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Sierra Leone Law School Saga…   Pamela Davies, Pricilla Schwartz & Babatunde Edwards Draw Daggers

Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Priscilla Schwartz

By Amin Kef Sesay

In a twist of event in the Law School saga between the Council of Legal Education and the Chief Justice, Babatunde Edwards, with the former refusing to wave off, as recommended by the Chief Justice, a previous decision not to allow law students who failed to score the required University examination grades in order to  sit to subject references, as against the Chief Justice’s directive that such must transpire, another interesting new development has recently emerged. This relates to the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Priscilla Schwartz asking the Acting Director of Legal Education, Pamela Davies, to proceed on leave.

This was how the Minister of Justice relayed the message to the Acting Director of the Council of Law School:  “In light of several complaints that have come to my office and in the media about the alleged malpractices around the conduct of the 2019 Bar Final Exams and related processes, it is desirable that a full scale investigation is launched into the activities of the Sierra Leone Law School.

You are hereby requested to proceed on leave with immediate effect.

By copy hereof, Council is hereby informed and is requested to take the necessary action pursuant to Section 6(b) of the Council of Legal Education

Act No.1 of 1989 to appoint a suitable replacement to act as Director.

While acknowledging receipt of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice correspondence, however, Pamela stated defiantly that she will not succumb to such a decision. In other words, she has so far refused not to heed to the directive of proceeding on leave.

In a rather defensive mood this is what Pamela said in her reaction : “ I am in receipt of your letter bearing date 16th October 2019 regarding the above Subject Matter. I note in particular your reference to Section 6[b) of the Council of Legal Education Act, No.l of 1989, which provides that the Council of Legal Education shall “appoint a Board of the Law School, a Director of the Law School and other staff and to inform you that my appointment as Assistant Director of the Sierra Leone Law school in September 2014, was made pursuant to that provision.

It therefore follows especially as there are no contrary provisions in the Act or anywhere else that it is only the Council of Legal Education that has the mandate to issue a directive of this nature. I would also wish to refer you to the provisions of Section 4 of the aforementioned Act which provides that the Honourable Attorney-General & Minister of Justice or his representative shall be one of the ten (10) members of the Council.

I therefore find it difficult to understand that one member of Council could take it upon his or herself to usurp the powers of Council, which is the sole-governing body of the Sierra Leone Law School. Additionally. I also wish to direct your attention to Clause 9 of the Terms and Conditions of Service for Senior Administrative staff of the Sierra Leone Law School which states as follows:

Council shall have power to exercise disciplinary control over all Senior Administrative Staff members on all matters relating to dismissal, termination, suspension, withholding of increments and demotion.’

As the ding dong battle continues to rage the Sierra Leone Bar Association in a letter addressed to the Chief Justice stated that it is very disturbed about the exchange of correspondences between and amongst members of the Council of Legal Education and the naked display of same on social media which is likely to bring the hard earned reputation of the Council into disrepute, public ridicule. It further stated that there is an appropriate forum to address issues of such nature as provided for in Section 5 of the Council of Legal Education Act No, 1 of 1989. It went on to state that the Bar Association views the conduct of some members which undermine the rule of law.

It added that while they await an official report from their representatives on Council, it is the position of the Bar Association that as Chairman of the Council and Chief Justice of the country, he should lead Council members to regulate and conduct themselves as provided by the said Act.

Proffering its recommendations the Bar Association recommended among others that any unilateral action taken by any member of the Council be put on hold until such decision/action is approved by Council.

With the intervention of the Bar School it is yet to be seen how the situation will end up. Although some have attached political arguments in the ongoing stalemate, however, this medium will objectively cover this unfortunate saga.

Amnesty International Senior Campaigner Challenges Sierra Leone Government Policy

By Amnesty International

Amnesty International Senior West Africa Campaigner Marta Colomer, has responded to news that authorities in this country are sticking to the position that pregnant girls cannot attend school by stating that:

“Sierra Leone is a country with a high rate of teenage pregnancy. Yet instead of providing clear sex education in schools and effectively eradicating violence against women and girls, authorities in Sierra Leone are punishing hundreds of pregnant girls by denying them an education.

The Government’s repeated refusal to allow pregnant girls to attend school is entrenching gender inequality and discrimination. Instead of empowering these girls, Government policy risks shaming and blaming them, she pointed out.

“The Government’s repeated refusal to allow pregnant girls to attend school is entrenching gender inequality and discrimination. Instead of empowering these girls, Government policy risks shaming and blaming them. Authorities must immediately lift this ban in line with Sierra Leone’s human rights obligations and allow pregnant school girls to fully enjoy their right to education,” she appealed.

The background to her expressed views stemmed from the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education issuance of a statement clarifying school attendance by pregnant girls. According to the statement, pregnant girls can now sit exams but still cannot attend school.

Amnesty International believes that in maintaining its regressive stance the Government used highly pejorative and stereotypical language stating that pregnant girls should “stay away from schooling during pregnancy because of their inability for effective learning…” and that “it was widely perceived that pregnant girls have the potential to negatively influence their peers to be sexually active and become pregnant.” In so doing, according to the organization, the Government offered no concrete evidence to support these misleading and harmful allegations.

In June 2019, Amnesty International joined a legal case brought by two non-governmental organizations, Equality Now and WAVES, to challenge the Sierra Leonean Government’s ban on pregnant girls attending mainstream schools and sitting exams.  The case is pending before the ECOWAS Court of Justice.



Borrow a Leaf from NP-Sierra Leone for Success

National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited

By Amin Kef Sesay

One successful business entity worthy of emulation is the indomitable National Petroleum –Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd)  for the simple reason that  since its establishment by indigenous Sierra Leoneans years back the company has grown exponentially to really become a force to reckon with in the petroleum marketing landscape of this country.

The significance of the private sector to economic growth in any country cannot be underestimated simply because the public sector or in other words, Government, alone cannot for certain reasons invest in certain areas and competitively survive. Unlike the public sector there are not much bureaucratic channels or red-tapism to go through within the private sector when people want to do transactions. Undue use of political influence, within the public sector, to get things done in a polarised nation as ours  has the tendency of derailing efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery, which therefore   makes it urgently necessary for the private sector to take its rightful position and be availed the conducive conditions  to make its operators more relevant to overall national development.

It is really advisable for individuals who intend to come together to establish private business enterprises, that they may ambitiously want to see thriving in order to derive value for money, to indeed borrow a leaf from NP-SL Ltd. It must be registered at this particular juncture that the company is not completely saintly perfect but as far as investigation mounted by this medium has revealed the success stories of the company outweighs any lapse or deficiency that could be detected based on from what perspective a particular individual may see it.

However, selflessness on the part of those who bought shares out of their end of service benefits while the British Petroleum company was folding up where they were hitherto working and  decided to pull their resources together is paying dividends. They patiently translated outlined policies tangibly on the ground to see expected outcomes. Selflessly, egotism was shoved aside thereby preventing a situation where just a single individual or  a cable could just bulldoze their ways acting according to their whims and caprices which could have really been suicidal or inimical to the development of the company.

Another exemplary attribute that has transformed NP-SL throughout is the premium that the shareholders, Board Members and Management have been placing on prioritizing customer care which has earned the company the reputation of 1st For Customer Care. For them without making their esteemed customers feel fulfilled then the company could not have forged ahead.

This same trend continues to this day which is why all their Filling Stations are attractively constructed with modern gadgets one of  which  is having calibrated pumping machines that are very transparent always reposing confidence in customers that they are exactly paying for the quantity of petroleum products that they do purchase. In most of these stations customers also have access to mini shopping marts and relaxation points that do not jeopardize safety.

Most probably embracing the country’s Local Content Policy of first considering giving employment priority to indigenes could be one of the reasons why the company has been doing extremely well. Creating the impression among Sierra Leoneans that the entity is 100% indigenously based has heightened the feeling of ownership which could be a motivating factor for them to give their utmost best in accomplishing assigned tasks or delegated responsibilities.

The strict adherence to the implementation of the Local Content Policy has helped in creating employment opportunities, reducing poverty and availing avenues to enhance the human capital of the nation. Would-be investors must take this into serious consideration instead of relying on importation of expatriates who are paid astronomical salaries most times taking such out of the country. It must also be highlighted that instead of importing certain materials alternative local sources must be explored for raw materials that are used in the manufacturing and service delivery sectors.

It has been observed that any serious entrepreneur must always try to catch up with the latest innovations and technologies to improve on efficiency and invariably save avoidable costs and time. He or she must strive to make customers comfortable.

This has been charted by NP-SL through the company’s introduction of NP Smart Card, which like any ATM Card or mobile phone could be top up from time to time and used to procure petroleum products that the company offers for sale. According to the responses of most customers, using NP Smart Cards, it was discerned that it is safe, reliable to use without the usual excuse of “the system is down” as it is the case when one attempts to withdraw monies from certain commercial banks. Making use of latest technological devices and systems is a sine quo non for any successful business establishment.

Offering other essential goods apart from the main items that a particular business entity has to offer could serve as a magnetic force to attract more customers. NP-SL has mastered that art which is why it has on offer for sale NP Gas at all its Filling Stations and from all authorized dealers. NP Gas has been environmentally certified as safe and quick for cooking purposes.

NP-SL Ltd is indeed a source of inspiration and has attributes plus style worthy of emulation by any company that is in its formative stage.





Young Female Sierra Leonean Innovator Bags Orange Social Venture Prize

By Foday Moriba Conteh

One of the operating GSM mobile operators in the country, Orange Sierra Leone, has on Wednesday 16th October, 2019 concluded the Orange-SL Social Venture Prize Innovators competition, an event that took place at the British Council on Tower Hill in Freetown.

Speaking at the ceremony the Chief Executive Officer of Orange-SL, Madam Aminata Kane disclosed that the Orange Social Venture Prize Innovators Competition is geared towards providing a platform for young innovators and creative thinkers in Africa & Middle East, adding that the Orange Social Venture Prize has been in existence for almost nine years now but this is the first time it is hosted in Sierra Leone.

She noted that 15 individuals contested in the preliminary stage of the program disclosing how Aminata F. Kanneh, a young Agro-Fish Farm innovator, Samuel Kamara a young E-Net innovator, and a Botswana national qualified for the final stage.

Aminata Kane said that the competition aims at rewarding and showcasing the best innovative and socially responsible business projects in Africa and the Middle East in order to support them.

She added that the event was the ninth edition to be hosted in Sierra Leone and the winner will eventually be participating in the international competition wherein a team of international jurors will award the grand prize to the best winners at both the national and international levels.

Three finalists were given the opportunity to do presentation on their projects and subsequently an independent panel of judges was instituted to choose the best young innovator among the three finalists who were: Aminata F. Kandeh, young Agro-Fish Farm innovator, Samuel Kamara a young E-Net innovator and Eviteh an inventor who is a Botswana National.

After a thorough scrutiny, Aminata F. Kanneh the young innovator of the Agro-Fish Farm Ltd project emerged as winner with 198 points, Eviteh scored 196 points and Samuel Kamara came third with 161 points. Aminata was therefore awarded the grand price of Le10 million, one 15G fly box. The two runners up received Le2.5 million each, and a 4G Mifi.

Mayor of the Freetown City Council, Her Worship Yvonne Aki Sawyer, praised Orange Sierra Leone for their relentless efforts in supporting these young innovators. She rated Orange as the best GSM mobile operator in terms of the provision of reliable network as well as promoting young innovators not only in Sierra Leone but in Africa as a whole.

She admonished young innovators and the winners to continue to work hard in promoting the innovative and technological aspirations of the country.

Country Director of the British Council spoke on the relevance of the ceremony and expressed thanks to Orange Sierra Leone for such a venture which, according to her, aims at accelerating the aims of young people in the country.

She pointed out how the British Council is committed to work with Orange Sierra Leone in order to promote young Sierra Leonean innovators.

Public Relations Officer of Orange Sierra Leone, Mabel Mason in giving the vote of thanks expressed warmest appreciation to the Chief Executive Officer of Orange Sierra Leone, Madam Aminata Kane, for such a laudable venture that aims at promoting young people not only in Sierra Leone but Africa as a whole.

She noted that the event was not a surprise to many as Orange Sierra Leone is always at the forefront in providing tangible development programs aimed at empowering young people in Sierra Leone.


By Amadu Wurie Barrie

The Daily Quranic Verse and Hadith (DAQVAH) Charity Foundation has, on Sunday 13th October, 2019 launched the National Islamic Park Project at their 4th Annual Fundraising Dinner, held at the Bank Complex, Kingtom in Freetown. The event was well attended by various Islamic organisations, scholars, Muslim dignitaries and Government officials.

Speaking to the Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DAQVAH, Alhaji Abdul Rahman Jalloh, he told this medium that the 4.89 acres piece of land, situated at Gbonko, Kafu Bullom in Lungi, was donated to the Foundation by Chief Bai Shebora Sheba Gbereh-III. “The Park is designed to have an Islamic hall, resource centre, mall and restaurant, couple’s garden, playground for kids, basketball and football courts, swimming pools, gyms, and many other facilities”, he outlined.

The CEO added that the first phase of the project, which is budgeted at $1 Million, is expected to kick start in 2020. He furthered that the project will benefit the entire country, especially young Muslims. Responding to concerns on how the Foundation expects to raise the funds to actualize the project, he said “this is just one activity, we shall also continue our project ‘Le20,000’, targeting 500,000 people”. He added that sponsorship proposals will soon be distributed to multiple business and philanthropist entities.

This  The Project Lead of the “Reach The Unreachable” (RTU), Sheikh Mohamed Alhassan Jalloh, in giving the background of DAQVAH, said that the Foundation was started in July 2015 by Alhaji Abdul Rahman Jalloh and his wife Mariam Seddiq Kamara to help alleviate poverty amongst the Muslim populace. According to him, the Foundation presently as about 1,180 subscribers both in Sierra Leone and the Diaspora, adding that it focuses on various thematic programs, including Education, Water and Sanitation. He furthered that the Foundation has, over the years engaged in countless charity support activities, both in Freetown and remote areas in the provinces.

The National Islamic Park project was officially launched by a representative of the CEO of BSB International, Alhaji Amadu Juldeh Sow alongside other Muslim dignitaries. As a representative of the supervising ministry of religious affairs, the Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs; Hon. Mohamed Haji-Kella applauded the initiative, describing it as “an era of new beginning in the history of Islamic development in Sierra Leone”.

He personally pledged his support to DAQVAH as a special ambassador of the project, with a donation of Le5 Million Leones. Hon. Haji Kella noted that the New Direction places utmost credence on religious values and that his ministry will explore all possibilities to bring the project into reality. He finally made a clarion call to all Sierra Leoneans to join the bandwagon for a pivotal change in the narrative of Islamic prowess, by supporting the project.

The Guest Speaker of the event, one of Sierra Leone’s most renowned scholars, Sheikh Umar Farouk Adam Bah commenced by noting that, just as burials do not need lectures, so also such a project does not need extensive justifications. Referring to the displayed footprint and 3D video of the construction plan of the project by Inter Link, he noted that the project is of great importance and most timely for the benefit of the country. Sheikh Farouk added that anyone who supports this project will serve posterity, thereby earning continuous rewards from God, even in death.

He commended the management of DAQVAH Foundation for their great efforts, calling on them and all other Islamic organisations to engage in proper planning before implementing any project.

C4C Members Pitch Tent with SLPP in Sierra Leone

Alhaji Sam Sumana

By John Marrah

Six (6) strong members of opposition Coalition for Change (C4C) party, have on Sunday, 13th October, 2019 surrendered their allegiance to the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) at the SLPP office in Kono. Among those who declared for the SLPP was the present Deputy Minister of sports, Lawrence Mbayo and five other strong members.

According to one of the converts, they decided to join the ruling SLPP due to the astute leadership of His Excellency Julius Maada Bio and as patriotic Sierra Leoneans who believe in development and as well national cohesion, they decided to join the SLPP in a bid to complimenting its developmental strides.

“Haven seen H.E Bio fight against corruption and the boost to free quality education across the country, we believe the SLPP is the only party capable of bringing the desired change Sierra Leoneans have long yearned for” he said.

Witnessed by a cheerful crowd, the first lady, Madam Fatima Bio, welcomed the former C4C political stalwarts and said that they made no mistake to choose the SLPP as it is the only party that will change the narrative of Sierra Leone and make the future bright for all.

She said the SLPP embraces all as a family and by virtue of her being an indigene of Kono District,she is happy to receive her brothers open handedly for the progress of the country.

“Our party slogan says ‘One People One Country’, which greatly signifies that we should all be brothers and sisters for the sake of Development. The entire membership of the Sierra Leone People’s Party wholeheartedly welcomes you and we’re happy you all made up your minds for the sake of progress” she concluded.

Approved School Bureau Suspension under Discussion by LAB Sierra Leone

By Joseph Dumbuya

On Monday, 14 October 2019  a team comprising volunteers of the Legal Aid Board Satellite Office, the Approved School Community Advisory Bureau and Councilor of Ward 410 Abu Bakar Saidu Kamara appealed for the lifting of the suspension on the Bureau.

The Bureau was suspended on last Thursday following series of allegations bordering on impropriety and pervasion of justice by the volunteers. The allegations include conniving with landlords to increase rent by up to hundred percent, imposition of fines, writing letters for which they lack the authority, perverting justice and misrepresenting the Board.

‘Our satellite offices cannot be seen to doing the things we are preaching against,’ Executive Director of the Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles said, adding ‘We need volunteers who are prepared to sacrifice in the service of their community.’

Following the appeal, it was agreed that volunteers should organize a community outreach event to educate people on the functions of the Bureau, matters they can hear and determine and avenue for redress available to the people. ‘Prior to the outreach event, we will have a meeting with the volunteers to discuss these allegations and where possible weed out those who are found to be culpable,’ said Councilor Kamara.

It was understood that such will be followed by the retraining of volunteers on mediation, matters they can hear and determine relevant laws and human rights.



Sierra Leone Chief Minister Hosts British High Commissioner  & DFID Rep

By Amin Kef Sesay

The Chief Minister, Professor David Francis on the 14th October 2019 welcomed the British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone, Mr. Simon Mustard and Kobi Bentley, Head of DIFID Serra Leone, have today 14th October 2019 to State House during a courtesy call the two paid.

Mr. Simon Mustard intimated how the purpose of their visit was to discuss and exchange ideas on how to achieve the objectives of the Office of the Chief Minister and the New Direction Government. He said their role is to work with the Government and the people of Sierra Leone in terms of support for effective Governance. He thanked the Chief Minister for the gesture as he reaffirmed his commitment to the Government and the people of Sierra Leone.

The Head of DIFID Sierra Leone, Kobi Bentley thanked the Government for the proactive and robust moves made in order to transform the economic situation in the country. She said there was every proof that this Government will handle the current economic situation with time furthering how they will give their continuous support to Sierra Leone.

The Honourable Chief Minister in response said his Office is a delivery unit that deals with strategic planning and policy leadership. He said his office is positioned in a way that it supports both the Presidency and different sectoral Ministries. “My role as the Chief Minister is an “ensurer role”, and I am also supervised by the Honourable Vice President,” he stated.

Speaking on the Government’s priorities, he said the President has compressed his thirty two (32) manifesto promises into eight (8) key priority areas ranging from Education, health, Agriculture, Corruption etc .

He stated that the President has a vision of transforming Sierra Leone, to change the narrative about Sierra Leone through human capital development.

The Chief Minister said the Government is currently spending 85%  of its revenue for servicing debt and that,  the Government will continue to work with partners as they move for a better Sierra Leone.


$2 M School Feeding Program Championed by Japan & WFP in Sierra Leone

Signing of the Exchange of Notes
Display of the Exchange of Notes

By Sumner Kangbap

Dr. Francis Kai Kai, Sierra Leone’s  Minister of Planning and Economic Development, has  on Friday 11th October 2019 expressed extreme delight for the Japanese food aid that would contribute immensely to human capital development and underlined the need for the country not to depend solely only on its natural resources stating, “this is the premise.”

This expression was made in a statement at the signing ceremony (Exchange of Notes) of the Japanese Food Aid Grant to World Food Program (WPF) for the School Feeding Program at the conference hall of WFP, 69B Smart Farm, off Wilkinson Road in Freetown.

WFP will implement the school feeding program in 11 vulnerable chiefdoms in Pujehun and Kambia Districts where educational indicators (access and enrollment) of boys and girls, food insecurity and malnutrition indicators are among the worst in the country. It will target 33,000 primary school children.

Dr. Francis Kai Kai acclaimed the Japanese Government for upgrading the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to a full Country Office and hoped that Sierra Leone would benefit from more development aid from Japan.

He also revealed that his Ministry would soon commence popularization of the Medium-Term National Development Plan till December this year to close the gap as the people need to know about the plan for them to articulate their priorities for resource allocation for which the United Nations is firmly behind the initiative.

The Minister went on to state that the nationwide sensitization on the National Development Plan would commence in Kambia District next week and disclosed plans to establish a monitoring and evaluation mechanism to evaluate projects and their impact on the people as well as follow-up visits at district level that the people would appreciate as an accountable mechanism adding that even the food aid would be evaluated after two years to know its impact reiterating that service delivery is key.

He acclaimed WFP for graduating from a humanitarian to development organization and affirmed that WFP would be up to the task adding that the food aid would encourage local food production.

The World Food Program (WPF) Representative and Country Director in Sierra Leone, Mr. Housainou Taal expressed heartfelt congratulations on the successful convening of the 7th Tokyo International Conference for African Development (TICAD7) in August this year which he confirmed as the decade’s long sincere and steady commitment of Japan to African development from the early 1990s.

He added that Japan’s commitment to support Sierra Leone and other African countries is truly exceptional and second to none and commended the Government of Japan for its steady commitment and support to WFP food assistance operations in Sierra Leone for almost a decade amounting to almost US$25 million in total which exactly resonates with the TICAD commitment.

Mr. Housainou Taal further enlightened that the food aid grant is another generous contribution from the Government and people of Japan through the KR food aid grant of 200 million Japanese Yen or approximately USD2 million for the school feeding program which was announced during the bilateral meeting between the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinto Abe and President Julius Maada Bio at their side meeting of TICAD7.

He continued that the food aid grant would be used for school feeding, assisting 33,000 children in Pujehun and Kambia Districts asserting that this year’s food aid grant is different from those in the past as it includes not only international purchase of rice from Japan but also local purchase of rice from farmers that would pave the way for a sustainable national school feeding program.

According to the WFP Representative and Country Director, the school feeding program is the center of WFP’s country strategic plan 2020-2024 which has been designed through the National Zero Hunger Review that would be launched by the President on World Food Day next week highlighting that it is fully in line with the National Development Plan 2019-2023 which has Human Capital Development and Free Quality Education at its strategic core.

He assured that WFP would continue working with JICA in support of smallholder farmers to increase rice production as well as link them to the market reiterating that school feeding would provide a stable market for smallholder farmers disclosing that WFP has started working with a Japanese NGO, HANDS in School Gardens, and affirmed that school gardens are key to make school feeding more nutrition sensitive and promote healthier and more nutritious diet among households in Sierra Leone.

Mr. Housainou Taal also disclosed that on 16th September this year, WFP and the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding to assist some 300,000 children in 7 districts with the Government’s budget dedicated to the national school feeding program and acclaimed Government’s strong commitment to feed children in schools in the same way as Japan trusted WFP as its partner to implement this KR food aid, the Government has also selected WFP as its partner of choice for the national school feeding implementation.

The Japanese Ambassador in Sierra Leone, Mr. Tsutomu Himeno disclosed that the food aid grant is part of his government’s commitment and good wishes from the people of Japan to Sierra Leone due to the cordial friendship between the two countries that has evolved over the years through conscious engagement citing President Bio’s visit to Japan this year that included the Minister of Development and Economic Planning during which they held a very successful bilateral meeting.

Mr. Tsutomu Himeno observed that the school feeding program is high on government’s agenda, very important for nourishment and education, affirmed that Japan has a long and successful relation with WFP and assured that the agreement would not only bring food from Japan but also empower local farmers adding that WFP is not only good at implementation but dependable.

Earlier, the Chairman of the program, Development Secretary in the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Mr. Umaru Conteh, recalled that President Julius Maada Bio campaigned on education as his flagship project, the reason the Ministry of Finance has allocated 21% of the national budget to education as a sign of government’s commitment underscoring that education is the only way to advance Sierra Leone’s socio-economic development.

Other dignitaries who made statements at the ceremony included the Director of Inspectorate in the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Mr. Mohamed Sillah Sesay.

Highlight of the ceremony was the signing of documents and Exchange of Notes.




Four Communities Benefit from AMNet Sierra Leone “Second Chance Project”

By Festus Maggai

As a way of celebrating International Girl Child Day on 11 October 2019,  the Advocacy Movement Network (AMNet) distributed school materials to girls who are beneficiaries of the (Save The Children) DANIDA Second Chance Project enrolled in schools and vocational institutions in the Western Urban area, Freetown.

The Second Chance Project is implemented in four communities-Dwarzark, Susan’s Bay, Kroo Bay and Gray Bush in Freetown.  80 School-going Girls were presented with School items such as bags and uniforms. The donations started on Friday 11th and ended on Sunday 13th October 2019. The project which is in its second year also helps out with the payment of tuition fees. Last year, 100 girls received similar assistance. The project is expected to last for 4 years.

This year, with the theme: Girl Power: Unscripted and Unstoppable, the project is expected to benefit 160 adolescent girls  pregnant girls and teenage mothers. Half the number of girls in each community has been supported. AMNET will target 20 more girls in each community.

The Second Chance Project supports girls who have dropped out of school and want to re-enroll in formal school or technical training centers. It  also encourages teenage mothers to access health care centers as a way of taking good care of their children.

According to the Child Protection Officer at AMNet, Mr. Brima Conteh, they are monitoring their activities through their ‘Coping and Resilient Mechanism’. “We are working with 50 Civil Society organizations across the Country as our partners,” he added.

AMNet is a Non-Governmental organization that has existed since 2004 in Sierra Leone. It is an independent organization that advocates for vulnerable people in society and promote gender equality and women’s empowerment as part of its core mandates and activities. With headquarters in Freetown, it has regional Offices in Bonthe, Kambia, Port Loko and Koinadugu.

It has over the years also engaged in human rights advocacy, children’s welfare programs and also helps in facilitating Social Change and policies among other important issues across the country.