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Sierra Leone News: ‘UBA Marketplace’ Is Poise To Enhance Young Sierra Leonean Entrepreneurs

‘UBA Marketplace’, Africa’s largest gathering of business owners and entrepreneurs, promises to be the ideal forum for the enhancement of Young Sierra Leonean entrepreneurship and other young entrepreneurs across Africa, especially as over 20,000 visitors and over 100 small and medium enterprises, plus top private and public sector players will be gracing the event on the 26th & 27th July 2019, with the theme “Empowering African Entrepreneurs”, scheduled to take place at the iconic Transcorp Hilton Hotel, in Nigeria’s capital city of Abuja.

To further advance the course of entrepreneurs in the continent, 3 African leaders on day 2 of the event, will be engaging an audience of 5,000 and watched around the globe through TEFConnect, coutesy of the founder of TEF, Tony O. Elumelu. There will be plenary sessions which will highlight entertainment and music industries. Likewise, fashion, a big cultural and revenue attraction on the continent, will be showcased with the designs of 10 leading African labels. A good number of young Sierra Leonean entrepreneurs are poised to grace the trade fair and will be showcasing Sierra Leonean culture. With this event, UBA seeks to touch base with small business owners while positively affecting the lives of entrepreneurs doing business in its countries of operations and beyond’.

Furthermore this Forum presents the largest single annual opportunity for entrepreneurs and policy makers to interact directly and all sessions at the Forum have private sector and public sector leaders anchored in panel discussions, master classes, and a dynamic pitching competition that will engage an audience of start-up entrepreneurs, development institutions and policymakers. More Sierra Leonean entrepreneurs were captured in this year’s TEF Entrepreneurship Programme. The event seeks to promote young entrepreneurs and business people across Africa and create the enabling environment for interaction among business owners and the mentorship of youths.

The aim of this event was aptly put by Kenneth Uzoka, GMD of UBA Plc., when he said “I think everyone realises the fact that we need to prioritise the private sector. We need to encourage entrepreneurship and the youths. This is the driving factor and the major reason why we are organising an event of this magnitude’.

The applications will be run on TEFConnect and forms will be available in any of the branches of the United Bank for Africa (UBA). Following the end of the application window, an initial longlist of 5,500 applicants will be selected to undergo the 12-week business training. After the training, the final shortlist of 2,000 applicants will be announced to join the previous 2019 TEF cohort.

Below is the hyperlink to be accessed.





Sierra Leone News: ‘30% Under-5 Deaths Are Vaccine Preventable’

‘Relatively, Sierra Leone has high infant and under-five mortality rates at 92/1000 live births and 140/1000 live births respectively. While the country continues to make effort in reducing child morbidity and mortality, vaccine preventable diseases and malaria still account for 30% and 17% of death among children under the age of five according to the Sierra Leone’s 2016-2020 Malaria Strategic Plan.

This is according to Dr. Mame Awa Toure who was speaking on Wednesday 17th July 2019 which marked the close of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation Expanded Immunization Program (EPI), implemented by ICAP in Sierra Leone with funding from the U.S Centers for Disease Control Provisions (CDC’s) through its Global Immunization Division.

The workshop held at the Bintumani Hotel in Freetown attracted numerous health sector development stakeholders from both the private and public sectors.

ICAP, a global health institution based in New York is keen on empowering the wellness of families and communities by strengthening health systems around the globe.

In collaboration with the Ministry, ICAP intervention in the GID supported EPI program  focused on three dimensions which involved: (1) national scale up of malaria prevention vaccine for infants, immunization, capacity building on Measles 2nd dose vaccine (MCV2) drop out and conducting a formative assessment of immunization and malaria prevention services.

In her overview speech, ICAP Country Director Dr. Mame Awa Toure highlighted both current and future opportunities of the GID Project in Sierra Leone.

“In 2017, the Global Health Security Cooperative Agreement requested ICAP to provide technical assistance to Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation, with  primary focus on Child Health Immunization which includes EPI and Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Infants. “The intent was to implement high impact of child survival interventions across Sierra Leone,” she said.

She added that eventually, ICAP/MoHS EPI implementation targeted four districts: Bombali, Tonkolili, Western Area Rural and Western Area Urban. Each district was supported with EPI mentors from ICAP, based in the district to ensure effective support and supervision.

Despite the project’s funding limitations, ‘I encourage you all to keep ICAP informed about the district engagement as we will be willing share our experiences when necessary. I lure you all to collectively reflect on sustainability measures taking into cognisance your own capacity, resources and the involvement in the communities. Immunization is an effective lifesaving intervention especially for children emphasized,’ Dr. Mame stated.

In his speech on the history of the project, Dr. Hardeep Sandhu from CDC Atlanta said: “Many African countries that experienced Ebola outbreak suffered infrastructural damage.” The idea behind GID roll out is to rebuild the country’s structure which needs more than two or three years.

The Deputy Program Manager of EPI unit at MoHS Lynda Farma chairperson for the workshop emphasized the importance of the project encouraged all districts to work hand in hand to enable similar success though the challenges will be different from the four other districts.”

Thanks to ICAP and CDC support Sierra Leone in such crucial area in the health system. “Your work has been successful in all four districts and we’ve seen the difference and we will lean from you,” said Dr. Foday Sesay, District Medical Officer.


Sierra Leone News: 16 ECOWAS Ambassadors Elect Sidique Wai

Sidique Abou-Bakarr Wai

In advancing President Julius Maada Bio’s Economic Diplomacy agenda abroad, the Sierra Leone Ambassador to Washington D.C. – also accredited to 7 other countries in North and South American countries, Sidique Abou-Bakarr Wai has made major inroads less than six months in office.

Last week, the ambassadors of all 16 West African countries in Washington D.C. unanimously agreed to put Ambassador Wai in charge of managing their collective secretariat. In this capacity, Wai will lead the group’s secretariat in engaging the United States Government in ways that present the ECOWAS group as a vibrant and unified diplomatic community, and the ECOWAS region as a common market for attracting U.S. investments.

The ECOWAS endorsement of Ambassador Wai came a week after spearheading a consultative meeting among the Mano River Union (MRU) group of ambassadors. At the meeting, the ambassadors agreed on a “one-region, one-market” diplomatic advocacy initiative for the MRU sub-region. This understanding has resulted in the development of the first ground-breaking billion-dollar one-market infrastructure concept dubbed as the Mano River Rail Transport (MRRT) project to be presented to the United States Government. The initiative is part of an effort to attract funding from the Trump administration’s 60 billion dollar Prosper Africa initiative.

The proposed project is expected to connect all four capital cities in the MRU, including Conakry, Freetown, Monrovia, and Abidjan to strategic tri-border towns around Koindu in Sierra Leone and Gbapleau in the Ivory Coast. The ultimate objective of this pacesetting project is to boast trade and transportation in the sub-region, while at the same time creating employment and numerous complementary business opportunities for both local and foreign investors.

A memorandum of understanding is being worked on by the four ambassadors and consultation is underway with their governments, top U.S. rail construction and transit management companies, and the senior leadership at the White House and the State Department in Washington.

In addition, Ambassador Wai has secured an invitation from the Governor of the state of Mississippi, Honourable Dewey Philip Bryant to President Bio, for the latter to pay a state visit to Mississippi from October 1-2, 2019.

While in the oil-rich gulf city of Biloxi, President Bio will have to opportunity to engage state and city leaders, as well as executives of oil companies and other business leaders in the gulf region. Also underway is a collaborative effort with several line ministries, including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Freetown on a “Tourism and Trade Fair” expo proposed for mid-September in Washington D.C.

In other developments, Ambassador Wai’s team has made significant inroads in their engagement with the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security to make a case for the removal of Sierra Leone from the B1/B2 visa restriction. The restriction was imposed on select officials of government in Sierra Leone and two other African countries by the Trump administration in September 2017. This came because the countries in question were declared recalcitrant in accepting deportees. Sierra Leone is currently under review and is expected to be removed from the recalcitrant list at the conclusion of the review.

Ambassador Wai has also championed initiatives geared toward improving consular and other administrative services at the Washington Embassy. Staff morale, collaboration and teamwork among embassy personnel is currently at all-time high, and diaspora community engagement is in overdrive. The recent town hall meeting hosted by the Embassy in Washington D.C. dubbed as “Bringing the Embassy to the Sierra Leone Diaspora Communities in the Americas” witnessed the start of a remarkable community-based engagement and collaboration.

As a former community affairs adviser to the New York City Police Commissioner, Raymond Kelly, one-time candidate for New York city-wide Public Advocate and past president and spokesman for the United Africa Congress, Ambassador Wai is no stranger to the corridors of power in the United States and the African Diaspora community in general. In Washington DC, Ambassador Wai is now at work leveraging the goodwill he has earned over the decades to make President Bio’s Economic Diplomacy agenda a success.

Sierra Leone News: 7 Sentenced To Death by Hanging – Justice Taylor

Hon. Justice S.O Taylor Special High Court in Port Loko has sentenced 7 people to death by hanging in Port Loko.

It was a very touching moment in and out of the courtroom for the bulk of those that were following the proceedings in the matter of the State versus Mohamed Kabba alias ‘Sisco’ and 7 others.

The majority of them burst into tears as they pleaded with the Judge to tamper justice with mercy.

Hon. Taylor himself said it is with a heavy heart that he pronounced the sentence on the 7 convicts for which the Jurors returned a verdict of guilty.

The convicts were part of 8 persons accused for the murder of one Haja Umu Jalloh – 47 year old woman who died after armed robbers ransacked her residence at Rotifunk in the Kaffu Bullom chiefdom.

Police was able to arrest a total of 8 suspects. These were – Mohamed Kabba aka ‘Sisco’, Alhaji Yusif Sankoh aka ‘Paw-Paw’, Alpha Yayah Wurrie, Ibrahim Conteh alias ‘Worlof’, Alimamy Kargbo alias ‘Catch Fire’ Santigie Mansaray, Alhaji Kamara alias ‘Bomba and Mohamed Jalloh alias ‘ Ezekiel’.

They were subsequently arraigned before Hon. Justice S.O Taylor on a 3 count charge of Conspiracy, Murder and Unlawful Possession of Small Firearms with regards the death of Haja Umu Jalloh.

The third Count was specifically for the 1st. Accused – Mohamed Kabba aka ‘Sisco’ whose possession the Small Firearm was found.

These Accused Persons were being defended by Lawyers Mohamed Kori and Randy Bangura of the Legal Aid Board of Sierra Leone, while the matter was prosecuted by the State Counsel / North – Lawyer Aruna Jalloh. A total of 6 Prosecuting Witnesses testified including the Scene of Crime Officer and the Pathologist – Dr. Simeon Owizz Koroma. They said in their separate testimonies that, the 47 year old Woman did not die a natural death and that the finger prints obtained at the scene of crime do bear the features of all the Accused Persons in the dock. It was therefore unbelievable to hear the Foreman of the Jurors who said the verdict was unanimous that the 5th. Accused – Alimamy Kargbo alias ‘Catch Fire’ was not found guilty of any of the charges levied against him.

In a way of mitigation, the Defence pleaded with the Judge to tamper justice with mercy. Lawyer Mohamed Kori submitted that the Convicts are pretty young Sierra Leoneans who were determined to refrain from all forms of criminality and ready to transform to productive Nationals if given the chance. He said the prescribed penalty for such offences will lead to untold sufferings for the families of the Convicts adding that the aspect of Sentence is entirely in the hands of the Honourable Judge. But Hon. Justice S.O Taylor was not very much convinced and therefore unable to change his mind.

He said even though it is with a heavy heart that he would be making his pronouncement, yet the Law is the Law and could not do otherwise. He therefore sentenced the 1st. Convict – Mohamed Kabba alias ‘Sisco’ to 12 months on Count 3 – which is Unlawful Possession of Small Firearm. Hon. Justice Taylor went on to pass sentence to each of the 7 Convicts to 8 years imprisonment for the offence of Conspiracy. He further sentenced all of them to death by hanging as he prayed for their Souls to rest in Peace.

In another development, Justice Taylor also sentenced Nabie Sesay to 4 years imprisonment after he was found guilty for the offence of Sexual Penetration, adding that his time spent in detention would be taken into consideration.

This was as a result of the plea of mitigation by lawyer Randy Bangura. He based his submission on the appeal that the convict did not know the consequence of his action which he has now regretted.

Lawyer Bangura added that the convict is a young man that has promised to refrain from such offences and would become a useful Sierra Leonean if given another opportunity.

Three other accused persons – Mohalim Conteh alias ‘White Boy’, Mohamed Kamara alias ‘Koko – Di – Bongo’ and Ibrahim Bangura aka ‘Old Boy’, who were on a 3 count charge of Conspiracy, House Breaking and Larceny, have all been acquitted and discharged. They were accused of breaking and entering the dwelling residence of one Mohamed Kamara and stole therein properties valued at over 15 million Leones. The incident occurred at Lungi in the Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom on 2nd August 2017.



Sierra Leone News: As He Languishes at Wesleyan Hospital, Kamakwie: Edward Bangura Needs $16,000 for Hip Surgery

Edward Bangura.

It’s about 7 years now since Edward Bangura started suffering from a broken hip, which led to an Osteomyelitis infection. The prolonged illness has rendered him in partial paralysis. This young and intelligent Sierra Leonean is a university student and a breadwinner for his family. This illness has continued to make life very difficult for him, as he can no longer walk or stand upright, fend for himself, or even help himself around for anything. He is now completely dependent on relatives and friends for his survival and daily activities.

He has been diagnosed in many hospitals across the country, but all suggest that he has to be flown to India for a hip replacement. He and his family members cannot raise the $16,000 needed for the surgery and other costs. Edward is still languishing at the Wesleyan Hospital in Kamakwie, Karene District, but still sounds intelligent with hope and faith, and he is responding to treatment to subside the pains. We can get Edward back to normal life, sound and energetic to contribute to national development, if only we can sacrifice the $16,000 needed for his overseas treatment.

A quick intervention could help save him and the burden on family and friends. He’s deteriorating day by day.

Below is his narration/message to the public few months back from his sick bed.

“My name is Edward Bangura.
“I’ve been suffering from a fractured hip which has led to Osteomyelitis for 21 months now.
It all started when I fell and landed awkwardly on my right hip while playing football way back in 2013. I was however taken to the Emergency Hospital where an x-ray was done on my hip and I was told that I’d suffered a minor fracture. Pain killers were prescribed for me and the pains subsided greatly along the way as I took them.
Life seemed OK after a month and I went back to normal life.

It was in 2017 that I fell sick again and an injection was given to me by a medic on the same right hip which left me paralysed for some days. I was rushed to a nearby hospital on that very minute though, and I regained my steps days after but couldn’t quite walk on my own nor stand on my right leg on a firm stance to date.
I’ve been taken to different hospitals for scans and x-ray to detect what had gone wrong with me. One of them is the Choithram Memorial Hospital situated at Hill Station, Freetown, where I was diagnosed to have suffered a fractured hip which has led to Osteomyelitis.

“I’ve been visiting Dr. Bundu’s clinic at the Connaught Hospital on a weekly basis since then as he’s one of the most renowned orthopaedics in Sierra Leone. After going through my scan and x-ray results, he told me I needed a hip replacement and that it cannot be done here in Sierra Leone because we don’t have the required equipment.

Since then I’ve been on Clindamycin and Naproxen on intervals.
I’m just too scared as my leg is getting thinner due to the infection.”
“Recently I went to the Shuman Hospital for check-up and the Indian orthopaedic told me the same thing that I needed a hip replacement and that I’ll have to travel to India for that stating he’ll have to first of all clean up the whole femur as the infection has taken over a large portion of it before the said hip replacement.
The whole process cost sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000).” – Edward Bangura

Such a pathetic and painful experience he is going through. Let’s help save a dying young Sierra Leonean. He needs us more than ever before. He’s scare about his thinning leg, we should be scare too. Please contact the following people for more information and to deliver your support:

Augustine Kargbo: +23279164641; Jason Margao: +23279538373; Abdul Rahman: +23279758921; Paso on WhatsApp: +32467033790


Sierra Leone News: ‘GUMA Knows The Problems – But Has No Money’ – Water Deputy Minister   

Nimatulai Bah-Chang

“It seems that GUMA knows all the problems and also the answers to these problems, but lacks the necessary finances to fix them.”

This is according to the Deputy Minister of Water Resources, Mrs. Nimatulai Bah-Chang.

The newly-appointed Deputy Minister of Water Resources, Mrs. Nimatulai Bah-Chang has hit the ground running by meeting with the management of the Guma Valley Water Company (GVWC) and visiting several key locations of the company.

The meeting was held at the Guma Building where the Managing Director of Guma, Mr. Maada Kpenge did a presentation to the Deputy Minister and her team on the company’s operations and strategic plans to improve on the water supply situation in Freetown and the Western Area as a whole.

Mrs. Nimatulai Bah-Chang thanked the Guma MD for his brilliant presentation, which according to her answered all the questions she had prepared to ask. She also thanked the management of Guma for the good work they are doing despite the numerous challenges the company is facing.

Mrs. Bah-Chang added that GUMA is one of her oversight function and that with the information she has been able to gather during the visit, she will be able to put together her own strategic plan to see how Government and the Donor community can support the company to solve the numerous problems it is facing.

The visit was climaxed with visits to the Guma Dam and Treatment Plant at Mile 13, the Spur Road Reservoir, the Babadorie Reservoir at Regent, Kongo Dam, and Number 2 River.


Sierra Leone News: Rado Swarray Thrills 2019 Global Media Defence Forum …as 99 Journalists Slain Worldwide

Minister of Information and Communication Mr. Mohamed Rado Swarray

The Minister of Information and Communication Mr. Mohamed Rado Swarray has revealed that Western countries especially the United Kingdom and Canada launched the Global Media Defence Fund last week in London to act as a solidarity financial fund to sponsor journalists who may be trapped by the laws of their respective countries presumably to muzzle the media in defence of their rights.

The minister made this statement at the usual weekly press briefing organized by the information ministry. The minister who returned home last week after attending the Global Media Defence Fund conference hosted by the Foreign Office said it saw delegates from the world-over who discussed the lamentable state journalists are living especially journalists in Asian countries which saw the death of 99 journalists world over, he said the conference was a platform for delegates to express their views with particular focus in the media in their various counties of origin and both the UK. The Canadian government kick-started the fund with a huge undisclosed amount.

Back home, the minister said the New Direction government of President Bio holds high esteem for the media as a partner in development and as such view freedom of speech as a fundamental Human Rights stipulated in the Rule of Law. As such, he revealed that President Bio will revoke the criminal law of 1965, before the coming UK August meeting where he would be proud to report to the world the position of his government regarding the freedom of the media in Sierra Leone which has handicap its operations since 1965.

The minister however appealed to members of the Fourth Estate to be always be professional; as some strings will be attacked; as logically speaking, it is never too safe to be free.



Sierra Leone News: Emmanuel Dawo unveils Hawish Beauty Salon & School of Cosmetology

On the 19th July, 2019 the Manager of Hawish Beauty Parlour & Saloon, Emmanuel Dawo, officially opened the facility, which is situated at Bai Bureh Road, Texaco Junction in Eastern Freetown.

Speaking at the ceremony Emmanuel Dawo that they have young talented tutors who are qualified to lecture students on cosmetology, adding that his staff at the well-furnished Hawish Beauty Parlour have a wealth of experienced to handle any type of Hair Style. Services provided in the facility are Medicure, pedicure and all types of hair styles.

He disclosed that the salon is placed in an easily accessible area and can be reached by anyone. With space to accommodate over 50 students at a time and latest equipment to enhance training in their respective fields, plus fully air-conditioned room, customers as well as students will enjoy an atmosphere of tranquility and a touch of class and excellence. They intend to admit interested students on a first come first serve basis, with an important criterion being the ability to read and write. He added that they intend to expand the structure in order to admit more students.

Hawanatu Sesay, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), in an interview with this writer said that opening a school of cosmetology in Sierra Leone had always been her dream and a way of giving back to society and empowering young girls in Sierra Leone

She maintained that she had promised to return to Sierra Leone after several years of work in the field of cosmetology in the USA, adding that the knowledge, skills, and experience she had gained, will not be limited to her, but will be taught to other young sierra Leoneans so as to empower them and make them self-reliant. The school will be run at a cost affordable to all aspiring candidates.



Sierra Leone News: US based Sierra Leonean Empowers School Girls

Sierra Leonean born and US based medical student, Khadijah Kamara last week empowered school going girls in four government schools in the Western Area namely: Government Model Secondary School, E B Williams Municipal School, Dr. S M Broderick Municipal School and the Fatarahman Municipal School, with lectures on reproductive care and distributed sanitary pads to them.

In an exclusive interview with this writer, Khadija Kamara said that her aim is to see that the girl child is always in school, adding that menstruation should not keep them away from classes. This monthly experience by all women of child bearing age is not a bad even in their lives, but rather is an indication that they are healthy and can produce children.

She encouraged the girls to handle the sanitary pads with care, intimating that the supply will last them for 4 years and also save them money, which would otherwise have been ploughed into the purchase of those items. She further warned them against sharing these items with family members in their respective homes.

Madam Khadija Kamara further disclosed that she has been engaged in this venture in other schools, especially among deprived communities like the Kroo Bay. There she provided school going materials, sanitary pads and other items.

On the need for the education of the girl child, Madam Kamara pointed out that if a girl is educated she will help to bring change to her community. She stressed the importance of girls to know how to ake care of themselves. She expressed appreciation to the Ministry of Health and school authorities for the assistance given to her in the distribution of the items and warned the girls to avoid sex and concentrate on their school work.


Sierra Leone News: New Constitution for APC – Says NRM

The Deputy Publicity Secretary of the All People’s Congress (APC) party, Mr. Sidi Yaya Tunis in a reported T.V. interview said that the constitutional review team of the party will soon make public the new APC constitution.

He added that this has been the bane of disagreement amidst protests and condemnation of the National Reform Movement (NRM) within the APC which sees the selection clause adopted by the party in major representations has brought more division within the party then harmony amongst comrades. The secretary revealed that one entry in the former constitution which brought a lot of debate amongst the party’s hierarchy was the selection clause of which the election clause will now be adopted at requires and national elations of their party heads. Meaning, delegates at a national level will now host candidates contesting for various positions with confidence that no directives will come from to above to nullify and change it to selection as usual.

NRM authorities say they are concern with references made by Tunis over the position of chairman EBK in which he gave an example of the dominant role former President Jerry Rawlings of Ghana and former President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria in their respective parties.

NRM added that Tunis, by saying ‘if you are a time loyalist of a political party and have no intention of being a supreme leader, you can give up your position by equally going to an election and let others have a say.’

NRM further said that franchise of delegates to have a democratic consideration over votes of their choice is all what they have been longing for. NRM also stated that the Publicity Secretary should know that the NRM would not make an apology to anyone, and mentioned that once their conditions of protests are clearly defined in their pending constitution.