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60 Rural Women Benefit from Will-SL Training

By Foday Moriba Conteh

To empower and enhance the participation of rural women in the ongoing Solar Energy Revolution in the country, Women Inspired to Learn and Lead Sierra Leone (WILL-SL) on Sunday 24th November 2019, successfully certified sixty (60) women on Solar Photovoltaic Installation And Maintenance (Solar for Farmers) in Pelewahun Ngiebu Village, Baoma Chiefdom, Bo District.

Underscoring the purpose of the event, Chairman of the occasion, James Fortune, disclosed that the Solar Photovoltaic Installation and Maintenance Certification Training, in other words, ‘Solar For Farmers’, is a project being implemented by a women led organization called WILL-SL with support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), through the GEF Small Grants Programme, adding that the project aims at empowering rural women in order for them to create more jobs and income-generating opportunities. “After several months of undergoing intensive training, I do express appreciation to the women for their relentless efforts towards the entire project implementation,” he showed gratitude.

Section Chief, Sidikie Tomboyeke, expressed warm appreciation to Will-SL for the great initiative which he believes had positively impacted those women in that part of the country, noting that he is pleased to see the wonderful project become very successful regardless of the challenges, noting how they were able to brave all the odds and execute the project.

He admonished the 60 women to be patient and embrace hard work, as the skills being acquired have the tendencies of bringing more opportunities to them.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Programme Coordinator for GEF Small Grant Programme, Abdul R. Sannoh, in his keynote address on the theme: “Participation of Rural Women in Solar Energy Revolutiondisclosed that the project is being supported by the UNDP Small Grants Programme, disclosing how the programme is geared towards supporting community organizations or group of people in any community that intend to engage in development activities.

He admonished the rural women to take the solar energy revolution seriously, adding that in other advanced countries like India and Bangladesh, solar energy is used to produce vegetables. He lamented that Sierra Leone is still being deprived from having adequate tools and qualified technicians to continue to use solar in advanced and productive ways.

He narrated how the process started from putting out advertisements in both print and electronic media, which made the competition very keen, as there were so many organizations that applied. In April last year (2018), he said, over sixty four (64) organizations applied, but only few were selected, based on merit.

He furthered how based on the good intentions of WILL-SL for the Pelewahun Ngiebu Village, they decided to support the project, noting that the project is very unique, as it is geared towards giving skills to women that will empower them and ensure that they earn huge amount of income that will support their families, communities and the country at large. “Women are being limited just to the kitchens, thus this project also wants to break such a limitation,” he emphasized

He underscored the various challenges being faced by women’s group in actualizing such goals, which according to him; include lack of adequate knowledge, lack of unity and unnecessary grudges among them, lack of confidence in themselves and cultural barriers not allowing women to explore their talents.

A representative of the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, Emmanuel M. Sandi, applauded Women Inspired to Learn and Lead Sierra Leone (WILL-SL) for their tremendous work in empowering rural women, adding that as the central body responsible for technical education in Sierra Leone, they are very much impressed and delighted by the initiatives of WILL-SL in complementing the efforts of the Government.

He encouraged the women to be assiduous in pursuing knowledge, as more opportunities will come their way. He said that the current government is firmly supporting the good initiatives of women groups, as there is a special institution in Bo called the Government Technical Institute that is rendering free technical education to women, geared towards empowering them in that part of the country.

The ceremony was graced by prominent stakeholders such as Chiefs, Government representatives, officials of UNDP, UNOPS, EDSA, women and youth groups etc.

21 Days Ultimatum for Fullah Tribal Head 

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The National Fullah Youth Liberation Movement (NFYLM), a social and advocacy group formed in June 2019 for the general welfare of all Fullahs in Sierra Leone, on Monday 25th November 2019 gave a 21 day ultimatum to the Acting Fullah Chief (Tribal Headman) of the Western Area, Chief Alhaji Mohamed Sajor Jalloh, for what they consider to be the unconstitutional appointments of Chernor Issa Jalloh and Chernor Pottal Bah as National and Western Area Fullah Youth Leaders 1 & 2, which according to them, does not resonate with modern day democratic best practices. This stance was disclosed during a Press Conference held at SLAJ headquarters on Campbell Street in Freetown.

The Chairman and Leader of the National Fullah Youth Liberation Movement, Silvin Bah, stated that the Movement was borne out of the dissatisfaction over the appointments of the National and Western Area Fullah Youth Leaders 1 & 2 by the Acting Fullah Chief on the 4th June 2019. He claimed that the appointees do not represent the interests of the majority of Fullah youths in Sierra Leone, adding that the movement comprises of various Fullah Youth Groups across Sierra Leone, representing various districts, with the mind-set of calling the necessary authorities to do the needful and allow democracy to reign.

He disclosed that on 4th June, 2019, the current Acting Fullah Tribal Headman, Mohamed Sajor Jalloh, appointed Chernor Issa Jalloh and Chernor Pottal Bah, an act which they condemn as not resonating with modern democratic best practices, which allows people to choose their leaders.

He noted that since the appointments of the duo, the NFYL has been in constant negotiation with the Fullah Tribal Headman, who pleaded that the authority of the two appointees are being restricted to a particular geographical range. They said it was also agreed in one of their meetings that the Chief will declare the National Youth Leader position vacant, so as to allow due process to be followed.

He, however, pointed out that the NFYL and the selected Mediation Team, which was set up to serve as an intermediary between the NFYL and the Acting Western Area Tribal Head, on countless occasions met, but their meetings yielded no fruitful dividends.

Against this backdrop, the National Fullah Youth Liberation Movement said they wish to register the following positions:

  1. That the Acting Fullah Chief lacks the authority to appoint a National Fullah Youth leader whiles he is in the capacity of an Acting Western Area Fullah Tribal Head.
  2. That the NFYL does not recognize the selection of Chernor Issa Jalloh and Chernor Pottal Bah as National Fullah youth Leaders respectively.
  3. That the position of National Fullah Youth Leader be declared vacant and due process be followed as agreed.
  4. That an independent intermediary team be established to promote peoples’ power within the Fullah community (Democracy).

“We would like you all to note that we have resolved to explore all means within the law, if our positions are not met within 21 days,” the organization gave an ultimatum.

Orange SL “Cha-Cha di Holiday” Promotion offers subscribers Le400M

Chief Executive Officer of Orange-SL, Aminata Kane

By Foday Moriba Conteh 

With the objective of reinforcing their commitment and putting smiles on the faces of their subscribers, one of Sierra Leone’s leading GSM Mobile operators, Orange Sierra Leone, on Monday 25th November 2019, launched an end of year promotion called “Cha-Cha di Holiday” at their branch office on Rawdon Street in Freetown.

Delivering her statement, the Chief Executive Officer of Orange-SL, Aminata Kane, expressed profound appreciation to their valid customers for believing in the company as the best telecommunications company in Sierra Leone. She disclosed that in May and June 2019, Orange-SL availed over 450 customers the opportunity to have food items on a daily basis, for a month, besides the grand prize of one (1) year food supply for 6 customers plus Le25 million chop money; in their Ramadan Promotion.

The CEO maintained that as Orange SL continues to reinforce its commitment to their customers, they have introduced their end of year Holiday Campaign dubbed “Cha-Cha di Holiday”. She said that during the festive period they usually celebrate with families and friends, as it is now time for fun and merriment plus reflection on how Orange-SL has impacted the lives of people, families and communities.

She noted that as a company, they will continue to be innovative and resilient in bringing to their numerous customers affordable voice & data offers, adding that they reduced the price for internet twice this year as part of their digital Revolution Strategy.

She further disclosed that with regards financial inclusion, the customer base for Orange Money increased with over 650,000 customers, who can now send and receive money, pay for goods and services at their own convenience.

She furthered that they have been involved in several CSR activities touching the lives of students, women, the youths and young girls across the country, noting that as the year rolls out, they want to touch again the lives of over 450 households, affording them opportunities to be financially sustainable.

“After several interactions with our customers all over the country (Moyamba, Kabala, Makeni, Mile 38, Tombo, Wellington etc), talking to women, Okada riders, students, nurses etc. we asked the question: what is more essential to them at this material time? We noted that it is the wish of most Sierra Leoneans to own a business and with these feedbacks, we designed a very exciting campaign to close this year,” she again disclosed.

The CEO, on behalf of the Management and Staff of Orange SL, officially launched the amazing campaign, “Cha-Cha di Holiday” with the package of 6 customers winning a business of their choice worth 75 million Leones and 420 customers to win cash prizes worth over 400 million Leones. She assured the gathering that they will continue to impact meaningfully the lives of their customers with affordable offers and give back to Sierra Leone in terms of rendering support to the Education, Health sectors and human capital development, as well as supporting the Government in its digitalization drive.

In another development, the Chief Executive Officer of Orange Money, David Mansaray, presented the sum of Le50 million Leones with  Le25, 000,000 each to two lucky grand winners, Lucy Conteh in  Freetown and Desmond Campbell in Makeni in respect of their just concluded back to school promotion.

The two lucky winners expressed appreciation to Orange Sierra Leone for the great gesture, maintaining that with this money they believe it will change their lives for the better.

Hunan Chinese Team Trains Pupils in Sewing, Embroidery & Stitching

Pupils of FBC Secondary School doing embroidery

By Fatmata Jengbe

 A team from Hunan Province is in town for about two months to teach pupils how to do embroidery, stitching and sewing at Fourah Bay College (FBC) Secondary School. Emma, who is the coordinator of the programme, said the team arrived on the 29th October 2019 and they will be leaving on the 20th January 2020.

“Last year we were in Sierra Leone teaching how to make ceramic products in Waterloo and Lunsar. We indeed impacted on so many young people that on my return I visited some of the guys we worked with last year and to my surprise they are doing well in creating these ceramic producst, which they are now making money from. It is in against that backdrop that we are here again to train pupils across Freetown in stitching, sewing and embroidery.”

She intimated this medium that during the week days, they are at YWCA teaching secondary school pupils and during the weekends they are at FBC Secondary School teaching pupils at the school. She said in China, these skills have lifted so many people from poverty and they would want Sierra Leoneans to learn these skills that would help them to develop the economy and their lives.

Most of the pupils at the FBC Secondary Schools that were participating in the training said they were happy to receive such trainings parallel to their education.

They say they are looking forward to Saturdays to come and train embroidery which they believe will become very useful to them in the future. The 90 days training course is sponsored by the Chinese Government and supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Sierra Leonean government, and it aims to improve the stitching and sewing skills of 45 participants who are from different areas of Sierra Leone.

Counselor Zhang Xueqian, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy commended the six Chinese experts who are in town to train the participants and hope that they will do their best before leaving for China next year.

Human capital development is an integral part of a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Sierra Leone and also a driver for economic and social progress. It is one of the priorities of President Maada Bio’ New Direction Manifesto.

“China has always been dedicated to helping nurture talents in various fields for Sierra Leone, strengthening human resources development and cooperation, and contributing to the human capital development of Sierra Leone.”


Major Operation Performed by Chinese Medical Team

During the operation performed by Dr Lin Chen

By Fatmata Jengbe

 The 21st batch of Chinese Medical Team at the Jui hospital has done a major operation on a lady having a major abdominal problem. The lady who  is now recovering very well said she is happy for the life-saving operation and the medical team must tell the world that Sylvia Thompson was the patient that has been saved.

“I will never make it without the help from these Chinese doctors, and I hope they will save me as I trust them and gives them the go ahead to treat me.”  This was the statement made by her before the operation.

One Dr. Kamara advised her that she needs a surgery after he noticed her severe situation. He called Dr. Lin Chen to take over and save her life. When Sylvia was brought to the hospital Dr. Lin Chen without any hesitation started the diagnosis and discovered that she has,  linea alba hernia accompanied by small bowel necrosis. Dr Chen said she needs emergency surgery that should be performed immediately to save her life.

She was in the condition of shock due to necrosis of intestine, her heart rate was rather high and blood pressure was lower than 80/50mmHg. After three days the surgery was done and it was successful.  Sylvia, a nurse working in another hospital, has a reducible hernia since she was young.

At surgery, disruption of the fascia and the peritoneum at the linea alba and the necrotic incarcerated small intestine were found. No injuries of other intra-abdominal organs were seen so that the resection of the small intestine and direct suture closure for hernia repair were performed.

Dr Chen said with the help of the other team members including anesthetist Yong Yang, Nurse Congjun Zheng and the Sierra Leonean staff the operation went well and they are happy for saving her life.

Dr. Chen said Sylvia is doing fine and has discharged after a week. He said he and his team were happy to have saved a precious life and they will continue to do that so long as they have the opportunity.

“On Friday when she left the hospital she was so happy that she can walk and look normal and she thanked all of us for saving her life. She said she will never forgot what I have done for her. I was very happy for the sentiments made by her and hope that she will continue to follow the instructions given to her so that she will be strong and return back to work,” the Chinese medical expert intimated to this medium.

Abdominal hernias is defined as the abnormal protrusion of intra-abdominal contents through congenital/acquired areas of weakness in the abdominal wall. The four categories of anatomically-classified abdominal hernias include the following: ventral hernias (e.g., epigastric, umbilical, incisional hernias), groin hernias (inguinal and femoral hernias), pelvic hernias (obturator, sciatic, and perineal hernias), and flank/lumbar hernias. Groin hernias are discussed in more detail in their respective learning cards. Inguinal, incisional, and umbilical hernias are the most common types of hernias.

During the operation performed by Dr Lin Chen
Sylvia’s stomach before the operation

EDSA to increase Tariff by December

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In its bid to enhance quality delivery and accessible electricity services in the country, the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA), from our latest media engagement, disclosed their intention to increase their tariff by December. This disclosure was made on Friday 21st November, 2019 during a press briefing held at the institution’s Head Office on Siaka Stevens Street in Freetown.

Speaking at the press briefing, Project Manager, Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) Ing Mallay Festus Bangura disclosed that the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) was established by an Act of Parliament in 2011 as part of reforms in the energy sector, adding that among its duties and responsibilities EDSA is to purchase electricity from the EGTC and independent power producers.

Underscoring the current status of the distribution sector he said EDSA is the single buyer of power as mandated by an Act of Parliament in order to distribute and market having in its employ long outstanding experienced engineers and skilled workers with an engagement of a World Bank performance based management contractor to provide support and share expertise. Etc.

The Engineer explained how they are engaged in the expansion of network through electrification of unserved communities in Freetown as well as nationwide installation of more prepaid meters and replacement of faulty meters through various sources of financing (vendor financing scheme and others) which he said will increase more revenue and reduce debts.

According to him ,delay in the payment of meter bills especially by MDAs and others, illegal pilfering of electricity impacting negatively on the financial viability of the utility sector, high cost of purchasing power from IPP’s compared to sale of electricity, currency fluctuation and volatility of oil prices in the international market are all forces they are contending with at the moment.

He furthered that the current tariff is unfair to them as as a company as the average purchase and distribution cost- 1,575 SLL/kwh with an average selling price of 1,335 SLL/kwh

He said that even though they have been operating an unfair tariff they have been able to make some achievements in the past years citing how  EDSA has increased their customer base from 159,888 in March 2017 to 198, 995 in September, 2019. He added that they have also increased the power evacuation within the Freetown Network from an Average of 41MW in 2018 to an average of 51.6 MW in 2019 till date.

In underscoring the impacts on customers & service delivery after the increase in the tariff he said it will allow faster migration from postpaid to pre-paid which ,he said, is an enabler for increased revenue collection and cash flow to support operations, faster response to faulty meter replacement thus enabling cash injection. He disclosed also how it will also improve call center operations and enhance EDSA’s image and customer relationship.

“Cash flow will enhance adequacy in terms of public relations and marketing campaigns relating to customers’ education and awareness and somehow help EDSA in its operations,” he highlighted.

Hon. Saa Emerson Lamina Speaks for Sierra Leone Youths in Rwanda Confab

Opposition Leader in Parliament for the Coalition for Change party Hon. Saa Emerson Lamina

By Jonathan Hindolo Kurabu

Opposition Leader in Parliament for the Coalition for Change party Hon. Saa Emerson Lamina has in his submission at the ongoing joint parliamentary assembly for ACP & EU countries in Rwanda, urged member countries to promulgate laws that will eradicate certain age limits for the acceptance of young people into offices that are not necessarily political.

Speaking on the topic; ‘Promoting the Active Participation of Young Citizens in Public Life in ACP & EU Countries’, Hon. Saa Lamina averred that glaringly young people in the ACP countries are in readiness to take the driving seats in all works of life.

He commented on the global projection of 200 million young people between the ages of 15-24 who are believed to grow to a billion by 2050 in ACP Countries and however urged member States present, to make stronger regulations that will create the enabling space for young people to actively participate in decision making.

As a show of his country’s relentless support towards the appointment of young people to highly esteemed positions  of trust, Hon. Saa Lamina commended President Julius Maada Bio for what he zeroed in on as the several youthful appointments in government ministries, Diplomatic missions, Boards and Commissions to name but a few. He also commended the recent move by the Sierra Leone Ministry of Youth Affairs and the Youth Commission for creating the enabling platforms for youths and the establishment of the Youth Parliament for the engagement of key stakeholders in their affairs.

The C4C Opposition Leader in Parliament further appealed to member States to invest in Free Quality Education and in turn make it a law rather than policy, thereby encouraging young people to fulfil their dreams.

He concluded by urging EU to support their ACP counterpart in building the capacity of youths in Sierra Leone in order to close the many doors on migration, terrorism, drug abuse, prostitution and all the worse world surges.

Until now, Hon. Saa Emerson Lamina remains the youngest Mayor in Sierra Leone, albeit former, after the reintroduction of the decentralization process in Sierra Leone; he also doubles as the youngest Opposition Leader in the House of Parliament and a former Local Government administrator. He is a Development Educationist in concentration and presently ranks among the most proficient law makers.


MMCET Public Relations Officer Justifies Students’ Rustication & Lecturer’s Dismissal 

Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology

By Theresa Vamboi

Over various expressed views of instituted disciplinary actions against whom they consider as errant students,the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology, (MMCE&T) polytechnic, Elizabeth Sesay on Friday 22nd November 2019 clarified at her Goderich campus office that the administration recently investigated and withheld the results of 9 students and rusticated 22 others for examination malpractices, and for riotous conduct during the Students’ Union electioneering process.

She noted that 19 students were rusticated for examination malpractices adding that 14 of the students are from the Goderich campus and 5 from the Congo Cross campus respectively.

She assured that the culprits were thoroughly investigated by credible people who made up the Committee with some of the students even confessing that the consequences of examination malpractices to the development of the country need not be overemphasized and stressed that the college is determined to eradicate examination malpractices to prevent students graduating with useless certificates.

She also disclosed that the administration has dismissed Dr. Adikali Sesay of the Physical Health Education Department for examination malpractices, intimating that this is not the first time Dr. Adikali Sesay has been involved in the fictitious award of grades to students citing the 2009/2010 academic year, when the Committee checked his records only to discover that Dr. Sesay had been warned and suspended for same in the past with firm warnings from previous administrations, that if repeated, he would face grave consequences; the reason why the college would no longer maintain his services and assured that the Committee findings were transparent, fair, free of malice, vindictiveness or any other sentiments but just to sanitize the system.

According to the PRO, the administration setup a reputable Disciplinary Committee to investigate the matter after some students complained that some of their colleagues who did not even take the examinations were awarded grades by Dr. Sesay and informed that other evidences in the possession of the Committee that were used to penalize the culprits are the footages of CCTV cameras of the students who were involved in the Students’ Union election violence, statements from the college’s security guards who saw and identified them and that some of the students even called the names of their colleagues in crime.

Elizabeth Sesay further disclosed that the students were first suspended pending the investigations reiterating that they were given fair trial to defend themselves and that those in the first year of their courses were rusticated while the results of those in final year were withheld for a year to serve as deterrent to others adding that those students who cheated were found with foreign materials in examination halls for which they were thoroughly investigated and that some even confessed while others admitted after the cogent evidences were presented to them.


To Promote Financial Literacy…. Rokel Bank in Regional Quiz Competition

By Samuel Serry Jr.

When the newly installed government of President Maada Bio made education one of its top priorities, it was easy to see the reason why. Education, not only in Sierra Leone, but regionally has been on a downward trajectory for quite a while.

Despite super-human , commendable efforts to get education back on track with the Free Quality education initiative, it remains very evident that the government cannot do this on its own.

Rokel Commercial Bank took up the Financial Inclusion sensitisation drive when it was introduced by the Central Bank in 2018. Since the they have been constantly pushing that initiative at any opportunity.

Not content to rest on their oars, they have now stepped up the gears to motivate senior school going students to up their gam in reading and researching for knowledge and improvement in their standard of education.

A regional quiz has been organised for senior secondary schools based on Banking, Financial inclusion, Civic Studies, Local and international Current affairs.

The competition is being coordinated by the Bank’s Public Relations department , headed by Rev. George Spilsbury-Williams, a Banker with many years of experience.

Eight schools have been randomly selected for this first competition, two each from Bo, Kenema , Makeni and Freetown. The schools are CKC and St.Andrews U.C.C. (Bo) St. Francis and Birch Memorial (Makeni), Kenema Boys  and Holy Rosary (Kenema) AWMS and POW (Freetown).

So far , UCC defeated CKC in Bo by sudden death after both schools ended in a tie, and St. Francis also narrowly defeated Birch Memorial on Tuesday at the UNIMAK grounds.

Both winners now qualify for a place in the semi-finals to be held in Freetown in December.

It is expected that this quiz competition will help promulgate the practice of reding and researching in the mindset of students as RCBank seeks to complement the efforts of the government in regaining our lost heritage as the Athens of West Africa.

Details of the rest of the competition will be given to the public . The bank is hosting the quiz in partnership with Star Television who will be showing it on their station as time goes on.

All Hands Together For Hon. Tawa Conteh

Honourable Ibrahim Tawa Conteh

By Amin Kef Sesay

Maybe never before in our living memory have we had a people’s representative as critical of the party he belongs to than Hon. Tawa Conteh of Constituency 132.

Truly, we believe that in the democratic spirit of transparency and accountability by all public officials, be it the presidency, ministers and other public officials, Hon. Tawa Conteh has shown to the entire nation that we do not have to be hypocrites to the truth and to our conscience.

As the situation stands, Hon. Tawa Conterh has incurred the wrath of certain members and supporters of his party, the governing Sierra Leone People’s Party, for daring to voice out loudly what in the old days, political persecution is tantamount to: Heresy. The nearest that his party has come to declaring him a heretic is the National Publicity Secretary posting on his facebook page that Hon. Tawa deserves to be questioned by SLPP authorities for anti-party behavior in parliament.

However, many of us who believe that it is lack of sincerity by our government, parliament and public officials over the past decades that led to the total collapse of the nation’s moral and ethical values and standards that seriously eroded the effectiveness and efficiency of all our public institutions, including parliament, stand solidly with Hon. Tawa and encourage him to: “Go!!! Go!!! Hon. Tawa, go!!!” ‘Nor tire’!!!