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Thursday, September 19, 2024
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DNA Sequencing to Commence in Sierra Leone

By Jonathan Hindolo Kurabu

In the wake of the spiral and alarming hike in reported cases of rape and other despicable forms of sexual abuse meted out to girls below the age of 18 by mostly men who are old enough to be their fathers or grandfathers, there is need to clampdown on these alleged rapists.

Sadly though, the cumbersome processes in our Judiciary heightened by unnecessary court adjournments during the Preliminary investigation at the Magistrate Courts before committal to the High Court most often than not, leave the victims in agony.

Out of sheer ignorance, the victims most times destroy the evidence even before reporting the cases and often further worsened by some police officers who have shallow knowledge in evidence gathering and protection of incontrovertible evidence which could be classically admissible in the court of law.

Even against the backdrop of a State of Emergency slammed by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Retired Brigadier Julius Maada Bio months ago with a punishment of life imprisonment upon conviction; the situation remains far worse and seemingly unabated.

For lack of evidence, the alleged perpetrators are discharged and left to roam freely while their alleged victims suffer in silence. With strides made so far by President Bio, plans are now rife for Sierra Leone to commence DNA sequencing for rape and all forensic cases involving ritual murder, murder.

This was disclosed to a cross-section of dignitaries drawn from Njala University, SLARi, Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security, Environmental Protection Agency, Detective Officers from the Sierra Leone, Directorate of Science Technology and Innovation to name but a few.

Team Lead from Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Iain Macharen-Lee said the DNA sequencing can be used across a multitude of different fields. He underscored that the technology is a new way of reading DNA which he said is fundamentally different from previous technologies and furthered that the MinION Sequencer is a small device, portable and simple device which can be deployed anywhere and can be used by anybody with the requisite skills.

According to Iain Macharen-Le, the MinION MKC1 has developed a method for passing DNA through a pore which protracts an electrical current and it can be interpreted as electrons of genetic code which can fetch the required answer in minutes.  For forensic purposes, it requires a picture sample which can be simply prepared by isolating DNA from the sample, prepared and put on the DNA sequencer which can get the results within few minutes. Using the third generation of DNA sequencing, perpetrators of rape and other crimes can be detected in minutes and will constitute the evidence in court for proceedings.

The MinION MKC1 DNA Sequencer was first handled by President Bio upon their first engagement in Sierra Leone.  According to the Team Lead from Oxford Nanopore Technologies, President Julius Maada Bio is the Third President in the World and the First President in Africa to have had a feel and grip on this modern technology which he referred to as the third generation of DNA Sequencer.

The delegation was lured to come over to Sierra Leone by President Bio during his ‘TED TOK’ in Vancouver courtesy of the Dr. David Monina Senge, Chief Innovator and Director, Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation, DSTI.



Action to Heal Foundation Sierra Leone Boosts Bombali Vulnerable Children

By Alusine Rehme Wilson

As part of their continued efforts to providing for, standing by and advocating for vulnerable children in the country, Action to Heal Foundation Sierra Leone – (A2HF-SL), has donated school items to 28 vulnerable children in Bombali District.

The donation ceremony which took place on Friday, September 20, 2019 at A2HF-SL’s head office on 21 Conteh Street in Makeni was chaired by Miata Saffa Jalloh, the organization’s Secretary. She disclosed that the day’s event is in fulfilment of A2HF-SL’s “Back to School Donation” for the 2019/2020 academic year.

Yusuf Sow, the CEO II of A2HF-SL, a non-governmental organization, welcomed all to the event and admonished them that the “Back to School Donation” is solely sponsored by members of the organization and that among the many children in the district, A2HF-SL thought it wise to rationally select the most vulnerable school going pupils to benefit from this project.

Madam Mariatu Sesay, a single parent, who also doubles as the Chairlady for Bombali District Disable Association expressed thanks and appreciation to Action to Heal Foundation Sierra Leone for providing their children with the various school materials.

She assured the donors on behalf of other beneficiary parents of robust parenting and monitoring of their children’s schooling to ensure that they become leaders when they shall have completed schooling in the near future.

“Among the 28 beneficiaries, we also donated some cash amount of Le 150,000 each to two of the beneficiaries, Mustapha I. Jalloh and Hawa Kamara all in JSS I, since their parents are blind baggers’ the amount was given to them to cover their school colours cost, an amount they can use cover their school expenses for the whole 2019/2020 academic year”, said Madam Zainab Mummy Tholley, the founder and CEO I of the organization.

She added that ‘at A2HF-SL, we believe in wiping tears from the eyes of physically challenged children and vulnerable persons, which is why we have  donated to 28 vulnerable children in Bombali District school items such as books, pens, raffia bags, mathematical sets, eraser, sharpeners and some cash to the most vulnerable children, out of the 50 physically children the organization have selected to responsible for, as parts of our timely step to support the Free Quality Education in the country.’

“The doors of our office are always widely open for partnership with INGOs and more and I am therefore, calling on other well-wishers, philanthropists and all to donate through the organization’s Rokel Commercial Bank Account: Name & Number: Action To Heal Foundation Sierra Leone – 125502866 to help complement our efforts in providing for and fighting against vulnerable and physically children dropping out of school due to last of support Madam Zainab Mummy Tholley concludes in an interview with this medium after the donation.



Ex-Master & Registrar, Four Others in Sierra Leone ACC Net

Anti-Corruption Commissioner, Francis Ben Kaifala

By Alim Jalloh

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has filed a second indictment against Stephen Yayah Mansaray, former Master and Registrar of the High Court of Sierra Leone; Richie Edwin Asgil, former Principal Accountant in the Judiciary; Adele Faya, former Account Clerk of the Judiciary; and Clarence Solomon Will, a Legal Assistant at a Law Firm in Freetown.

They are charged on various counts of Misappropriation of Public Funds, contrary to Section 36 (1); and Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section 128(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act 2008, respectively.

According to the ACC, Stephen Yayah Mansaray and Richie Edwin Asgil were the signatories to the Judiciary’s Master and Registrar’s account domiciled at the Bank of Sierra Leone.

A press release by the ACC states that on diverse dates, between June 2014 and May 2018, both accused men, conspired with others to sign a number of cheques through which they authorized the withdrawal of funds from the aforementioned account for their personal benefit or for other unjustified purposes.

“Similarly, Adele Faya, former Account Clerk of the Judiciary, also instructed the encashment of various cheques from the same account, and misappropriated these monies,” the ACC release stated.

The ACC release further stated that Clarence Solomon Will, a Legal Assistant at Bah & Co., a law firm in Freetown, on diverse dates between 25th April, 2018, and 14th March, 2019, conspired with unknown persons, to misappropriate public funds by illegally facilitating the encashment of cheques from the Judiciary’s account.

“All four accused persons misappropriated the total sum of Four Hundred and Sixty Million, Two Hundred and Sixty-Eight Thousand, and Two Hundred Leones (Le460, 268,200/00) from the Judiciary’s Master & Registrar Account domiciled at the Bank of Sierra Leone,” the release stated.

All accused persons are expected to appear in the High Court holden at Freetown on Monday 30th September, 2019.

IMF Commends Sierra Leone Government Performance

By Prince Jacob Macauley

Fruitful discussions on economic developments and structural reforms help pave the way for a visit to review progress under the IMF‑supported program slated for later this year.

With good progress in reconciling the stock of domestic payment arrears, the priority will be to finalize an arrears clearance plan consistent with maintaining debt sustainability.

The 2-day workshop with authorities provided an excellent platform to exchange views and enhance economic modelling techniques.

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Karen Ongley, visited Freetown during September 18 to 24, 2019, to discuss recent economic developments and progress toward structural reforms.

At the end of the visit, Ms. Ongley issued the following statement:

“We concluded a week of useful technical discussions in Freetown. Our discussions with stakeholders included an update on economic developments and engagement on the structural reform agenda ahead of the next visit to discuss the second review under the Enhanced Credit Facility (ECF) slated for later this year:

“Economic performance in the first half of 2019 has been broadly in line with projections at the time of the first review under the ECF, according to preliminary data. Budget developments and credit to the government appear to have been within target, thanks to robust revenue collection and continued, although easing, under‑spending. Gross international reserves increased to almost US $517 million at end‑June (about 3½ months of imports).

“Discussions centered on the government’s progress in developing a strategy to clear a stock of domestic arrears. The government is finalizing the reconciliation of domestic payment arrears and discussed with IMF staff possible options to clear arrears consistent with debt sustainability and supported by reforms to strengthen public financial management.

“A joint two-day workshop facilitated technical exchange. During this workshop with staff from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Bank of Sierra Leone, National Revenue Authority, Statistics Sierra Leone, and the IMF discussed empirical modelling techniques for ongoing economic research projects.

“The team also held productive discussions with senior government officials, including from the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Sierra Leone, Audit Service Sierra Leone, as well as banking sector representatives and development partners. The team thanks all counterparts for the productive discussions, excellent cooperation, and warm hospitality.

Mercury International Sierra Leone: Unmatched In Support to Education, Sports & Entertainment

Managing Director Mercury International, Martin Micheal

By Amin Kef Sesay

Mercury International, Sierra Leone’s leading Premier Sports Betting and Lottery Company’s contribution to Education, Sports, Entertainment, CSR and other humanitarian ventures are unmatched with any other in the country.

The Management of the company has always been akin to align their company’s aspirations with that of the Government and People of Sierra Leone.

They have always been around even in the most trying times of the country. From the Ebola period to that of the mudslide, Mercury has always been around to support Government and other partners in their response.

Mercury International has contributed to every facet of human endeavour since its establishment in the country.
In the sports arena, the company is a household name in supporting the country’s prestigious premier league.

The company has severally rescued the country’s national team, Leone Stars, the Sports Writers’ Association (SWASAL) and many other sporting disciplines in the country, especially with regards meeting their commitment to international competitions.

They have also been involved to get SWASAL to provide commentaries on international matches, especially away matches.
Mercury was the first company in 2014 to commit hundreds of millions of Leones to support former President Ernest Bai Koroma’s Government when the dreadful Ebola struck the country.

On the entertainment front, their footprints are also on the sands of time as they have supported several if not almost all major entertainment events hosted in the country since they started operations in the country.

Their support has not known political colours, party affiliations, regional or ethnic considerations.

They have proved beyond all reasonable doubt that their loyalty is to the people of Sierra Leone, especially their esteemed customers.
Despite their resounding support to almost all sectors in the country, they have also remained hugely compliant to the tax and labour laws of the country.

The disclaimer around the age of consent with regards accessing the ‘RED BOX’ has always been emphatic within the company’s media strategy.

Mercury has always supported strides to get the Sierra Leonean child educated.

Their massive scholarships across all levels in the country’s educational system, is also immeasurable.

Sierra Leonean people always run to Mercury International whenever they are deeply constrained.

The company has always been supportive in collaborating with other partners to rescue children in need of critical surgical operations abroad.
Mercury has remained a sustainable avenue to respond to critical situations in the country. Their offices and doors are always open to respond to critical situations in the country.

When President Bio introduced the Free Quality Education in August, 2018 Mercury International was the first to approach the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education with a proposal to invest USD1.5 million dollars towards the construction of eighty (80) classrooms.

The Management of the company while announcing the package, noted that its support for education in Sierra Leone in the past has mainly focused largely on providing scholarships for qualified Sierra Leoneans to pursue professional courses overseas and the payment of school fees for over one thousand primary, secondary, tertiary and university students every year.

Mercury International also noted that supporting education was a right step towards nation building.

The support to the Free Quality Education will involve the building of 80 single classrooms in four (4) phases of twenty (20) classrooms each.

The first phase runs through October 2018 to September, 2019.
Mercury International has also been supportive to the media in Sierra Leone.

Their footprints towards providing support to newspaper houses and radio stations to get them up and running against a very low subscription rate, is very glaring.

This is why they have remained a household name to the youth in Sierra Leone who continues to enjoy from hundreds of direct and indirect jobs in the country.



NP Sierra Leone Hands Over State-of-the-Art Water Facility to National Fire Force

By Amin Kef Sesay

On the 26th September 2019 the National Petroleum –Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL- Ltd) handed over to the National Fire Force (NFF), Kissy Branch, a newly constructed water facility comprising water tanks, bore hole and a generator geared towards capacitating the force in its fire extinguishing operations within the capital city of Freetown.

Present at the auspicious ceremony were the Chairman of the Board of Directors of NP, Mike Caroll, one of its Directors, Alhaji Abdul Rahman Abdullah, the company’s General Manager, Kobi Walker, the Chief Fire Officer, Naizer Alie Ahmed Kamanda Bongay, the Senior Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tamba Sam, a cross section of staff of NP and the National Fire Force.

Delivering his welcome address, the Chief Fire Officer stated that indeed it is a wonderful day in the history of his institution disclosing how most of the hydrant points in the city are connected to the Guma Water Company but lamented that currently there are only ten hydrants existing but only the one at the East End Police station is functioning effectively. He said they made an appeal to NP to beef up their accessibility to water supply and they responded swiftly and favourably.

“NP is the only institution in this country that has so far come to the aid of the National Fire Force in that direction,” he heaped praise on the company. He noted that this is the second commissioning of a water facility provided by NP to the National Fire Force, the first being at the NFF headquarter in Freetown.

He said there is no retreat in firefighting and expressed gratitude to NP for what he called a well-meaning gesture. He pledged himself and fire fighters to judiciously utilize the facility for its intended purpose stating how they will put stringent measures in that vein.

Representing the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Senior Administrative Secretary in the Ministry, Tamba Sam, first thanked NP for the offer saying whoever gives support to the NFF is supporting himself or the entity that such a help is coming from.

“I am appealing to all to conduct ourselves appropriately in the way we use electrical appliances because by putting preventive measures in place we will minimize the outbreak of fire disasters,” he admonished. He called on other entities including Non-Governmental Organizations to support NFF. “We can only go to bed peacefully when we believe we are safe.”

On his part, the General Manager of NP, Kobi Walker, jogged memories back to the 15th November 2017 when they handed over a water storage facility that they constructed and handed over to the NFF at Tower Hill.

“During that period our Chairman informed the gathering that NP-SL will construct another water storage facility for the NFF at their Kissy Branch,” he said furthering that they were again fulfilling and honouring that avowed commitment.

He said the role of the NFF in saving lives and properties cannot be over emphasized stating that it is a known fact that the NFF is challenged with accessing dependable sources of water especially in the East End of Freetown to support their firefighting mandate and activities.

“Water is life and an essential tool used in combating the conflagration of fire that has the potential to destroy life and property,” he continued highlighting how with a target population of approximately 3 million lives in Greater Freetown we need a Force that is lean and mean, combat-ready with the necessary wherewithal for prompt and effective disaster response management.

“Even though the harsh economic realities and fundamentals are negatively impinging on NP-SL’s profitability and sustained growth agenda we are compelled and duty bound to provide this facility for our very own fire force,” he registered their preparedness.

The high point of his statement was when Kobi Walker said: “As a damn good corporate citizen and being mindful of our pole position in our market place we consider the National Fire Force as a worthy partner as our roles are intricately interwoven since we deal in products that are highly combustible.” He said to strengthen the enviable relationship; their company is compelled to empower the Force with the much needed logistical support to help improve their invaluable service to society.’

Attracting a deafening round of applause from the audience was when Kobi Walker maintained that a rather compelling reason why they thought it fit to provide the facility is the realization that the Kissy location of the Fire Force is very close to the terminals of the oil marketing companies that store the needed and highly combustible products.

He said: “To this end we are ecstatic to inform all gathered here today that NP-SL Ltd is providing the Kissy branch of the National Fire Force with 4 water storage tanks with a capacity of 10,000 litres each. The effect of this is such that a minimum of 4 fire engines will be on stand-by with 40,000 litres of water at any given point in time for prompt response to emergencies.”

NP’s General Manager further intimated how they constructed a bore hole on the premises of the Force using latest technology to ensure the constant availability of water at all times. He said as if that is not enough they also provided an electronic pumping machine and a brand new 9KVA generator for the supply of power to the water facility.

He assured that NP-SL Ltd will continue to play a dominant role in the socio-economic development of Sierra Leone and the well-being of Sierra Leoneans.

In another remarkable development, the National Petroleum-Sierra Leone Limited on the 25th September 2019 commissioned its newly renovated filling station on Black Hall Road in Freetown.

Again the indefatigable General Manager of the company, Kobi Walker said, during the event, that NP-SL has been operating in the Black Hall Road vicinity for the past 30 years and it has been serving humanity but commissioning the newly renovated filling station will renew the bond between NP-SL and the people of Sierra Leone.

He said since its establishment, the company has grown from leaps and bounds, weathering storms that would have run it down but because of the determination of 35 shareholders who bought offered shares and the Management of NP-SL, the company has been maintaining high standards throughout the sub-region. “We are steadfast in continuing to provide the general public with qualitative services,” he assured.

Other relevant stakeholders, including representatives of the Petroleum Regulatory Agency (PRA), the Vice President of the Sierra Leone Commercial Tricycle Union, Abdul Koroma, a member of Motor Drivers and General Transport Workers Union, Ishmael Anderson Bangura also made salient contributions.



50 People Trapped in Collapsed Building in Sierra Leone

By Amin Kef Sesay

Figures from the Sierra Leone Police indicate that at least 50 people were trapped on Wednesday 25th September, 2019 in Bo after a building under construction collapsed.

The Assistant Inspector General of Police Saidu Kamara said nine people have so far been rescued and are receiving treatment at a hospital with more people still trapped in the rubble.

He described the scene as “pathetic and frantic” and said rescue efforts are expected to continue for the next few days after the Wednesday afternoon collapse of the building along the Bo-Kenema highway in the country’s Southern Province.

It is not immediately clear what caused the building to collapse but Kamara says police have deployed two excavators to the site.

“By every indication, this is a case of poor construction work and poor engineering work,” Joseph Kpanabom, an official at the Ministry of Lands, said.

The missing people are believed to include mainly construction workers and some bystanders.

“I ran away after I heard the sound of the building cracking,” Ibrahim Aruna, a survivor, said.


Bollore Group Sierra Leone is participating in the 4th edition of Marathon Day; an annual charity event benefiting THE SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGE

Donation to Milton Margai School for the Blind and Deaf and Dumb


Freetown,Thursday, September 26th 2019: On Thursday 26th September,2019 395 employees from Bolloré Group Sierra Leone took part in  the 4th edition of the Marathon Day. This internal sporting event was created by Cyrille Bolloré, CEO of the Bolloré Group, to raise every year, funds for charity organisations.

Since 2016, Marathon Day has brought together employees from all Bolloré Group subsidiaries around the world on the same day at the same time. This year, XXX employees completed the 5-kilometre run in Sierra Leone. For each registration, three euros are donated to a charity organisation. The Group, which supports young people through its sponsorship programs, has decided this year to support SOS Children’s Village as it did last year.

For over 60 years, SOS Children’s Village has supported children whose family situations have forced them to be housed elsewhere. It allows siblings to grow up together in a family-like environment, supported by an educational and effective long-lasting relationship in link with a family educator (the “SOS mother”). Beyond its mission to host children, it also develops programmes to promote access to education, professional training and healthcare. Furthermore, it works to strengthen family ties and prevent abandonment.

Bollore Group in Sierra Lone with it subidiaries; Freetwon Terminal Limited (FTL) Bollore-Transport-Logistics (BTL), Sea and Land Services (SALS), Sierra Leone Shipping Agency (SLSA) have over the years spent over $150m on investments to advance the operation of the company to international standing. Our records on human capital and capacity development are well documented; the company has invested the sum in tune of $1m.

We remain commited to fulling our coperate social responsibilities which we have been doing since we started operation; where some of our visibile presence were during the ebola, the mudslide, series of fllodings that have taken place in freetown and also targeting surrounding commuities in our operational areas where we mostly give out scholarship, give donations and do intervention when necessary.

Just last year the company opened the new berth that cost $120m. This was to ensure Sierra Leone join the club of countries with portss of international standing.

Country Manger for Bollore-Transport-Logistics in Sierra Leone Cpt Fabjanko Kokan said while handing over donation to Milton Margai School for the Blind and Deaf and Dumb that ‘’We are a company that believe in gving to humanity; and coming here to give this little support is a humbling experience’’


In October 2009, National Commission for Privatization (NCP) commenced a competitivebiddingprocess for the concessioning of the container terminal at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay.

Bollore of which Freetown Terminal is a subsidiaryemerged the successfulbidder and eventuallyenteredinto a concession agreement with the government of Sierra Leone in 2010 granting the company the right to operate the container terminal.

Howevertherehad been addendumsto the concession agreement gearedtowardsamending relevant sections of which addendum number 4 signed in September of 2015 contained the development of a new berthwith a length of 270 meters and a draught or depth of 13 meters, with the installation of modern port equipmentthatinclude 2 Ship to Shore cranes and 4 Rubber Tire Gantry cranes for effective operationat the port.

Also in the addendum, the government of Sierra Leone wasgranted to be an equityowner of 20% shares in the company. For the construction of the 270 metersBerthcosting $120 million Bollore-Transport-Logisticswilloperate the container terminal until 2041.

To date, the companyisemploying about 20 thousand people directly or indirectly


BOLLORE TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS formerly known as SIERRA LEONE SHIPPING AGENCIES LTD was registered in Freetown in 1974 as a Shipping Agency and it remain the biggest shipping agency in Sierra Leone. Bollore-Transport-Logistics is the biggest agency network in Africa with head office in Puteaux, France.

Press contact:        +23276838022

Name:                   Stanley Bangura Jr.

Phone E-mail:       stanleybangsjr@gmail.com




ACC Signs MoU with AfriRadio Sierra Leone

Commissioner of the ACC Francis Ben Kaifala and Mr. John Konteh, Station Manager of AfriRadio

By Amin Kef Sesay

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has on Thursday 26th September 2019, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with AfriRadio FM 105.3.

The signing ceremony which took place at the ACC Head Office at 3 Gloucester Street, Freetown, will, among other things, formalize the agreement between the two institutions to work in partnership to provide reliable and relevant information on corrupt practices and other corruption-related issues in Sierra Leone.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Commissioner of the ACC Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. said that it required the “concerted efforts of all sectors for the country to succeed in its national agenda to defeat the common enemy of corruption, which has held to ransom the destiny of our country for several decades.”

According to the agreement, AfriRadio will continue to provide free airtime to the ACC for the broadcast of discussion programmes, jingles and other public service announcements to promote the work of the Commission.

The ACC Commissioner thanked the management of AfriRadio for their continued support to the ACC in the fight against corruption, noting that “Public education and relation are vital components in the fight against corruption- as corruption is a perceptional fight which is first won in the head.” Commissioner Kaifala furthered that this partnership will help keep the citizenry informed about the work of the ACC and strategies used; and help the Commission reveive feedback from the public.

On his part, Mr. John Konteh, Station Manager of AfriRadio expressed commendation to the ACC for the tremendous strides made so far in the fight against corruption, which “has contributed to a huge perceptional shift among Sierra Leoneans, who for the first time now strongly believe that corruption can be adequately controlled.”

Mr. Konteh said, a recent study conducted shows that 82 percent of Sierra Leoneans have access to radio; and AfriRadio FM 105.3 covers about 85 percent of the entire country with an online audience of over 50,000, which makes the station adequately positioned to provide the much needed radio coverage to convey anti-corruption messages both in and out of the country.

“This ceremony today is just to formalize the long-standing relationship between the two institutions, as AfriRadio has been providing airtime to the ACC and giving other necessary support”, he stated. Mr. Konteh ended by stating that such partnership with the ACC in the fight against corruption will add to the corporate profile of the radio station.

The signing ceremony was chaired by Mr. Patrick Sandi, Director of Public Education and External Outreach of the ACC, who noted that the Commission is aware of the benefits the MoU would add to its public education drive.


Sierra Leone President addresses 74th Session of the UN General Assembly

President Dr. Julius Maada Bio

By Amin Kef Sesay

His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio in addressing the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Thursday 26th September 2019 raised pertinent issues that impinge on global peace and stability, the contributions of Sierra Leone to achieve that objective as well as proffering cogent recommendations, including the Security Council reform, how such could be consolidated to make the world a better place to co-habitat and how national developments could be fostered among other points he dilated on. Here was what he told the august gathering:

Mr. President,
Colleague Heads of State and Government,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

I congratulate you Mr. President, on your assumption of the responsibility to steer the work of the Seventy-Fourth Session of the General Assembly. I assure you of Sierra Leone’s full support during your tenure.

I applaud Her Excellency Madam Fernanda Espinosa Garces of Ecuador, for the effective manner in which she conducted the previous session.

I commend Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres for his overall dedication and commitment to the work of the Organization, including his efforts in advancing the urgent need to address Climate Change.

We commit in prayer, memories of the late President Robert Gabriel Mugabe. He was a dedicated pan-Africanist whose pursuit of African integration, cooperation and solidarity shall forever remain in our minds and hearts.

Mr. President,
The theme for this year, “Galvanizing multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action and inclusion,” builds on commitments we made over the years. The issues are at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We therefore commend you for the timely choice of a theme that resonates with the aspirations of the people whom we all represent.

Mr. President,
Sierra Leone supports the principle of collective engagement in both the prevention and settlement of conflicts and disputes, as well as the Secretary-General’s reform agenda in sustaining peace in all its facets, including the efforts to reform peacekeeping.

As a Troop and Police Contributing Country, Sierra Leone’s active participation in peacekeeping operations demonstrates our firm commitment to the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security. Let me reiterate this firm commitment to continue to contribute our fair share to maintaining world peace.

Mr. President,
The need for Security Council reform is urgent and imperative. Our historic pledge to the early reform of the Security Council as an essential element of our overall effort to reform the United Nations must be upheld and implemented without further delay. The legitimacy and effectiveness of the Security Council’s decisions, as well as the relevance of the United Nations, will continue to be questioned if urgent action is not taken to make the Council more broadly representative.

Africa remains to be the only region without representation in the permanent category of the Security Council, and is also under-represented in the Non-permanent category.

In this context, Africa’s demand for two Permanent seats with all the rights and prerogatives of current members, including the right of veto, and two additional Non-permanent seats is a matter of common justice and the right to have an equal say in decision-making on issues pertaining to international peace and security. This long-standing injustice and imbalance perpetuated in the present configuration of the Security Council should be of grave concern to us all, which ought to be addressed.

As the Coordinator of the African Union Committee of Ten Heads of State and Government on the reform of the United Nations Security Council, we are convinced that this reform should address the long-standing injustice and imbalance in the present configuration of the Council.

We believe that the prevailing geopolitical realities are compelling for a comprehensive reform of the Security Council to make way for equitable geographic representation. Africa’s patience is being tested.

We therefore urge this Assembly to collectively support our urgent call for Africa’s representation in the Security Council, as espoused in the Ezulwini Consensus and Sirte Declaration.

Mr. President,
We pursue peace as a public common good and we have played an important role in securing peace as a stand-alone Goal in the 2030 Agenda. There is a strong case to make for the voices of billions of people living in conflict affected countries to be heard in the highest global decision-making organ, in particular, the g7+ countries.

Sierra Leone has pursued country-led peace and resilience through national dialogue and reconciliation. We recently concluded a broad-based national consultative conference, Bintumani III, where a nationally representative body resolved to establish a permanent and independent national commission for peace and cohesion. We do so, mindful that peaceful coexistence and inclusive governance are pre-requisites to our development.

Mr. President,
Development and poverty eradication must be well-planned, inclusive, and sustainable. It must transition our nation out of fragility.

To this end, Sierra Leone has partnered with United Nations agencies and development partners to understand the dynamics and severity of poverty, and map out possible approaches to eradicating poverty, SDG 1. This has culminated in the production of a national multi-dimensional Poverty Index, a report on multi-dimensional child poverty, and Sierra Leone’s Population Policy in order to effectively measure and monitor.

Mr. President,
The aspirations of Sierra Leoneans are reflected in a detailed and costed Five-Year Medium-Term National Development Plan, titled “Education for Development”. The Plan, aligned with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union’s Agenda 2063, is based on an inclusive nationwide consultative process. It ensures that people are at the centre and own our national development trajectory.

Mr. President,
Eradicating poverty can only be achieved when we develop and improve on our nations’ greatest resource – the people. Skilled, healthy, and productive human beings are the pathways to global success and prosperity.

As a nation, we see human capital development as a critical enabler for achieving the SDGs. My Government has therefore allocated 21% of the national budget to education. Consequently, pre-primary to secondary school education is free irrespective of gender, ability, or ethnicity and we now have 2 million children enrolled in school.

We have expanded opportunities in education for girls by creating safe spaces in schools, campaigning vigorously against early marriage and sexual and gender-based violence. Girls admitted to study STEM disciplines in colleges are guaranteed scholarships. Technical and vocational education centres are now accessible to more Sierra Leonean girls and youth; and, we are investing more in school infrastructure, transportation, sanitation and health, feeding, and retention programmes.

We are restructuring and redesigning our education system to deliver quality education that serves inclusive, sustainable, national and private sector development. Our focus is to achieve fundamental, age-appropriate learning outcomes in literacy, computational skills, and critical thinking. We invite the world to work with us!

Through the Directorate of Science, Technology, and Innovation, we have developed a Human Capital Development Incubator with extensive real-time data on education in Sierra Leone and other components of our human capital development flagship programme. Policy interventions and investments in education, healthcare and food security are increasingly informed by and driven by this real-time data.

Sierra Leone continues to use the power of data to plan, make policy decisions, allocate resources, guide governance, and open new possibilities for private entrepreneurship, and drive human capital development.

We are open to partnerships; we are open to collaboration; we are open to ideas about how to continue improving the quality of education because we believe that our success in a global digital economy in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is predicated on our investment in the future of our children.

Mr President,
Through partnerships and innovation, we have made great progress in establishing legal identity and birth registration, by strengthening our National Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems. We have also unrolled Africa’s first Block Chain National Digital Identity Platform (NDIP) that will help citizens grant access to approved institutions to digitally verify their identities. Governance, development planning, financial inclusion, and human rights imperatives, among others, guide our initiative to establish legal identity using a singular, securitised, and serially numbered instrument. We can also use the same instrument to strengthen healthcare planning, health information systems, disease surveillance, and monitor public health interventions and outcomes.

Mr. President,
The threat of inequality, lack of opportunity and exclusion of our youth still persist. The anxiety over the growing youth population in Africa is complicated by increased poverty indicators, youth exclusion, perilous migration across the Mediterranean, transnational organized crime, terrorism and violent extremism, and greater national and regional security threats.

Sierra Leone is addressing the youth question through financial and social inclusion programmes, skills training, and farming initiatives. We are pleased to be among ten countries selected by the United Nations as pilot in the recently launched United Nations Youth Strategy. We look to collaborate across the region and with international partners, and share lessons and best practices.

Mr. President,
Our development agenda is inclusive and affirms the critical role of women. We have ratified the UN Resolution on Women, Peace, and Security. We are addressing the inclusion of women in governance and entrepreneurship. Our actions on child marriage, rape, and sexual and gender-based violence have been emphatic and uncompromising. We have passed progressive laws on sexual offences and a Presidential Task Force directly advises the presidency on Sexual and Gender-based violence. We are also working to eliminate barriers to the inclusion of persons with disabilities.

Mr President,
Quality, affordable, and universal healthcare coverage is foundational to productivity and overall well-being. This is critical for our human capital development agenda. As a nation, we cannot afford the cost of not investing in healthcare and universal healthcare coverage. We have maintained a rights-based approach to healthcare coverage that aligns with SDG 3. We are focused on and request cooperation on reducing maternal and child mortality; preventing epidemics, tropical, and communicable diseases through increased disease detection, surveillance, and control; providing primary health care in accordance with the Astana Declaration; providing first-rate, in-country medical diagnostic facilities; and strengthening capacity and resilience in healthcare service delivery. Through all these efforts, we are leveraging innovation and technology to support healthcare delivery.

We also believe that we cannot achieve Universal Health Coverage without delivering mental healthcare for all. We are rewriting the mental health legislation and we are committed to Community-based Mental Health Care and treatment. We aim to change attitudes to mental health and provide affordable and integrated quality care that matches the burden of mental health conditions. We therefore welcome partnerships towards achieving that goal.

Mr President,
Our focus as a government remains the delivery of accountable and transparent governance of the state through critical debates and engagements with all citizens on rights, governance, and development.

We continue to work with civil society and the press as we expand democratic space. My government has forwarded to parliament a bill to completely repeal a 54-year old law that criminalises libel, which has been used by past governments to imprison journalists and restrict press freedoms.

As Co-Chair of the Task Force on Justice, we strongly identify with and reiterate the Secretary General’s call for accelerated commitments to addressing gaps in the delivery of justice. We have signalled that commitment as a country by establishing a special directorate within the Ministry of Justice to monitor, evaluate, and report on progress on ‘Access to Justice’ for our most vulnerable. We are also using technology and innovation to digitise our court processes and thus fast-track justice delivery for all.

We have undertaken governance reforms that foster the rule of law and public accountability. We continue pursuing a determined fight against corruption while minimising the waste and abuse of state resources. We are implementing business-friendly reforms that create a conducive eco-system for private capital investments and entrepreneurship in our country.

Mr President,
Let me express my country’s sincere appreciation to the Secretary-General for convening the Climate Action Summit this September. Extreme weather events increase the risk of hunger, disease, forced migrations, conflict, and poverty. The science is indisputable; the effects on lives and livelihood are real; the threats to our efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals are clear and present. As a country, we are committed to a multilateral approach to fully implement the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Our Mid-Term National Development Plan provides for mitigation and adaptation strategies including reviewing, formulating, and strengthening national policy actions on environmental management and governance. We are committed to green and sustainable energy generation. With the right partnerships, the right attitude, and unflinching commitment to climate financing and continuing multilateral efforts, we can save our planet from the destructive impact of climate change.

Mr. President,
Let me conclude, by encouraging us all to keep sight of the shared responsibility we all have to ensure a peaceful and secure world for the next generations. *Sierra Leone is a small state determined to play its own part in the international system. We are committed to promoting peace and security, addressing the underlying causes of fragility and drivers of conflict, tackling the scourge of climate change, and thus building resilience and achieving the 2030 Agenda. Together, we can achieve this in our lifetime!*

I thank you!!