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First Lady Presents Miss Sierra Leone 2019 Contestants to President Bio 

By Alim Jalloh

At State House on Wednesday 18 September 2019 contestants for this year’s Miss Sierra Leone Beauty Pageantry paid a courtesy call on His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio ahead of Saturday’s contest.

First Lady Mrs. Fatima Bio, who presented the contestants, thanked the President for hosting the team, saying that it was an honour to be around them. She said they were meeting the President to officially inform him about the contest because the New Direction Government believes in youth empowerment.

She disclosed that the winner of the contest would have the opportunity to represent Sierra Leone at the 69th edition of the Miss World pageant, slated for December 14 in London, United Kingdom. The First Lady also impressed on the young ladies that it would be a big achievement for the winner who would eventually represent the country abroad and called on the contestants to put on their best performances because they were representing the hopes of their respective districts.

In his response, President Bio thanked the group of people who had been working and providing support to the contestants and noted that he was proud of the quality of products being produced lately. He added that he was particularly proud that the country was now grooming young ladies who were bold and ready to represent the country internationally.

He stated that the ladies were ambassadors of their respective districts and encouraged them to be models, by always putting on their best. He also said that it was the responsibility of Government to help its citizens actualize their fullest potentials, adding that that was why his Government is providing quality education to every Sierra Leonean because education is the best tool for both personal and national development.

“The beauty in you shines better when you have an education. We are giving everyone the required tools to be able to succeed because the future of this nation depends on the quality of people we produce. So, I encourage you all to make use of the free quality education we are providing because there is no shortcut to success. I also call on you to maintain moral values because as parents it is our responsibility to guide you,” he said.

Miss Kono, Christiana Sia Johnson, who delivered the vote of thanks, said that it was a privilege to meet the President and commended him for offering them words of wisdom. She also expressed their appreciation to the First Lady for organizing the visit.




Cross section of staff at the training

By Sumner Kangbap

Dr. Philip John Kanu who happens to be the Acting Principal of the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology (MMCE&T) polytechnic on Wednesday 18th September 2019 officially opened a day’s Quality Assurance Training for both academic and administrative staff at the college’s conference room, Goderich campus at which event he asserted that staff cannot function well if they are not well-grounded in other disciplines. He further informed that he serves as a resource person in leadership, management and human resource trainings in various institutions including Njala University and encouraged the participants to change their focus of knowing all also appealing to them to take advantage of the training opportunity.

He continued that he reads books daily, even when travelling, but lamented that cheating in examinations has become a major problem in the country for which all must bow their heads in shame, that some lecturers sell pamphlets, inflate grades for students and engage in other malpractices articulating that MMCE&T trains teachers and instructors for the country’s middle-level manpower needs disclosing that the resource person, Professor Roney Frazer-Williams, is the leading quality assurance expert in the country and thanked him for accepting the invitation.

According to the Acting Principal, no one individual can change the status quo of the deteriorating standard of education in the country. He said he goes around the college campus to ensure that things are done the right way underscoring “we have to start with ourselves” and reaffirmed that he wants to improve the quality of graduates produced by the college as MMCET is renowned for producing quality teachers.

“In his recent address to the nation on the reopening of schools, President Julius Maada Bio talked tough on examination malpractices. I want to appeal to lecturers to submit their lecture notes to be uploaded on the college’s website. We want to change the approach. The college will establish a Quality Control Unit. I want to succeed, the reason I am open to criticisms. Let’s accommodate each other for quality assurance,” he concluded.

In his PowerPoint presentation, Professor Roney Frazer-Williams of the Chemistry Department, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, enlightened that the full attendance of administrative and academic staff at the training means they want to change the status quo, that we are all responsible for the current poor state of education in the country, that his presentation is food for thought and described quality as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.

He furthered highlighted the background of the project-Assurance Quality Education in Sierra Leone, the Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, Innovation and Reform (SPHEIR), that few years ago the participating institutions including MMCE&T, Njala University, Freetown Teachers College, University of Sierra Leone, Eastern Polytechnic and the Ernest Bai Koroma University met rotationally to write the proposal to bring quality education to the educational system.

Professor Roney Frazer-Williams continued that 279 countries worldwide applied for the project, that only 27 won including Sierra Leone, that Kings College in the United Kingdom and the University of Illinois in America supported the project with 4 million Pounds Sterling for between 3-5 years, explained that the British Department for International Development (DFID) funded the project through SPHEIR and is managed by the British Council.

“The project is divided into two main phases and aims at creating an enabling environment for the introduction of outcome-based education and moving towards a national qualifications framework supported by complementary quality assurance systems for higher educational institutions in Sierra Leone,” he revealed.

According to Professor Roney Frazer-Williams, the project also aims at supporting the implementation of outcome-based education through strategic curriculum realignment and staff capacity-building observing that most factories in the country complain about the poor graduates produced by universities, the reason they employ foreigners.

Other objectives of the project are stakeholders’ engagement on quality assurance, ensure relevance of curriculum and skills of graduates to key sectors, develop employer engagement strategies across academic clusters and focus on smallholder inputs into higher education system.

Key outputs of the project are post-graduate Diploma in Quality Assurance, outline national qualifications framework and manual, pilot learning management system, improve faculty training, new assessment methods, investment in academic programs and provision of internet facilities and office equipment.

He also underlined that quality assurance training demands accountability from stakeholders, response to globalization changes, global labor market, advanced information technologies, demographic changes, that higher educational institutions are now run like businesses and no longer the traditional way underscoring that only institutions that excel attract funding.

The lead facilitator concluded that in most countries, quality assurance is a prerequisite for accreditation of their programs and institutions that increased enrollment comes with quality challenges and that some major industries give contracts to universities to train their workers.

Earlier, the college’s Registrar, Mr. Sheriffu Bangura, welcomed all to the training.

The PowerPoint presentation was handed over to the Acting Principal for distribution to interested persons.

The question and answer session climaxed the training while the vote of thanks was rendered by Ms. Elizabeth Taylor-Morgan of the Education Department.




Sierra Leone Private Agribusiness & IOM Sign Memorandum of Understanding  

By Alfred Fornah

To boost youth employment – and combat irregular migration the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Sierra Tropical Limited (STL), one of Sierra Leone’s largest agribusiness companies signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) late last month (27/08) during the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7).

The agreement stresses the need for Sierra Leonean youth to acquire the skills needed for the local labour market through Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), especially in agriculture and machine maintenance. TVET training materials will be developed by both parties.

“When opportunity, especially to go abroad, is presented, most young people seize it because they presume, they do not have better alternatives at home,” explained Sanusi Savage, Head of the IOM Office in Sierra Leone.

“Job creation for youth and capacity building are crucial for African countries, and this collaboration is fully in line with the objective of TICAD. We are pleased to collaborate with Sierra Tropical Limited and hope to expand our collaboration in other African countries,” added Abdel Moneim Mostafa Hassan, IOM Senior Regional Advisor for the Middle East and North Africa.

Sierra Tropical Limited was established earlier this year by Japan’s Itochu corporation, which acquired holdings of Dole Foods, one of the world’s oldest commercial growers of tropical fruits, especially pineapple. Itochu has announced it will contribute to the development of the local community through the business. Itochu’s plan to begin commercial production of pineapples in the Republic of Sierra Leone follows similar holdings the company operates in Thailand and the Philippines.

Itochu has already started test production of pineapples in Sierra Leone and aspires to commence full-scale commercial production as soon as it can.

Earlier this summer Itochu signaled its plans for human resources development with IOM. Its Sierra Tropical unit plans to increase job opportunities through the business, starting in the Bo District in the Southern Province of Sierra Leone.

In April this year, IOM launched the project Reducing the Risk of Irregular Migration through Promotion of Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Sierra Leone.  

The new project, which is funded by the Government of Japan, will contribute to youth and women’s empowerment through vocational and entrepreneurship skills training with private companies, mainly, Sierra Tropical Limited.

In 2017 and 2018, IOM assisted 1,492 stranded Sierra Leoneans with voluntary return along the main African migration routes.

Sierra Leone has one of the highest youth unemployment rates in Africa, indeed in the entire world. Nearly two in three youths in the country are unemployed or underemployed. This reality pushes thousands each year to seek work abroad, often through irregular routes.

USD 1 Million Spent by Bolloré Sierra Leone on Human Capital Investment  

By Abdul Malik Bangura

The renowned port handler in France with branches in more than 105 countries across the globe, Bolloré Transport and Logistics’ Country Manager, Captain Fabjanko Kokan, has said that investing in human capital is the key to their success in Sierra Leone over the last eight (8) years.

Captain Fabjanko Kokan, Sierra Leone Country Manager of Bolloré Transport

He made this disclosure during a press conference held in the Freetown’s headquarters of Bolloré Transport and Logistics at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay on Tuesday 17th September 2019, where he confirmed that since 2011 when Bolloré Transport and Logistics started operation in Sierra Leone, the company has spent over a million USD on Human Capital Investment in Sierra Leone.

Captain Fabjanko Kokan said that the one million in human capital investment in Sierra Leone comprises the training of over thirty-five (35) Sierra Leoneans in specializing in various fields. He said they were able to benefit from this initiative because that lessened the amount of experts they would employ as now most of their management positions are occupied by Sierra Leoneans. He said that there are skilled people in Sierra Leone,” adding that since 2011 they have recorded success because majority of their managers and 98 % of their staff are Sierra Leoneans.

He expressed confidence in the output of Sierra Leoneans and said they have trained Sierra Leoneans to even operate cranes worth over 10 Million USD.

The Country Manager of Bolloré Transport and Logistics further spoke about the yearly marathon which his company usually undertakes. He said as part of their commitment to humanity, an amount of 3 Euros is deducted from the salary of each workers, with the funds been given to the SOS children village for the proper care of less privileged children in the country. He assured that this coming year, they will expand now on getting onboard several children and disability organizations. He confirmed that this year’s marathon will take place on 25th September 2019.

Captain Fabjanko Kokan further dilated that Bolloré Transport and Logistics has very good relationship with persons around the areas where they operate. He said as part of their corporate philanthropy the company has undertaken the distribution of sponsorship and scholarship programmes in surrounding communities.

Head of Human Resource at Bolloré Transport and Logistics, Madam Abigeal who made very brief remarks at the press briefing said the company as a way of protecting the welfare of its staff has instituted insurance scheme and medical facilities for workers, their spouse and immediate dependants.  She said yearly Bolloré Transport and Logistics spends over 2 Billion Leones on medical of their staff.

The press conference was climaxed by a question and answer session.

Sierra Leone Tourism Ministry & Board Discredit Social Media Post

By Amin Kef Sesay

In a very swift and calculated manner the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs has vehemently debunked a social media audio post said to have been authored by one Annie Metzger. The audio contained several allegations and an assertion made by the Annie Metzger relating to a piece of land along the Lumley Beach which she is claiming was leased but was illegally withdrawn and later demolished.

According to the Ministry and its Board, the lease that was granted to Metzger was legally withdrawn after she failed to fulfill a stipulated condition for leasehold on the said piece of land. They disclosed that in 2000 the land was allocated to her on the condition that she starts development within six months otherwise it will be considered null and void as provided for in the Development of Tourism Act 1990.

“She failed on several occasions to meet the stipulated condition although extension deadlines were offered and after fourteen years of barely any development the allocation was duly withdrawn,” an official explained.

It was further understood that Annie Metzger refused to vacate the piece of land leading the Ministry and Board to recourse to litigation. The court delivered verdict in favour of the Board to repossess the land. However, after the judgment the disenchanted Metzger resorted to making frivolous accusations and deliberately assassinating the characters of officials of the Ministry and Board.

The latter has made it categorically clear that if Annie Metzger is dissatisfied with the judgment she has the right to file an appeal to claim that she is the rightful owner of the said piece of land.

They stated that they are admonishing her to desist from smearing the image of the Ministry and officials of its Board claiming that all her allegations are baseless and unfounded.

In another related issue the Ministry and Board is reminding all developers of land within Tourism Development Areas (TDAs) that the Development of Tourism Act provides for the withdrawal of allocated pieces of land not developed within the stipulated timeframe and/or wherein developers deviate from the approved design of their projects.



Pleasant Children Foundation Sierra Leone Donates School items to 250 Children

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Pleasant Children Foundation (PCF), a non-governmental organization, that is geared towards promoting education for children has on Wednesday 18th September, 2019 donated school items worth over millions of Leones to 250 Children during their annual event which was tagged “Each one Educate One Campaign to Send Orphan, Street Children and Less Privileged Kids to School” at the Rokel community Centre, Rokel Village in the Western Area Rural District.

In her address to the audience, Marian Pleasant Kargbo, Chief Executive Officer/ Founder Pleasant Children Foundation (PCF), disclosed that during the past four years her organization has been working tremendously in order to support children within the Western Rural District with scholarships and school items worth millions of Leones.  She added that funding was a major challenge to actualize the gesture but extended thanks to the Centre Foursquare Gospel Church USA for serving as the major sponsor by supporting 100 children furthering in extending gratitude humanitarians who believe in what their organization stands for and the work they have been doing over the years.

She called on humanitarian organizations and individuals to support them in order to help more children, adding that their dream this year was to target 500 children but because they were financial challenged they were only able to cater for 250 children but said with additional support they can still cater for the reaming 250. She said that this year they also included teen mothers by sending them to school.

Deputy Chairman, Western Area District Council, Robert A. Browne, on behalf of the Council thanked Pleasant Children Foundation for the gesture saying it is not only important but also timely as pupils in the Western Area Rural District are really challenged with school materials.

He admonished pupils to take their studies serious underscoring how education is the key to success, adding that education is a process of learning that one goes through in order to become somebody in society. In that vein he encouraged them to take this is an opportunity for them to achieve their dreams and become great people in society who will in return give back to society.

He made his commitment on behalf the Western Area District Council that they will always give support to the organization in order to promote education in the District.

Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs Mohamed Haji-Kella, who was also in attendance, said that their Ministry is committed in dealing with children issues across the country. He appreciated the Pleasant Children Foundation for the donation adding that as a Government they are committed to providing quality education.

He admonished parents and children to desist from examination malpractices as he said such will hinder them in the future but encouraged them to take their study serious as education is the key to success.

Mariama Kamara, a beneficiary and a teen mother thanked the Foundation for sending her to school again stating that hitherto accessing school learning materials was really a huge challenge for her.

She called on other humanitarian organization to support the Foundation in order for them to continue to benefit from programmes or projects that they will be implementing.

ICAP Wraps up Health Project in Sierra Leone

By Joenal Sesay

In its mission to step up and strengthen the health system in the country ICAP has ended their Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Change Package Scale-up and Maternal Child Health QI project on Friday 6th September 2019.

The ceremony which took place at the Bintumani Hotel provided ICAP the opportunity to showcase their successes of implemented projects, present change packages for scale up to other health facilities, and discuss sustainability and scale-up plans.

ICAP, supported by CDC, partnered with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (Directorate of RMNCH, the NIPCU and National QoC) to improve compliance to Partograph utilization at Hospital level by tracking all the 5 output/ process measures of Hospitals across Port Loko, Kambia and Western Area Urban Districts.

In her remarks, ICAP Country Director, Dr. Haja Mame Awa Toure pointed out that since August 2015; ICAP has been supporting Quality Improvement (QI) capacity building in Sierra Leone.

She maintained that a vital component of these activities has been focused on empowering facility-level teams to design and implement QI projects to enhance infection prevention and control (IPC) and Maternal Health Care through the use of Partograph and monitoring of vital signs.

She stated that to help bridge the gap between best practice and common practice on IPC to these four selected hospitals, ICAP spread the IPC RIM full charge package to the labor wards in collaboration with NIPCU.

She noted that the implementation of the QI project was as a result of a rapid situation assessment that showed low compliance in the use of Partograph across the four districts and poor IPC compliance was also noted during the assessment.

Improving maternal health is one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which has seen Government, NGOs, and individuals devote efforts in achieving it. Although the maternal mortality ratio has declined by 45 percent worldwide, the proportion of mothers that do not survive childbirth compared to those who do-in developing regions is still 14 times higher than in developed regions (United Nations, 2015). It is estimated that about 830 women die from pregnancy – or childbirth-related complications around the world everyday (WHO, 2016).

Center for Disease Control (CDC) Public Health Information Prevention Control and Workforce Specialist, Hassan Banya disclosed that in 2014 CDC started its operations in Sierra Leone during the Ebola outbreak.

He referenced that in 2017 CDC established a country office in Freetown to support global health security agenda and they are working in four areas and their operation is with the Ministry of Health.

World Health Organization (WHO) National Professional Officer (NPO), Princess Musu Maral said WHO is giving technical support to Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

She pointed out that IPC is keen to quality improvement as it is the backbone citing that they have to ensure hospitals are infection free.

Ministry of Health and Sanitation National Quality Reproductive and Child Health Management Program Manager, Margaret Titty expressed hope and sustainability of the lesson they have achieved and learned.

She noted that the data will go down further by the next three months and whatever gains they have achieved in those districts they are going to maintain it.

The selected four hospitals in the four districts are 34 Military hospital, Lungi, Kambia and Port Loko Government hospitals.

ORANGE-Sierra Leone Intensifies SIM Card Registration

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In Sierra Leone, the National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM) which is the statutory institution which has the primary responsibility to regulate the telecommunications sector in the country is periodically ensuring that all telecoms service providers especially GSM Companies register the SIM cards of all their subscribers, a move which is geared towards having a comprehensive data of users, tracking down errant misuse of communications gadgets and to combat various cyber offences.
In order to heighten compliance of NATCOM’s policy Orange Sierra Leone on the 18th September 2019 intensified its mass free Orange Sim Cards registration of subscribers in the Western area.

Speaking to Orange Staff at the company’s headquarters on Hill Station, the Chief Executive Officer, Orange Sierra Leone, Madam Aminata Kane, highlighted that ten teams of Orange staff have already been dispatched to reach out to subscribers in their various offices and business places to register their Sim Cards.

The result-oriented CEO maintained that Orange-SL is very mindful of the security which is why they are always cooperating with the Government, especially the regulating body NATCOM against the backdrop of strengthening the security sector in order to precisely respond to threats through the use of telecom operator technology.  “NATCOM has extended its Sim Card registration to 15th October 2019 as a deadline for all telecommunications companies to register their subscribers’ Sim Cards,” she revealed.

She furthered that the ongoing Sim Cards registration is fully supported by the company also expressing the view that such will greatly assist in addressing the huge problem of un-registered subscribers who want to use the company’s system to fraud decent and well-meaning individuals. She assured all that the Sim registration is also critical for the company especially as it relates the company’s maintenance of electronic records of all subscribers in their data base system with a view to help NATCOM and the law enforcement apparatus in identifying any misuse or fraudulent activities that are of threat to the nation and to enable them investigate and prosecute people who want to beat the system.

Madam Aminata Kane also intimated that the company recently undertook a similar mass Sim registration in the provincial areas which she said is part of the company’s move to contact subscribers and new customers at the  latter’s convenience to register their Orange Sim Cards. The CEO enjoined all subscribers across the country to register their Sim Cards now free of charge at any Orange offices across the country pointing out that those who fail to do so risk having their Sim Cards blocked after 15th October, 2019.

Mentioning some of the benefits of the registration, Madam Aminata Kane said anyone that registers his or her Sim will have access to Orange Money system which, she said, has become a huge success story for the company and Sierra Leone as a nation. She expressed determination that the company is working assiduously to help Sierra Leoneans benefit from the company’s unique products and services at affordable prices.

The charismatic CEO disclosed that setting up additional sites across the country is a priority in order to further boost quality network, adding that the launch of the Rial 4G broadband connectivity across the country is also another huge success for them as a company. “The 4G is impacting positively on the lives of Sierra Leoneans as it continues to facilitate faster accessibility to internet connectivity,” she said with pride. Public Relations Officer of Orange Sierra Leone,, Mabel Mason, said the staff of the company will be going round the city to register subscribers and new customers.

According to her the rationale is to fit in within the deadline date of NATCOM for the registration of Sim Cards across the country.


Haja Binta Jalloh

By Foday Moriba Conteh                 

Sierra Leone’s most outstanding and award winning beauty contestant, Haja Binta Jalloh, will be representing Sierra Leone at the Miss Pan African Queen 2019, an event that aims at celebrating the beauty of African Women. Haja Binta Jalloh is poised to fly the country’s flag high at the Beauty Pageant slated to take place on the 1st November, 2019 in Bayelsa, Nigeria.

Speaking to this medium, Haja Binta Jalloh disclosed that her determination is not only to emerge victorious in the competition but to ensure that the flag of Sierra Leone is flown high.

She added that since childhood taking part in beauty contests has been her passion, adding that she has been creating impacts on the lives of other girls. She further appealed for support from Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad to see her emerge the winner of the competition.

Sarah .V. Koroma, her Manager, disclosed that Haja Binta Jalloh will be locking horns with other contestants across Africa for the prestigious Miss Pan Africa Queen  2019 but she expressed optimism that her contender would emerge victorious and also urged Sierra Leoneans to support their own morally and financially.

She concluded by calling on humanitarian organizations and individuals to support her contestant in order to capacitate them the more to attend the said event.

Sierra Leone’s Poverty Rate at 56.8%

By Statistics Sierra Leone

The 2018 Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey conducted by Statistics Sierra Leone and the World Bank has revealed that Sierra Leone’s poverty stands at 56% in 2018.

The survey, which was conducted under the auspice of Osman Sankoh of Stats SL, the World Bank under Alejandro De la Fuente in Washington DC and Elizabeth Forster of the World Bank office in Freetown, made particular references to the 2018 levels and trends from 2011 to 2018.

Although, some of the findings have now been disclosed, the actual report would be launched on the 1st October 2019.

It was noted that Poverty remains high in Sierra Leone with the official poverty rate at 56.8% in 2018. Calculations from the 2018 SLIHS place the food poverty line (the amount needed to buy a sufficient amount of food following the local diet) at Le 2,125,000 annually per adult equivalent, and the total poverty line (accounting for both food and non-food expenditure) at Le 3,921,000 per adult equivalent. This results in an extreme poverty rate of 12.9%, a food poverty rate of 54.5% and an overall poverty rate of 56.8%.

It was additionally maintained that Poverty is concentrated in the rural areas in Sierra Leone.  The rates in rural areas are more than twice as high as in urban areas, 73.9% compared to 34.8%.

In the findings it was highlighted that separating out Greater Freetown (all urban areas in Western Area), they discovered that  Freetown has a significantly lower poverty rate (22.8%) than other urban areas (49.3%).  Extreme poverty rates show an even greater disparity: the rate is 19.9% in rural areas and 3.8% in urban areas.

Food poverty rates show less variation and the rate for rural areas is quite close to the rate for other urban areas, showing that although those in rural areas are much poorer overall, they are no worse than urban dwellers (outside of Freetown) in terms of having sufficient food.  Poverty depth and severity (which consider not just whether households are poor, but how poor they are and inequality among the poor) show stark disparities between urban and rural areas.

It was again disclosed that the North is the province with the highest rate of poverty. Districts like Tonkolili, Pujehun and Falaba have the highest rates by district. Poverty rates are 64.1% in the East, 76.5% in the North, 62.3% in the North-West, 67.7% in the South and 23.3% in the West.  Poverty rates vary widely within province, however, and the three poorest districts (Pujehun, Tonkolili, and Falaba) span the far south, center and far north-east of the country. The least poor districts are Western Area Urban and Rural, Kambia and Bonthe.

Among the findings national poverty has decreased modestly since 2011 driven by decreases in urban areas. The new poverty rate of 56.8% is not directly comparable to the official rate of 52.9% in 2011, due to differences in methodology and setting a new (higher) poverty line for 2018. Adjusting for these changes, the team found out that poverty has decreased by 5.6 percentage points.

Poverty in rural areas has remained flat (increased by a statistically insignificant amount) while poverty in urban areas has decreased significantly (by 6.2 percentage points), concentrated in urban areas outside of Freetown.

It says all the regions saw decreases in poverty, but only that in the West is statistically significant. Extreme poverty has not changed overall since 2011 but increased in rural areas (5.3 percentage points) and the East (5.9 percentage points).  Food poverty has increased significantly (8.4 percentage points) with particularly large increases in rural areas, the East and the North.