within the Freetown Municipality and once they are completed they will target the provinces to ensure that Sierra Leoneans enjoy the very best of telecommunication in the country.

He said in terms of the quality of the network they have so far done 11 backbones with a total of 135 links that have been modernized. In terms of expansion, he went on, they have expanded from 5 gigabyte per second to 6 gigabyte per second in terms of the speed.

Spaine pointed out against the end of December 2019 they are targeting 389 sites maintaining how from now to December they will be constructing 52 new sites in addition to the 337 sites across the country and are proud to say Orange SL is going to be the network with the largest coverage in the country.


Sierra Leone News: NP-SL Management & Shareholders Bonded for Maximum Output

National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited

The National Petroleum-Sierra Leone Management and its shareholders are bonded and always in agreement about what is good for the company, consumers and the country as a whole. In other words, both the management and shareholders of this indigenous company are always on top of situation by ensuring that the required stock of petroleum products are available thereby preventing the occurrence of shortage.

Additionally, one of the outstanding characteristics which has catapulted the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited to an enviable position is its efficacy in impressively rolling out effective service delivery to its numerous and esteemed customers near and far. The company always treasures on ensuring that its numerous customers’ wants are well addressed.

“We are very mindful that our customers should be our number one priority which is why we are doing our utmost in giving them optimal satisfaction,” intimated Kobi Walker, General Manager of NP.

In all its state of the art ,customer friendly filling stations  dotted in all the nook and cranny of the country the company is highly regarded for providing qualitative as well as timely services making it to be rated as one of the most efficacious indigenous business entities that  prides on excellence.

Always ensuring that there are high grades of petroleum products available on the market has continuously restored customer confidence.

The way and manner in which the company is exceptionally operating impresses many especially with its spectacular posture.

Based on sustainable operations and expansion, amidst varying challenges, one of which is the fluctuation of the dollar exchange rate to the Leone, NP –SL continues to offer varying job opportunities to many who in the past were jobless.

Management of the company thought it wise that if it is dealing in selling gas then the citizenry must be offered a basic gadget that functions with that product. This was how making available NP Gas for safer and convenient cooking purposes was introduced.

NP Gas is user friendly, readily available, cheap and very guarantee to use, a fact that has been corroborated through various interviews conducted to sound the opinions of people around the country. These gas cookers are found in all the filling stations operated by the company.

To be in line with latest technological trends the company has availed its customers the opportunity to use Smart Cards for purchasing purpose, meaning that buyers could top-up their cards to the tune of any amount which they can use intermittently to procure petroleum products. This has made it convenient for easy transactions to transpire and many are comfortable with that.

Admirably, as the only 100% indigenous company that has stood the test of time going further to establish branches in Liberia, Guinea, Ivory Coast and The Gambia which are vibrantly operating is indeed no mean feat; it is an accomplishment worth recognition and writing home about.

The company is doing exceptionally well in all the countries it is functioning and indeed there are prospects for further expansion.

Timely payment of taxes to Government makes NP one of the largest taxpayers to Government.

NP –SL is moving with rapid speed to ensure that it gives the best of services to all and sundry.



Sierra Leone News: President Bio Celebrates with Rwandans on Liberation Day

President Dr Julius Maada Bio

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio is one of seven presidents across the world have been invited by Rwandan President His Excellency Paul Kagame to grace this year’s commemoration of the country’s Liberation Day, called Kwibohora25 on Thursday 4 July 2019.

Rwandan President, His Excellency Paul Kagame

Others included President Faure Gnassingbé of Togo, President Hage Geingob and First Lady Monica Geingos of Namibia; President Faustin-Archange Touadéra of Central African Republic; President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed of Somalia, President Mokgweetsi Masisi and First Lady Neo Masisi of Botswana; and President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe.


President Dr Julius Maada Bio and President Emmerson Mnangagwa

More than 25,000 people watched the 4 July twenty-fifth anniversary parade at the Amahoro National Stadium, in Kigali, featuring the defense forces and national police personnel, wearing colourful uniforms and marching to revolutionary songs played by the army band. Liberation day marks the day when the Rwanda Patriotic Front stopped the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and effectively liberated the country. Over a million people lost their lives in the genocide.

“For three long months in 1994, our country’s survival was in doubt. A segment of the population was being hunted. More than a million people were murdered,” President Kagame said at the event.

It could be recalled that Rwanda was one of three countries invited by the government of Sierra Leone to share experiences at a two-day national dialogue forum on democratic consolidation for peace and national cohesion in May this year. The conference in Freetown, which also discussed the creation of a National Peace Commission, heard experiences from the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission of Rwanda, the Peace Council of Ghana and the National Cohesion and Integration Commission of Kenya.

Also, in March this year a delegation of visiting members of the Sierra Leonean parliament, who were in Kigali on a working visit, said they were keen on critically looking at best practices in one of the fastest growing African nations with a view to adopting them back home. Such practices include empowering women in decision-making processes growing its economy.

The country is not just creating a business-friendly environment but also diversifying the economy from being almost entirely dependent on agriculture to now being developing services and a growing manufacturing sector.

Sierra Leone News: Gulf Water is now 5 Years Old

Gulf Mineral Water and Beverage Company

One of the leading water bottling companies in the country, Gulf Mineral Water and Beverage Company situated at 5 Smart Farm, Off Wilkinson Road in Freetown, celebrated its 5th Anniversary on Wednesday 26th June 2019.

The company has continued to supply quality products to hotels, supermarkets, entertainment complexes, among other market outlets, due to the fact that the products are purified and produced under the highest safety and hygienic standards.

Gulf Mineral Water and Beverage Company, Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Shour, thanked and appreciated its valuable customers, staff and all those that made the company reach such a marvelous height and gave a brief background of the company in which he stated that it was established in 2014 to create employment for the youth as the company is growing and marketing  more products further assuring the workers that they are always ready to work with them with hope, prayers and confidence, adding, “Gulf Mineral Water and Beverage Company is here to stay and constituent products of high quality and international standards.”

Mohamed Shour further stated that their investment is capital intensive and assured of supporting workers.

Gulf Mineral Water, Commercial Manager, Claudius Stark-Davies, also commended valuable customers, dealers, staff and management of the company for their patient efforts and commitment to reach their current state saying it is an outcome of working relentlessly to maintain high quality standards.

He also assured customers of the availability of their products nationwide and that Gulf Water is refreshing and satisfactory maintaining how the company will continue to expand its products to reach the last village in the country and open more dealer outlets.

He also disclosed that the company is flexible to its customers as it scouts for more potential business people to come on board and do business with Gulf Mineral Water Company that has standardized machinery.

Claudius Stark-Davies encouraged others to give Gulf water a try and embolden those want to do business with them to visit the company’s headquarters on 5 Smart Farm, Off Wilkinson Road in Freetown as there are surprising packages of 500ML, 1.5 litter and 18.9 litters (dispenser) bottles for home and office use with affordable prizes.

According to Gulf Mineral Water Commercial Manager, customers in hostels, supermarkets, entertainment complexes among other top business places do business with the company informing that they were certified by the Standards Bureau and the Consumer Protection Agency due to the quality of its water and other products.

He also reiterated the company’s continuous adherence to quality, affordable and available products throughout the year noting, “if you want to do business with us visit the factory at 5 Smart Farm, Off Wilkinson Road or contact +232 77333444/+232 78575757. Gulf Mineral Water is the most refreshing that satisfies your thirst. It is produced at global standard with modern machinery.”

Presentation of gifts to deserving staff and the cutting of the 5th anniversary cake climaxed the ceremony.








Sierra Leone News: Audit Service Sierra Leone Dilates on Audit Process

As part of its public education and information drive, the Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) is informing the public about the Audit Process undertaken by auditors from ASSL prior to issuing a final audit report to Parliament.
The Office states that Section 119(2) of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone give mandate to the Auditor-General to audit the Public Accounts of Sierra Leone and all public offices including the courts, the accounts of the central and local government administrations, of the Universities and public institutions of like nature, any statutory corporation, company or other body or organisation established by an Act of Parliament or statutory instrument, or otherwise set up partly or wholly out of Public Funds.

The audit is carried out in an independent manner without third party interference as prescribed by the International Standards of audits for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and as best practice dictates. This to ensure that apart from achieving an objective view of the use of funds by MDAs, citizens are well informed, and MDAs are in the position to operate better when recommendations proffered in the audit reports are fully implemented.

There are four phases involved in the audit process. These are: Planning Phase; Fieldwork Phase; Reporting Phase and the Follow-up Phase

PLANNING PHASE: A successful audit exercise starts with adequate planning in the office. This is done within the ASSL; outlining institutions to be audited in accordance with the strategic plan of ASSL. During this period, a notification (initial communication) for the audit is sent to the client to be audited.
Setting up of an Audit Team follows immediately and the performance of pre-engagement activities (including assessment of team members’ independence/code of ethics and competence as well as the allocation of timeframe and resources for the audit).
A date for an entrance meeting is then scheduled; and at the agreed date, an entrance meeting is held with the auditee (institution to be audited). During this period, the discussion would include the Audit Approach, Term(s) of Reference as well as presentation of checklist, identification of Audit Focal Person and arrangement of office space for the Audit Team.
FIELDWORK: During this phase, the Audit Team moves to the auditee’s premises. During the fieldwork, the auditors receive documents from auditee; perform designed audit procedures (including analysis and examination of documents provided by the auditee and third party); raise audit queries and hold discussions with auditee for clarification of issues.
REPORTING PHASE: This phase starts with the exit conference (closing meeting) with auditee (discussion includes recap of key audit findings, etc.) during which the auditors give opportunity to the auditee to respond to the audit queries. Issues not clarified are put into a draft report (management letter) sent to the auditees for response within 15 days as stipulated in section 93(3) of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016.
Upon receipt of responses from the auditee, the auditors would verify the responses for two things: firstly, to verify whether the recommendations made in the draft report are implemented and secondly, to check what extent have they been implemented.This is an important stage as prescribed in the ISSAIs and is a common practice in public sector external auditing.
After the verification exercise, issues not clarified would go into the final audit report submitted to the client and at the same time form part of the Auditor-General’s Annual Report submitted to Parliament.
FOLLOW UP: This is the phase that comes after the report would have been submitted to Parliament. When conducting a current audit exercise of an institution that was audited previously, audit laws prescribe that there is a follow-up on the previous recommendations made. The outcomes of that follow-up are always factored into the current report to show whether they have been fully implemented, partly implemented or not implemented at all. The auditors determine that by the evidence made available .It is important to bear in mind that the end result of our audit work is to add value to the work of the institutions we audit. That is to help institutions perform better.



Sierra Leone News: 150 Recruits Benefit from SLRSA Training 

The Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority – SLRSA has on Monday 1st July 2019 commenced training session for its 4th batch of Recruit into the Safety and Enforcement wing of the Authority since the establishment of that Unit by an Act of Parliament in 2003.

Giving an overview of the training curriculum, Chief Superintendent of Police CSP Litto Lamin Commandant and Vice Principal of The Sierra Leone Peacekeeping and Law Enforcement Academy – SILEA said the training will focus on 10 thematic areas which are: Role,  Responsibilities and duties of a Road Safety Corp; the Legal Framework of Road Traffic Laws and Regulations of Sierra Leone, Examine Global Road Safety Trends looking at the 5 thematic Pillars in United Nation Decade of Action on Road Safety,  Issues relating to investigative role of a Road Safety Corp,  Evidence Recording and Report Writing more so in the court of law,  Professional Conduct of Road Safety Corps vis-a-vis relationship with other security forces, Contemporary Issues that center on Human Rights and the Rule of Law  among others.

CSP Lamin said the 150 recruits at the end of the 8 weeks training would be assessed and graded based on their performances on the exams and drills and all grades would be handed over the SLRSA Management.

He expressed sincere gratitude to the Board and Management of the SLRSA on behalf of the Sierra Leone Police and SILEA Administration for considering the SLP to do the training. He assured that they will deliver to the best of their abilities.

Mr. Sheikh Bawoh Chairman Board of Directors Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority said the training is part of governments’ agenda  for Human Development Capacity and by extension youth employment.

Mr. Bawoh said the new administration at SLRSA is working relentlessly in strengthening the already existing mutual working relationship between the SLRSA and the SLP.

He urged the recruit/trainees to abide by laid down rules set by the SILEA Admin and its instructors.

“You must always be the torch bearers of the SLRSA and make the institution great again”. he said.

Mr. Ibrahim Sannoh Deputy Executive Director SLRSA on behalf of his boss Mr. David Panda-Noah expressed sincere gratitude to the Sierra Leone Police for accepting the offer to train the 4th Batch of recruits  into the Safety and Enforcement wing of the Authority after almost a decade.

Mr. Sannoh equated the work of Road Safety Corps to that of a medical doctor that involves protection of life.

Integrity,  self-respect and dedication to service, Mr. Sannoh said  are the basic tenets  of a professional law enforcer. He admonished the 150 recruits to imbibe the culture of integrity and professionalism during and after the training process.

Mr. Joseph Osman Dauda and Assistant Inspector General of Police  AIG Sahr Richard Marka Director Human Resource and Training,  and Director Human Resource and Admin for SLP and SLRSA respectively made meaningful contribution.

About 150 Sierra Leoneans who successfully went through the Recruitment process are currently at the Sierra Leone Peacekeeping and Law Enforcement Academy formerly the Sierra Leone Police Training School and the training is expected to last for 8 weeks.

Sierra Leone News: UK Strategic Communications Specialists Hob-Nobs With Press Secretary

Yusuf Keketoma Sandi, Press Secretary and Presidential Spokesman, hosted members of the Strategic Communications, International Projects from the United Kingdom Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet Office. The Strategic Communications Specialists are on a research/scoping visit to Sierra Leone to better understand the challenges in relation to government communications in Sierra Leone with a wide focus across Ministries, Departments, Agencies and the Office of the President.

The head of the delegation from the United Kingdom, Emily Poyser, who is also the Head of Strategic Communications, International Projects explained that UK Government Communication Service International (GCSI) was established in response to demand from partner governments to replicate effective and efficient government communications. She also stated that GCSI collaborates with partner governments around the world to help them build capacity and improve communications with their citizens.

“We are here to assess the current communications capability of the Government of Sierra Leone and make a report of the key findings with recommendations in the short and long term,” Emily Poyser noted.

Welcoming the delegation, Press Secretary and Presidential Spokesman, Yusuf Keketoma Sandi expressed appreciation to the visiting team for choosing Sierra Leone at a time when the new President believes that engaging citizens on government activities and programmes is an enabler to participatory democracy. He informed the delegation that the new Government inherited a weak government information infrastructure but that both the Office of the President and Ministry of Information and Communications have overhauled the infrastructure for efficiency and effectiveness.

“We have huge challenges to recruit more information/communications officers in MDAs, there is a problem of mobility for existing communications specialists/officers, poor salaries, not enough training,  lack of resources and equipment. There are huge challenges with both capability and capacity,” Keketoma said.

In the Office of the President, the Press Secretary also said that as part of creating a stronger relationship with the independent media they will also appreciate support in funding independent journalists to accompany the President on overseas trips while also to increase visibility of President’s activities overseas they will need support with the capacity for live broadcast of his official overseas engagement.

On Wednesday, the delegation will visit the Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Environmental Protection Agency and Office of the First Lady.


Sierra Leone News: Social Welfare Minister meets Saudi- Minister of Hajj and Umrah

The Minister of Hajj and Umrah Dr. Mohammed Saleh bin Taher Benten recently received  the Minister of Social Welfare and Head of Hajj Affairs of the Republic of Sierra Leone Baindu Dansama, while on a visit to Saudi Arabia.

During the meeting, the Sierra Leonean Minister commended the efforts being exerted by the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and HRH Crown Prince in serving and caring of the pilgrims, Umrah performers and visitors of the holy sites in the Kingdom.