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New Minister of Environment… Re-growing Forests Must Be a Major National Development Program

By Amin Kef Sesay

The environment which provides much needed human and infrastructural development in Sierra Leone is seriously threatened by extraction, deforestation and land degradation as a result of ineffective policies and enforcement, the cutting down of trees for charcoal burning and farming – activities that are proving very devastating to sustainable livelihoods.

Little has been done to protect the land in Sierra Leone. The Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve which is also Freetown’s water supply major source is currently threatened by deforestation due to settlements at both ends of the economic spectrum.

Shanty settlements of people in Freetown are spreading into the reserve and piling pressure on the ecosystem. Farming, logging and mining in the provinces around major towns and villages also poses serious environmental threats.

Degradation of forests has already transformed some areas into savanna grasslands or degraded savannas. Along with pressures caused by population growth over the last few decades, unregulated and often illegal extraction of timber puts wildlife, local people and economies at risk.

Unrelenting timber demand from around the world – in our own case from China — means that the forests are being harvested at unprecedented rates. Often, this is done unsustainably or not in accordance with local laws. Road-building by logging companies has also opened up remote areas of forests to poaching and illegal logging.

Forests shrink, wildlife disappears and economies sputter. Given the extent and rate of forest fragmentation from roadside farming and logging, basic simulations suggest that few large blocks of Sierra Leone’s forest will remain in peril for 20 years if mitigating actions are not taken now by government and local communities.

The new Ministry of the Environment needs to take urgent remedial actions in partnership with the Ministry of Lands and Country Planning, United Nations Development Program, Conservative Society, Green Scenery, Environmental Foundation for Africa, the Tiwai Island Sanctuary project in the Pujehun District and other environmental protection agencies to come up with a robust action plan to rehabilitate Sierra Leone’s severely degraded environment as a priority and to work closely with governmental agencies and other local and international partners to plan, design and implement sustainable schemes of land reclamation and regeneration for agriculture, forestry and other use.

The environment must be restored and protected so that development, peace, security and healthy populations can coexist. This can be done by raising environmental awareness among key stakeholders and building the capacity of decision makers and resource users to incorporate environmental management into their priorities and actions to restore degraded lands and conserve pristine forests and equip people with sustainable livelihood skills such as agro forestry.

In the deforested areas that need reclamation, economic trees can be planted. First what is needed are seed nurseries in all chiefdoms across the country. Local communities can successfully produce a large volume and variety of local foods and cash crops in an environmentally sustainable manner and in the process, improving their own income and living conditions.

The Libel Law, Press Freedom and its Limits

By Amin Kef Sesay

No doubt, we all agree that Press Freedom is an indispensable element of democracy. The vigilant and dauntless media, endowed with investigative abilities is a requisite in modern democracy.

Yet the media today is faced with legal obstacles strewn across its way which restrict its roles in a democracy. The demands of the State and individual interests have meant that ideal laws are those which strike a balance of rights.

We journalists must always be mindful that there are always two sides of a coin – meaning that even when Government repeals the Criminal Libel law, there are laws that limit press freedom in the interests of the State and individual rights.

Liability for Libel

Generally, under many jurisdictions in the world, any person who shall publish, exhibit or cause the publication or exhibition of any defamation in writing or by similar means, shall be responsible for libel. This includes the author, the editor of the book, pamphlet, newspaper, etc. and the proprietors of the publication. The printer (ex. printing press) is also liable. Reference Paul Kamara Vs Justice Tolla Thompson…

Penalties for Libel

The law can jail and fine for libel. This is in addition to the civil action which may be brought by the offended party.

Why is it punishable?

The enjoyment of a private reputation is as much a constitutional right as the possession of life, liberty and property. The law recognizes the value of such reputation and imposes upon him who attacks it, by slanderous words or libellous publication, the liability to make full compensation for damages done.

Court that has Jurisdiction for Libel

Venue for Action may vary, but the general rule is that the Trial Court where the libellous publication was published or where the complainant resides should be the court designated to try the case. The crime of libel prescribes in one year from the date the alleged libellous article was published.

Damages Recoverable in an Action for Libel

The law provides that moral damages may be recovered in case of libel, slander or any other form of defamation. In effect, the offended party in these cases is given the right to receive from the guilty party moral damages for injury to his feelings and reputation in addition to punitive or exemplary damages.

The civil action for damages shall be filed at the same court where the libel case was filed. The court it was filed at acquires exclusive jurisdiction to entertain the corresponding complaint for libel.

Persons Who Can File a Complaint for Libel

A libel suit can only be filed by the offended party. Libel cases attributing a defect or vice, real or imaginary, which does not constitute a crime but brings into disrepute, scorn or ridicule or tends to cause dishonour, discredit, or contempt, can be prosecuted de officio. The complaint of the offended party is not necessary, and the information filed by the prosecuting officer is enough to confer jurisdiction upon the court to try the defendant charged. If the libel concerns a person who has already passed away, his heirs or legal representatives have the right to file the complaint.

Essential Elements of Libel

  1. The imputation must be made public;
  2. b) The imputation must be malicious;
  3. c) The imputation must be defamatory;
  4. d) The person defamed must be identifiable.

Defamatory Imputation

  1. Crime allegedly committed by the offended party;
  2. b) Vice or defect, real or imaginary, of the offended party; or
  3. c) Any act, omission, condition, status of, or circumstance relating to the offended party which tend to cause the dishonour, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person or to blacken the memory of one who is dead.

NP Sierra Leone Takes Customer Care to a Higher Level

By Amin Kef Sesay

In a privileged conversation with some pump attendants at NP Cotton Tree, it was highlighted by all of them that although they have a stipulated time of closing down sales ,however, the filling station does not close down until the last customer is attended to. They were invariably trying to say that, be as it as it is, the company truly resonates with 1st For Customer Care.

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL-Ltd) is one that has dominated the petroleum business landscape in this country for quite a long period of time now and it is still positioned to make good use of opportunities in order to grow to another level. It will be totally erroneous to conclude that the 100% indigenously owned company is unfairly being commended, but the truth or reality of the situation is that there is no other entity doing business in petroleum products in this country in such an impressive manner than the way NP-SL is currently doing.

When rating privately run business entities in this country, attributes such as efficiency and effectiveness in timely service delivery must come out vividly in order for successful transactions to occur.  The company is well renowned for his pro-active stance in always trying to optimize customer care, which it holds in high esteem with the view that in the absence of its numerous customers then the company’s existence is meaningless.

To the shareholders and Management of the company, achieving customer satisfaction is very precious and key which is why it does everything within its reach and reasonably to give customers high grade petroleum products at affordable prices. Through its pro-activeness and the ultimate need to succeed, latest innovative and technological techniques were installed and applied at the company’s various Filling Stations, one of which are calibrated pumping machines that pump the appropriate quantity of petroleum products paid for. As they are very transparent, these calibrated pumping machines continue to instill confidence in customers that they are dealing with a very transparent company as well as feeling that they are getting their money’s worth.

Within the same ambit of bringing technology closer to its customers for enhanced transactions, the idea of availing its customers the use of NP Smart Card was borne. Today we hear of “fuel on your smart card” which figuratively could be interpreted within the context of using a financially loaded NP Smart Card to purchase the right number of petroleum products one intends to utilize without any physical monetary transactions. Using NP Smart Card guarantees safety, saves time and gives air of importance to the holders, some considering them as the crème-de la crème of society, when in actual fact anyone can make use of it. It creates a situation where a customer will intermittently know the balance of finance on his card and use such information to make informed decisions as to further top up or utilize, for example, the quantity of fuel that the balance amount could procure.

With a view to make people gain easy access to a device that could be suitable for various cooking purposes, NP Gas was introduced and since gas is one of the petroleum products that is up for sale then it just falls in place that it will be prudent to make it convenient for people to access them at their filling stations and from authorized dealers, going at affordable prices. It had been undoubtedly proven that they are environmentally friendly and safe to use as well as refill.

Strengthening relevant institutions as it did recently in capacitating the Kissy Branch National Fire Force with a standard water facility to capably respond to fire emergencies is just one way through which NP is complementing efforts being made by both the central and local Governments in fostering development interventions geared towards improving overall standards of living. NP Gas has now become the ubiquitous cooking friend in many households and many are trying not to miss out on it.

When job opportunities are created from time to time, the negative impacts of poverty subside with a corresponding upsurge in peace and tranquility. Instead of tempers rising, daggers drawn out there will be joy and harmonious co-existence. Through its expansionist drive and to match up with modern trends, NP-SL has been providing various jobs for many who were hitherto at the lower ends of society. Family lives have been transformed for the better and there is room for future positive outcomes.

As a matter of fact, NP-SL-Ltd has been recognized for being a company that has doggedly insisted on maintaining its indigenous posture. Its shareholders are all Sierra Leoneans, it places premium on maintaining an indigenous stance with majority of its staff being indigenes. The company is very mindful that with the implementation of the Local Content Policy it is positively contributing to the socio-economic development of the country. NP is committed to serve the people of this country.


Debunking tribal allegations… NATCOM DG Paints a Brighter Future for the Institution

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Maxwell Hingha Massaquoi, the Director General of the National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM) has stated during the institution’s annual retreat, this time round held in Kenema, that he is not that type of person that discriminates against others on tribal lines, underscoring how the telecommunications regulator is indeed a national entity.

Commenting on the aspects of sackings and terminations that have taken place in the Commission of late, NATCOM DG explained how he took over a Commission that was 98% northern dominated, maintaining such did not reflect the national character of the Commission.
He registered that the New NATCOM is undergoing a reshaping phase to reflect regional balance, noting that as a national entity, every region of the country should have a bite of the NATCOM pie, be it in employment or in infrastructure.

Massaquoi affirmed that NATCOM will in that regard continue to do the right things that are in the interest of the Commission and indeed the country.
He went on to explain that his mother is Limba-Loko, his driver hails from Lunsar in the Port Loko district, his two close protection securities hail from Makeni (Bombali) and Magburaka (Tonkolili) and that out of his personal earning, he is paying WASSCE fees for one of his guards who has expressed interest to further his education.
“How can I be classified as a tribalist when my very genealogy reflects a national character,” Massaquoi asserted, pointing out that as of now, northern region employment within NATCOM stands at 43%, Eastern region employees 28%, Southern region employees 21% and Western Area region employees, 13%.

The NATCOM Director General went on to indicate that the re-engineering efforts undertaken by him and his team will put the Commission in good stead to provide the expected service required of it as a telecommunications regulator.

He spoke of the infrastructural developments on the current NATCOM Headquarters by providing constant water supply which had cost the Commission a whopping Le 550million to hire water bowzers on a regular basis. He explained that they invested Le 141million to dig a borehole from which source the Commission now enjoys constant and regular water supply on a 24 hours basis.

He said the Commission is on the path to finalise international payment commitments to the African Telecommunications Union (ATU) and other affiliate bodies aimed at restoring the Commission’s international credibility and viability.

He said his management team has over the eighteen months period since he took over, embarked on an Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism which has enabled the Commission to address and settle almost all of the disputes NATCOM has been enmeshed in over the years, especially with licence users.

“We are not cowing our customers, but we are merely ensuring that we get what we want in the interest of the Commission and indeed the country,” Massaquoi stated.
He said moving forward, the Commission will institute eight new regulations that would be rolled out to Mobile Network Operators and the general public on a quarterly basis for their considerations and inputs, adding that they intend to establish three new zonal offices in Pujehun, Mattru Jong and the Western Area. These, he said, will add up to zonal offices already existing in Bombali, Port Loko, Bo, Kenema, Moyamba and Kono.

He assured that in the coming year, NATCOM will strengthen the re-engineering of its processes to cut down on time frames for licencing and other customer services, bring in new technology, automate it’s processes and transactions through what he referred to as the Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) that will seek to coordinate and regulate the Commission’s service level agreement.

He assured his team that he and his deputy will develop a thick skin to baseless criticisms and vicious calumny targeted at them by unscrupulous elements within society, who have oriented themselves to be negative at anything they see and hear about NATCOM.

“We will not be bothered by their flimsy charades against us and indeed the Commission. We have committed ourselves to working together and we are convinced that together we will succeed.

We will not bow to any negative propaganda fashioned against us as a team. We will work to prove them wrong and we will prove that this new NATCOM is on the right side of history,” Maxwell Hingha Massaquoi concluded.

In Emboldening illegal squatters to reclaim pieces of Land at Bathurst… Is Dr. Dennis Sandy above the law?  

Dr. Dennis Sandy

By Theresa Vamboi

It was like hell getting loose for residents or to say the least, former residents, of Levuma in the far West End of Freetown when the Minister of Lands, Dr. Dennis Sandy and team carried out the unimaginable for some, as structures that were built through sweat and toil were seen crumbling down to the ferocious and indiscriminate dismantling by overzealous havoc-wrecking youths, seemed to be high on drugs.

One of the affected parties at the scene, the Management of a proposed Bar and Restaurant  at Levuma Beach along the Goderich Road is now calling on Government to give them justice and compensation, as they accused the Minister of Lands, Dr. Dennis Sandy and staff of vandalizing their property, beating them up, carting away 9,000 thousand Euros, Le5 million, a power saw and other valuables estimated at millions of Leones.

Mohamed Bangura, the Manager, Princess Sia Walters, the owner and a cancer nurse in Germany and her boyfriend, including Mr. Bernard Walters, stepfather of Princess Sia, all claimed that the incident happened on Monday 4th November this year when the Minister and staff visited the site with “thugs” and seven armed security personnels, asking them all sorts of questions and claimed that the Minister snatched the phone of Princess Walters, a Sierra Leonean German citizen who has returned home to contribute to national development.

They further claimed that the team from the Ministry of Lands also hit them with gun butts and chains, tortured Princess Sia Walters when she attempted to intervene, that the Minister himself threw away water that was in containers for the construction work, affirming that the team was very defiant, adding that after the fracas some of them had to be rushed to the Lumley Health Centre for treatment where they were admitted for two days.

Princess Sia Walters intimated that the Lumley Police Station refused to take her statement but only issued her a medical report form and called on the Minister to publicly apologize for the treatment meted out to them.

Mr. Bernard Walters said he first visited Sierra Leone 20 years ago and worked in Jiama, Kono District as a medical doctor when the civil war broke out and had to return home. He said he adopted Princess Sia and that the latest incident reminded him of the civil war, accusing the Minister of misusing his powers that has the tendency to ignite another war.

According to Mr. Bernard Walters, he has invested half a million Euros in the bar and restaurant project and informed that he has reported the matter to the German Embassy in Freetown.

The Management also alleged that they applied for the land to the Ministry of Tourism and that after paying all the charges and holding meetings with the relevant stakeholders, work commenced, only for the Ministry of Lands to stop them on the pretext that they have a $1 million project for the same area.

The Acting Director of the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Country Planning (MLHCP) Mr. Tamba Dauda revealed that the Ministry, including the Minister, Dr. Dennis Sandy, had for a long time ago stopped all construction work in the area and that when he visited the site a week ago, he also advised Princess Sia Walters to stop work, enlightening that the area in question is under the Ministry of Lands and confirmed that the community has apologized to the Minister for the incident that happened on Monday 4th November this year.

He furthered that since the Ministry has a plan for the area, it had put a moratorium on the construction of buildings in the area long ago, but lamented that the people are defiant and recalled that when he saw the people offloading building materials at the site he again cautioned them to discontinue construction work as they had marked X with red on the buildings been constructed in the area.

According to Mr. Tamba Dauda, most of the buildings being constructed in the area do not have building permits, that on the day of the incident, about 80% of the executive members in the community were present at the site to launch the construction project, the reason he took the opportunity to admonish them to discontinue all construction work and to seek permission from the Ministry, to which they consented only to renege later.

He said the people claimed that they have permission from the Ministries of Tourism and Works respectively and other institutions to construct the building reiterating that he told them that it is only the Ministry of Lands that has the mandate to authorize them to build on the land disclosing that when they arrived at the site all the workers fled with the exception of Princess Sia Walters and some few people who were defiant intimating that it was Princess Sia Walters who hit the Minister while another guy attempted to approach the Minister that warranted his security to intervene reiterating that the Minister did not touch anybody.

Mr. Tamba Dauda continued that they removed the pillars from the building and denied that they carted away money and other valuables from the site, adding that if work continues they would revisit the site again and demolish the structure.

The Acting Director furthered that even the Ministry of Tourism seeks permission from the Ministry to allocate land to investors in the tourism sector with conditions, citing Lumley Beach and other areas, declaring that they would demolish all unauthorized buildings in the area that is liable to flooding, concluding that it is the people in the community who complained to the Ministry that people are still constructing houses in the area in spite of the previous warnings.

In another new development, the embittered Minister of Lands, Dr Denis Sandy, has ordered the re-arrest of one Abdulai Bademba Barrie on the grounds that the latter must financially pay compensation to affected illegal squatters who were forcefully evicted on a piece of land according to the dictates of a Court Order.

The aforementioned piece of land was legally proven, in a court of law, to be the bona fide property of Abdulai Bademba Barrie though certain individuals, including some military personnel, decided to unlawfully settle there. The owner of the property resorted to legal recourse and the verdict was in his favour. However, few days after, the Minister ordered his arrest on the pretext that he should at first, inform the Lands Ministry before executing the Court Order. This, many have interpreted, as unprecedented.

This medium also understood that the Minister has also emboldened those who were evicted from Barrie’s land at Bathurst, Soja Town, to return and reclaim their pieces of land. In other words, the Minister has informed them to flout the very Court Order that evicted them to once more go and stay there.

Sounding the views of many, this medium learnt that many Sierra Leoneans are of the view that Dr. Dennis Sandy is one of the worst Lands Ministers that this country can boast of. Although some have stated that it is good for Government to reclaim State Lands and use them judiciously for development purposes, yet the fundamental human rights of persons must be upheld and respected.

“The Lands Minister is playing a discordant note which is akin to the New Direction consolidation of national cohesiveness,” a Political Commentator opined, adding that Dennis Sandy must be very cautious in the way and manner how he is executing his powers.


Brewery Commissions VIP Toilet with 8 Components at Koya Secondary School  

By Amin Kef Sesay

In rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility and in continuing to contribute to the development of communities in Constituency 115 under the company’s Post Ebola Water and Sanitation Project, Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) on Friday 8th November, 2019 commissioned an 8 Component VIP Toilet at the Koya Academy Secondary School in Wellington, Constituency 115.

The event took place at the school’s compound during which stakeholders and residents of the Koya community and its environs expressed delight and praised the company for what they termed as its timely intervention that will come in handy with numerous benefits.

The event was graced by constituency youths, development organisations, elders, chiefs, councillors, past and present Members of Parliament, religious leaders and a host of residents in the communities.

In his own contribution, the contractor of the 8 Component VIP Toilet stated that the SLBL and the Heineken Africa Foundation embarked on previous other projects that have benefited residents of Constituency 115. He added that SLBL’s contributions to the communities were done in line with the inputs from community residents through their various heads. “What the Brewery has done has only been what the communities requested as their pressing needs,” he added.

In his brief statement, Brewery’s Corporate Affairs Manager, Albert Ojo Collier, expressed his appreciation to the community and all the speakers for their candid and frank sentiments made about the institution.

He disclosed that it is indeed a great opportunity to commission the newly constructed VIP Toilet in Koya Town on behalf of the HEINEKEN AFRICA FOUNDATION through Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, as one out of six projects supporting the construction of a VIP Toilet facility to promote sanitation activities in the constituency for the teachers and pupils of the Koya Town Academy Secondary School and people of Koya Town Community, through the Member of Parliament for Constituency 115, Honourable Alpha Amadu Bah.

He said that the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited has played formidable roles in enhancing the socio-economic growth of Sierra Leone, noting that their corporate social responsibility has been rolled out throughout the years and covers support to sporting activities, health care, provision of water and sanitation to communities and assistance to the education sector.

He noted that in the last five years Sierra Leone Brewery Limited together with Heineken Africa Foundation has provided over Le 5 Billion as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility to the health, water and Sanitation sectors alone throughout Sierra Leone. He further disclosed that they are currently building two hospitals, one at Wellington and the other at Calaba Town, which will be completed and commissioned on Friday 22nd November.

He said that the VIP toilet at Koya Town School and the hand pump water well at UMC School on Mellon Street cost Le 79,543 000, adding that through HAF they are also supporting one hospital in Yele, Gbonkolenken Chiefdom in the Tonkolili District and another in Masanga, both in Northern Sierra Leone.

“I am happy to inform you that this Water and Sanitation project in Constituency 115 has now been completed by Honourable Alpha Bah, impressively as it went through the complete tender process, procurement of materials and now commissioning, which was done in a transparent and credible manner. This project is expected to benefit the students and teachers of this Koya Town Secondary School,” he maintained

He said that the sustainable projects are intended to improve the livelihoods of the people of Constituency 115. However, he called on the support of Sierra Leoneans, especially the host community, Wellington; to help promote the company’s brands, buy their local content, MaItina, Trenk Dark-Malt energy drink, Star Lager Beer, Star Citron, Mutzig, and Guinness among others.

In his statement, the Honourable Member of Parliament of Constituency 115, Hon. Bah, heaped praises on the SLBL for their unflinching support over the years. He also acknowledged that the VIP toilet that is being commissioned will promote sanitation activities in the constituency. He also maintained that development projects for communities are tagged to the offices of MPs and not any particular individual.

He called on all to embrace development and put politics aside, as the time for politics is now over. He also endeavoured to set the records straight, adding that every single cent received from the Brewery or any institution is being openly disclosed to all the stakeholders in the community in his bid to maintain transparency and accountability.

Hon. Bah noted that the VIP toilet project which has been completed costs Le79 million. He also disclosed that the Brewery and the Heineken Africa Foundation have constructed solar powered water wells in other communities in the constituency, which he witnessed and admonished the company to continue with their good work. “If Brewery thrives, Wellington will thrive also,” Hon Bah chanted.

The cutting of the tape during the commissioning of the VIP toilet and the unveiling of a sign board at the site of the work climaxed the event.



Special Envoy Abu Kai Leads Agriculture Trade Mission to Sierra Leone

Abu Bakarr Kai Kai, popularly known as Abu Kai, Sierra Leone’s Special Envoy on Trade and Investment

By Amin Kef Sesay

Abu Bakarr Kai Kai, popularly known as Abu Kai, Sierra Leone’s Special Envoy on Trade and Investment, who was appointed by President Julius Maada Bio, recently facilitated a two-day event undertaken by an Agriculture Trade Mission to Sierra Leone under the auspices of an international organization, Empower Africa. The events took place at the Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel in Freetown on the 5th and 7th November 2019 and graced by several dignitaries, including former Minister of Agriculture, Joseph Ndanema, Donald Smart, CEO Mountain Lion Rice Company, Steven Gaojla, CEO Sierra Agra, Maria Singco, Surghum Procurement Manager for Heineken, Ezi Rapaport, CEO and Founder, Empower Africa and Maoz Aviv, Director of Agriculture, Empower Africa. On the 5th November 2019 there was a conference and lunch which commenced at 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, later followed by a cocktail reception at 7:00 pm.

On the 7th November 2019 a half-day conference, which included one and one meetings with local business representatives and government officials, as well as a networking session, held from 9:00am to 5:00 pm.

According to Envoy Abu Kai the underlying purpose of leading an Agricultural Trade Mission to the country is primarily to enhance food security and help drive sustainable development.

In his statement, Abu Bakarr Kai Kai commended his Excellency for his wise leadership in focusing on the agriculture sector and giving it the attention it deserves .He stated that when he was growing up, he had a vision of a nation that feeds its people without depending on the importation of the country’s staple food. “I had dreams of a country that will cultivate and process her own agro products not just for domestic consumption but beyond our borders,” he told the august gathering, highlighting that as a result of such a remarkable event he is very optimistic that such a dream is at the verge of becoming a reality.

He furthered that the purpose and essence of the occasion are real indicators that this country is not too far from achieving transformation that will not only make us a formidable player in Africa, but a contending exporter beyond our continent. The Special Envoy, however, expressed the view that there are challenges to keep up with the trends of the day and also the expectations of foreign companies venturing into Africa.

He informed the participants of the Mission that the Government of Sierra Leone, through the vision of his Excellency, is more than willing to meet the prerequisites and accommodate major players in the execution of the Grand Plan.

Kai Kai posited that through speeches and presentations presented by the Trade Mission there have been assurances and commitments of key players within the agriculture sector.
“We also have learnt that commercial cultivation cannot thrive without key expertise and the intervention of specialised agro entities. Amongst us here today are 9 companies of global standing, with a capacity to change the face of this sector. What makes this day significant is the fact that with us here, we have a full package of what it takes to compete globally in terms of trade and export of Agri Products,” Bio’s Special Envoy revealed, evoking a round of applause.

He welcomed the companies present into Sierra Leone, assuring them of endless support. The Special Envoy also thanked Empower Africa for being friends of the country and more especially for organizing such a powerful event.

“I believe this Trade Mission is just the beginning of an agricultural crusade that will uplift the lives of 7.6 million Sierra Leoneans,” he expressed optimism, adding that to prove that we are ready for business and to strengthen his assertions, the country has testimonies of large scale international companies within the CAPPA organisation that have gone through the test of times, survived and thrived here. He mentioned companies like : Dole, Socfin, Sunbird, West African Rice Company: Kissy Industries among others.

He ended up assuring his audience that it is now time for Sierra Leone.
Prior to the convening of the events in a Press Release, Empower Africa, mentioned that Sierra Leone has fertile soil and abundant water, with approximately two-thirds of the population already working in agriculture.

It further stated that despite these favourable conditions, 85% of arable land lie uncultivated and most of Sierra Leone’s food is imported. Businesses that bring the right seeds, fertilizers, and farming techniques to Sierra Leone, have a great opportunity to build profitable partnerships while contributing to the country’s long term economic prosperity, he also highlighted.

Empower Africa believes that President Bio’s recently announced National Development Plan aims to diversify the economy with the goal of stimulating human capital development. It says this plan has opened a window for agriculture companies to enter into mutually profitable projects in Sierra Leone. The organization assured that the Trade Mission will offer agriculture companies a unique chance to explore and build an in-depth understanding of the commercial opportunities in Sierra Leone.

It anticipated that participants will also interact with local agriculture businesses and representatives of the Sierra Leone Government, while building important business relationships during planned conferences and networking events. The Release intimated how Empower Africa’s Director of Agriculture, Maoz Aviv, will lead a highly specialized delegation of international companies who have a broad range of agriculture expertise.

It was mentioned that Maoz is a leading global agronomist and brings with him over twenty years of experience in a wide variety of agricultural activities. During the programme there were onsite visits to local agriculture operations, a full day conference and networking events which included one-on-one meetings with local business representatives and government officials.

A key outcome expectation of all the engagements by the Trade Mission is that Empower Africa will assist participants in cementing the connections built during the trip and in laying the foundation for long-lasting business relationships in Sierra Leone.

This Trade Mission is part of Empower Africa’s larger strategy of facilitating mutually beneficial business ventures in order to drive sustainable economic development in Africa.

Ezi Rapaport, Founder and CEO of Empower Africa had this to say: “We are encouraged by President Bio and the Sierra Leone Government’s ‘New Direction’ focus on human capital development. We believe that there is currently a unique window of opportunity for the private sector to drive sustainable economic development in Sierra Leone and agriculture is a vital sector that will enhance food security and help jumpstart the economy.

Our Agriculture Trade Mission explored strategic commercial opportunities for the private sector and the country and we call on industry leaders to join us on our mission.”

On his part the Special Envoy on Trade and Investment, Abu Bakarr Kai Kai, thanked Empower Africa for its ongoing support and for organizing such an important Agriculture Trade Mission.

“In line with our Government’s ‘New Direction’ focus on human capital development and our plans to diversify our economy, our Ministry of Agriculture has recently released our ‘National Agriculture Transformation Plan’. This plan outlines many commercial opportunities in the agriculture sector and our Government is committed to working with the private sector and international investors that can assist with our country’s development efforts. Sierra Leone is open for business,” Abu Bakarr Kai Kai expressed gratitude and preparedness for growth.

About Empower Africa: Empower Africa is a Social Impact Business with a mission to drive sustainable economic development in Africa. For more information about Empower Africa, please visit empowerafrica.com

Beneficiaries of SOS Village Complain of Maltreatment

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Beneficiaries of SOS Village have been complaining about abuse and corruption by individuals entrusted with the responsibility of running the affairs of the facility.

They attributed the decline in support and care to the SOS children and youth in the country as factors responsible for the dwindling the once viable entity to one that is currently rocked by many constraints  militating against those who must be accorded proper, befitting treatments as it used to be in the past.

Indeed, according investigation mounted, there have been immense changes in the Management of SOS Children’s Villages   Sierra Leone in the past three (3) years. Lamentably, during these transition processes, a lot of poor choices were made in the administration of SOS Children’s Villages Sierra Leone, thus, causing an unimaginable poor outcome in the transition process.

These range from staff breaching the codes of conduct and the anti-fraud-corruption guideline with impunity. From 2016 to 2018, Management at the helm of affairs has blatantly violated them. Perpetrators were even treated with humility, leaving the beneficiaries deprived, who now see themselves as the “new slaves” given by the way they are treated.

“As a child care organisation and as individuals, we have the chance to ensure that all children have equal opportunities to grow with dignity, security and respect in a caring environment as every child deserves,” Norbert Meder, Chief Executive Officer of SOS Children’s Villages International.

However, an organisation that claims to provide a loving home for every child, forcefully integrating children and young people into the society, poorly resettling them and without the knowledge of its superiors- In the International Office it was not until the matter was reported, before insufficient actions were taken by the Regional and International office.

Talking to this medium, most of the beneficiaries expressed disappointment over the regional office, especially in Mr. Bada for making amends to them on behalf of the organisation at the regional and international offices, after eradicating some perpetrators, assuring them in meetings that they ( beneficiaries) would experience improvement in the standard of living and care in SOS CV Sierra Leone.

Notwithstanding, the beneficiaries still complain of new policies that threaten their poor existing support. “We are faced with problems that call for the need of a swift and positive intervention for a genuine change,” they bemoaned.

They stated that hospitality for trust is fast becoming elusive calling for whatever policy imposed to be in their best interests and aim at improving the wellbeing of children and youths over there as a means of achieving the sustainable development goals.

It was categorically stated by them, that the current administration is unstable, with a whole lot of complaints that need redress in order not to create a toxic environment for them.

They catalogued the following challenges they  are faced with:



CHILDREN& YOUTHS (YF1&YF2) Improve in the Care-giving of Children and Youths.

·         Feeding allowance for children (to prevent the occurrence of malnutrition)

·         Poor Clothing

·         Poor monthly allowance for youths

·         Improve in the support of adequate study materials.

·         Accommodation for youths looked into.

·         Poor Medical facility

·         Improper transition (into society) for children and youths

2 NEGLECT CHILDREN& YOUTHS (YFI &YF2) ·         The imposition of new rigid policies; eradicating youths from all support at 23yrs.

·         Poor relationship between staffs and beneficiaries.

·         Youths currently in the system not pursuing anything academic are not encouraged to do anything, but are only been reminded of the age limit to support.

·         Limited activities to promote early childhood livelihood; recreation, excursions etc.

·         Improve ethical self-confidence in children and youths by introducing more innovative and creative programs.

3 INTIMIDATION CHILDREN& YOUTHS (YFI &YF2) ·         Staffs galvanize against beneficiaries.

·         Promiscuous agenda to frustrate the wellbeing of beneficiaries

4 DISCRIMINATION/LIMITATIONS CHILDREN& YOUTHS (YFI, YF2, AND FORMER YOUTHS) ·         S.O.S Children’s Villages International has a unique policy impacting the well-being of its beneficiaries but limiting beneficiaries in SOS CV Sierra Leone from supports that are meant to be universal.

·         We are supported less compared to other SOS Children’s Villages globally. In term of support, Children and youths of SOS CV Sierra Leone are treated inferior to their colleagues in other countries; in the same region, and worldwide. This is termed as RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

·         In S.O.S CV Sierra Leone, beneficiaries are deprived of their right to a choice of their own. Even in terms of opportunities, there is a huge limitation based on geographic location.

5 SABOTTAGE EMPLOYEES STAFFS ·         Employees who have shown to be honest in their dealings and forthcomings with SOS beneficiaries are/were witch-hunted by corrupt senior management staffs.


Green shoots at the Kenema Correction Center

By Fatmata Jengbe

In a recent visit to the Eastern Regional headquarter town of Kenema in October 2019 for a meeting with non-state legal aid providers, I joined colleagues for a routine visit to both the male and female Correctional Centers. The visit was primarily meant to follow-up on findings from an earlier assessment in September instant which put inmates without indictments at 119.

The visit was my first to the center. I was excited but did not expect much in terms of real transformation which should ensure inmates have the requite skills that will earn them sustainable livelihood upon their return into mainstream society.  This is in part due to experience during my visits to the Male and Female Correctional Centers in Freetown. There has been a lot of hype about the change of name from ‘Prison’ to ‘Correctional Center’ which is one simple first step.

The test has been in ensuring the change in name is reflected in improving the prison conditions and more importantly in transforming the lives of inmates in terms of psychosocial support, acquisition of requite skills, trainings and reintegration. So far so good, the evidence on the ground shows that we still have a long way to go.

The grim reality during these visits are: serious overcrowding, huge numbers without indictments, numbers with indictments but not on trial, many on prolonged adjournment and judgment reserved and several others who have been over-sentenced or serving sentences beyond periods prescribed by law.

The case that stands out for me in one of these visits is the sight of a shy sixteen year old boy from Kenema serving a three year prison term for stealing a plastic bag of cocoa which he strongly denies.  I was part of the team led by the Executive Director of the Board to the Pademba Road Correctional Center on 13 December 2017. We had separate meetings with inmates from Blyden, Wilberforce, Howard and Clarkson Hall; Remand Inmates; Aged, Sick and Malnourished Inmates and inmates serving Life Imprisonment and those who have been Condemned respectively.

The boy was held in the block meant for the Sick, Aged and Malnourished. He accused the police in Kenema of deliberating inflating his age even though he had told them he is below eighteen.

I must confess the current Chief Justice of the republic of Sierra Leone has taken giant strides to address these problems through the Criminal Prison Courts, Criminal Call Over sessions and the judicial review of sentences.

The visit to the Kenema correctional centers offered some green shoots for the correctional service in the country. This is not to say they are not fraught with the usual challenges confronting correctional centers I have already alluded to. There were 316 inmates at the Kenema Correctional Center at the time of the visit. 69 inmates had indictments while 80 were without.

There is also a rich history about the Kenema Male Correction center which qualifies it for an historical site. According to the Manager for the Kenema Male Correctional Center, Superintendent Christian Sesay, the ground floor is a stone wall building which will be 200 years in 2024. The building was used as a transit center for slaves being shipped to the Americas. Another floor was added to the building in 1974 to accommodate more inmates. The floor is not stone walled

The transformation in the prison service is empirical in these centers, in the sense that it can boast of a small but functional carpentry and tailoring workshop. There are plans to expand the former as a space has already been earmarked for that purpose.

The Tailoring workshop has five machines one of which is a zigzag machine. On display at the workshop were 15 nicely zigzagged half gowns (called rappels in local parlance). We were so impressed with the design, three of us on the team bought one each at Le 50,000 (US$ 5). Expectedly, we seized the opportunity to take a group picture at the entrance to the center as a way of publicizing the handiwork of the inmates and by extension encouraging others to patronize them.

The center has a ‘Tuck Shop’ where inmates can buy items at cost recovery prices. The items in the shop include sugar, biscuits, sardine, mega cola, colgate paste, cigarette (gold seal) and luncheon meat etc.

The Center also has a farm at Gbenderu a few miles away from the center where inmate grows crops including potato, cassava and groundnut. According to the Center Manager, proceeds from the sale go to the inmates. The Center also runs a bakery which supplies bread to inmates.

Inmates also have access to phone facility. They pay a minimal amount to make calls on weekdays and enjoy free calls on Sundays.

The female correctional center on the other hand had ten inmates which is less than its capacity. It is the cleanest center I have been to. The tiles in the toilets are stainless. The rooms are spacious. The floor, mattresses and beddings are clean and the air is fresh. The Officer in Charge of the center, Aminata Koroma relishes the fact that the center has a ‘Child Friendly Center’ which caters for the few inmates living with their children.  It has toys and a television set for these children. The center also has a garden, laundry and small block earmarked for tailoring workshop.

The visit was climaxed with a meeting with the inmates at the male correctional center. The staffs of the Board were greeted with an outpouring of affection for their services to the inmates. The wildest applause was reserved for the Legal Aid Counsel for Kenema and Kailahun District, Patrick Kamara.

The National Supervisor, Mohamed Korie told the inmates that all is not lost noting that there is life after prison and that they have an opportunity to rebuild their lives. He said Madiba Nelson Mandela came out of prison after 27 years to become the President of South Africa. ‘You can leave prison after serving your sentence and go on to become an important person in society,’ he said.

As Sierra Leone Next Movie Star 2019 Gains Momentum… Augusta Dora Suwu Dilates on the Movie Industry in Sierra Leone

Augusta Dora Suwu

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Sierra Leone’s most outstanding female actress, Augusta Dora Suwu, a known personality in the entertainment industry, a mentor, an activist for young girls, MC, actress and one of the nominees for the Sierra Leone Next Movie Star has on Tuesday 5th November, 2019 in an exclusive interview dilated on constraints restraining the growth of the movie industry in the country.

Augusta Dora Suwu disclosed that she started her movie career since 2000 during theatre days after being inspired by a young girl who took a male role in a play titled: “Tears of Brother Jero” adding that since 2016 when she started Cinematography she has acted in both National and International movies, like Refugee, Wanted, Impora, Tragedy of love, Victim, Sonia, Fatim etc.

She underscored that the Sierra Leone entertainment industry, especially the movie industry, has come a long way and is now trending as Sierra Leone films are making huge waves in the country and beyond. She said that deplorably, the local moviemakers are not realizing much from their resources, talents and toil as there is widespread piracy robbing them of their efforts, adding that although there is in existence an Anti-Piracy Act yet its enforcement has been very poor.

Augusta said that back in the days the entertainment industry was at a peak to excel especially Cinematography (Moviemaking) but unfortunately they declined due to bad marketing, piracy, lack of support to the industry etc.

It is against such a backdrop she is calling on the Government of Sierra Leone to enforce the Piracy Act and the Local Content Policy as the rate of piracy continues to increase every day and defaulters go unpunished but said with the enforcement of the Piracy Act such will give strength to the entertainment industry especially the movie industry.

She noted that the film industry has contributed tremendously to the development of the country, adding that with Government’s intervention the challenges the industry is going through presently the movie industry has the tendency to revamp the country’s economy by contributing to the country’s GDP as it is happening in other Africa countries.

She noted that another big challenge facing them as film makers in the country is the aspect of locations for shooting their moves as in most cases when they request for certain places in order to shoot like the Law Court building, State House etc., authorities will not allow them to use those places but when other movie makers from sister countries come and request for those places they are welcomed to shoot their movies.

She lamentably that regardless of all these challenges in the movie industry she is still passionate about cinematography, adding that her love and passion for movie keep her going.

She called on Sierra Leoneans to vote for her as the Next Sierra Leone Movie Star adding that she has been empowering young people in the movie industry especially young girls, adding that after becoming the next movie star she will get the platform for her to empower more young people in the movie sector and lobby other stakeholders in sister countries to see how they can empower the country’s movie industry.

He admonished young people not to see the film industry as a place for dropouts but rather to empower themselves academically in order to become outstanding personalities in that sector.

She urged the Government of Sierra Leone to draft a bill for a movie policy in the country which will cater for judicial regularization of the movie industry.