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National Grand Coalition lashes Government on Economic Hardship

By Foday Moriba Conteh 

The National Grand Coalition (NGC) has said that the country is undergoing an economic emergency. This disclosure was made on the 6th November 2019 during a press conference held at the party’s headquarter on Naimbana Street in Freetown.

Dr. Dennis Bright, Chairman of the National Grand Coalition party disclosed that since the conclusion of the elections the NGC has been pursuing its unique style of constructive opposition adding that they have been supporting those policies of government that they consider to be in the best interest of the country and opposing the negative policies and actions that may adversely affect the people of this country.

He noted that they will continue to do so as it is in line with their guiding principle of putting “Country First” in whatever they say or do. He said that as an opposition party they are committed to defending the interests of millions of voiceless people who continue to suffer in poverty.

Dr. Bright noted that according to the Sierra Leone Constitution political parties are established “to participate in shaping the political will of the people, to disseminate information on political ideas, social and economic programmes of a national character.”

He added that in keeping with that the NGC party will therefore engage the Press every month on critical issues and problems affecting the daily lives of the common man.

“Three out of every five Sierra Leoneans today are living below the poverty line and this is the result of many years of decline, mainly due to mismanagement, corruption and bad governance. What we the political leaders need to understand is that the great call for change that we heard from the people in the 2018 election was not merely for a change of Government but for a change from the hardship they have endured for so long,” he underscored.

He said things are getting worse and at a rate that is becoming frightening, adding that there is a school of thought that holds the view that all that is happening today is not new and that with time things will work out as they have always done in the past.

The Chairman also disclosed that currently there is a wave of civil uprising, violent protests and demonstrations against Governments and political establishments that is spreading from one continent to another citing Hong Kong, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Haiti, Egypt, Sudan and Guinea. He highlighted that people are exposed to external forces to such a point where they could be influenced by these global trends through the impact of the internet and social media.

“It is difficult to tell but we believe that it is better to fix the problem than waiting to find out,” he stated.

He revealed that during these briefings the upcoming media engagements they will be inviting Government officials and other opposition parties ,to  tell them to put politics aside and collectively consider how rapidly things have deteriorated.

“We at the NGC consider that at this moment our country is facing a state of economic emergency and that no other priority is more urgent now than reducing the burden of hardship on the common man,” he posited.

According to him to understand the cries of the people, the NGC has been studying the rise in the prices of food related items since 2018 and this is what they found out in March 2018:

In its Press Release issued out NGC stated: “There is a déjà-vu school of thought that believes that all that is happening today is not new and that with time things will work out as they have always done in the past. Perhaps they always do until they don’t. Currently there is a wave of civil uprising, violent protests and demonstrations against Governments and political establishments that is spreading from continent to continent: Hong Kong, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Haiti, Egypt, Sudan and Guinea. Is the misery of our people as well as their exposure to external forces at a point where they can be influenced by this global trend through the impact of the internet and social media.

They raised concern on increases in prices of basic commodities as such:


RICE PER BAG Le 310,000 Le 300,000 Le 280,000 Le 235,000 32% increase RICE PER CUP Le 2,500 Le 2,000 Le 1,700 Le 1,200 108% increase

GARRI PER CUP Le 1,500 Le 1,500 Le 1,000 Le 500 200% increase

FISH (HERRING) Le 8,000 per dozen Le 7,000 per dozen Le 6,000 per dozen Le 1,500 per dozen 433% increase

PALM OIL (PER GALLON) Le 180,000 Le 170,000 Le 170,000 Le 120,000 50% increase

PALM OIL (PER PINT) Le 3,500 Le 3,500 Le 3,500 Le 2,500 40% increase PLASSAS (BIG TIE) Le 10,000 Le 10,000 Le 5,000 Le 3,000 233% increase

PLASSAS (SMALL TIE) Le 1,000 Le 1,000 Le 1,000 Le 500 100% increase YABASS (ONIONS) PER BAG Le 180,000 Le 275,000 Le 350,000 Le 120,000 50% increase

YABASS (UNIT PRICE) Le 2,000 Le 2,000 Le 2,500 Le 500 300% increase BULGUR (PER CUP) Le 5,000 Le 5,000 Le 4,000 Le 2,500 100% increase CHICKEN FEET (FOL FOOT) PER CARTON Le 200,000 Le 180,000 Le 170,000 Le 125,000 60% increase

KANDA (BIG CUT) Le 18,000 Le 18,000 Le 15,000 Le 7,000 157% increase MAGGI (UNIT) Le 500 Le 500 Le 700 Le 250 100% increase

BEEF ( PER POUND) Le 25,000 Le 25,000 Le 22,000 Le 18,000 39% increase COOKERY (PLATE) Le 5,000 Le 5,000 Le 4,000 Le 3,000 67% increase LAFIDI Le 4,000 Le 4,000 Le 3,000 Le 2,000 100% increase (PLATE)

USA DOLLAR ((SELLING RATE) Le 1,020,000 = $ 100 Le 1,005,000 = $ 100 Le 980,000 = $ 100 Le 750,000 = $ 100 36% increase in $ value vs. drop in Leones

USA DOLLAR ((BUYING RATE) Le 1,035,000 = $ 100 Le 1,015,000 = $ 100 Le 995,000 = $ 100 Le 765,000 = $ 100 35% increase in $ value vs. Leones

The chairman said  prices change from market to market, within a region and across regions and the prices quoted above are merely averages. “You will realize that the most substantial increases are on the prices of very basic foodstuff: for instance, the price of a bag of rice has risen by 32% but for those who can only afford to buy by the cup the increase is 108%!!! In the case of garri which is usually the last resort for those who cannot afford rice, the increase in price is in fact 200%!!

So when the price of herring has increased by 433%, palm oil by 50%, onions (one piece) by 300%, plassas by 233%, kanda by 157%, maggi by 100% , cookery rice by 67% and lafidi by 100% we believe that the time for long explanations and debates on who caused it is over and the focus of the Government should now be to find some emergency solutions to alleviate the suffering of our men, women and children.

We have estimated that a family intending to cook a basic meal for four persons (with 4 cups of rice, herring, palm oil, leaves, maggi, onions and water using charcoal) would need not less than Le 42,000 per day which works out at about Le 1,260,000 per month; considering that the minimum monthly wage is still Le 500,000, this means that the family can eat for only 12 days. The family will need an extra Le 730,000 to eat rice for the remaining 18/19 days. This is just for food and does not include other necessary expenditure on transport, pure drinking water, rent, clothing, medicals etc. One can only imagine what our young jobless youth are going through at this time.”

He highlighted that It will be of great benefit to all of us if the energy, attention and resources that are currently being wasted on fighting over bye elections in wards and constituencies are directed at finding ways to alleviate the hardship of our people. According to him the Government of Sierra Leone is a legitimate one voted for by the citizens of this country; therefore it has an obligation to listen more to the people than to itself, the Press Statement pointed out.

The NGC said Government of Sierra Leone can of course point to several initiatives it has taken to address corruption, block leakages and deal with the inadequacies in social service delivery including in the education sector. But in spite of all these efforts, the ordinary man continues to sink into greater hardship finding it difficult to survive. We at the NGC believe that the main priority for Government today should be to focus on the economy and how to reduce hardship among the people.

In its: release the party stated “As a first step it is very important that the Government brings together key economic stakeholders to examine the situation holistically, taking into account the variety of concerns and interests and finding ways in which their suggestions can contribute to re-injecting life into the economy and offer at least temporary relief for the people.

It must be recalled that less than three months into the life of this Government there was an excellent initiative undertaken by the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Finance in convening importers, exporters, retailers, bankers, insurance companies, SMEs etc. for a round table brainstorming on the economy. But as with many other great initiatives that this Government has brought up, there has been no follow up or continuity. The officer who recorded notes during the meeting has since been sacked and has apparently left with the memory of that meeting.

As a matter of extreme urgency Government should convene these players who make the economy work to find practical solutions to the current economic difficulties our country is facing. However qualified or technocratic our politicians may be they do not have monopoly of knowledge about the intricacies of the economy and how to solve the problems. Government has an opportunity to use the hands-on knowledge and experience of our traders and business operators, importers, bankers, contractors, retailers, insurers etc. to bring about a consensus on the way out of the current situation of hardship in Sierra Leone.”


Transport Ministry, Stats Sierra Leone Discuss  Vehicle Fleet Policy

By Fatmata Jengbe

Preliminary talks between Statistics Sierra Leone and  the Ministry of Transport and Aviation commenced on Monday 4th November 2019 at the Ministry’s headquarters on 7th Floor Youyi Building in Freetown in order to source data collection expertise as it seeks to implement the approved national vehicle fleet policy within the shortest possible time.

Receiving the team from Stats SL which was headed by the Deputy Statistician General, Andrew Johnny, the Minister of Transport and Aviation, Kabineh Kallon said that his Ministry wants to establish a data base of all government vehicles so that they can establish a network of vehicles for the operations of government

He emphasized that government cannot properly plan when it comes to vehicle allocation and subsequent implementation of the Approved National Vehicle Fleet Policy which was recently approved if there is no baseline of the amount of available government vehicles in each MDA. He said it is but fitting that the ministry carries out credible data collection to ascertain the quantum of vehicles, hence the reason why the ministry deems it fit to tap into the expertise of the only authorised government agency charged by an act of parliament to coordinate, collect, compile, analyse and disseminate high quality and best-practiced official statistics to assist informed decision-making.

He however indicated that budgetary constraints by the ministry had been impeding the process but however stressed that it was an exercise worth undertaking despite the current financial challenge

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Aviation, Brima Kebbie stressed his ministry’s belief that Stats SL can do a professional job and that a professional institution like Stats SL should handle such a survey hence the reason for the meeting.

Making his submission the Deputy Statistician General tendered the Statistician General’s apology for not attending the meeting as he was ill-disposed. He opined that getting the baseline data is surely the way to go. He underscored that such data collection will certainly take into account lots of attributed data for which he said Stats SL has the requisite capacity and technical know how to conduct.

He therefore asked the ministry to draft a concept note on specifics of their expectations to Stats SL so that the process can start in earnest. He proposed a technical follow up meeting where he said the technical questions will be asked and a methodology of the data collection can be developed to which the ministry acquiesced. Others in attendance at the meeting included the Director of Censuses and Geographic Information Systems, Abdulai Brima, the Director of Communications and Public Relations, Samuel Ansumana and the Technical Assistant to the SG and DSG at Stats SL, Dr. Mohamed Korjie.

Ben Kaifala Elected ACC President  & Chairman for West Africa

By Brima Sannoh

In a new development at the Extraordinary General Assembly convened by the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) of the Network of National Anti-Corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA) held in Lome-Togo from the 5th-6th November 2019, the Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. has been unanimously endorsed to serve as the new President and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Network comprising 15 West African Countries.

Charged with this responsibility, Commissioner Kaifala – who happens to be the youngest Commissioner on the Continent, will be the President of the regional Association and Chairman of the Executive Committee. He will be the face, voice and principal representative of the Association in ECOWAS and other Global bodies and shall lead in the attainment of the objectives of the Association as mandated by ECOWAS. He shall work closely with the Permanent Secretariat of the Network in Dakar, Senegal and preside over all Executive Committee Meetings and General Meetings for the next one year.

The 15 member association was established by ECOWAS Resolution to spearhead efforts of ensuring transparency and accountability in West Africa; it brings together Heads of National Anti-Corruption institutions that have the mandate to fight corruption in respective West African Countries.

President Bio Engages Peace Building Commission

By Theresa Vamboi

On 5th November 2019 a high level delegation from the United Nations Peace Building Commission ( PBC) led by its Chairman, His Excellency Guillermo Fernandez de Soto Valderrama, met His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio to commend Sierra Leone on its attainment of peace and stability.

In a meeting at State House, the PBC chairman thanked the Government of Sierra Leone for the warm welcome to him and his delegation since they arrived in the country. He also commended Sierra Leone for its longstanding cooperation with the PBC, saying that they were privileged to have had an excellent collaboration with Sierra Leone’s Permanent Mission in New York.

He said they were pleased to start the Mano River Union visit in Sierra Leone, adding that the objective of their visit was to assess the international support to the peace building priorities of Sierra Leone and its opportunities for an enhanced cooperation in support for the cross-border regional issues, relevant peace building efforts and dealing with peace-related challenges in the Mano River region.

“We have had many productive meetings with government officials, civil society groups and the UN team that have allowed us to access and recognize Sierra Leone’s achievements. The objective of our visit has been accomplished now and this will be a historical visit. I know that President Bio has a clear idea regarding the regional approach, which is very important for us in the next phase that we are starting with Sierra Leone.

“We commend the government for advances made in the three UN Pillars – peace and security, human rights and development; those three elements for the PBC are crucial for sustenance of the democratic process anywhere. We know how important democracy has been for you as Father of Democracy in this country. For us it is really an honour to measure those achievements,” he said.

He also praised Sierra Leone’s National Development Plan and its alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda and particularly expressed his commendation for government’s focus on education. He noted that they were aware of the President’s efforts to fight corruption and advance the National Development Plan.

On his part, President Bio welcomed the team to Sierra Leone, saying that their visit was a sign of commitment by the United Nations to further sustain peace and security not only in Sierra Leone but also in the sub-region. He also expressed appreciation to the wider membership of the United Nations family and the development partners for their continued support to the consolidation of peace as well as their support to the country’s development aspirations.

President Bio also said that Sierra Leone had continued to celebrate milestones in the consolidation of peace, security through the successful conduct of elections, indicating the country’s readiness to move into a more development phase of peacebuilding, as well as demonstrating its democratic progression.

“We are committed to further sustaining the hard won peace and security in this country. Our aspiration is development and the ecosystem that supports that is peace and security, not only in Sierra Leone but also in the sub-region. Sierra Leone is ready to exit the formal agenda of the PBC. However, we will continue to engage the PBC as and when the need arises,” he said.

The PBC was jointly established by the General Assembly and the Security Council of the United Nations in 2005 as a new intergovernmental advisory body that supports peace efforts in countries emerging from conflicts. Its aim is to propose integrated strategies for post-conflict peacebuilding and recovery, bringing together all relevant actors and mobilize resources.

Memunatu Pratt Sells Sierra leone in London

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Sierra Leone’s Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs has stressed the need to promote rural connectivity in African countries to improve tourism. Memunatu Pratt was speaking at a Ministerial Summit for Tourism Ministers in London on Tuesday November 5, 2019. The event which took place at the ExCel Exhibition Centre during the World Travel Market (WTM) Exhibition attracted Tourism Ministers from across the world.

Asked what the most transformative investments that African countries could make to improve rural development, Minister Pratt remarked that the most important thing to do was to invest in tourism. Challenged with technological and infrastructural development, she noted that the need to fill the rural-urban divide could not be done at a more opportune time.

Mobile technology has changed the world such that if countries pay attention to tourism, the economy of most African countries could change.

A number of Tourism Ministers, including those of Panama, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, made meaningful contributions bordering on the need to use technology to transform rural communities through tourism.

In attendance were the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Adekunle King, Sierra Leone’s High Commissioner to UK, Dr Morie Manyeh, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Tourism, Hon Sheriff Rahman Coker, the Chairman of the National Tourist Board, Tamba Alieu Kokobaye and the Director of Tourism, Mohamed Jalloh.

President Bio Preaches at St. Martins Church

President Dr. Julius Maada Bio

By Brima Sannoh

President Dr. Julius Maada Bio on Sunday 3rd November 2019 at Saint Martin de Porres Parish, Blackhall Road in Freetown admonished parishioners of the Catholic Church east of Freetown to be patriotic even as they observe their feast with the theme: “Surprise by Love”.

During the Homily, Archbishop Edward Tamba Charles congratulated the congregation on the feast of their celebration and said that the theme for the celebration depicted God’s love and compassion for everyone, including sinners.

The Archbishop continued to say that God had a special love for all His creatures but placed man in high favour, particularly in compassion and love, even those persons whom society consider as marginalised.

“God shows mercy to his creation with love. He overlooks the sins of human beings so that they can repent of those sins and wicked deeds. God doesn’t despise sinners but rather love them so that they can repent and forever benefit from His eternal glory,” he noted.

On his part, President Bio said he is happy to join the congregation on the feast of their celebration. He maintained that he had visited the church severally and even offered prayers there before the March 2018 elections that led to his victory.

“No national issue is simplistic. Getting to where we are today is not easy because we inherited a state of austerity from the former government. But with the steps we have taken as a government, things are going to be better and when that happens, it will be for the better,” he assured.

The president also noted that his government had allocated a large amount of the country’s resources to educating the children, who are the future leaders.

“The children and youths are the future. Therefore, we should suffer to give them better education that will transform our lives forever. I encourage everyone to exercise some patience, even as we work to fix the economy and country,” he said.

He concluded by reflecting on the pledge he made before assuming the presidency. He had said that he was going to better the country and that his government was going to work tirelessly to ensure the country became a better place for all.

NP Sierra Leone ‘Local Content Policy Is Paramount’

By Ranger

As a true Sierra Leonean company NP-SL has so far maintained strict adherence to the Local Content Policy always ensuring that the maximum number of its staff are indigenes. What this actually means is that it is reducing poverty levels of our own brothers and sisters through access to employment opportunities.

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited, NP (SL-Ltd) is working round the clock to give its numerous customers the best of products as well as taking stock of them in what has been dubbed “Know Your Customer Better”  while it continues to engage oil producing companies to ensure adequate supply of petroleum products is readily available in the country.  The pro-active stance of the company has made it possible for stocks to be available and last over periods of time thereby averting shortages.


The original shareholders were 35 ordinary Sierra Leoneans that bought shares from the Government of Sierra Leone out of their end of service benefits to establish what today is known as NP-SL.

Contrary to propaganda in the past that the company is owned by politicians with vested interests, investigations have proven otherwise that NP-SL is a 100% privately, indigenously-owned company. Of importance is the fact that the company has weathered various storms that could have dwarfed it or left it liquidated if it were not for the therapeutic  interventions and initiatives of the past and current Managements of the company that have been  injecting sanity which has kept it upright and on the right course.

Today, many members of the company are benefiting from various trainings acquiring requisite skills that they would find useful to carry out certain tasks in delivering value for money. NP-SL stands tall amongst a number of companies upholding the Local Content Policy.

Its intrinsic national posture runs through and it is a sine qua-non to overall national development. With such compliance rate, it behooves other stakeholders to follow NP’s good example to positively impact on the employment rate in the country.

Know Your Customer (KYC) policy of NP stands No. 1 because of confirmation by many customers who have made it clear that the way and manner they are being offered services by NP is second to none in the country.

For a very long time now NP-SL is No. 1 on the KYC and this has earned the company accolades because of its drive to optimize customer satisfaction. Its modern calibrated pumping machines installed at various stations are reliable, accurate and dependable. Many users say there is no more cheating or complaints of half pumping bottles. Consequently, a new sense of confidence is building up and customers are of the view that this is making the company more transparent.

Some of its best products like NP Gas used by many homes has proven to be comparatively environmentally friendlier and safe. It is designed in various sizes and sold at NP Filling, all going at affordable prices. NP Smart Card has become trending and many have attested that it is indeed very useful. It has helped reduce queues. Customers talk highly about it.

On taxation, NP has proven that if the National Revenue Authority (NRA) is to reach its target then it needs a partner like NP. The company remains undoubtedly one of the biggest tax compliant institutions in the country.

Whatever way one may look at it the operations of NP-SL Ltd had brought and still continue to bring positive outcomes for individuals, private as well as public institutions. NP has demonstrated that it is a true partner to development.

Orange Sierra Leone Partners with SLRSA for Payment of Fines via Orange Money

By Fatmata Jengbe

The Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA) on Wednesday 6th November 2019, at the John James Hall in the East End of Freetown entered into partnership with Orange Money for payment of fines to be paid for violation of various traffic offences by using Orange money transfer.

In his statement, David Panda Noah, Executive Director of SLRSA said, they are working in line with His Excellency, President Bio’s vision to move this nation to a digital stage, saying this new arrangement will enable members of the public to pay SLRSA ticket fines.

He added that it will also help someone check if his/ her vehicle has been issued a ticket, how much one has to pay and to also do other transactions.

Noah disclosed that the use of Orange Money platform to generate income will improve on its revenue mobilization with cheaper cost and as well reduces the tendency of corruption.

The Executive Director said in order to reduce the risk of accidents, especially by Bike Riders who after incidents normally run away when they are stopped by Road Safety Corps or the Police, SLRSA has introduced flying tickets which will be issued to those who have perpetrated traffic related offences.

He said a text message of notification will be sent to an individual via Orange Money, stressing that such fines must be paid within 72 hours. He commended Orange Money and the MIS team at SLRSA for such a hard work.

David Mansaray, Orange Money CEO, said Orange, as a leading telecoms company, is not only here to provide telecommunications service but to also contribute to national development.

The partnership, he said, will help boost revenue generation for SLRSA like other institutions and organisations that are working with Orange Money, emphasizing how it will cut down on cost and create room for accountability.

He also stated that with the new digital age, Orange Money SL has a lot to offer from which SLRSA will benefit from. He thanked the Management of SLRSA saying it takes a visionary leader to employ such a facility.

Alpha Amadu Bah, President of Sierra Leone Drivers Union, thanked SLRSA and Orange Money for signing such a partnership, which he said, will help save drivers’ time. He said as a Union, they are using Orange money to collect dues. Abibatu of Orange Money said customers with registered Orange Money SIM cards should go to the menu and use the short code #144# which will take them to many options.

She said any individual could select Option 3 which is to make payments and then move  to t other options; but to select 4 which will show where one should enter a vehicle registration number and get access to other relevant information as required.

Delivering the keynote address Deputy Minister of Transport and Aviation  Sadique Sillah  thanked Orange SL for the leading role it is playing to help complement government’s efforts to develop this nation.

He stated that the transportation sector  is the second largest employment sector in the country which is why Sierra Leone’s economy cannot do without the serious contributions by that sector.

“The partnership is good because it fits within the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As a Government we are moving with the digital technology because it is a low risk to corruption. We need educated drivers because most of the vehicles coming into the country are highly technological and very soon we will introduce machines for proper vehicle testing and it will also be used in private garages. We need to improve on our transportation sector like other countries and we are now removing metal seats in vehicles,” he stated.

Stats-SL Lauds Health Service in Sierra leone


 By Sam Pratt

Statistician General Professor Osman Sankoh aka Mallam O of Sierra Leone Statics, says the Demographic Health Survey conducted in collaboration with the MoHS, DFID, USAID, Global Fund, World Bank, UNFPA and other stakeholders indicates that significant progress is being made in the health sector between 2018 and 2019.

At a press conference held at the conference room of the Ministry of Health on Thursday 7th November 2019 and organized by Statistics Sierra Leone, Professor Osman Sankoh the Statistician General said the Demographic Health Survey conducted in collaboration with the MoHS, DFID, USAID, Global Fund, World Bank, UNFPA and other stakeholders indicates that significant progress is being made in the health sector between 2018 and 2019.

This, he stressed, should form the basis for all planning of programs undertaken by the government and other bodies.

The 2019 Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey (2019 SLDHS) was implemented by Statistics Sierra Leone on behalf of the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation. The funding for the 2019 SLDHS was provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Global Fund, Department for International Development (DFID), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Bank. ICF provided technical assistance through the DHS Program, a USAID-funded project that provides support and technical assistance in the implementation of population and health surveys in countries worldwide.

The government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats SL), together with its development partners, conducted the 2019 Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey (2019 SLDHS).

The SLDHS provides an opportunity to inform policy and provide data for planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of national health programmes. It is designed to provide up to-date information on health indicators, including nutritional status of children, early childhood and maternal mortality, maternal and child health, fertility levels, nuptiality, sexual activity, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, awareness and behaviours regarding HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, and prevalence of HIV.

The SLDHS is conducted every 5 years in Sierra Leone. The first survey was conducted in 2008 and the second in 2013. Although the next one was planned for 2018, actual data collection took place in early 2019; hence, the survey is appropriately named the 2019 SLDHS.

This report presents only preliminary results. Key findings include a decline in fertility rates and improvement in nutrition indicators, such as stunting, wasting, and underweight. Details of maternal and child health care indicators also suggest improvement.

The Government of Sierra Leone and Stats SL expressed their appreciation to all those involved in the implementation of the 2019 SLDHS in various ways, including financial and technical support.

Speaking after the presentation of the relevant data gathered in the survey, Prof. Sankoh maintained that for all the indicators surveyed, there has been significant improvement in those sectors and this is an indication that serious work has been done by the government through the MoHS to improve on- the-service delivery of the health sector. He maintained that though they were faced with challenges along the way they were able in just 6 months to conduct the said survey and come up with a credible data that can be used to inform government policies. Challenges of finance was overcome when together with their key partners they were able in a few hours to raise a little over US$1 million to fund the project and he is proud that his team were able to provide a credible data that is now the basis for all other program planning.

Admonishing media personnel to share the good news, credible data for national development recognizes the strong collaboration between his institution and its partners. He disclosed that prior to the commencement of the survey, he admonished his staff to go to the communities and ask the right questions and provide the relevant information that Stats-SL will use to produce the report.

He stressed that in their endeavour they developed a concept which they followed to the letter. For the sake of transparency, they incorporated the ICF from the USA to do the DHS so as to make the whole process internationally credible. He further made reference to the recruitment of staff at the institution when he took over, that he was adamant that those who are to be recruited as enumerators should have a first degree; a move that made him infamous, as he was accused of bringing book into play in the recruitment process. He stressed that the credibility of the data they collect demands expert handling of the questionnaire.

According to the survey, whilst there is improvement in infectious diseases, the trend is that non-communicable diseases are rearing their head. He stressed that this survey will serve government and other interested Parties to use this data to plan their respective programs. He urged Sierra Leoneans to come to Stats-SL for any data they may need.

Representatives from the UNFPA, USAID, DFID and other speakers expressed pride in being part of efforts to produce the data. They maintained that whilst there were challenges faced by the institution in gathering the data, they were able to overcome them and produce a very credible statistics, which has shown that there has been marked improvement in the health sector, especially in the maternal and child mortality ratings and other areas.

A presentation of the data was done by an ICF consultant, Ms. Deborah Collison, and the meeting was chaired by the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Donald Bash-Taqi.

CHRDI Champions the cause of Sacked Stats Employees

Chief Executive Officer of CHRDI, Abdul Fatorma

By Foday Moriba Conteh

During a Press Conference organized by the Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) on the 7th November 2019 at the institutions office on Pademba Road,  former employees of Statistics Sierra Leone who claimed that they were unjustly removed from office have appealed to Government to pay them their end-of-service benefits.

The aggrieved players told journalists that since their employment rights were terminated in May this year, the institution has defaulted to pay them their benefits.

Martha Koroma speaking on behalf of the disgruntled former employees said she was sacked alongside 243 employees of Stats Sierra Leone which according to her amounted to a violation of their labour and employment rights. Ms. Koroma lamented that since the illegal termination of their employment with Stats SL, the Government has not shown any sign of commitment to pay them their benefits. She said some of them had worked at Statistics for nearly two decades and did not indulge in any form of administrative untoward behaviour and so they were taken aback when their contracts were terminated.

Chief Executive Officer of CHRDI, Abdul Fatorma said his organization has taken the responsibility to advocate for the aggrieved persons because their issue bothers on human rights. He restated that labour rights are fundamental human rights saying as a result the Government should pay the sacked workers their benefits.