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Sierra Leone Judiciary Commits to Implementation of Bail Regulations, 2018

By Samuel Serry Jr.

Thanks to funding from UNDP, the Center for Accountability and Rule of Law (CARL), in partnership with Prison Watch and Humanist Watch Sierra Leone, has presented a monitoring account of the implementation of the Bail Regulations, 2018.

The data, disclosed at the Sierra Light House, Freetown on October 4, 2019, provides a comprehensive account of the number of cases tried by Magistrate Courts across 14 districts in the country as well as the percentage of cases in which bail was granted or rejected by Magistrates.

According to the data, Magistrates in the provinces are generally more willing to grant bail compared to those in the Western Urban Area. It shows that Magistrates in Freetown granted bail only 33% of the time while those in the provinces had a bail approval average rate of 75%. The national average of the bail approval is 51%, clearly suggesting that a lot more needs to change in order to meet the objectives of the Bail Regulations, 2018.

The data further shows that most accused persons in the Magistrate Courts do not have access to legal representation, however, the lack of legal representation did not adversely affect their chances of being released on bail. In fact, at least 80% of accused persons without legal representation were granted bail compared to 78% of those with legal representation.

The data further shows that of the 3,122 cases monitored over a period of 6 months the most prevalent offence was larceny, closely followed by sexual penetration. In fact, of all the sexual offence related offences, sexual penetration was the most prevalent. While there are still delays in proceedings in the Magistrate Courts, the data shows that witness absenteeism is the main reason for the many adjournments in criminal trials in Magistrate Courts.

The report notes that there is an emerging and very worrying trend whereby Magistrates grant bail, subject to the accused fulfilling very onerous conditions. The report notes, “We also observed that bail conditions were sometimes so onerous that many accused persons found it practically impossible to meet them. The effect of this is that while bail may have been granted, the conditions were so onerous that they amounted to refusal of bail. These situations led to most accused persons being remanded at different correctional facilities across the country.”

Thankfully, Magistrates were also invited to respond to some of the issues emerging from the report. They shared the underlying reasons for rejecting bail applications or ordering “onerous” conditions. Some of them include fear that the accused persons might jump bail, the gravity of the offence, and the history of the accused. They said the unavailability of sureties and the absence of National Revenue Authority (NRA) offices to pay fines in some districts also mean that some accused persons end up being remanded even after bail has been granted.

Justice Komba Kamanda, who represented the Chief Justice as the key note speaker, spoke of the ongoing efforts to reform the judiciary and commended CARL and its partners in their efforts to foster judicial accountability. He made a strong commitment on behalf of the judiciary to support the implementation of the Bail Regulations, 2018.

“…I can authoritatively state that it is now the approach of the leadership of the judiciary that bail should not be used as weapon or a means of punishment but rather a process meant to secure the attendance of witnesses and to preserve the sanctity of the proceedings. It should no longer be used as tool for injustice…,”  he said.


Govt. of Sierra Leone Signs MoU with RCEEDAO

European Experts’ Chambers Network West Africa Department (RCEEDAO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Sierra Leone. 

By John Samba

In order to foster economic and technical cooperation, the European Experts’ Chambers Network West Africa Department (RCEEDAO) has on Friday, 11th October, 2019 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Sierra Leone.

The MoU signing ceremony which took place at the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Tower Hill, in Freetown focuses on five (5) priority sectors in the government’s New Direction Agenda, which includes Education, Health, Agriculture, Energy(renewable) and Rural Development.

Speaking on behalf of the President of RCEEDAO, the Resident Representative in Sierra Leone, Mustafa Kamara expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the President Bio-led Government for creating the enabling environment for the Organisation to operate. Mr. Kamara said the Organization will be a solid force in supporting the Government to effectively achieve sustainable development growth in Sierra Leone.

Signing the MoU on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone, the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai said the venture will open more opportunities for other serious investors to work and grow in Sierra Leone.

He said the sectors targeted will massively improve on the Government’s New Direction Agenda. “It is very promising and important coming here to Sierra Leone to partner with the Government and find ways of addressing the numerous challenges in these sectors. One thing that is important and fundamental here is the commitment by the Government to protect investors and their investments,” he said.

Other speakers, who included the Minister of Energy, Minister of Local Government, Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development and Deputy Minister of Information and Communication all emphasised on President Bio’s commitment in looking for credible investors who would explore the many opportunities of the country through their various interests and assuring of their protection.

The RCEEDAO is an apolitical, non-lucrative and non-denominational Group that supports rural communities in their drive to master sustainable development processes.




Sierra Leone First Lady takes ‘Hands Off Our Girls’ to Bombali

Sierra Leone First Lady, Fatima Bio

By John Marrah

Makeni was aglow past Friday 11th October 2019 when in a spectacular manner the First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Her Excellency Fatima Bio, launched the “Hands Off Our Girls” Campaign at the Wusum Playing Field.

During the highly attended program some of those who were present included the Mayor of Makeni City,  the 50-50 group, the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary School Education, UNFPA representative, Dr. Dickson, Hon. Zainab Tarawalie, representative of Africell SL, the Claudia Campbell Girls, religious leaders and a hosts of other imminent personalities.

In her statement, Honourable Zainab Tarawallie, thanked Her Excellency Fatima Bio for making Bombali District the first district to experience the Hands Off Our Girls Campaign.

She greeted the kids for their courage in being part of what she described as a milestone event for the “Girl Child” in the northern region.

“On behalf of the people of Bombali, we highly appreciate the First Lady’s thought in making Bombali District the first among other districts in which the Hands Off Our Girls Campaign is launched,” she noted adding that, the North is happy and is joining Madam Bio in the electrification process of the girl child.

Speaking on behalf of her fellow girl child, Claudia Campbell an SSS 2 pupil of Sylvanus Municipal Secondary School in Makeni made a brief but emotional contribution. She expressed that, due to the theme of the launch which is the “Academic Welfare of the Girl Child”, the academic welfare of the girl child has been under threat for a long time and they as girls are elated over the First Lady’s initiative which she believes will aid their cause.

“We should be girls and only girls, not mothers”, she underscored.

The Mayor of Makeni City, Her Worship Sunkarie Dan Kamara, in delivering a statement on behalf of the people of the City of Makeni, wholeheartedly thanked the First Lady, Fatima Bio, for taking the ‘Hands Off Our Girls’ Campaign to the North with Makeni as a preference. She said, the Hands Off Our Girls Campaign issues border around every Sierra Leonean and it is a national fight in which all must be involved.

“The Hands Off Our Girls Campaign must be an inclusive fight regardless of age and gender,” she enjoined. Mayor Sunkaru added that girls in Africa with Sierra Leone to be specific are vulnerable and it’s about time this must stop.

“Our girls in Sierra Leone have undergone a lot in their different communities and faced many setbacks which have seen their future under threat. The fight against the girl child being penetrated on at an early age is a fight for all,” she concluded.

The Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary School Education, Alpha Timbo stated that H.E Bio came to governance with a primary aim of improving the human capital of Sierra Leone. He expressed appreciation to the First Lady, Madam Fatima Bio for actualizing the dream of her husband.

“Today, I am a  happy man because one good thing a mother or father can do for his or her girl child is to help her to be educated to the fingertip, and the First Lady’s initiative of the Hands Off Our Girls Campaign is just one important fulfilment from the mother of the nation,” he maintained.

In her keynote address, Madam Fatima Bio applauded the people of Bombali for embracing the initiative including the multitude of girls that were present. She said the fight to get men off young girls and get them educated is a national fight and on that note called on the Paramount Chiefs to own the campaign.

“Though me being the initiator of this campaign, but the fight to get our girls educated and not being dropout at an early age is everyone’s fight”, she emphasized.

She said Government is determined to improve the lives of Sierra Leonean children through education.

“We’re highly determine to fight this cause and we will lay premium on the physically challenged as they are also catered for by this Government,” she concluded.

40 CSOs and Line Ministries in Sierra Leone Benefit from AMNet’s Two-Day Workshop

By Theresa Vamboi

One of the vibrant Non-Governmental Organizations that is currently operating in the country, the Advocacy Movement Network (AMNet) with support from Save the Children on the 10th October 2019 commenced a two-day workshop to map out Government’s policies, priorities, opportunities and risks regarding Teenage Pregnancy in Sierra Leone.

Speaking to teenage mothers, 40 Civil Society Organizations and Representatives from Government Ministries, AMNet’s Program Officer, Brima Conteh, revealed how they are putting ideas together in order to present a Position Paper as a key player to Government.

Mr. Conteh pointed out that AMNet received support from Save the Children through the Danish Government to organize the aforementioned workshop, bringing all 40 CSOs together to develop a policy framework which Government will use as a tool for implementation.

Addressing CSOs and Line Ministries, Chief Executive Officer of AMNet, Madam Hawa Samai, explained the devastating consequences of teenage pregnancy on the lives of young girls, calling on colleague CSOs and line Ministries to find a solution to this societal problem affecting girls in society.

She added that Teenage Pregnancy is as a result of poor parenting, urging mothers to always teach their girls good morals and inform them about the dangers involved in early child birth.

She commended Save the Children for their support towards the two day training which, she believes, will leave a blueprint for policy makers.

CEO Samai ended by assuring AMNet’s continued commitment to building alliance in combating Teenage Pregnancy.

Speaking to teenage mothers and Civil Society Organizations present,  representative from the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs, Madam Lamrana Koroma, commended AMnet and its partners for such a wonderful idea in bringing together these young people for orientation with regards the combating of teenage pregnancy and its effects on Sierra Leone.

“Our Ministry always engages with CSOs and Local and International Organizations in finding solutions to this burning issue in our society; and our Ministry is the hub for such complaints,” she added.

Victor G Karimu is the Communications Officer National Secretariat for the Reduction of Teenage Pregnancy. He expressed his delight to be part of the two-day workshop organized by AMNet.

He said their office is always open to work with partners by putting ideas together to fight Teenage Pregnancy, noting that they are working under the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

The first day ended with a Round Table Discussion and presentations of group work by CSOs. Day two ended at AMnet’s Conference Room on Spur Loop in Freetown.





NP-Sierra Leone is a Live Cable Powering Socio-Economic Development

National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited

By Amin Kef Sesay

If we want to talk of the live cables that are powering Sierra Leone’s socio-economic transformation then we will really be remiss to omit the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL-Ltd) from the list of private businesses to be genuinely counted, not to talk of it being at the helm of the ranking.

Looked at from all angles, nothing on mother earth, living or non-living will function actively well in the absence of petroleum products as they are utilized on a daily basis to undertake a wide variety of activities in the country.

It goes without saying that the only dependable and widely based petroleum marketing company presently functioning in the country is indisputably NP-SL-Ltd although competitively there are others that do the same but candidly enough the degree and magnitude of the company’s service delivery of petroleum products cannot match that of the 100% petroleum business entity. The saying goes that NP leads where others do follow.

Contextually  put, the company is among other few entities in this country that have so far successfully extended operations in neighboring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia and in all those countries within the West African region it has been living up to the expectations of the hosts as well as all its esteemed customers.

When rating companies in terms of the discharge of effective customer care then NP-SL-Ltd deserves a high percentage as it is widely known for being 1st for Customer Care. Those who patronize with private business entities should be highly considered as very important personalities in society.

They do not only deserve the best in terms of qualitative products or services but the much needed support deemed to be necessary for their activities to continue to thrive unfettered. It is in that regard why the shareholders and Management teams of the company are always receptive to concerns raised and certain requests forwarded.

NP-SL-Ltd strongly believes that its customers do matter which is why it is ensuring that all their filling stations are well built and painted in order to provide the ambience and conducive environment for customers to feel relaxed, having access to shopping marts as well as relaxation points to socialize.

Besides, the company has calibrated pumping machines that display the quantity of fuel pumped as well as the price of the quantity bought. These machines are very transparent unlike the old ones, whom according to information, were usually fidgeted to pump less the amount a particular purchaser buys.

This accomplished feat by NP-SL has heightened confidence in the company which is undoubtedly a part of the umbilical cord that links the company to its customers and making it very endearing.

To save its customers from the headache of always having on them huge cash to purchase petroleum products, which in itself could have security implications, it was decided by the company’s shareholders and mangers that it should introduce NP Smart Cards for the purpose of purchasing those products.

This is a convenient and an easily used technological device which makes it possible for customers to procure any quantity of petroleum products they so require without using physical cash as long as the smart cards contain the right amounts of money for the quantity required.

Such a novelty within the petroleum landscape of this country has been widely acclaimed as a step in the right direction and many using them intimated how time is saved in doing transactions.

Indeed, NP-SL has made it possible for customers to ‘have fuel on their NP Smart Cards’ and it is working well.

Still with the view of giving its customers the best they rightfully deserve the company has availed the general public the opportunity to easily gain access to a convenient cooking device popularly known as NP Gas. Environmentally, it has been proven that NP Gas is user friendly that poses no hazardous danger to human health and is very economical.

Designed in different cylinders, NP Gas could be accessed at all NP Filling Stations all going at affordable prices. From what we have learnt so far those who are using them have expressed utmost satisfaction for its efficiency saying there are no regrets for having them in their possession.

When we talk of qualitative rolling out of its Corporate Social Responsibility this indomitable 100% indigenous company is on the right track. The latest is the support it gave to the National Fire Force by constructing a water facility for that institution at its Kissy branch in Freetown.

The state of the art water facility with four big Milla tanks, a water well that could not dry up even in the dry season and a standard KVA generator will ensure that the Force has ready access to additional water in the event of any fire outbreak in that part of the country and Greater Freetown in general.

It is all glaring for all to see that indeed NP-SL Ltd is a live wire, a cog in the developmental wheel and a real source of inspiration being a towering private business entity that is doing extremely well amidst various challenges.



Sierra Leone Commercial Bank launches two new Products

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB) has on Saturday 12th October 2019 launched two new products, We Yone Self-Service and Customer Call Service as well as holding a raffle draw during a cocktail that was held at its Head Office on Siaka Stevens Street. Gracing the occasion were top Management officials, general members of staff of the Bank, customers and other relevant customers.

Managing Director of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, Abdulai Fedelis Turay, disclosed that to SLCB a customer is more than a customer as defined underscoring how a customer is considered to be a family member of the SLBC. He said as part of his vision for the bank he has set customer service to be one of their key focus and agenda item going into the 2020 business year starting right now.

The MD added that without their customers, there will be no “Peoples’ Bank” positing that it is their customers that have kept the Bank alive throughout these years and that even during their darkest hour as a nation, during the war years, the customers have kept them going. He applauded the bank’s customers for their steadfastness in their support, confidence and their trust throughout all the years of their existence as a Bank.

Fedelis Turay said it is because of their focus on customer service which is why they have released a number of channels or digital channels to enhance smooth and convenient businesses, noting that they have provided the following key channels for their customers in order to add more services to support them and their businesses shortly. He mentioned:

  • Mi Yone Moblie Tellers
  • Mi Yone internet Banking
  • Mi Yone Mobile App
  • Mi Yone Corporate Banking- for their corporate customers
  • SLBC Kiosk- taking banking to the community

He disclosed how they have recently expanded their money transfer services to now encompass MoneyGram, Western Union.

“Through our digital channels customers have the ability to conduct digital payments, transfer funds, request payment from someone with an account with the bank, pay bills to EDSA, the University of Sierra Leone and many more that we are adding to their services,” he also revealed.

He divulged how recently they partnered with Africell to bring the convenience of mobile money wherever there are SLCB customers or their beneficiaries. He informed their customers that they can now transfer money back and forth by using Africell Money and their bank account as well as from their bank account to any Africell subscriber.

“We hope the measures we have taken to serve you are worthy of your participation in consuming the products that we have provided. We continue to push the boundaries to ensure that you remain and continue to strengthen our family. We truly appreciate you and we look forward to hearing   concerns and ideas from you that you believe will help to improve on the standards that we have set for ourselves to serve you,” he ended.

Earlier, Moses Kombo Sesay, Director of Business Development at the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank in his welcome address said that the launch of the two new products by the bank climaxes the celebration of a week-long Customer Service Week. The two products to be launched, he revealed, are Customer Self Service and a Customer Call Centre. “With operationalizing a customer call centre there is high possibility of enhancing financial inclusiveness as well as increasing the bank’s customer base,” he expressed optimism.

The Director furthered that usually banking transactions ends after the bank is closed but said with one of the new products there is now going to be an extended banking opportunity that will be functional on a 24-7 basis through the use of mobile phones, computers or via customer care.

Chief  Information Security Officer, Bintu Jonah pointed out that security is everybody’s business underscoring how SLCB is very much concern about protecting its esteemed customers from any form of fraudulent activity. “We have put modalities in place to enhance safety and we will not relent in doing so,” she assured.  Bintu divulged that this month is recognized as one of cyber security furthering how online banking products must have safety cover.

Giving some security tips she mentioned that social engineering within the banking context could suggest trying to clandestinely get access to sensitive information adding that customer user name and a passport must be treated as keys to a house. “Never give out credentials even if the request is via an e-mail or phone call purportedly from the Bank,” she admonished stressing how the bank does not make s phone calls asking customers to divulge sensitive information.

She also stated that the Customer Week with the theme “Every Experience Counts” was very exciting citing one of the activities which was a Management trip and the other when the Deputy Managing Director, Bockarie Kalokoh manned the Customer Call Centre responding to calls.

Climaxing the entire program was a raffle draw for customers who deposited five million Leones and above from the period of 7th to 11th October 2019. Various attractive prizes were won by lucky customers including the grand prize which is a weekend to be spent at Golden Tulip Essentials, the other prize is a dinner at Radisson Blu among other prizes that were won like bags of rice and gallons of cooking oil.

JFK urges Sierra Leone Government to Draft a Bill for Mental Health Law

Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Chairman/Head of Chambers of JFK & Partners, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, has on Thursday10th October 2019 urged the Government of Sierra Leone to draft a Bill for Mental Health Law in order to recognize and guarantee the fundamental rights of the people living with mental illness or disability, in specific, their right to personal liberty and healthcare”.

He made this disclosure in line with the commemoration of “World Mental Health Day” celebration with the theme: “Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention” geared towards promoting and creating awareness of people with mental illnesses all over the world.

Speaking to this medium in an interview, Chairman/Head of Chambers of JFK& Partners Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara said  people with mental illnesses have the right to life, right to security, right to shelter etc. He added that those rights should be safeguarded within legislation lamenting how there is still no Mental Health Law in the country that protects people with mental illnesses stating that it is against such  a backdrop that he is urging the Government of Sierra Leone to the draft a Bill for a Mental Health Law in order to recognize and guarantee the fundamental rights of the people with mental illnesses or disability, in specific, their right to personal liberty and their right to healthcare.

He highlighted how the Bill will cater for the judicial regularization of the care, protection, and dignity of those facing mental health problems in terms of treatment and hospitalization.

He disclosed that in the past few decades he has witnessed the gradual increase of suicidal behavior which has reached alarming statistical levels in the world as a whole, adding that Sierra Leone’s record on suicide has remained low over the past years.

He noted that the World Health Organization (WHO) has made suicide a priority issue to contend with because of its alarming statistical levels in the world as a whole.

JFK stated that he will rather redirect the focus on physical violence against Mental Health victims as he emphasized that for decades now physical violence, such as sexual assault, rape, wounding and torture, have generated the greatest interest of most Governments.

The erudite legal luminary posited that the recent spate of violence  in the country has reached a worrisome level for any peace loving citizen and reports of threats of violence and physical attacks likened to ‘Mafiaso gangsterism’ of the 1940s have reared its ugly head ,surprisingly unaddressed and rife with impunity. He said of greatest concern is the exposure of mental health patients to these vicious physical attacks including rape.

“I vividly recall that in my youthful days in Makeni we had a mentally challenged lady by the name of Ya Alimamy. I had seen her being pregnant on two occasions and in my young mind was quite curious to know who was responsible for her pregnancy. One side was telling me that another patient could have done the deed. But alas, when the child was born rumors had it that the offspring produced had features that were genetically Middle Eastern linked. The truth may never be known but she must have been exploited because of her circumstance,” he reminiscence.

He lamented that in a recent video, ‘Blakka’, a barber with mental challenges, appeared bloodily wounded and battered, with no trace of the assailants furthering how the social media is replete with videos of torture, beatings and acid being poured on victims of violence in our country adding that the perpetrators were identified but no action was taken or known to have been taken stressing how impunity continues to linger in the corridors of crime.

He called on the security apparatus of the State, to rise up and live up to expectations cautioning that politicizing State Security is a recipe for national chaos and war, noting that history has taught us that state security has helped to fuel  riots referencing the Umbrella protests in Hong Kong and the Green Vests in France etc.

He noted that to aspire towards achieving an improved mental health care it should be a collective responsibility of all stakeholders, inclusive of the private sector. He said , in an allegorical sense, that it takes both the sun and the rain to grow a palm tree and reminded anyone who feels stuck at the tuber stage, waiting only for the rain should not forget that the rays of the sun will have to shine to complete the growth.

“In today’s economic challenges, when everything seems dark it’s important to appreciate the sparkle of light. A well-defined and national cohesive political will shall provide sunlight to permeate through the dark crevice of our governance structure. May the Mental World Health Day lighten our vision and understanding of offering protection to the vulnerable, especially those affected by mental health issues,” he concluded.



Sierra Leone Mayor Set to Share Experiences with C40 Cities World Mayors

By Amin Kef Sesay

Her Worship the Mayor of the Freetown Municipality, Aki-Sawyerr, has on Wednesday 9th October, 2019 joined an unprecedented gathering of 80 mayors and hundreds of climate leaders  at the C40 World Mayors Summit. The Summit, hosted by C40 Cities, the City of Copenhagen and Realdania, is now ongoing starting on the 9th October 2019 and will end on the 12th October, 2019 in Copenhagen.

Mayor Aki-Sawyerr was invited to be part of the panel of Mayors that launched the Summit during a press conference held at the Copenhagen City Hall. The panel included Anne Hidalgo (Mayor of Paris), Frank Jensen (Lord Mayor of Copenhagen) and Eric Garcetti (Mayor of Los Angeles) and the new Chair of C40 Cities. Together with the other mayors, Mayor Aki-Sawyerr will address the new global climate emergency and comment on the Global Green New Deal, which is the plan to address the climate emergency.

Mayor Aki-Sawyerr will also take part in a public debate on the question, “Will Cities Get the Work Done?” during which she will share Freetown’s perspective on global challenges related to climate change and about the role of cities in the fight to tackle climate change.

Mayor Aki-Sawyerr will also take part in a roundtable discussion, led by the Lord Mayor of Copenhagen, with youth climate leaders from around the world. The roundtable discussion, aims to know what young people want to see achieved with the Global Green New Deal and how they can work together with cities to make that a reality.

Ahead of the Summit, Mayor Aki-Sawyerr was invited to speak at the Danish Technological University’s SkyLab, where she shared work that Freetown City Council is doing in the environmental management and sanitation sectors of the Transform Freetown Agenda. Other speakers included Denmark’s Minister of Development, academics, the private sector and innovators.



SLACfest 2019 to Hit UK this Month

Sierra Leone Arts & Culture Festival

By Thaimu Thullah

This medium was intimated that the annual Sierra Leone Arts & Culture Festival is back, presenting cultural exhibitions from the West African nation of Sierra Leone at Deptford Lounge, Lewisham on October 26, 2019.

The charity festival was created in response to the mudslide that occurred in Freetown on August 14, 2017.

A group of young British Sierra Leoneans put together the festival and raise money for the grassroots charity organisation, Mama-Pikin Foundation.

Now in its third edition, SLACfest 2019 aims to inspire second and third generation Sierra Leoneans that they can pursue careers in the arts.

This year’s event will feature speakers from the community who are trying to change the perception and narrative of the country.

There will be photo and illustration exhibitions and some pictures will come to life with augmented reality software.

The day will consist of a taster session, talks and presentations, film screenings and a health and well-being workshop.

This year, a literary wall will showcase proverbs, parables, poems and other literature by Sierra Leoneans from around the world, in English and the lingua franca, Krio, with language lessons available.

Sierra Leone-influenced food can be purchased from specially-selected food vendors.

The later part of the day will see conversations with fellow young Sierra Leoneans who will learn about their experiences growing up in the diaspora.

The show will close with live entertainment from a selection of writers, poets, and musicians.


SL Mining Frowns on Sierra Leone Government’s Cancelation of Mining License 

By Brima Sannoh

In a rather twist of circumstance, on the 7th October 2019, SL Mining Limited – a wholly owned subsidiary of the American owned Gerald Group, revealed how it received a letter from the Government of Sierra Leone, ‘purporting’ to cancel, with immediate effect, SL Mining’s large scale mining licence in the country.

The Government’s purported cancellation, the company says, is contrary to applicable law, the parties’ contract and the Government’s international treaty obligations.

“SL Mining has always been and remains in compliance with its obligations under the parties’ contract and the law. The Government’s purported cancellation is also contrary to two decisions issued by the Emergency Arbitrator officiating in ICC arbitration between SL Mining and the Government, namely an Order dated 8 September 2019 and a Modified Final Order dated 4 October 2019 which explicitly requires the Government not to cancel SL Mining’s Licence,” it was stated.

SL Mining says it is calling on the Government of Sierra Leone “to withdraw the purported cancellation immediately, failing which SL Mining will pursue all available remedies against the Government and any relevant third party, including for compensation for the harm caused which we expect to be in excess of USD 500 million.”

SL Mining is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gerald International Limited, which is the holding company for all entities in Gerald Group. Gerald Group is one of the world’s leading commodity groups, and the oldest and largest employee-owned commodity merchant in the world.

SL Mining restarted production at the Marampa Project after 4 years, following earlier failed attempts by other international companies. SL Mining began marketing and shipping premium grade >65% iron ore concentrate in June and July this year from the Marampa Project.

The Government of Sierra Leone is accusing the company of breach of contract and reneging on its financial obligation to the Government, including non-payment of royalties, a claim the company denies.

But as the Government of Sierra Leone flexes its muscles on SL Mining, there are fears this radical approach may backfire on the Government, with serious consequences for the economy in the long-term.

Sierra Leone needs over $300 million investment in key sectors of the economy, such as farming, tourism, and agro-processing, if the Government is to achieve its Mid-Term National Economic Development Plan unveiled last year by the President.

Investor confidence in Sierra Leone remains weak, after decades of poor governance, corruption and poor resilience to recent global economic shocks.