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Gambian Police Accused of Killing Sierra Leonean Businessman

Ousman Darboe - Deceased

A Sierra Leonean businessman, identified as Ousman Darboe has died in Serrekunda – The Gambia, after he was released on bail by The Gambian Police following his arrest and detention for suspected possession of stolen property.

According to The Gambian News Network – Kerr Fatou, dozens of young people gathered at the Serrekunda Police Station to protest against the death of Ousman Darboe, who they claimed was severely beaten by the police anti-crime unit.

Darboe, a shop owner at the Black Market was reportedly arrested by the police anti-crime unit about 13 days ago and released last Friday.

On Tuesday, he was reportedly called back to the anti-crime unit in Bijilo and while there, his friends received a call from him that he was not feeling well.

Darboe’s friend who identified himself as Muhammed, told Kerr Fatou News that Darboe is an asthma patient.

When Muhammed and his friends got to him, he was already suffering and they took him to Medicare Clinic in Brububi.

He passed away on Tuesday at 9: 30 according to Muhammed. His friends from the Black Market gathered at the police station near the Serrekunda market demanding justice for Darboe.

They claimed he was tortured and kept in police custody for 9 days without charge.

Muhammed told Kerr Fatou that the accusation against Ousman who owns a store at the Black Market was that he bought stolen goods from someone.

Ousman has been in the Gambia for 20 years, and now leaves behind two young children and his Gambian wife, said Muhammed.

His remains are currently at the Serrekunda Hospital mortuary.

Meanwhile, an angry mob has burnt down the compound of Gorgi Mboob – commander of the anti-crime unit, for the alleged role of his officers in the killing of Darboe.

Prior to the incident, the police had issued a press release “calling on the youth to observe calm and restraint”.

They claimed Darboe’s name “came up during investigations into a Breaking and Stealing incident that occurred at Kerr Serign on 14th July 2019”.

“Suspects in the said case confessed selling items stolen from the Kerr Serign incident to Ousman Darboe,” said the police.

“Investigators visited his shop at Serrekunda market where a Flat Screen television, part of the stolen items was recovered in his possession.”

According to the police, Darboe was arrested on 12th July and charged with receiving stolen properties contrary to the laws of the Gambia.

Then on Monday the 15th of July, he was granted bail but he kept on reporting on bail.

The police confirmed that Darboe during his detention was said to be an Asthma patient as shown by medical papers tendered by his family which prompted his bail.

“The Inspector General’s Office assures the public that it will continue a probe into the death of Ousman Darboe and the outcome will be duly communicated to ascertain the cause of death,” said a statement from the police.

This is the second incident of death allegedly caused by Gambian police in less than a month. About two months ago, a University student call Kebba Secka was allegedly stabbed to death by a police officer who is currently charged with murder.

In Sierra Leone there are calls for President Bio and his wife Fatima Bio who is also a Gambia national to press on the Gambian government to ascertain the cause of death of the Sierra Leonean national, so that justice can be expedited.

Sierra Leone: Revealed at COI: Govt. Owned Shares at SRL; Sold for Less than $13M

Justice Biobele Georgewill

After suspending the Sierra Rutile Limited investigation for close to a month, the state restarted the probe at the Justice Biobele Georgewill Commission of Inquiry 64, with renewed vigour and documents were flowing all over the place.

What the state has been able to establish without any iota of doubt is that government of Sierra Leone indeed had shares at the SRL but were sold in 2013 for pittance.

Commission Witness Mr. Maurice Cole who is the Finance Manager at the Sierra Rutile Limited revealed with documents adduced at the Commission that at various times between 2007 and 2012.

Led in evidence by State Counsel Mr. Oladipo Robbin Mason, the Finance Manager produces shares certificates indicating government’s shares in SRL at different points.

In December 2007, government shares at SRL rose to as much as 2063 with each share costing about 10 US cents.

A correspondence between Sierra Rutile Limited and Standard Chartered Bank, London showed transfer of $12.2M to the Bank of Sierra Leone (as beneficiaries) of the sale of government of Sierra Leone shares of the SRL.

This instruction was given by the cousin of former President Ernest Bai Koroma Mr. John Bonoh Sisay as CEO of SRL. Another $727,364 was also later disbursed to the subsidiary company.

The Sierra Rutile Acquisition No.3 was a subsidiary company of Sierra Rutile Holdings Limited and are both registered in the British Virgin Islands – a tax haven.

What is gradually emerging is that the subsidiary company had John Bonoh Sisay (Ernest Koroma’s cousin) as one of majority shareholders in the company.

In actual fat, the $727,364 that was later paid, but was to the subsidiary company (Sierra Rutile Acquisition No3) as debt owed since 1992.

The entire scheme is now beginning to unfold and Ernest Bai Koroma and his cousin ran the scam to fleece the country of the benefits of its natural resources.

Justice Biobele Georgewill has given 10 days to the counsels for the persons of interest to hand in their final written submissions, and another 10 days for the state counsels to do same.



Sierra Leone: IMC to Suspend Newspapers & Radio Station

IMC Chairman, George Khoryama

IMC Chairman, George Khoryama has said that, the Commission will be suspending 12 newspapers for refusing to pay two million Leones fine for writing offensive and libellous reports. He added: “We were investigating 19 newspapers and out of these 19, we found 15 wanting for breaching the IMC rules and after imposing fines; only 3 complied by paying two million Leones each while the others are refusing.’’

He added that the IMC fined the above media houses for writing offensive and libellous reports about different people, adding that they will also be suspending some newspapers and radio stations for failing to renew their license for more than two years.

The Independent Media Commission (IMC) aside from controlling radio frequencies and its operators, since its establishment also has the mandate to monitor program content to guarantee the freedom of communication and respect for expression and opinion.

According to Mr. Khoryama, the commission fined the newspapers 2-3 months ago for breaching the rules and regulations of the Independent Media Commission and an Act of Parliament 2000.

The Commission according to Mr. Khoryama has written to these defaulters to remind them that they are obligated to the commission and have to pay the fines, citing that they investigated them after complaints were made against them.

Mr. Khoryama added that, the commission over the years has been training journalists on how they should report and to be disciplined on financial reports, stating that, the IMC’s responsibility is also to protect journalists against any undue judgment.

He further said journalists should tell the public that their profession is not for sale and that they should behave professionally and responsibly.

Sierra Leone: Airport Authority Launches Public Health Emergency Plan

Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport and Aviation, and Ministry of Health and Sanitation on Wednesday 24th July, 2019, launched the Airport Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.

The Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport and Aviation, and Ministry of Health and Sanitation on Wednesday 24th July, 2019, launched the Airport Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.

The plan is aimed at preparing and maintaining the capacity to respond to public health events by preventing the introduction, transmission or spread of communicable diseases at the Freetown International Airport.

Representing the SLCAA, the Deputy Director-General (Technical) Mrs. Fatu Maria Conteh observed that the SLCAA was not only concerned about the safety and security of the traveling public, but was willing to comply fully with all other connections and treaties that support civil aviation growth.

“We were taken by surprise when Ebola struck in 2014, and we are aware of its devastating effect on our country especially the travelling public. Therefore, we cannot allow it to happen again; hence, the SLCAA has provided the requisite support for all stakeholders involved in the development of this plan,” she said.

Launching the plan, the Minister of Transport and Aviation Hon. Kabineh Kallon recalled that the Government of Sierra Leone in collaboration with the World Health Organization issued a global alert for the occurrence of Ebola in May 2014, and that the collaborative effort of the  SLCAA, Ministry of Transport and Aviation, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and some international partners like WHO, IOM, CDC-USA and other local NGOs, implemented series of measures to contain the spread of the virus and with those measures no case of Ebola was exported overseas through the country’s air border.

“As WHO declared Sierra Leone Ebola free, there was the urgent need to develop and maintain an Airport Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan that is generic and compliant with International Health Regulation (2005) and the ICAO Annex 9 requirements. Today, I can proudly say as a State we have one,” he said.

The Country Representative of International Organization for Migration, Alhaji Sanusi Savage said IOM in support with SLCAA and other organizations implemented entry and exit health screening measures at the FNA which lower risk for the international spread of Ebola by identifying travellers who might be infected and prohibiting their further travel.

Representing the Ministry of Health, Rev. Canon Dr. Thomas Samba noted the call to have an airport health response plan was deliberate to remind actors that public health threats were part of their lives, adding further that the plan was a clarion call for multi-sector approach to health service delivery.

In another development, the SLCAA and the Airport Council International (ACI) have commenced the Airport Excellence (APEX) in safety programme for the review of the Freetown International Airport.

The Airport Excellence in Safety programme is a five day event carried out by the ACI to respond to aviation safety worldwide. The programme is designed to assist airports of all sizes with a goal to improve their level of safety and compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).

In his presentation, the Director General of Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Moses Tiffa Baio recalled his maiden meeting with the ACI team in Abuja June this year where he informed ACI about the state commitment in enhancing its safety ratings to match up with the Abuja Safety Targets of which airport certification is a key criterion.

“During our discussion, I reiterated the need for an Apex Review which would serve as part of preparatory stage of the certification project for Freetown International Airport. This has been one of the key policy priority programmes of HE President Julius Maada Bio to transform the aviation industry and enhance aviation safety of Sierra Leone,” he said.

The Director of Strategy and Business Development ACI, Romesh Bhoyroo said that meeting government officials was a proving sign of the state’s commitment to the process; adding they were here to assess the airport and present an honest report on their findings.

“The review will look at 3 broad areas: identifying the problem (s), looking at the FNA certification process and looking at the Safety Management System. After the APEX Review, the state should be able to have a clearly defined roadmap to solve the posing issues. The ACI will also assist the state with the Africa Airports Development Programme which will provide Sierra Leone with experts and training programmes with no cost attached,” he maintained.

The General Manager Sierra Leone Airport Authority, Ebenezer Macauley welcomed the team and pledged his full commitment to the process; believing the review was the first step towards achieving the certification of the Freetown International Airport.

After the review process, the Freetown International Airport would have enhanced its level of safety through knowledge of regulatory standards, best operational practices and training needs/options; provided thorough understanding of its own safety performance, identified areas for improved efficiency and better use of resources, allowed access to a pool of expertise, facilitated the mitigation of any safety gaps as required by its specific operating environment, initiated a cycle of continuous improvement.

Sierra Leonean Dies after Attack by Colleagues in Malyasia

A man from Sierra Leone died after being attacked by five men in front of a budget hotel in Bandar Puteri, Puchong, Malyasia.

The 31-year-old man was with a friend when he was punched and kicked by five of his countrymen at about 1am on Wednesday (July 24).

Serdang OCPD Asst. Comm Ismadi Borhan said the victim was rushed to a nearby hospital but succumbed to his injuries.

“We believe the five men assaulted the victim after they traded insults with one another.

“The post-mortem of the victim will determine the cause of death,” he said, adding that the assailants were unarmed.

He added that the police were able to track down and arrest one of the suspects two hours after the incident.

“The suspect has been remanded until next Tuesday (July 30). We are still tracking down the remaining culprits,” he said.


Sierra Leone: New Beddings for Correctional Centre Inmates

Sierra Leone Correctional Centre

Supplies including foam mattresses, pillows, and blankets, among others have been received by the Sierra Leone Correctional Centre for onward distribution to Correctional Centres across the country on Monday, 8th July, 2019.

This was revealed to this press by the Deputy Director General of the Sierra Leone Correctional Service, Dennis Harman.

He said: “The supplies include foam mattresses, pillows, and blankets, among others. We have currently embarked on the distribution of these beddings to the various correctional centres in the Western Area Urban and those in the provinces.”

He said the supply of beddings is done once a year but most times, it is done at the beginning of the rainy season.

“During the rainy season, the atmosphere would become very cold and to keep the inmates warm, we would change their beddings during this period. So, the supply of beddings at this time of the year is always timely,” he added.

He disclosed that a new correctional centre, which is under construction at Waterloo, is expected to be completed by the first week of August, 2019, adding that the new centre would host 120 male and 10 female inmates, thereby helping to decongest the Male Correctional Centre on Pademba Road in Freetown. We have currently embarked on the distribution of these beddings to the various correctional centres in the Western Area Urban and those in the provinces,” he said.

He further disclosed that a new correctional centre, which is under construction at Waterloo, is expected to be completed by the first week of August, 2019, adding that the new centre would host 120 male and 10 female inmates, thereby helping to decongest the Male Correctional Centre on Pademba Road in Freetown.

Dennis Harman, was speaking exclusively on Tuesday, 23rd July, 2019, and made the above disclosure in his office at the SLCS headquarters in New England Ville, Freetown.

In an effort to enhance food security and support the government in providing food for the inmates, the SLCS has prioritised the cultivation of crops in the provincial areas.

According to SLCS’ Deputy Director General, they are currently embarking on inland valley swamps (IVS) farming in Kabala, Mafanta, etc., and 60 hectares land have been cultivated with sorghum, corn, cassava, rice, etc., in Mafanta.

He said construction exercise of child friendly centres for children of female inmates is at a completion stage in Freetown and Kenema.

Sierra Leone: After A ‘Well-Deserved’ Rest: President Bio Arrives Well & Safe

President Julius Maada Bio

President Julius Maada Bio and his family arrived in Freetown on Wednesday 24th July, 2019, to a tumultuous welcome by his ruling party supporters, after almost ten days absence from the country, which prompted wild speculations about his whereabouts and well-being.

The president was met on arrival at the Freetown International Airport and later at the Murray Town Sea Coach dock by a throng of supporters and party loyalists, who formed a long vehicle convoy to accompany the president and his family to their residence at State Lodge, as traffic in the central district of Freetown grounded to a halt.

To prove he was indeed well and hearty, the president stopped his car and came out to wave to the chanting crowd.

Arriving at Freetown International Airport where he was interviewed about his disappearance by a local news reporter.

President Bio informed the reporter that all that had been said about him when he was abroad was ‘fake news’. He added that such has become part of this country but that he prays for those who declared him dead to live long.

‘May God make them live longer to see me prosper and I pray for them to be in good health, because it is for them I am working for; to see every Sierra Leonean smile. But I don’t know where that news came from that I was sick or dead. But you’ve seen me; and when God is ready for me he will call me at his own time and I will answer to his will,’ President Bio told his audience.

He added in response to questions about his vacation to the UK and then to Kenya to discuss tourism issues with his Kenyan counterpart, Uhuru Kenyatta that, he did not find to rest because ‘even though you want to have some rest; I whole-heartedly didn’t concentrate on resting but took time to discuss issues bordering on Kenya’s prowess in tourism.’ President Bio added that he discussed issues about wildlife conservation and other pertinent tourism issues with his counterpart.

President Bio went on to state that: ‘Just as I have detected it, Sierra Leone is far behind. So even when you are on leave, you are really not on leave. You always have to find a way to ensure that good things come to the country. In that venture, I used the opportunity when I was in Kenya to meet with the president to see how we can improve tourism in this country, because tourism is one sector that made Kenya one of the leading economies in the East and Central Africa. And there are lots of things they have done very well, especially the wild life preservation which is something we need; and he assured me that anything we want to do he is in readiness to support us, so we can have the same facilities here.

President Bio added that his message to Sierra Leoneans is: ‘I am back to fulfil my duties to the people of Sierra Leone. That is why they elected me. I don’t have any other thing and I pray to God for those who declared me dead. They have seen me alive and I am praying for them to live long so they will all see the progress inside Sierra Leone.

I believe Sierra Leone will be a better place if we all work hard. Sierra Leone is a small country. It takes a lot of energy, time and planning for us to make Sierra Leone a better country; and gradually we have changed the image and the narrative; and with time we will see the improvements.’




Sierra Leone: Chief Minister Initiates Digital Transformation

Chief Minister, Professor David John Francis

The Chief Minister, Professor David John Francis on 23rd July 2019 addressed the Sierra Leone National Digital Transformation Roadmap Consultative Conference organised by the Ministry of Information and Communication in collaboration with other strategic stakeholders. The event was held at Golden Tulip, Kimbima Hotel and was aimed at promoting the upscaling of the use of digital technologies in Sierra Leone.

In his address, the Chief Minister said there was need to strategically outline Government’s vision on the digital roadmap on critical policy actions, legal and regulatory frameworks, institutional reforms, programs and projects that will be adopted to develop a Digital Economy to support the achievement of the National Development goals.

“This is why His Excellency, President Julius Maada Bio the Digital President fully supports the Ministry of Information and Communication, DSTI, SALCAB and Mobile phone operators to invest and develop a state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure to support the new Digital Economy in Sierra Leone,” he stated.

He added that the conference was timely because, digital economy is now an everyday activity especially in the developed economies and emerging economies, where the economy is now largely based on and conducts business and market transactions through the internet and world-wide web.

He further stated that, the conference will provide the unique opportunity for Sierra Leone to seize the opportunities and benefits of the digital economy for inclusive economic growth and development; and to also increase international competitiveness that will  create new opportunities for entrepreneurship, job creation, increase productivity and reduce the transaction costs for ordinary Sierra Leoneans.

The Chief Minister assured the organizers of the conference of the Government’s fullest support to ensure that the outcome of the conference impacts the lives of the people of Sierra Leone.


Sierra Leone; ACC Signs $110,000 Deal with OSIWA

Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone, Francis Ben Kaifala

The Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., on Monday, 22nd July 2019, signed a grant agreement for funding with the Open Society for West Africa (OSIWA) worth one hundred and ten thousand United States Dollars (USD 110,000).

The deal or agreement is an approval for the funding for various departments of the Commission and is in response to a proposal submitted to OSIWA under the heading “Changing the Game Plan in the Fight against Corruption in Sierra Leone.”

The main objective of the funding is to operationalize and mainstream public and social accountability mechanisms in the fight against corruption through enforcement and compliance to systems, procedures and grievance redress systems in ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs).

In addition to its core mandate to suppress and eliminate corruption in Sierra Leone, the ACC is also responsible for ensuring accountability and transparency in public institutions, as well as guaranteeing that these entities mainstream anti-corruption measures and policies in their workplaces.

The Commission in its release thanked OSIWA for this support and the confidence reposed in the ACC as they work together to ensure transparency and accountability in the governance architecture of Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone: President Bio Attends 172nd Independence Anniversary of Liberia

President Dr Julius Maada Bio

His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio has been invited as Special Guest by his colleague and brother, His Excellency President George M. Weah Sr. to join the people of Liberia at their celebration marking the 172nd Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Liberia on 26th July 2019.

In his letter of invitation to His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio, His Excellency President George M. Weah, Sr. stated: “Your positive disposition towards Liberia has won you a special place in the hearts of Liberians and your personal attendance at these ceremonies will serve to further cement relations between our two countries and peoples.”

This year’s Independence Anniversary celebration will be the second since the ascendancy of His Excellency President George M. Weah, Sr. to the Presidency of the Republic of Liberia. The activities for the Independence celebration started on 19th July and will conclude on 26th July 2019.

His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio depart Sierra Leone on Thursday 25th July 2019 for Monrovia, Liberia and he is expected to return Friday 26th July 2019.