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6 Cabinet Ministers to Top Integrity Score Card

By Foday Moriba Conteh

What has been described as a fair and very commendable assessment by a patriotic Sierra Leonean to really look at the performances and activities of six Ministers in the current Government headed by President Julius Maada Bio, most are now privileged to see how these Ministers had and are still performing in their respective Ministries.

This Press has had a preview of the Integrity Scorecard which is presently in the pipeline and to be released soon by the indefatigable Economist and Researcher, Prince Jacob Macauley and which will definitely act as a mirror after assessment of the respective Ministers in President Bio’s Cabinet.

The names of six Ministers have been found in the Score Card to have scored top marks among all the other Ministers. The six include the Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa, Minister of Lands,  Dennis Sandy, Energy Minister, Kanja Sesay, Information Minister, Mohamed Rado Swarray, Mines Minister,  Rado Yokie and Minister of Foreign Affairs,  Nabeela Tunis.

The Integrity Score Card did not just look at the performances of the said Cabinet Ministers but it also examined their respective integrities, their commitment to work and their loyalty to the nation. As far as the Integrity Score Card is concerned, the six Ministers have performed excellently with the fear of God and love for country.

Minister of Finance Jacob Jusu Saffa has often come under attack by the opposition for not addressing the bread and butter issues but he has remained focused throughout, working on the policies of Government and trusting that the long term effects of those policies would be in the interest of the country.

He is taking a two-pronged approach in rolling out those policies by first ensuring that the country is finally liberated from the debt burden that  hangs around the neck of this country said to have been created by the past regime and the second approach is to ensure that the bread and butter issues are addressed whereby the ordinary person on the street will feel the effects of such sound policies which will put food on the table of families and through job creation also put money in their pockets.

The Finance Minister has, over less than two years, built confidence in this nation, making it attractive for investors to come in large numbers to invest in the country because of his determination to establish a stable economy.
Lands Minister, Dennis Sandy, inherited a Ministry that was in shambles with thousands of land issues unaddressed by the past regime. In that direction, Mr Sandy, who works till late at night with crowds of people always at his office at Youyi Building, has been painstakingly addressing those problems with himself personally going to places where land matters are questionable.

Under the leadership of Dr Dennis Sandy, the Lands Ministry is regaining its lost glory as citizens have reposed confidence in the Ministry.
The Energy Ministry under ,Mr Kanja Sesay, is slowly but surely addressing  problems related to reliable electricity problems which once plagued the city of Freetown. Residents of the city are now enjoying uninterrupted power supply for almost 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

Mr Sesay has also extended his Ministry’s electrification activities to the rural areas, for example to a place like Newton and its environs where residents are enjoying solar light. Just recently a contract for an efficient metering system has been awarded so that the thieving of electricity will be put to an end.

Makeni and other big towns in the Bombali District are enjoying continuous power supply. The Districts of Bo and Kenema are getting there as Mr Sesay is addressing the problems associated with electricity supply in those places.

The Minister of Information Mr Mohamed Rado Swarray recently called a meeting of all the Agencies under his supervision and mapped out the way forward for all of them as well as encouraging all the agencies to cooperate with him so that his Ministry will live up to the expectation of President Bio.

One thing that added a feather to the cap of Mr Swarray is the move by his Ministry to make sure that the Seditious Libel Law of 1965 which criminalizes libel is finally repealed. Under Mr Swarray’s watch Agencies like SALCAB and SIERRATEL are gaining respectability again.

Minister of Mines, Mr Rado Yorkie, has proved his mettle in that Ministry just within the short time he took over. One thing that is a plus for him is that he is never in a hurry to sign Mining contracts which will not benefit the country. He is taking his time to make sure that contracts signed with mining companies will make the companies comply with the laws of Sierra Leone according to international standards. Mining Companies like SL Mining and Shandong which both gave raw deals to this country will never return to this land to continue from where they left.

As Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs Nabeela Tunis, has brought efficiency to that Ministry. Now the welfare of Sierra Leonean diplomats abroad are promptly and efficiently addressed.

The above named six Ministers have received high commendation from the assessment of the Integrity Score Card.

It is clear from the Integrity Score Card that the six Ministers all denied self to give selfless loyalty to the nation and President Bio who placed his trust in them that they will deliver according to his promises to the nation.

Economist Prince Jacob Macauley
Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa
Energy Minister, Kanja Sesay
Information Minister, Mohamed Rado Swarray
Mines Minister, Rado Yokie
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nabeela Tunis
Minister of Lands, Dennis Sandy

In an interview with CNBC’s Chris Bishop… NMA DG Assures Investors of Plans & Efforts to Strengthen the Mining Sector

Director General of the National Minerals Agency (NMA) Julius Mattai & CNBC Africa’s Chris Bishop

By Amin Kef Sesay

In a bid to attract investors to the mining sector in the Sierra Leone, the Director General of the National Minerals Agency (NMA) Julius Mattai during an interview with CNBC Africa’s Chris Bishop on the sidelines of the Africa Mining Indaba in Cape Town, South Africa, he assured investors of plans and efforts to strengthen its mining sector in the country.

Speaking during the interview, Julius Daniel Mattai, stated that in January 2019 the country took a nationwide airborne Geophysical Survey that was geared towards providing reliable geo-data which will help determine the minerals within Sierra Leone in the most comprehensive way ever and put the country on a sound footing to bargain from a position of strength with potential investors and hence optimize the benefits of exploration and exploitation of the country’s mineral wealth.

He disclosed that the survey was done by contractors of  Xcalibur Company, a South Africa/ Spanish firm which he said was one of the best surveys done as they flew over a half million kilometers using two sensor magnates and radiometers covering the country’s entire two thousand square kilometres. He noted that they collected high quality data which they are currently processing adding that the data processing and interpretation is ongoing and the final data set will be out by March this year.

He said with this result he firmly believes that it will reduce the cost on mining companies as they spend a lot of money during their exploration stages, adding that for the first time  the country will be able to know were minerals are disclosing that they also intend to undertake Geochemical and Geological surveys to ensure that Sierra Leone has a complete knowledge of minerals in the country and making that available to the general public and on their website which they are preparing currently to enhance easy access by mining investors without coming to Sierra Leone.

Underscoring the plans taken so far in order to strengthen the mining sector he said the country is reviewing the Mines and Minerals Act of 2009 which will create the platform for better investments in the mining sector.

“We have the Mining and Mineral Operational Regulations which will not only open the space for investors but strengthen the mining sector,” he underscored.

He called on investors to come join hands together in order to interpret the data with the firm belief that Sierra Leone will be the new destination for mining. The NMA boss further stated that with good regulatory and legislative frameworks investors are assured of guidance and protection of their investments in the country.

Julius Mattai said that technology will maximize benefits from mining as their focus is about optimizing growth and investment in a digitalized mining economy, adding that one of the key focus of the New Direction is human capital development and in that regard the country has minerals but how they can transform those minerals to social capital in order to benefit the people of Sierra Leone and investors is very important.

He ended by saying that they are undertaking a nationwide consultation with stakeholders, development partners, local communities and to ratify where there are disagreements in order to ensure that the investment of investors are protected.

Sierra Leone’s government has deployed mine monitors and is considering using drones to try and stop the smuggling of diamonds and gold across its borders into neighbouring Liberia and Guinea.

“We are taking very stringent measures,” said Julius Mattai, furthering how “There has been a massive reduction in smuggling. An estimated 300 000 to 500 000 people work as artisanal miners in the West African nation. Mining in Sierra Leone was on the up in May 2014 – exporting billions of dollar a year of iron ore alone until Ebola struck. In just over 18 months the industry was devastated; workers died from the disease, exports were over and those who survived fled the country taking their mining skills with them he narrated.

Nearly five years on, the young Director General of NMA is helping to bring the industry back to life. Julius Mattai’s eyes lit up when he talked about the prospects for his country’s mining industry on his mission to find foreign investors at the Mining Indaba 2020.

“We can double the size of our mining industry by 2025,” he said with genuine pride and enthusiasm.

He revealed how such an inspiration has come from above. The Government has just completed an aerial survey of the country’s mineral wealth and the results, to be released next month, look good at first sight.

“They show that Sierra Leone has a healthy stock of platinum group metals, rutile – a prized and pricy titanium dioxide that is used in aerospace and pigmentation. There is also an abundance of Coltan used to bind together the inside of laptops along with gold, diamond, bauxite and chromite,” he maintained furthering that “We want to make Sierra Leone a flagship of Africa mining,” says Mattai.

“Changes in Government mining rules have prompted 15 mining companies to come back to Sierra Leone out of which four are operational. In 2019, mining in Sierra Leone increased an export base of $350 million and employed 7,000 people,” he disclosed affirming, “We want to create the right business environment,” says Mattai.

According to him Sierra Leone suffers like many African mining nations from a dearth of skills and power but at the very least it is trying to open the door to investors in the hope of a rapid revival and all the wealth and employment minerals bring. Other African mining nations could learn from that.



For Excellent Performances… Adonis Abboud Dishes Trophies & Cash Prize to Two Students

Chairman of Pikin Bizness and Adonis Abboud Trust Fund, Dr. Adonis Abboud & President Bio Handing Over the Cash Prize and Trophy to the Best Female Student

By Amin Kef Sesay

The Chairman of AATF (Adonis Abboud Trust Fund ) on Saturday 25th January 2020 awarded  trophies and a cash prize of  2 million Leones to each of the best male and female graduates of the E.B.K University of Science and Technology at their congregation ceremony held at the University Secretariat, Magburuka, for the Conferment of Degrees and award of Diplomas and Certificates for the 2019/2020 academic year.

Before handing over the awards and cash prizes to Miss Aminata Koroma and Ibrahim Saidu Kuyateh, the two best students, Dr. Abboud reconfirmed his organisation’s commitment to recognise and motivate students who have excelled in the Universities   .

He also clarified that the task of assessing and selecting the winners was done strictly by the University Administration.

Before handing over the awards and cash prizes to Miss Aminata Koroma and Ibrahim Saidu Kuyateh, the two best students, Dr. Adonis Abboud said it was part of the education support which his organization has been doing to help enhance the educational sector in the country. He furthered that his organization has nothing to do with the choice of the winners of these awards as their names were provided by the University to the organization as that had been a culture for many years.

The AATF Chairman noted further that without a healthy and well educated citizenry a country cannot develop. It is in such a regard that they will provide support to not only schools but Universities in Sierra Leone.

Talking to an official of AATF he said they believe that a nation can only develop and prosper through sound education and unity among its citizens.

Chairman of Pikin Bizness and Adonis Abboud Trust Fund, Dr. Adonis Abboud & President Bio Handing Over the Cash Prize and Trophy to the Best Male Student
Cross Section of Students at the Graduation ceremony

Cross Section of Students at the Graduation ceremony

Makeni Correctional Centre Inmates take UniMak Exams

Director General of the SLCS- Mr. Joseph Lamboi

By Leslie Cole-Showers

Superintendent Salieu Sulaiman Turay, Officer- in- Charge of the Makeni Correctional Centre Centre the University of Makeni (UniMak) “is currently conducting examinations” for inmates at the Makeni Correctional Centre.

In August 2019 Unimak and the Sierra Leone Correctional Service (SLCS) signed a memorandum of understanding which enabled Unimak to commence certificate courses for inmates at the Makeni Corrections Facility.

The courses include: Information Technology, Agriculture, Community Development Studies, Psychosocial Counselling and Entrepreneurship; each of the courses lasts for six (6) months. At the end of their exams, an authority from the UniMak, said a graduation ceremony will be held.

Supt. Turay said that fourteen (14) inmates were involved in the capacity building project, adding UniMak had taken “a bold step” by endeavouring to render assistance in inmates’ rehabilitation.

“Neither the SLCS nor any other entity is giving Unimak anything for the gesture; they are doing it out of goodwill. In fact, whenever the inmates have I.T classes, Unimak comes in with laptops for each of the inmates, for ease of learning.Unimak also gave text and note books to the inmates,” Supt. Turay informed.

He revealed that he had succeeded in pleading with the UniMak administration to also introduce adult literacy classes, opining that a lot of inmates commit crimes because they were illiterates and had no skill, which could enable them abstain from crime.

The Director General of the SLCS- Mr. Joseph Lamboi emphasised that education is a vital force in the reformation of fallen men and women, pointing out that its tendency “is to quicken the intellect, inspire self-respect, excite to higher aims and afford a healthful substitute for low and vicious amusements”.

“My appreciation to Unimak cannot be expressed in words. They have taken the lead in helping us in the rehabilitation of inmates. We call on other universities to do same,” he appealed.

NP-SL is Complementing Government’s Development Interventions 

By Amin Kef Sesay

 The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) can be logically described as an ambitious and forward looking parent that is determined to leave an indelible footprint on the sands of time. Contextually placed, starting from a humble beginning in the West Coast of Africa, this enterprising petroleum company has expanded its operations by establishing branches in neighbouring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia where it is vibrantly marketing petroleum products as well as delivering qualitative services all geared towards optimizing customer satisfaction. We are here talking of state of the art Filling Stations in the aforementioned countries which are functioning well and immensely contributing to the socio-economic development of those sovereign nations.

If there is one outstanding quality that set NP-SL aside then that could only be its unrivalled stance when it comes to customer care. As a matter of fact the company has long earned the reputation of 1st For Customer Service which was never feigned but came from the assessment of majority of its esteemed customers as well as the general populace. From an in-depth nation-wide research that this medium undertook what came out glaringly is that most people are endeared to the company simply because of the high premium that it places on making their customers satisfied.

What is of course clear is that the 35 Sierra Leoneans that established the company years back with their end of service benefits really believed that if they are to thrive then it is but significant to give their customers the best in terms of qualitative products and good services. Keeping in line with that posture the shareholders of the company decided to do away with old pumping machines and replace them with modern calibrated machines which are of high standard, very much capable of pumping the right quantity of fuel that is purchased and at the same time display the prices transparently. Customers are always satisfied that they are receiving value for money making them glued to NP-SL.

In order to ensure that Petroleum transactions is expedited to save time and energy the shareholders of the company thought it fit to introduce the use of NP Smart Card. With this NP Smart Card a customer can be able to procure diesel or petrol without using physical cash. The card can be credited from time to time and the good thing about it is that it is so convenient to use and saves an individual the burden of having to queue in order to purchase a quantity of fuel. Many have attested that this innovative way of doing business is in sync with effectively making use of latest technology to give optimum satisfaction.

In that same direction the company is offering a cooking device known as NP Gas which has been rated excellent for different cooking purposes. Manufactured in different cylinder sizes NP Gas is not only reasonable, portable but highly efficient in giving good cooking results and the gas can be purchased at the company’s outlets.

Giving back to society is one thing that the company has been doing from time to time under its Corporate Social Responsibility portfolio. Before 2019 ended NP-SL commissioned a water facility at the National Fire Force, Kissy Branch, capable of supply fire engines with a large quantity of water for fire extinguishing purposes in Freetown. The facility has a standby generator that powers it and from an assessment it cost the company a lot of money but honestly enough they dished it out in good faith and for humanity sake in order to save life and property. It is just an iota of the so many goodies that the company has offered although it is not too keen to make mountains out of it.

In line with the furtherance of the country’s Local Content Policy the initiative by the company of having in its employ Sierra Leonean members of staff has over the years contributed immensely towards offering job opportunities to many Sierra Leoneans from Managerial positions down to drivers and what this basically means is helping to reduce poverty as well as building the capacities of these workers to make them become more relevant to the development trajectory of the nation. These fortunate employees are today at vantage positions to take care of family responsibilities which should have been very burdensome if otherwise they were not gainfully employed.

Without shouting it from the rooftop it has been well accepted that NP-SL is well established and largely contributing to the socio-economic development of the country.

Africell & AYV Deliver Star Prize to ‘Be A Star’ Winner

By Amin Kef Sesay

During a ceremony held at the headquarters of Africell-SL at Wilberforce in Freetown on Thursday 7th February 2020, the winner of the Star Prize of Le 50 million, Mohamed Larkson Mannoh Sesay was officially given his prize, amidst cheers from guests and staff of both Africell and AYV. Present at the ceremony were the CEO of AYV, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jnr., Corporate Affairs Manager, Joe Abass Bangura, some participants in the Be a Star show and members of the press.

Speaking on behalf of AYV,  Amb. Navo expressed appreciation for what he described as the first ‘Be a Star’ show in the country and praised the participants for their display of fine talents. He further stated that the AYV is desirous of promoting the development of young people in the country, just as Africell. He stressed that they are not competing, but implementing their shared beliefs and the effort of the government to enhance the development of the youths. Stressing that it is the reason why they created the platform. He furthered that in the second edition, they will ensure that they reach out nationwide and having learnt lessons from this maiden edition, they will do the needful in the next. He maintained that he believes in tapping the resources of the young and he is proud of the achievements that both Africell and AYV have been able to make.

Presenting the Star Prize of Le 50 million cheque to the winner, Joe Abass Bangura, Africell’s Corporate Affairs boss, beaming with joy, said that the marriage between AYV and Africell is a transformative one, both being amplified as the best TV and GSM company in the country. He declared all the participants as winners, maintaining that the choice of the winner was a tough one for the judges, as all the participants performed extremely well.

He stressed that ‘Be A Star’ is just an event and encouraged them to focus on building their career. Handing over the Le50 million cheque to the winner, Joe Abass Bangura disclosed that, apart from the cheque, Larkson will get Le250, 000 talk time and 5 GB monthly for a one year period, the other participants will get GBs too. He also stated that some of the participants had already received scholarships from the first lady and consolation prizes.

Deputy Head of Media Nancy Turay commended the participants and AYV and encouraged other Sierra Leoneans to emulate the venture of their compatriots.

Samson Yankutay Samura In Big Trouble

Samson Yankutay Samura In Big Trouble

By Mohamed Kamara

One artist, Samson Yankutay Samura, has find himself in big trouble after his father, Mr. Yankutay Samura disowned him for abandoning the Islamic religion and converted to the Christian faith.

The whole problem started after Samson’s sister, Fatu Samura, fell in love with a Christian fellow, Mohamed Conteh.

Conteh later invited his fiancée (Fatu) to join them in a Sunday service at their Church which she honoured. She finally decided to convert to the Christian religion after being convinced that it is the right religion to associate with. When her father knew about that, he became angry and decided to ask her out of his house.

Family sources say, Fatu left her father’s house after several attempts to convince the dad failed.

In late 2014, when the Ebola outbreak struck the country, both the mother, Yeanoh Samura and Fatu were quarantined after a member of their house was infected. Few days later both the mother and daughter died.

Few weeks later, family sources say Samson had a dream. In the dream, he saw his late sister (Fatu Samura) who took him to the mountain and showed him the Cross.

Samson explained the dream to his father the following day,who became very angry. His step mother, Matta Kallon, intervened by supporting her husband’s decision against Samson.

Later, Samson started reading the Bible and other Godly related books which resulted to him converting to Christianity even though his father is an Islamic scholar and herbalist in the community.

The eldest son in the family, Amidu Samura, told this medium that Samson engaged his neighbour, Rev. Adekule King and explained his situation to him. The Man of God persuaded him to join Christianity which did not go down well with Samson’s father.

The Uncle said, his step mother, who was also not comfortable with Samson’s decision, backed her husband’s action.

Samson’s father told family members that henceforth he will not take care of his educational expenditure in addition to disowning Samson.

“The dad finally drove Samson from his house for taking a decision that he thought was completely against his religion,” Uncle Mohamed said. Samson decided to stay with some friends at Zara Lane, Portee in the East End part of the city before finally going into music.

Samson’s friends, who are musicians and Christians, decided to take him to the Church on Sundays where he became interested in rap music.

He later began writing political songs focusing on bad governance and the sufferings of the people which did not go down well with members of the then opposition SLPP and now governing the country.

A civil society activist, Charles Tunkara said when the situation became tough for Samson, he narrated his ordeal to one member of the Apostolic Church who decided to come to his aid.

Whiles there, he released his first song titled “Vote for the right man”. He also released his second music titled “Tar Mem Kor” meaning Let Us Try Him. The songs were made in favour of the 2018 APC Presidential candidate, Dr. Samura Kamara. These songs increased his popularity in the country.

The CSO said those songs put Samson in trouble as the then opposition SLPP now governing the country said he was singing against their party.

The civil society activist disclosed that Samson’s life came under serious threat especially leading to the March 2018 Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Council elections by SLPP members.

He said after his friend returned home from the United Kingdom, he decided to take them out to get fun and drink.

Returning home that night, the UK friend decided to romance with Samson and started making love to each other contrary to the laws of this country. He only came to his senses in the morning and an argument ensued between them. He informed his friend that such an act is a serious offence in the country but his UK friend convinced him to make it silent, stressing that such an act is common in the UK. Since then the two continued dating each other on the condition that he will sponsor his education.

In December 2019, he released his third music in the presence of his UK friend.

Samson’s situation became worst when his father died on the 15th January 2020 in Freetown.

After the burial, a family meeting was called but his step mother and her group did not allow Samson to make a statement which did not go down well with other family members.

Sources say, one night, his step mother met Samson and his male friend making love and she immediately raised an alarm. His step mother reported the matter to the Police for investigation and prosecution.

Because of this development, the whereabouts of Samson is yet unknown.

Sierra Leone -China Foundation Shows Solidarity With China

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Sierra Leone China Foundation is disturbed by news of the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease in China, the devastating loss of lives that it has left in its trail and the danger it continues to pose to China in particular and the world in general.

The Foundation is not unaware of the role China played in helping Sierra Leone deal with the Ebola Virus Disease, and is equally not oblivious of the pains and hard times that China is going through at this moment.

The Foundation therefore solidarizes with China in this moment of adversity and earnestly prays for God’s divine intervention. China has always been on hand when Sierra Leone has been in dire need in different arenas.

The Foundation, on behalf of Sierra Leoneans, registers its sympathy to the Government and People of China on the huge loss of human lives occasioned by the outbreak of this deadly viral disease.

Sierra Leoneans endured the horrible days of Ebola and with resilience were able to successfully overcome the menace . The Foundation therefore urges the people of China to draw strength from such resilience as they deal with their own , and advises them  to take the preventative and curative measures with utmost seriousness .

The Sierra Leone China Foundation reiterates its commitment to consolidating the bilateral relations between Sierra Leone and China and prays that the authorities will find a quick solution to the scourge .


PPRC Admonishes Both APC & SLPP

PPRC Chairman and Commissioners with APC & SLPP Executive

By Edward Vamboi

The leadership of the All Peoples Congress Party and the Sierra Leone Peoples Party, on  the 3rd February 2020, met with the Political Parties Registration Commission and in attendance were ,the Office of National Security (ONS), National Electoral Commission (NEC )and the Sierra Leone Police (SLP), to discuss the spate of violence around the precincts of their Party offices.

The commission conveyed the growing frustrations and concerns of the public and the effects of these violence on the image of the country.

The two parties were reminded of the fact that, since independence, they have been the only two political parties that have had the opportunity of governing the country at various times. They therefore owe a debt of gratitude to the people of this country, for according them that privilege.

The frequent breaches of the public peace by both parties, are by no means a demonstration of such gratitude and certainly not complimentary of the leadership of both parties.

Other state institutions present, also expressed similar sentiments and admonished the two parties demonstrate respect for the law and the people of this country, that have accorded them all privileges and trust.

In their responses, the two parties denounced violence and call on democratic institutions like the JUDICIARY, ONS, SLP NEC, PPRC AND SLP, to rise to their responsibilities and adopt decisive measures aimed at curbing these violence, without let or hindrance.

In a bid to de-escalate the Political tensions and intolerance between these Parties, it was resolved that:

  1. Continuous engagements between the two parties be encouraged and promoted.
  2. That the inter party dialogue committee to meet more frequently.

3.That a communication link be established between the two parties. To that end, a six man communication committee was constituted three from each party.

  1. That the leadership of both parties, shall arrange mutual visits to their respective party offices, preferably within this week, as a demonstration of good will
  2. That both parties shall continue to admonish their supporters to be law abiding.
  3. That a meeting of all political parties be summoned under the leadership of APPA, with a view to discussing and adopting General resolutions, respecting the conduct of political parties

Pres. Bio Calls for Trustworthy Investors in South Africa

Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio

By Brima Sannoh

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio on Monday 3 February 2020 in Cape Town ,South Africa  delivered the keynote address to this year’s Mining Indaba, the world’s largest mining investment event taking place in Cape Town, South Africa, emphasising that Sierra Leone now needs trustworthy mining partners.

He said while the country was now open to specific partnerships that would support the integration of mining-related training and harness mining-specific technology to create innovation hubs that would guarantee the country’s strategic education outcomes, he looked forward to working with the right partners.

“So, therefore, what we want as a nation are trustworthy, credible, and patient investors – investors who value fair and ethical business principles and practices; investors who are interested in a sustainable, long-term relationship with our country.

“You see, business is not a zero-sum game and it should not be. Business is transactional in essence. ‘Renegotiation’ and ‘compromise’ are not dirty words in business. All we seek, as a country, is a cordial engagement in which all parties get to a meeting of minds on how best to re-shape and develop that investor-host country relationship so that we both have a win-win outcome,” he said.

President Bio, who has taken a strong and deliberate position on fighting corruption, informed the gathering of investors that his Government had cracked down hard on corruption since his election in 2018, adding that the country’s mining-sector policies were well-forethought and informed by the principles of transparency and accountability at all levels.

“If a deal does not look right and smell right, we would rather leave it outside the homestead. As a Government, we want patient and credible investor partners. We are not interested in players who speculate against what they argue are unproven reserves or unclear geological and technical data in order to wring out unfair deals.

“We have completed a nationwide airborne geophysical survey. We now have very high-resolution datasets from that survey. The preliminary indications are that we have extensive proven reserves of metals and ores,” he said, noting that they believed that patient and credible investors would study the datasets from the recently completed nationwide airborne geophysical survey and then engage the country’s mining sector professionals and the Government in frank and open dialogue on how they could do business over the long term.

Later in the day the Director-General of National Minerals Agency, NMA, Julius Daniel Mattai, told a country-specific case study event, which featured presentations and discussions of the first-ever such sophisticated nationwide airborne geophysical survey since 1930, that resource depletion was a reality in a country with over 60% unemployment rate and massive poverty and illiteracy.

“Therefore, we must learn from the mistakes of the past. Acquiring geophysical information is good, especially with the type of datasets and various derivatives fantastically showing these mineral resources. But data must be properly managed to surmount the massive challenges and make sure that we have the platform that allows investors to access them online and define areas they are interested in and express interest,” he said.

Mr Mattai also announced that by end of March, they would have had the online platform where potential investors could access and buy the datasets, clearly stating the procedures and processes to access and use the information.

“With the Directorate of Science Technology and Innovation, we will make sure that intellectual property rights and privacy are managed by using the requisite algorithm. We have a President that is determined to make Sierra Leone the new destination for investment and we at NMA will make it work from a win-win perspective,” he assured.

From Cape Town, Bio is expected to head for Addis Ababa to attend the 33rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union Heads of State running from 9th – 10th February.

The summit is being held on the theme: “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development”.

President Bio is scheduled to present a report as Chairperson of the Committee of Ten Heads of State and Government on the Reform of the United Nations Security Council at the AU Summit, which will also feature reports on the institutional reform of the African Union, the African Continental Free Trade Area and Peace and Security.