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Sento Kamara Declared Wanted for Practicing Lesbianism

Sento Kamara.jpeg

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The increasing reports of isolated physical attacks on persons found to be lesbian seem to have no end in sight as the recent case Sento Kamara indicates.

News intimated this medium revealed that at Black Hall Road East End of Freetown, stakeholders and youths of that have mounted a round the clock search for Sento Kamara who is now declared wanted.

According to an in-depth investigation mounted by this medium, the 29 Years Old Sento Kamara hails from an Islamic background, of which his father is the Head of Basharia Council of Imams in Freetown Sierra Leone was involved into a lesbian with a 14 years old Fatmata Turay.

According to our investigation Sento Kamara and Fatmata Turay were caught red-handed by Fatmata Turay’s uncle making love at Fatmata Turay’s room. The both were punished and wanted to be sentenced life imprisonment but Sento Kamara’s mother cry to the Muslim elders in the community and Sento’s Father who is the head of all the Imams to forgive Sento Kamara as she is young and don’t know the consciences of the crime they have committed.

A week before she was accepted by her father and the community, she was raped by unknow men at unfinished building where she was sleeping of which she become pregnant and give birth to a bouncing baby boy on the 1st January 2012.

Findings reveals that Sento Kamara was still not comfortable with men even when she has given birth.

On the 7th of September 2019. Sento Kamara, was also caught red-handed for the second time in the same abominable act with a woman named Madam Kadie.  The said Madam Kadie was caught in the act of having intercourse with Sento Kamara.

Following this, Sento Kamara and Madam Kadie were given the beating of their lifetime by angry religious fanatics that left them half dead.

The hunting for Sento Kamara became more serious after a Muslim insurrection against his father, demoing him never to preach in the mosque again and the shucked of this sad development led her father to heart attack and was hospitalized.

Since then, no one knows the whereabouts of Sento Kamara but it is believed that her family, Muslims elders of the community and Police are angry and still looking for her if seeing she will face the law.

According to Sierra Leone Laws lesbianism and gay acts are totally discouraged and disallowed. The laws state that anyone caught in the practice must face a sentence of life imprisonment with hard labour

Among others hunted lesbians Sento Kamara is the top of the police search and wanted list and if caught today, she will face the law with a brutal sentence or might even lost her life.

Alie Marah Declared Missing

Alie Marah, sustaining wounds after being manhandled

By Foday Moriba Conteh

It has emerged last night that the eldest son of the late Village Chief of Senekedugu village in the Wara Wara Yagala Chiefdom, Koinadugu district Alie Marah has been missing for the past couple of days now.

Alie got missing after he was declared wanted by elders of the secret society in the village after he failed to abide by their decision to inherit the Chieftaincy of his late father Chief Lansana Marah who died on August 25th 2019 following a sudden illness.

Investigation revealed that after the death of the late Town Chief, Alie was invited to take over the Chieftaincy on the condition that he must sacrifice his manhood during the initiation ceremony.

The source said Alie was invited to the society bush to perform the first part of the ceremony.

On the 1st September, 2019. A senior member of the society, Alfred Peter told this medium that  a group of secret society members stormed Alie Marah’s house ordering him to follow them to the bush but he refused on the grounds that he was not interested due to the condition. When Alie told his wife about this latest development, the lady refused on the grounds that they have just wedded one month ago without a child. The wife insisted that if her husband accepts that condition, they will no longer have children which will definitely affect the relationship.

Peter said when Alie Marah refused he was dragged out of the house and seriously manhandled to be point that he became unconscious.

Alie was rushed to a nearby Pharmacy and given first aid treatment. Because of the sensitive nature of the matter, the Nurse at the Pharmacy Sister Fatmata Mansaray insisted that Alie should not stay in the place.

Since that time members of the secret society have been coming regularly in search of Alie. This latest development prompted Mr. Alie and his wife to escape to an unknown destination.

Family members are worried about the whereabout of their son who they say has been assisting them greatly over the years.

As they fell to unfortunate late win in Liberia… Leone Stars to get revenge on Sunday

Leone Stars

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Sierra Leone’s darling Leone Stars fell to an unfortunate late defeat to the Lone Stars of Liberia last Wednesday, but the Leone Stars would be looking to get their revenge as the two sides meet for the second leg this Sunday in Freetown.

The Leone Stars lost the first leg of the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers preliminaries to the Lone Star of Liberia by three goals to one (3 – 1), after a 95-minute encounter at the Samuel K. Doe Sport Complex in Paynesville, outside Monrovia, Liberia on Wednesday, September 4.

It was a star-studded affair as both sides fielded big names from across the globe. The Leone Stars conceded the first and second goals through penalty kicks. The first goal was described as very controversial and coming into the first half of play; and the second scored in the second half of play.

Terrence Tisdell, who plays professional football in South Africa, and Mohammed Sangare, who plays professional football in England of Lone Star converted their kicks from the penalty spots in the 18th and 82nd minutes of play, respectively.

The second and third goals scored by the Liberian side came in the last ten minutes of play after the visiting team had reduced the deficit in the second half during the 56th minute of play with Kwame Quee, who plays professional football in Iceland, scoring the only goal for the Leone Stars.

However, the third goal for the Liberian side came from Sam Johnson, who plays professional football in the USA, in the 89th minute after what appeared to be a defensive blunder and lack of proper coordination between the central defender and the goalkeeper of Leone Stars.

Commenting on the outcome of the match, many Sierra Leoneans, who watched what came to be known as the Mano River Union Derby through SLBC TV and other local channels, blamed the country’s defeat on poor refereeing and terrible defending on the part of Leone Stars.

The Leone Stars’ technical side is called upon to fix the problem before the return leg at the Siaka Stevens National Stadium in Freetown on Sunday, September 8, 2019.

Others commentators said it was the better side that won, whilst also expressing patriotic optimism that Leone Stars could win on their home tuft to return the compliment, as they play host to the Liberian side whose first-leg victory was watched by their President – George O. M. Weah, one time Player of the Year Award-Winning Footballer.

IOM & STL sign MOU to boost Youth Employment


It’s been more than 15 years since the end of Sierra Leone’s civil war – and later a devastating Ebola outbreak – both of which combined to make an underperforming economy difficult to revive.

Sierra Leone has one of the highest youth unemployment rates in Africa, indeed in the entire world. Nearly two in three youths in the country are unemployed or underemployed. This reality pushes thousands each year to seek work abroad, often through irregular routes.

To boost youth employment – and combat irregular migration – the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Sierra Tropical Limited (STL), one of Sierra Leone’s largest agribusiness companies, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) last week at the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7) which took place in Japan.

The agreement stresses the need for Sierra Leonean youth to acquire the skills needed for the local labour market, through Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), especially in agriculture and machine maintenance. TVET training materials will be developed by both parties.

“When opportunity, especially to go abroad, is presented, most young people seize it because they presume, they do not have better alternatives at home,” explained Sanusi Savage, Head of the IOM Office in Sierra Leone.

“Job creation for youth and capacity building are crucial for African countries, and this collaboration is fully in line with the objective of TICAD. We are pleased to collaborate with Sierra Tropical Limited and hope to expand our collaboration in other African countries,” added Abdel Moneim Mostafa Hassan, IOM Senior Regional Advisor for the Middle East and North Africa.

IOMSierra Tropical Limited was established earlier this year by Japan’s Itochu Corporation, which acquired holdings of Dole Foods, one of the world’s oldest commercial growers of tropical fruits, especially pineapple.

Itochu has announced it will contribute to the development of the local community through the business.

Itochu’s $40 million plan to begin commercial production of pineapple in the Republic of Sierra Leone, follows similar holdings the company operates in Thailand and the Philippines.

Itochu has already started test production of pineapple in Sierra Leone, and aspires to commence full-scale commercial production as soon as it can.

Earlier this summer Itochu signaled its plans for human resources development with IOM. Its Sierra Tropical unit plans to increase job opportunities through the business, starting in the Bo District in the Southern Province of Sierra Leone.

In April this year, IOM launched the project ‘Reducing the Risk of Irregular Migration through Promotion of Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship’ in Sierra Leone.IOM

This new project, which is funded by the Government of Japan, will contribute to youth and women’s empowerment through vocational and entrepreneurship skills training with private companies, mainly, Sierra Tropical Limited.

In 2017 and 2018, IOM assisted 1,492 stranded Sierra Leoneans with voluntary return along the main African migration routes.

SAJ cries down Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa


By Ranger

The Society of African Journalists (SAJ) has come out to strongly condemn the xenophobic attacks on African nationals living in South Africa.
SAJ Acting President, Michael Adeboboye said the organization watched with sadness cases of arson, looting, murder and other forms of atrocities meted to Africans living in South Africa and warned that if not curbed would assume a bigger dimension.
Adeboboye called on the South African government, police and other security agencies to do more in preventing attacks on brother Africans and bring perpetrators of the heinous attacks to book adding that SAJ would not condone crimes allegedly committed by Africans living in South Africa.
According to him “it is also incumbent on the South African Government, police and other security agencies to bring to book all those found guilty of violating the laws of the land.
“Aside from that, South Africa is being reminded to take into account the continental spread of South African businesses which operate freely without persecution and repatriate their profits unencumbered by raging hordes of the citizenry of the countries in which they operate.
” Thirdly, in the spirit of the recently signed African Continental Free Trade Agreement whose aim is integrating the continent into a monolithic market place to benefit all the signatory nations, the current events and the seeming lack of political will at dealing with the chaos sends a wrong message.
“In the same way, the  government, police and other security agencies of South Africa must be proactive and do more to protect the lives and properties of African nationals living in that country .
“Regrettably it has been noted by SAJ that since the beginning of the year, politicians across the divide with notable exception of the EFF have attempted to score cheap political points by blaming the problems of South African society on foreigners and not addressed the governance and structural issues underpinning the discontent of South Africans.
“Any further attacks on Africans must be considered as being tantamount to genocide and that would be totally unacceptable”
Adeboboye also tasked  journalists in South Africa to be fair in their reportage of the ongoing killings in the rainbow nation stressing that it is the duty of the media to push narratives that would discourage  violence towards foreigners  and present the factual picture which illustrates the mutuality of pan African trade and how their nation does indeed benefit from cordial relations with brother nations on the continent.

“This is a critical media role of educating those ignorant to the facts” he said.
He also warned that further cases of violence would alienate South Africa from the rest of Africa and may even lead to reprisal attacks which according to him, also not good for Africa .
“Finally, for balance it would be remiss for SAJ not to encourage the governments of Africa to remove the blemish of failed economies which may be a major contributor to the restlessness and migration of Africa’s people as they seek greener pastures. SAJ feels burdened as members of the Fourth Estate to strongly urge that African leaders deliver better governance and economic management. The current scenario is abysmal.”

Pres. Bio bags Award & Commendation from Labor Congress

President Bio

By State House Commination unit

On the 4th September, 2019 Dr. Julius Maada Bio received an award from the Executive Members of the Sierra Leone Labour Congress (SLLC) at State House. The team also showed appreciation for the achievements of his New Direction Government.

Making his presentation, President of the SLLC, Genna Wright, said they were pleased with the strides of the Government underscoring how they were impressed with the gains made in less than two years. He said they believe in the convention of social dialogue with Government and in the interest of the country.

The SLLC Chief also commended President Bio for delivering on his promise by adhering to Sierra Leone’s subscription to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) adding that that had helped to restore the country’s voting right at the ILO after fifteen years. He stated that the amount of money paid by Sierra Leone to regularize its status at the ILO was a big achievement by the Government.

“We also commend the Government for ratifying five conventions for the centenary of the ILO. We are again grateful to the Government for the increase in pensions for Government pensioners and we call for more. We are strongly behind the Government in the fight against corruption to ensure that what is meant for Sierra Leone will be for Sierra Leoneans and not individuals. We thank you for the Free Quality Education and the School Feeding Programme,” he said.

In his brief response, President Julius Maada Bio expressed gratitude for the recognition, adding that he was happy to meet with the SLLC, which constitutes a large number of the country’s population, to discuss issues relating to the development of the country. He said developing Sierra Leone would require the support of everyone and therefore encouraged the SLLC to continue being partners in the development process.

Care Foundation for Better Salone calls for Support

Care Foundation

By Alusine S. Kargbo (ASK)  

The Executive Director for Care Foundation For Better Salone (CFFBS) has called on the government and other humanitarian NGOs to render support to their organization in their different undertakings in helping less privileged children.

Aisha Bangura appealed to the Government, NGOs for support emphasizing that with obtaining such they will be empowered to extend their interventions and gestures in order to accomplish their goal.

“The main mission of this organization is to transform the targeted children to become a Care Foundationbetter person in the future. This organization wants to ensure that traumatized children live decent lives once again. We do believe that in achieving all these goals we can transform Sierra Leone to become a better place on planet Earth. For support you can contact us at 17A Spur Loop Freetown Tel:+23276848463

Care Foundation for Better Salone (CFFBS) is a non-governmental, non-profitable organization with the aim of providing support to underprivileged children in Sierra Leone through teaching, advocacy and also provides them with educational materials.

Aisha Bangura the Executive Director for Care Foundation For Better Salone (CFFBS) said the organization was founded in March 4th 2015 and they are focused mainly on helping underprivileged and street children who have been traumatized and lost focus with a bleak future.

Airport Management gets a pat on the Back

By Theresa Vamboi

In a very appreciative mood, Baindu Dansama-Kamara, Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs showered praises on the Management of the Sierra Leone Airports Authority for a seamless facilitation of the 2019 Hajj movement to and from the Holy Land of Mecca.

Speaking on behalf of the National Hajj Committee, the Minister lauded the smooth passage of pilgrims through the country’s main international gateway, Lungi International Airport without any cause of complaint as had been the case in previous years.

She observed that the Airport Management was able to provide a very robust operational plan which was implemented thus making it possible to attain a smooth departure and entry of over 900 Sierra Leonean pilgrims.

She further encouraged the Airport Management to maintain the standard of performance and continually upgrade it in a bid to mitigating unforeseen challenges in coming years.  “Even before my appointment to serve as a Minister of Government, I have been witnessing the impediment that pilgrims were faced with especially going through the rigors of air transportation, but because the SLAA have placed premium in their area of operations we have been able to maintain a stable pilgrims flow that is free from resentment”, The Minister lauded.

Reacting to the Minister’s compliment, the Deputy General Manager of Sierra Leone AirPort SLAA, Mr. Jack D.K Massaquoi thanked the Minister of Social Welfare for the laudable comments she made of the Airport Management.

He recalled that over the past years Management has been facing constraints whenever there is a movement of Muslim pilgrims to the holy land of Mecca.

He noted that as a responsible Management, SLAA has concentrated their studies in areas that have always posed a threat to airport coordination of Hajj movement with a bid to finding lasting solutions to address them.

He noted that the airport is moving towards international certification and there is every need to be proactive in all related operation. The DGM thanked SLAA personnel and its complementing agencies for a job well done and encouraged all to be prudent in their respective duties.

The 2019 Hajj pilgrims were carefully boarded in Sierra Leone Road Transport Corporation Buses right at the foot of the chartered 747 Boeing ‘FlyNas’ aircraft and traveled via Port Loko to the National Stadium in Freetown.

Over receiving $44,000, $50,306 and $100,000 respectively – Mohamed Bangura exposed

Mohamed Bangura

By Ibrahim Conteh

During the Commission of Inquiry (65) proceedings  presided over by Justice Bankole Thompson on Monday September 2, former Minister of Information and Communications in the last Government ,Mohamed Bangura, denied receiving $44,000, $50,306 and $100,000 respectively at different times during his tenure in office between 2016 and 2017.

Making a cameo appearance at Commission 65 on Monday September 2, the former Minister of Information denied collecting the sum of $44,000 from NATCOM through their Finance Director, Mr. Foday Conteh to attend an ICT conference.

Bangura even denied ever calling Mr. Foday Conteh of NATCOM to instruct him to disburse the sum of $44,000 to him for any purpose, adding that he does not even know the said Mr. Foday Conteh.

The former Information Minister also denied ever calling Mr. Senesie Kallon former Director General of NATCOM authorizing such payment to him for whatever purpose.

Asked by his Solicitor Mr. Ady Macauley if he ever received the sum of $50,306 from the former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information and Communications, Mohamed Bangura denied the allegation saying he never received such amount of money from the former PS, adding that he never called the Financed Director at NATCOM Mr. Foday Conteh to make any such payment to him.

Quizzed further as to whether he ever received from Mr. Paul Sandi, the sum of $100,000 from NATCOM International Gateway Funds, the former Information Minister replied in the negative.

He also told the Commission that he never received Le 20,000,000 from SALCAB as good bye token when his tenure as MIC was terminated by the former President Ernest Bai Koroma.

Mr. Mohamed Bangura said it is not a usual practice or policy for Ministers to ask for good bye gifts or token from institutions.

During cross examination by State Counsel, R.B. Kowa, Mohamed Bangura acquiesced that based on evidences available at the Commission, the policy of paying monies to institutions and not individuals was breached and that monies were paid directly to individuals.

Robert Kowa also quizzed him as to why three esteemed personalities Messrs Paul Sandi, Foday Conteh and Senesie Kallon can all corroborate evidence pointing at him collecting the said amounts of money from state institutions, but he replied that it might be to cover up.

It would be recalled that State witnesses, Mr. Paul Sandi, former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information and Communications, Mr. Foday Conteh former Finance Director NATCOM and Mr. Senesie Kallon former Director General NATCOM had all given evidence at Commission 65 alleging that the former Minister of Information and Communications Hon. Mohamed Bangura inappropriately received $44,000, $50,306 and $100,000 respectively from NATCOM and SALCAB during his tenure in Cabinet.

Sierra Leone Police & their Recent Imbalance to Uphold the Tenets of Democratic Precedents



By Ranger

It’s an established fact that the recent behavior of the Sierra Leone Police (SLP), a very crucial institution in the country for upholding law and order is becoming alarming and a grave concern for citizens of this country.

The SLP is one of our enviable state institutions that is entrusted with the mandate to propelling the engines of good governance and the rule of law, thus, it should be seen as a credible , responsible , objectionable, apolitical, and a very professional institution that should cater for a well-balanced avenue for peaceful coexistence  to drive and thrive for democratic sustenance.

However, of recent, we’ve heard and seen majority of citizens castigating, chastising and canning blames on the SLP for lack of professionalism, politically dependent for directives, selective in administering justice and the bias nature in their operations. Many still believe that, should the SLP continue to invoke the processes of selective justice, the SLP could breed political upheaval and social disorder and create a recipe for chaos and acrimony in our fragile democracy.

Patriots that want to see a Sierra Leone on its peaceful vogue are worried about the 2023 elections and what belie us as a nation, when actually the institution built as a moral guarantor to peaceful coexistence is now becoming more lucrative for social disorder and politicians’ platform to unleash their vengeance against opposing forces. The dereliction of the SLP to coil peace in the past Constituency 110 by- election and lack thereof to curtail the excesses of some miscreants that damaged electoral materials and obstruct a peaceful election process in their presence is another troublesome makeup for our hard earned peace and its democratic credentials; ridiculous and scary for a nation that has spent huge amount of resources to rebrand this institution.

This recent imbalance of the Police has behooved many thoughtful citizens to raise solid concerns and ask pertinent questions regarding the strange act by the Police.

First, is this the kind of institution that Sierra Leoneans entrust  to protect their lives and properties when Minister and senior citizens are  partaking broad daylight in thuggery, mayhem and above all, vandalizing of State properties and  went un-arrested?

Again, is this the institution we entrust to maintain law and order when uniform men were unable to arrest small unaccredited group of thugs that were breaking traffic laws and perpetrating chaos?

Is this the force for good as they’re claimed citizens depend upon to uphold the rule of law and administer fair justice when in actual sense they’re doing it unfairly?

Is this the kind of institution we can rely on when few armless civilians can overpower few gun men?

Very perturbing and heart aching for a country that had once tasted the bitter pills of war due abundantly to injustice among others yet the Police and other institutions are not learning from those mistakes.

Too pitiful and worrisome as some of the indicators of the war have started sprouting vigorously.

Martin Luther King Jr. was right to say that “One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”

Sadly enough, meaningful Sierra Leoneans are concerned and worried with regards to these sad and mishaps occurrences which might one day  trigger and incite citizens to disobey persistent bad governance and human rights abuses as citizens have the moral rights to do so.  This is the bitter and gospel truth and it should be said boldly.

Worst is  to say that we’re living in a nation where economic hardship, political intimidations ,political  tensions, increase in price of basic foodstuffs,  increase in the US dollar and devalue of the Leone are predominant in the country and thus have all created toxic atmosphere  for the peaceful and sound  existence of the ordinary man in Sierra Leone.

The snail pace of the Government to address these ugly states of development is pitiful and unimaginable and therefore the attention of President Bio’s led government should be sharply redirected to these thorny issues that have the propensity to unmake and make this nation.